Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

I’ve said that a life sentence, without parole should be the minimum sentence for rapists in which a child is created and aborted.
If a ZEF is created and then aborted why do you argue that rapists are able to force full term gestation on the wonen they rape.

It is an indisputable fact that gestation ends when a ZEF is aborted.

So Saint Heynorm can you provide a rational argument for Republicans to promote per the OP..

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥a • nf.23.11.21 #1
If a ZEF is created and then aborted why do you argue that rapists are able to force full term gestation on the wonen they rape.

It is an indisputable fact that gestation ends when a ZEF is aborted.

So Saint Heynorm can you provide a rational argument for Republicans to promote per the OP..

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥a • nf.23.11.21 #1
And again I must point out that the premise of the question is false to begin with unless the premise is about rape.

Gestation only occurs by an act in which the participants know can produce a naturally occurring condition known as pregnancy.

If you want to shout at nature, be my guest, I don’t think it will do much good, but you will not be successful
Republicans need to STFU about abortions. That is settled law in each state.
We need to stop alienating women voters and getting our asses kicked.
There are more important issues to fight over, like where to cut the Budget.
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At 6 weeks gestation a heartbeat can be detected and as you would note in my previous post (the edit), they have all the features of of a human at 12 weeks, with a fully functioning central nervous system. So you tell me, when is it appropriate to kill this person?


This is not yet a "person", and their nervous system is not "fully functioning". It's not even fully developed at birth.

"By birth, only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive."

Full term gestation is no different the mid term gestation, all part of the same natural process.

Rape is a criminal act. Did you not know this? And I’ve said on many occasions it is one of the few exceptions to the rule. In fact, I’ve said that a life sentence, without parole should be the minimum sentence for rapists in which a child is created and aborted.

A life sentence without parole for rape???? I'd be happy to see all of these assholes arrested and spend one year in jail. Fewer than 1 rapist in 1000 is arrested, tried or convicted.

If a man gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jumped, beaten and robbed, the police will look for his attackers.

If a woman gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jump, beaten and raped, well what did she expect? She shouldn't have gotten drunk. She probably let him do it and then changed her mind.
This is not yet a "person", and their nervous system is not "fully functioning". It's not even fully developed at birth.

"By birth, only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive."

A life sentence without parole for rape???? I'd be happy to see all of these assholes arrested and spend one year in jail. Fewer than 1 rapist in 1000 is arrested, tried or convicted.

If a man gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jumped, beaten and robbed, the police will look for his attackers.

If a woman gets drunk in a bar and goes out into the parking lot alone and is jump, beaten and raped, well what did she expect? She shouldn't have gotten drunk. She probably let him do it and then changed her mind.

If abortion is illegal, with the exception of rape, and the child conceived in rape is aborted, the rapist should pay dearly for that.

And, I see nothing else in your post I disagree with. Defunding the police however, does not help the statistics
Rapist: By the act of rape if it causes the process of gestation
But the rapist does not and cannot FORCE a women to gestate a fetus until a child is born if she lives in Ohio or Kansas NOW!

If she is raped in a state banning abortion with no exceptions for rape and incest and cannot get to a freed woman state, then she is being forced by those inhumane states to suffer full term gestation against her will.

She is figuratively additionally raped by the white male Christians who seek to criminalize her being a victim of rape. Like Mike Johnson.

In June 2022 the intent by white male Christians to force women in 15 states to deliver a rapists baby was there.

Fifteen of the 22 states with new or forthcoming limits on abortion after Roe do not permit exceptions for rape and incest.​
This suggests that anti-abortion advocates are no longer willing to go along with such exceptions, despite their widespread adoption over decades. This position puts anti-abortion advocates and politicians on a collision course with public opinion, which strongly opposes forcing rape and incest survivors to carry pregnancies to term.​
Hang it up Saint Heynorm Your rape baby argument is a loser and horrible for Republicans.

But the rapist does not and cannot FORCE a women to gestate a fetus until a child is born if she lives in Ohio or Kansas NOW!

If she is raped in a state banning abortion with no exceptions for rape and incest and cannot get to a freed woman state, then she is being forced by those inhumane states to suffer full term gestation against her will.

She is figuratively additionally raped by the white male Christians who seek to criminalize her being a victim of rape. Like Mike Johnson.

In June 2022 the intent by white male Christians to force women in 15 states to deliver a rapists baby was there.

Fifteen of the 22 states with new or forthcoming limits on abortion after Roe do not permit exceptions for rape and incest.​
This suggests that anti-abortion advocates are no longer willing to go along with such exceptions, despite their widespread adoption over decades. This position puts anti-abortion advocates and politicians on a collision course with public opinion, which strongly opposes forcing rape and incest survivors to carry pregnancies to term.​
Hang it up Saint Heynorm Your rape baby argument is a loser and horrible for Republicans.


And, once again, I will point out your failed premise. In only rape is gestation forced on anyone. And rape is a criminal act.

Are we clear yet?

Bank robbers are still imprisoned for their actions, even though, during the trial they are not in the act of robbing a bank.
If a ZEF is created and then aborted why do you argue that rapists are able to force full term gestation on the wonen they rape.

It is an indisputable fact that gestation ends when a ZEF is aborted.

So Saint Heynorm can you provide a rational argument for Republicans to promote per the OP..

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥a • nf.23.11.21 #1

Just stop supporting murdering babies. How's that?
Voters in many states have already said that abortions are legal, period. The End.
then lets put it to a national referendum or a state by state vote by all 50 and settle it once and for all by majority vote. Why are you libs afraid to do that?
Aside from killing innocent children there is a silver lining for repubs

Virtually all the children who are killed were the spawn of liberals
the problem is that many of those kids would not grow up to be libs, some of them will have an independent mind and be able to think for themselves, while others will be mindless sheep that will repeat whatever their masters in DC tell them to.
If a ZEF is created and then aborted why do you argue that rapists are able to force full term gestation on the wonen they rape.

It is an indisputable fact that gestation ends when a ZEF is aborted.

So Saint Heynorm can you provide a rational argument for Republicans to promote per the OP..

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥a • nf.23.11.21 #1
WTF is a ZEF? Second question, at what magical instant does said ZEF become a human being?
then lets put it to a national referendum or a state by state vote by all 50 and settle it once and for all by majority vote. Why are you libs afraid to do that?
It is settled. The USSC said it is a STATE issue not a Federal one. Each state can regulate abortion like OH just did.
I'm a pro-choice Republican. The fewer democrats the better.
HeyNorm said: The only forced gestation are those created by rape. hynrm.23.11.24 #241

FORCED FULL TERM nine months gestations cannot be created by a 20 minute rape.

Pregnancy caused by rape and incest are are up to the the victim in freed women states to decide to be aborted and in most cases are. There is no way a rapist can force Full term gestation on a woman as long as legal abortion exists.
HeyNorm said: The only forced gestation are those created by rape. hynrm.23.11.24 #241

FORCED FULL TERM nine months gestations cannot be created by a 20 minute rape.

Pregnancy caused by rape and incest are are up to the the victim in freed women states to decide to be aborted and in most cases are. There is no way a rapist can force Full term gestation on a woman as long as legal abortion exists.
Gestation is a process, not a moment.

Your premise is still failed.
Why did Trump say the Florida six week ban was a terrible mistake by DeSantis when he must know that the only way to stop killing Baby Fetus from the moment of conception right now is with a six week abortion ban.

I don't care what Trump or anyone else says. Life becomes at conception.

Trump has nothing to do with it. The fact you think so speaks volumes

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