"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi. It wasn't policies that were at fault...oh, no...this attack and the deaths of the four Americans were caused by spontaneous protests over a YouTube video that nobody could have foreseen. That was the story they went with and they played fast and loose with the truth to sell that narrative.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Don't know -- but that is the subject of the eighth investigation into Benghazi, which is still ongoing. So we'll find out as soon as they conclude.

You don't know? It's a pretty simple question. Try guessing. What WOULD the reason be to reclassify something as "Top Secret" and not hand it over to Congressional investigators?
Why on Earth would I guess about something? You want me to make shit up out of whole cloth like you Dreamers do?

It's being investigated and we'll know the answers to your questions without having to venture off into guessing. Hell, I can't even say with any amount of certainty that the email was classified to avoid Congressional scrutiny. That appears to be the claim of a Republican Congressman. Maybe it's true ... maybe it's not. That's for investigation number eight to determine.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

It's also "come to light" that the intelligence community knew almost immediately that there was no protest preceding the attack and ruled out the "protest gone wild" scenario. Yet the Obama White House kept right on blaming that YouTube video for a long long time, Faun! Why would they do that when it was quite obvious that a protest never took place in Benghazi?
That's not what any of the seven investigations determined.

"The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012."

Like Truthers ignore the facts to keep their conspiracy alive ...

Like Birthers ignore the facts to keep their conspiracy alive ...

You Dreamers ignore the facts to keep your conspiracy alive.

Congrats, Dreamers ... you are the new Birthers. :mm:
Last edited:
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.

Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
ESPECIALLY Oldstyle as we all know he took the FoxRush brown acid long before joining this forum :tinfoil:

As to the Republican Committee';s report? They specifically stated that it was "definitive". Case closed. :bye1:

When even definitive isn t enough for the House GOP MSNBC
Joey, as intelligent as you've shown yourself to be on this site...I'm highly doubtful you could find the polling place let alone figure out how to fill out a ballot. I can't think of a bigger waste of time then telling you how to vote!

You're the idiot who thinks that our consulate was attacked by "thousands"! Doh!!!

Yawn, guy, the point is, you are butthurt that after years about whining about fake scandal after fake scandal, there's still a black guy in the White House. Y ou can no doubt whine about it to your fellow klan members tonight at the cross burning.
^ that
Ah yes...after making an ass of yourself by declaring that more security wouldn't have helped in Benghazi because our Consulate was attacked by "thousands"...you fall back on playing the race card? You might as well run a flag up the flagpole that says: "I've said something monumentally stupid...I'm losing this argument badly and have nothing else to add!"

Naw, guy, whenevery I see a sorry fuck like you who spends his whole fucking life hating this President, you know it's a racist. Seriously man, get help.
So now you're admitting that it WAS an Al Qaeda group, Joey? Oops...someone started off their morning telling the truth!

I never said it wasn't. Gee, you don't think Al Qaeda was upset about the video?
That guy DID go to prison for it! Or did you miss the part where instead of going after the guys who actually killed our people...the Obama Administration wasted time putting some idiot who made a stupid little movie in prison to bolster their claim that the Benghazi attacks were because of the YouTube movie?

They should have deported him to Egypt and let THEM deal with him.

Oh, in case you missed the memo, we CAUGHT the guy who led the attack.

How many of the actual attackers has this Administration put in prison years after the attack? Eric Holder sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson, Missouri the week after the shooting...but didn't have FBI agents at our consulate for weeks after the deaths of Stevens and the other three. There is absolutely no appetite for investigating what took place in Benghazi by this Administration at all! They...just like all of you...simply want it to go away!

Again, we caught the ringleader. NOt seeing a problem here. And unlike your Boy Bush, it didn't take 10 years to do it.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.

Guy, when you produce someone who says, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but now that I know the "Truth" aobut Benghazi, i'm totally going to vote for whatever retarded mutant the GOP puts up!" then you might have a point.

The only people who care about Benghazi are nutbags like you. You looked like shitheads in 2012, you'll look like bigger shitheads in 2016.
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?
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Clau 10329219
What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11.

If you think what you wrote in your post 10329219 is true, why would you accuse the person who stated the following just five days after the attack, of lying?

NF 10245504
I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]

And who do you think would be responsible for an 'act of terror'? Obama said the Benghazi attack was an act of terror on September 12, 2012. It was the very next day that the President said that. Don't you care about the facts? If not why not?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Don't know -- but that is the subject of the eighth investigation into Benghazi, which is still ongoing. So we'll find out as soon as they conclude.

You don't know? It's a pretty simple question. Try guessing. What WOULD the reason be to reclassify something as "Top Secret" and not hand it over to Congressional investigators?
Why on Earth would I guess about something? You want me to make shit up out of whole cloth like you Dreamers do?

It's being investigated and we'll know the answers to your questions without having to venture off into guessing. Hell, I can't even say with any amount of certainty that the email was classified to avoid Congressional scrutiny. That appears to be the claim of a Republican Congressman. Maybe it's true ... maybe it's not. That's for investigation number eight to determine.

Are you telling me that you honestly didn't know that the Ben Rhodes email was reclassified as Top Secret, Faun? How could you NOT know that? How could you NOT know that it was only revealed after a Freedom of Information law suit was filed by the Freedom Watch group? Maybe it's true? Wow...I can't believe how uniformed some of you people are on the Left! No wonder Obama and crew think they can get away with telling you lies...you don't pay attention!!!
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
ESPECIALLY Oldstyle as we all know he took the FoxRush brown acid long before joining this forum :tinfoil:

As to the Republican Committee';s report? They specifically stated that it was "definitive". Case closed. :bye1:

When even definitive isn t enough for the House GOP MSNBC

I hate to disappoint you, Dottie but with Hillary Clinton running for President this is far from "case closed". If you wanted THAT you should have told Barry and Hillary to come clean years ago. They stonewalled the investigations and drew the process out...so now it's going to be fresh in everyone's mind that A) Hillary's policies led to the death of those four men and B) she lied about how it all went down.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

The funny thing is that last summer Ahmed Abu Khattala, the leader of the terrorists who attacked Benghazi, said he attacked because of that video. It was all over the news last June.

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?[/QUOTE

What I've pointed out is that the White House demanded revisions to the talking points 12 times to take out things that were actually true, like the attackers were affiliated with Al Queda...while they kept in the early intelligence assessment that said it was a protest that got out of hand even though the CIA was telling them that wasn't the case within 24 hours. My argument hasn't changed one bit.
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?

Obama did not refer to the Benghazi Attacks as a terrorist attack within 24 hours, he referred TO terrorist attacks and said he was against 'em. Susan Rice made the rounds on the Sunday Political circuit and consistently blamed the attacks on a riot resulting from a Youtube video. A riot in which she noted that RPGs were present in the resultant attack.

All you're trying to do is to rationalize the facts as a means to revise the history, wherein the State Department and the Peasantpimp of the Union States took action, abusing their authority and the public trust, AT BEST: TO CONCEAL THEIR FAILURES.

But in truth, they were complicit in the attack... which served as a means to cover up the Executive Branch's efforts which will soon be shown to have been the foundational actions taken in the creation of that which we know today as: ISIS. OKA: Treason on a scale which no American could have ever believed to be possible.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

The funny thing is that last summer Ahmed Abu Khattala, the leader of the terrorists who attacked Benghazi, said he attacked because of that video. It was all over the news last June.

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video

That arti
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

The funny thing is that last summer Ahmed Abu Khattala, the leader of the terrorists who attacked Benghazi, said he attacked because of that video. It was all over the news last June.

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video

Did you actually read that? The New York Times puts out a report the day after the attack that some unnamed attackers told some unnamed Libyans that they had attacked because of the YouTube video and those unnamed Libyans told an unnamed New York Times reporter that story who then relayed said story to the writer of the article in the Times.

Wow...now THAT is what I call "journalism" at it's finest! Do you not grasp WHY something like that story was in the news? Because the White House had started a full court press to put THAT narrative out to the public and what better place to start doing so than with a liberal rag like the New York Times!
Ah yes...after making an ass of yourself by declaring that more security wouldn't have helped in Benghazi because our Consulate was attacked by "thousands"...you fall back on playing the race card? You might as well run a flag up the flagpole that says: "I've said something monumentally stupid...I'm losing this argument badly and have nothing else to add!"

Naw, guy, whenevery I see a sorry fuck like you who spends his whole fucking life hating this President, you know it's a racist. Seriously man, get help.
^ that JoeB131

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