Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

25 million women live in states with abortion bans or restrictions. They say 1 in 4 women will get an abortion. That's a lot of tourism coming to IL and MI.
List the states that ban abortions. Why do you clowns always spew this bullshit Dimwinger talking point lie?
False. There is nothing subjective about it. A "fetus" is a human at a particular stage in its life. A stage we all went through. A simple DNA test can bear this out.

Human life starts at the drawing of your first breath, and ends when you stop breathing. A fetus is a human being in development.

1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women are supposed to accept this as God's will and not get too attached to the little zygots in case they don't make it. We don't have funerals for miscarriages. We're not even supposed to miss work, unless there are complications.

At the same time you tell us this life growing inside us is so precious and so necessary that we must carry it to term, unless of course, it's "God's will" that we don't. Republicans are trying to say women can't even get miscarriage care. I guess it's just God's will that we die too.

Please stop trying to guilt women with all of this bullshit "precious human life" talk. The Republican Party is the party of death. Republican policies kill women, their babies, gays, blacks. Republican policies killed over 1 million Americans from covid.\

Republicans prove every day that they don't care about women or children. School shootings, prove that.
what is your experience that leads you to believe this??

I grew up in a very, very wealthy, and very, very Republican town.

I knew several young women who had abortions that are now Republicans.

I even know one that told me that she. was not interested in serious relationships and intended to have a "really good time" because she always get an abortion.
I grew up in a very, very wealthy, and very, very Republican town.

I knew several young women who had abortions that are now Republicans.

I even know one that told me that she. was not interested in serious relationships and intended to have a "really good time" because she always get an abortion.

Nobody believes that
I grew up in a very, very wealthy, and very, very Republican town.

I knew several young women who had abortions that are now Republicans.

I even know one that told me that she. was not interested in serious relationships and intended to have a "really good time" because she always get an abortion.
I wouldnt call that experience,, more like just what youve heard in your personal life and not seen,,
Who gives a F*K what you believe.
Nobody believes that

Seriously, are you that naive?

How many Republican women do you know that have more than 5 children?

"Up to 1965 the average woman in the world had more than 5 children. Since then we have seen an unprecedented change. The number has halved. Globally, the average per woman is now below 2.5 children."

Liberal women are just more honest.
When some democrats finally got their act together and agreed with most republicans to end the horrific late term abortion procedure aka partial abortion, Bill Clinton vetoed it and paraded out half a dozen women who claimed the procedure was done for medical reasons. It was a lie and even left wing media types knew it but they went along with Clinton for political reasons. You almost have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic that Philadelphia health inspectors check pizza parlors for health code violations but not abortion clinics. Dr. Gosnell's house of horror existed under their noses until a client died and her body was too big to dispose of like a full term baby. The media kept a lid on it as much as they could and Dr. Gosnell was quietly sentenced to prison without much fanfare. When evidence seemed to indicate that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts gleaned from aborted babies the media ignored it and the amateur investigators who uncovered the evidence were arrested instead of PP executives.
Seriously, are you that naive?

How many Republican women do you know that have more than 5 children?

"Up to 1965 the average woman in the world had more than 5 children. Since then we have seen an unprecedented change. The number has halved. Globally, the average per woman is now below 2.5 children."

Liberal women are just more honest.
youre leaving out birth control pills in your narrative,,
I wouldnt call that experience,, more like just what youve heard in your personal life and not seen,,


No, unfortunately it was in my personal life.

Of course, I grew up in a very wealthy town about 10 miles from Times Square - at that time NYC had the largest sex industry in the world.

All the hookers tended to marry rich Manhattan executives and move to my town. They raised their daughters to be hookers.

Maybe you've bought into a big lie about wealthy Republicans.

The same principles that inspired Machiavelli to write "The Prince" are very much alive among wealthy Americans.
No, unfortunately it was in my personal life.

Of course, I grew up in a very wealthy town about 10 miles from Times Square - at that time NYC had the largest sex industry in the world.

All the hookers tended to marry rich Manhattan executives and move to my town. They raised their daughters to be hookers.

Maybe you've bought into a big lie about wealthy Republicans.

The same principles that inspired Machiavelli to write "The Prince" are very much alive among wealthy Americans.
and I really wouldnt use anything in or around NYC as an example of anything,, they are the poster children for what degeneracy is in this country,,

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