Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

I'll post it but since you cannot read a chart it wont mean much.
Government Spending: Growth and Trend Charts of US Federal Spending by Year

I went to your Right Wing Website. Now I have to disinfect my computer to get rid of all the cookies and other spyware that probably lurk on that site. I see that the Heritage Foundation seemingly used graphs from the CBO and other government organizations, then interpreted them with their own spin making it difficult to tell where the government report ended and the Heritage propaganda began.

I will need time to digest this stuff and pick some of the glaring mistakes apart. I'll get back with you on it!
Translated: I'll find some left-wing propaganda to post as a distraction from the truth as soon as I can find some.

Since he can't read a graph the approximate time until he responds appropriately is never.
All the charts and graphs in the world are not going to make Obama performance any better. Not the worst, but a very weak president.

He's already a scandal-ridden lame duck, so there's not a lot of room for improvement.

Call Obama a "weak president" is not going to make it so. And it's quite the opposite.

In terms of projecting American power overseas and engaging in some very shrewd statecraft, Obama's performance far exceeds his predecessor, a President that was considered "strong" by you folks.

Domestically, he passed nationally, what Presidents over the last 100 years could not do, and made a major change to health care. That along with saving the financial and auto industry qualifies as a strong performance. And given the nature of the opposition after 2010, which is extremely radical to the point of being dangerous..Obama's tread lightly enough not to rile those folks up into bring bombs into congress. Which I am sure some of those Tea Party psychos would like to do.

Hopefully that nest of scorpions gets cleared up come 2014.
Obama's weakness is not mere words. Essentially claiming that things did not get any worse and he is not his predecessor as proof of success is proof of failure itself. Given that there is precious little to distinguish his presidency, I understand that hacks like yourself are reduced to grasping at the abstract and half-baked "accomplishments".

Of course you have no understanding of how to rate a performance..I am pretty sure your work as a Czech fry cook doesn't require any such validation.

In the real world performance is measured by using benchmarks. Some of which include the performance of peers.

Those are tough concepts for I will leave it at that for now. Give you time to digest it.
Call Obama a "weak president" is not going to make it so. And it's quite the opposite.

In terms of projecting American power overseas and engaging in some very shrewd statecraft, Obama's performance far exceeds his predecessor, a President that was considered "strong" by you folks.

Domestically, he passed nationally, what Presidents over the last 100 years could not do, and made a major change to health care. That along with saving the financial and auto industry qualifies as a strong performance. And given the nature of the opposition after 2010, which is extremely radical to the point of being dangerous..Obama's tread lightly enough not to rile those folks up into bring bombs into congress. Which I am sure some of those Tea Party psychos would like to do.

Hopefully that nest of scorpions gets cleared up come 2014.
Obama's weakness is not mere words. Essentially claiming that things did not get any worse and he is not his predecessor as proof of success is proof of failure itself. Given that there is precious little to distinguish his presidency, I understand that hacks like yourself are reduced to grasping at the abstract and half-baked "accomplishments".

Of course you have no understanding of how to rate a performance..I am pretty sure your work as a Czech fry cook doesn't require any such validation.

In the real world performance is measured by using benchmarks. Some of which include the performance of peers.

Those are tough concepts for I will leave it at that for now. Give you time to digest it.
Keep digging Swallow. Looking for anything that might give Obama at least an illusion of success and coming up with as little as you were able to muster is not much help to him, or to you. He looks like a failure, which he is, and you an ignorant hack, which you are.

Things could be worse and he's not Bush II, sheesh!
national debt when obama took office 9T, national debt today over 16T. Obama has not reduced the debt or the annual deficit.

Liberals lie--------but we already knew that.
national debt when obama took office 9T, national debt today over 16T. Obama has not reduced the debt or the annual deficit.

Liberals lie--------but we already knew that.

And they're bad at math, economics, or reading simple graphs. Like that isn't demonstrated here every freaking day.
JQPublic1 responding to M14Shooter said:
Obviously, you must have seen the post since you cut and snipped part of my response to it. For me,, that was enough to assign culpability to you...

M14Shooter said:
Thank you for admitting that you indeed were NOT paying attention.

Thank you for admitting that you were paying attention and allowed a gross error in the thousands of trillions concerning the National Debt to be trumpeted by your dumb friends! On second thought, I doubt if you even knew they had made an error... you were just as clueless as they were!

JQPublic1 said:
The national the national debt indeed is over 16 trillion dollars...

M14Shooter said:
So, is the claim that it is not a lie, or simple ignorance?

What claim? BY Whom? I certainly never made any such claim! I do know that 16 trillion dollars is no where near 16 quadrillion dollars as Wildman originally posted and was later quoted by 007. If you are trying to formulate a lie out of THAT, you are even dumber than I thought!
As I said before, and as you have since proven, there's no need for me or anyone else to waste any more time on you, as you clearly do not have the capacity to post anything that needs a response.
M14shooter said:
As I said before, and as you have since proven, there's no need for me or anyone else to waste any more time on you, as you clearly do not have the capacity to post anything that needs a response.

Good... . Now I can go walk my dog. He is as big as a pig holding all of that shit inside while I responded to your lame posts.
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson


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Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson

nice try, but while reducing the rate of growth is good, the total national debt has increased under obama from 9T to 16T in less than 5 years.

He promised to cut the debt in half in 4 years, instead he almost doubled it.
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson

nice try, but while reducing the rate of growth is good, the total national debt has increased under obama from 9T to 16T in less than 5 years.

He promised to cut the debt in half in 4 years, instead he almost doubled it.

It's also a mathematical trick. Let's say Bush's spending was 100B at the end of his term, up from 75B the year before. OK, that's a 33% increase. If Obama spends 120B that's only a 25% increase. So the rate of increase has declined. But he's still spending more than Bush ever did because the increase is comes from a larger base.
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson

nice try, but while reducing the rate of growth is good, the total national debt has increased under obama from 9T to 16T in less than 5 years.

He promised to cut the debt in half in 4 years, instead he almost doubled it.

It's also a mathematical trick. Let's say Bush's spending was 100B at the end of his term, up from 75B the year before. OK, that's a 33% increase. If Obama spends 120B that's only a 25% increase. So the rate of increase has declined. But he's still spending more than Bush ever did because the increase is comes from a larger base.

excellent examples, thanks :clap2:
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...
Nothing in your post in any way shape or form negates anything I said.
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson

nice try, but while reducing the rate of growth is good, the total national debt has increased under obama from 9T to 16T in less than 5 years.

He promised to cut the debt in half in 4 years, instead he almost doubled it.

It's also a mathematical trick. Let's say Bush's spending was 100B at the end of his term, up from 75B the year before. OK, that's a 33% increase. If Obama spends 120B that's only a 25% increase. So the rate of increase has declined. But he's still spending more than Bush ever did because the increase is comes from a larger base.
I have reservations about Public's cerebral cortex accommodating that kind of reason.
Hey, M14 Shooter.... I got some charts and graphs for YOU! Lets see how well YOU can read THESE. Just click on them to make them larger.

Since you are the "expert" lay your wisdom on me and explain how these charts/graphs have the same origins as yours but say something entirely different...

If I do not get a response, I will know you are as full of shit as my dog was a while ago.

Three Charts To Email To Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law courtesy of Don Johnson

nice try, but while reducing the rate of growth is good, the total national debt has increased under obama from 9T to 16T in less than 5 years.

He promised to cut the debt in half in 4 years, instead he almost doubled it.

Was that the National Debt or the National Deficit Obama sad he would halve in four years?
The chart I posted concerning the deficit definitely shows a trend towards that end. From a peak of 1.6T in 2011 to just under 0.8T in 2013 would be around half in two years!


  • $bush-obama deficit.jpg
    $bush-obama deficit.jpg
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Look, fellows, Obama has been re-elected so nothing you or I say here is going to change that! You post charts and graphs that support your arguments and I post charts and graphs that do the same for MY argument. The truth is probably somewhere in between. I am just going to let the "experts" do the explaining and I will analyze both sides of the arguments with caution. I will, however, make up my OWN mind based on how I think the arguments stack up to benefit the most people, but especially ME!

Y'all have a good day, now ya heah!
Look, fellows, Obama has been re-elected so nothing you or I say here is going to change that!
We all understand that, like most prtisan bigots, you don't care that The Obama ran up more debt that GWB in about half the time.
Last edited:
Look, fellows, Obama has been re-elected so nothing you or I say here is going to change that!
We all understand that, like most prtisan bigots, you don't care that The Obama ran up nore debt that GWB in about half the time.

About run up this debt(at this rate) for the same reason as the 2000's were warmer then the 1990's. Simply he hasn't brought the deficits down after Bush brought them up in 2008. SADLY, OBAMA HAS ATTACKED SCIENCE AND THINGS THAT THIS NATION NEEDS INSTEAD OF CUTTING WELFARE AND BS. This is what pisses me off.
Look, fellows, Obama has been re-elected so nothing you or I say here is going to change that!
We all understand that, like most prtisan bigots, you don't care that The Obama ran up nore debt that GWB in about half the time.

Since he doesnt have to pay for any of it he doesn't care.

Rabbit(t), I know Jewish Priests can drink on the job but lay off the sauce when you post... it makes you delirious. Obama pays more in taxes than you do and I probably do too. Most Americans, and foreigners, know that.... why don't you????

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