"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

You airhead righties often post links to HotAir.com as fact.

Now what do you have to say? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal
Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal Hot Air Headlines

Oh, wait! Just to corroborate your beloved blog, your beloved Washington Examiner says it ain't so either, TOOLS.

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism, policy failures

"""A two-year congressional investigation into the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, found that while the State Department ignored warnings of terrorist threats, Obama administration appointees weren’t directly to blame.
The report, conducted by the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee and declassified Friday, debunks several conspiracies regarding the administration’s involvement in the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.""

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism policy failures WashingtonExaminer.com

What idiots, chasing shiny things that the GOP throws in your path.

9 fuggin fools.


The Gowdy Hearings will be the definitive word on the matter.

Chill til then.
I can't wait until then; when that investigation results in the same conclusions as every other investigation and you Dreamers cry how Gowdy is in the tank too. :mm:
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Is "disseminated" what you call a report that had been revised 12 times?

This notion that the White House simply went with what the intelligence community gave them is amusing. They basically kept telling the CIA what they didn't want in there until it was taken out.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Don't know -- but that is the subject of the eighth investigation into Benghazi, which is still ongoing. So we'll find out as soon as they conclude.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Is "disseminated" what you call a report that had been revised 12 times?

This notion that the White House simply went with what the intelligence community gave them is amusing. They basically kept telling the CIA what they didn't want in there until it was taken out.

Yup. They lied thier asses off simply because of Barry's election campaign.

They lied about a tragedy that shouldn't have happened.

They lied about a tragedy happening because of States incompetence.

They lied because getting Barry elected was way more important that four dead men dying in a tragedy that shouldn't have happened.
Last edited:
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...the efforts to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi by the Obama White House may have helped Barry get reelected in 2012 but with information like the Ben Rhodes email coming out after through Freedom of Information law suits years later all that stonewalling has done is to prolong the investigations until right before Hillary makes her run for President. Not the brightest political move on her part. She would have been better to simply come clean...admit that she misjudged the security situation in Libya badly...take the blame and move on. The whole "YouTube" thing simply makes her look dishonest as well as incompetent and the public is getting rather tired of that combination in the White House.
You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Don't know -- but that is the subject of the eighth investigation into Benghazi, which is still ongoing. So we'll find out as soon as they conclude.

You don't know? It's a pretty simple question. Try guessing. What WOULD the reason be to reclassify something as "Top Secret" and not hand it over to Congressional investigators?
The truth of the matter is that all of these investigations have been needed because the Obama Administration refuses to come clean over what they did in regards to Benghazi. When it takes Freedom of Information law suits to get information like Ben Rhodes emails that were for some "unknown" reason reclassified is it any wonder that a reasonable person would think that the White House is hiding things from Congress and the public?
That it TAKES a Freedom of Information law suit to make the "Most Transparent Administration in History" be honest with us is rather illustrative...don't you think?
The truth of the matter is that all of these investigations have been needed because the Obama Administration refuses to come clean over what they did in regards to Benghazi. When it takes Freedom of Information law suits to get information like Ben Rhodes emails that were for some "unknown" reason reclassified is it any wonder that a reasonable person would think that the White House is hiding things from Congress and the public?

Obama hires Republicans to cover up investigations for him ?

I'm tellin' ya, RW's should be selling tickets ..
Care to take a stab at explaining why the White House reclassified those emails, Siete? Come on...I like to watch you progressives embarrass yourself trying to explain the obvious.
Of course he doesn't because if he does he'll see the same thing we are seeing. A pack of lies.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

It's also "come to light" that the intelligence community knew almost immediately that there was no protest preceding the attack and ruled out the "protest gone wild" scenario. Yet the Obama White House kept right on blaming that YouTube video for a long long time, Faun! Why would they do that when it was quite obvious that a protest never took place in Benghazi?

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