Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Birth Control spills tend to have side effects that women hate - like gaining weight.

In the end birth control just delays the inevitable.
whats that got to do with your narrative??
your making the claim that only abortion reduced the births and completely left out that at that same time birth control was also available,,

theres a reason we tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth,,
its to prevent a false narrative like youre doing right now,,
and I really wouldnt use anything in or around NYC as an example of anything,, they are the poster children for what degeneracy is in this country,,

I would generally agree with you, which is why I left the New York area many, many years ago.

However, people will be people, I'm sure that if you opened your eyes and looked around, you'll find more than a few prostitutes in every wealthy community in the world.

Good looking prostitutes tend to migrate to wherever the money is - and that's mostly Republican towns.
whats that got to do with your narrative??
your making the claim that only abortion reduced the births and completely left out that at that same time birth control was also available,,

theres a reason we tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth,,
its to prevent a false narrative like youre doing right now,,

I'm sure that birth control helped reduce the number of births, but it's not 100% reliable.

Abortion is the fail safe.
I would generally agree with you, which is why I left the New York area many, many years ago.

However, people will be people, I'm sure that if you opened your eyes and looked around, you'll find more than a few prostitutes in every wealthy community in the world.

Good looking prostitutes tend to migrate to wherever the money is - and that's mostly Republican towns.
people will be people based on the area/culture they grew up in,,

so your using NYC as a baseline is just a dishonest way of making a narrative about anything let alone a sex or degenracy,,
people will be people based on the area/culture they grew up in,,

so your using NYC as a baseline is just a dishonest way of making a narrative about anything let alone a sex or degenracy,,

I guess human biology is beyond your understanding.

Why do you think so many Republican women, in very conservative states like Kansas & Ohio are voting to keep abortion legal?

Can you truly be that naive?
I guess human biology is beyond your understanding.

Why do you think so many Republican women, in very conservative states like Kansas & Ohio are voting to keep abortion legal?

Can you truly be that naive?
why didnt you use that claim in the beginning??
I guess human biology is beyond your understanding.

Why do you think so many Republican women, in very conservative states like Kansas & Ohio are voting to keep abortion legal?

Can you truly be that naive?
Because they have no souls!
The bottom line is that the propaganda is always stacked against republicans while democrat administrations are interested in preserving political power no matter what. The DOJ spent the better part of three years tracking down mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrators and sentencing them to long prison terms. On the other hand senator Schumer got away with threatening the lives of Supreme Court Justices and organizing a lynch mob to surround the homes of Justices. The fix is in and republicans can't get a break.
Birth Control spills tend to have side effects that women hate - like gaining weight.

In the end birth control just delays the inevitable.

Yes you lying piece of shit, we hate the side effects of birth control, which you obviously know nothing about.. What would a woman hating asshole like you know about the side effects of birth control.

Birth controls have side effects that women hate. Like blood clots, higher risk of stroke, and cardiovascular disease and cancer:

Of the short term effects, the nausea, migraines, breakthrough bleeding and weight gain, can be really unpleasant. I had to have surgery for the breakthrough bleeding. But I never gained any weight because of the Nausea.

Yes you lying piece of shit, we hate the side effects of birth control, which you obviously know nothing about.. What would a woman hating asshole like you know about the side effects of birth control.

Birth controls have side effects that women hate. Like blood clots, higher risk of stroke, and cardiovascular disease and cancer:

Of the short term effects, the nausea, migraines, breakthrough bleeding and weight gain, can be really unpleasant. I had to have surgery for the breakthrough bleeding. But I never gained any weight because of the Nausea.

Sorry that you're so bitter, but I'm a woman and family loving man.

But thanks for reinforcing my previous argument that there are negative side effects to birth control pills that women hate.

I know about these side effects because I've had Girl Friends that tried birth Control pills and suffered the side effects - in one case weight gain.
While I have no sympathy for the wealthy (Republican) women that have abortions, I do have huge sympathy for the millions of women that have abortions because they can't afford to have a child. Having a child condemns them to a life of abject poverty.

A very big reason for the very large percentage of abortions is the wealth disparity in this country. Even if a young woman works full time, she'll barely be able to support herself. Childcare costs more than they earn.

If you REALLY want to reduce the number of abortions in this country - START PAYING YOUNG PEOPLE A FAIR WAGE!!!!

Throughout most of history, an unskilled young man who was willing to do a day's labor could afford to support himself, his wife and any number of children.

Nowadays it takes two college grads with two incomes, and a whole lot of additional training to earn a middle-class income. It's obscene.

The main 2 reasons are low wages an incredibly overpriced housing.

Those are the biggest motivators toward abortion.
Lot of hard work and expensive for the man as well. So? Point?
...if the woman doesn't have the resources to raise the child, she may decide to terminate the pregnancy.
Point being the decision has many facets, financial, future prospects with kids, time, job, etc.
I'm trying to remember why I had so many kids??

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