"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

You Dreamers are the new Birthers.

Simple question for ya', Faun...why do you think the Obama Administration reclassified Ben Rhodes email "Top Secret"? Care to opine?
Don't know -- but that is the subject of the eighth investigation into Benghazi, which is still ongoing. So we'll find out as soon as they conclude.

You don't know? It's a pretty simple question. Try guessing. What WOULD the reason be to reclassify something as "Top Secret" and not hand it over to Congressional investigators?
Why on Earth would I guess about something? You want me to make shit up out of whole cloth like you Dreamers do?

It's being investigated and we'll know the answers to your questions without having to venture off into guessing. Hell, I can't even say with any amount of certainty that the email was classified to avoid Congressional scrutiny. That appears to be the claim of a Republican Congressman. Maybe it's true ... maybe it's not. That's for investigation number eight to determine.

Are you telling me that you honestly didn't know that the Ben Rhodes email was reclassified as Top Secret, Faun? How could you NOT know that? How could you NOT know that it was only revealed after a Freedom of Information law suit was filed by the Freedom Watch group? Maybe it's true? Wow...I can't believe how uniformed some of you people are on the Left! No wonder Obama and crew think they can get away with telling you lies...you don't pay attention!!!
Nah, that's not at all what I said. Pity you can't keep up. :dunno:
Ah yes...after making an ass of yourself by declaring that more security wouldn't have helped in Benghazi because our Consulate was attacked by "thousands"...you fall back on playing the race card? You might as well run a flag up the flagpole that says: "I've said something monumentally stupid...I'm losing this argument badly and have nothing else to add!"

Naw, guy, whenevery I see a sorry fuck like you who spends his whole fucking life hating this President, you know it's a racist. Seriously man, get help.

But THAT is irrational... demonstrating that your reasoning deviates from the standard, which determines 'soundness', thus rendering your reasoning into that which is known as "deviant".

Meaning in short, that such indicates that you're an imbecile.
Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
ESPECIALLY Oldstyle as we all know he took the FoxRush brown acid long before joining this forum :tinfoil:

As to the Republican Committee';s report? They specifically stated that it was "definitive". Case closed. :bye1:

When even definitive isn t enough for the House GOP MSNBC

I hate to disappoint you, Dottie but with Hillary Clinton running for President this is far from "case closed". If you wanted THAT you should have told Barry and Hillary to come clean years ago. They stonewalled the investigations and drew the process out...so now it's going to be fresh in everyone's mind that A) Hillary's policies led to the death of those four men and B) she lied about how it all went down.
so what you're saying is you haven't read, or more likely- ignored the facts posted in the last 5 pages. :clap2: You are the epitome of a rw partisan drone.
Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
ESPECIALLY Oldstyle as we all know he took the FoxRush brown acid long before joining this forum :tinfoil:

As to the Republican Committee';s report? They specifically stated that it was "definitive". Case closed. :bye1:

When even definitive isn t enough for the House GOP MSNBC

I hate to disappoint you, Dottie but with Hillary Clinton running for President this is far from "case closed". If you wanted THAT you should have told Barry and Hillary to come clean years ago. They stonewalled the investigations and drew the process out...so now it's going to be fresh in everyone's mind that A) Hillary's policies led to the death of those four men and B) she lied about how it all went down.
Of course it's not over for Dreamers. Just like Obama releasing his long form birth certificate didn't end it for Birthers.

Like Birthers, you Dreamers can't let go of your psychosis.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.
Benghazi was a tragedy that shouldn't have happened. If State had done its job it wouldn't have happened.

An yes, Barry and his posse lied their asses off about it simply because he didn't want anything to deter his election campaign.

Get over it lefties. Its is what it is and it doesn't make Barry and his posse look good at all.
Sorry, Dreamer. Seven investigations have concluded that fairy tale is full of shit.

Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

The funny thing is that last summer Ahmed Abu Khattala, the leader of the terrorists who attacked Benghazi, said he attacked because of that video. It was all over the news last June.

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video
While that's certainly interesting, I don't put stock in what terrorists' claim.
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?

Obama did not refer to the Benghazi Attacks as a terrorist attack within 24 hours, he referred TO terrorist attacks and said he was against 'em. Susan Rice made the rounds on the Sunday Political circuit and consistently blamed the attacks on a riot resulting from a Youtube video. A riot in which she noted that RPGs were present in the resultant attack.

All you're trying to do is to rationalize the facts as a means to revise the history, wherein the State Department and the Peasantpimp of the Union States took action, abusing their authority and the public trust, AT BEST: TO CONCEAL THEIR FAILURES.

But in truth, they were complicit in the attack... which served as a means to cover up the Executive Branch's efforts which will soon be shown to have been the foundational actions taken in the creation of that which we know today as: ISIS. OKA: Treason on a scale which no American could have ever believed to be possible.
In speaking of the attack in Benghazi, Obama said ...

"And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi. As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe. No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

... you have to twist your own comprehension abilities into a tortured contortion in order to convince yourself Obama wasn't speaking of the attack in Benghazi when he said, "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation..."
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
ESPECIALLY Oldstyle as we all know he took the FoxRush brown acid long before joining this forum :tinfoil:

As to the Republican Committee';s report? They specifically stated that it was "definitive". Case closed. :bye1:

When even definitive isn t enough for the House GOP MSNBC

I hate to disappoint you, Dottie but with Hillary Clinton running for President this is far from "case closed". If you wanted THAT you should have told Barry and Hillary to come clean years ago. They stonewalled the investigations and drew the process out...so now it's going to be fresh in everyone's mind that A) Hillary's policies led to the death of those four men and B) she lied about how it all went down.
so what you're saying is you haven't read, or more likely- ignored the facts posted in the last 5 pages. :clap2: You are the epitome of a rw partisan drone.
i.e. ... Dreamers.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.
That will be the ninth investigation into Benghazi. How many you reckon it's gonna take for you to accept reality? 10? 20? 30??
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?

Obama did not refer to the Benghazi Attacks as a terrorist attack within 24 hours, he referred TO terrorist attacks and said he was against 'em. Susan Rice made the rounds on the Sunday Political circuit and consistently blamed the attacks on a riot resulting from a Youtube video. A riot in which she noted that RPGs were present in the resultant attack.

All you're trying to do is to rationalize the facts as a means to revise the history, wherein the State Department and the Peasantpimp of the Union States took action, abusing their authority and the public trust, AT BEST: TO CONCEAL THEIR FAILURES.

But in truth, they were complicit in the attack... which served as a means to cover up the Executive Branch's efforts which will soon be shown to have been the foundational actions taken in the creation of that which we know today as: ISIS. OKA: Treason on a scale which no American could have ever believed to be possible.
In speaking of the attack in Benghazi, Obama said ...

"And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi. As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe. No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

... you have to twist your own comprehension abilities into a tortured contortion in order to convince yourself Obama wasn't speaking of the attack in Benghazi when he said, "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation..."

I would say you were correct in that assumption, Faun except for Obama's refusal to call it a terror attack over the next several weeks! When you won't label it a terror attack AFTER you've made THAT speech then one has to look at the statement and realize that Obama was speaking "generally" about terror and not specifically about Benghazi. You can't refuse to call it a terror attack and then go back weeks later and say that you DID call it a terror attack.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.
That will be the ninth investigation into Benghazi. How many you reckon it's gonna take for you to accept reality? 10? 20? 30??

However many it takes to get to the truth. This would have been over with after the FIRST investigation if the Obama White House had been as "transparent" as they promised they would be! When you need Freedom of Information law suits to get documents that the White House has deliberately hidden from Congress then it's going to be a long process. Blaming the investigators is rather amusing since they simply wanted to get answers. It's the White House that's been delaying this process.
Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."
Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.

Congressman Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements The Weekly Standard#
OS 10329159
The fact is...the White House kept something that was in the original talking points that turned out to be completely wrong because it fit the narrative that they were going to put out to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi.

Why did Obama refer to it as an act of terror on the very next day after the attack? Why did Susan Rice go on TV and tell Americans that extremists came with heavy weapons to attack the consulate? She did not say that protesters came with heavy weapons. She said extremists came with heavy weapons. By mentioning 'extremists bringing heavy weapons' on every show that Susan Rice went on, it totally debunks your CT about a 'narrative to diffuse the fallout from Benghazi'. To diffuse the fallout, as you wish were true. they would have had to deny that it was an act of terror and denied that extremists attacked the consulate and CIA annex with heavy weapons. But they didn't. So your CT is as goofy as ever.

And after weeks of complaining about the White House 'changing the talking points 12 times' now you are arguing that they kept the CIA talking points the same and their dastardly deed is now 'not changing' what the CIA assessed in the first few days after the attack. How do you live with yourself making an argument today that is opposite the argument you made yesterday?

Obama did not refer to the Benghazi Attacks as a terrorist attack within 24 hours, he referred TO terrorist attacks and said he was against 'em. Susan Rice made the rounds on the Sunday Political circuit and consistently blamed the attacks on a riot resulting from a Youtube video. A riot in which she noted that RPGs were present in the resultant attack.

All you're trying to do is to rationalize the facts as a means to revise the history, wherein the State Department and the Peasantpimp of the Union States took action, abusing their authority and the public trust, AT BEST: TO CONCEAL THEIR FAILURES.

But in truth, they were complicit in the attack... which served as a means to cover up the Executive Branch's efforts which will soon be shown to have been the foundational actions taken in the creation of that which we know today as: ISIS. OKA: Treason on a scale which no American could have ever believed to be possible.
In speaking of the attack in Benghazi, Obama said ...

"And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi. As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe. No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

... you have to twist your own comprehension abilities into a tortured contortion in order to convince yourself Obama wasn't speaking of the attack in Benghazi when he said, "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation..."

I would say you were correct in that assumption, Faun except for Obama's refusal to call it a terror attack over the next several weeks! When you won't label it a terror attack AFTER you've made THAT speech then one has to look at the statement and realize that Obama was speaking "generally" about terror and not specifically about Benghazi. You can't refuse to call it a terror attack and then go back weeks later and say that you DID call it a terror attack.
It's in context. He called it a terror attack the very next morning. When our intelligence community pushed the video protests after that, the administration echoed the intelligence. When the CIA reassessed the motive behind the attack, the administration relayed that to the public. None of which alters the context of Obama's initial statement in the Rose Garden.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.
That will be the ninth investigation into Benghazi. How many you reckon it's gonna take for you to accept reality? 10? 20? 30??

However many it takes to get to the truth. This would have been over with after the FIRST investigation if the Obama White House had been as "transparent" as they promised they would be! When you need Freedom of Information law suits to get documents that the White House has deliberately hidden from Congress then it's going to be a long process. Blaming the investigators is rather amusing since they simply wanted to get answers. It's the White House that's been delaying this process.
Funny ... that's what Birthers sound like.

I'm tellin' ya ... Dreamers = the new Birthers
Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."
Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.

Congressman Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements The Weekly Standard#
Hmmm, so whatdya think, vagisil? The CIA excused them from their non-disclosure so they could write a book about their ordeal?
“You know the FBI conducted interviews with the survivors one or two days after the attacks, ... ". US Senator Lindsay Graham.

Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.

Do you see the word 'publicly' at the end of Wolf's statement?

You now can see how right winger propaganda works. The idiot minions the propaganda is fed to, can be relied upon to ignore the use of that word.

Vigilante's report is 16 months old and dead.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R – SC), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told Breitbart News on Tuesday that he wants to see the interviews the FBI conducted with the individuals who survived the Benghazi attacks.
“You know the FBI conducted interviews with the survivors one or two days after the attacks, and it hasn’t been released to the Congress. I just can’t get over that,” he said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Wants FBI Interviews of Benghazi Survivors
Last edited:
Kinda funny I watched that "fairy tale" on TV just like everyone else.

I watched them come out and tell us it was all because of a video. Jeeze where the hell was your sorry ass??
Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

Imbecile ... where did I say your fairy tale was Obama, Clinton, and Rice reporting the attack was spurred by protests over a video?

Your fairy tale was claiming they lied. After seven investigations, we now know they were reporting information disseminated by our intelligence community.

But I understand ... Dreamers have to dream.

Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

You're such a blind partisan hack you're completely clueless as to the facts of the issue.

You and others on the right contrived and propagated the lie that the administration was 'responsible' for the attack and sought to 'cover up' that 'responsibility.' You and others on the right sought to contrive a controversy where none existed – indeed, a phony scandal.

Your lies have been exposed to be just that – lies exposed by your own fellow republicans forced to concede the truth, that there is no evidence whatsoever of 'wrongdoing.'

'Benghazi' has now been appropriately relegated to the realm of discredited conspiracy theories, along with grassy knolls, Israel being responsible for 9/11, and 'long form' birth certificates.

Enjoy being ridiculous and irrelevant.
I hate to disappoint you, Dottie but with Hillary Clinton running for President this is far from "case closed". If you wanted THAT you should have told Barry and Hillary to come clean years ago. They stonewalled the investigations and drew the process out...so now it's going to be fresh in everyone's mind that A) Hillary's policies led to the death of those four men and B) she lied about how it all went down.

The only people who "care" about Benghazi are the people who would never vote for a Democrat in the first place.

The kind of people who go nutso about four deaths in LIbya, but say, "Shit happens" about 5000 deaths in Iraq or 3000 deaths at the WTC.
They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

You obviously have not heard what thepresident said the day after the attack, and if you heard anyone in the Administration say that Ambassador Stevens was killed by protesters or demonstrators you are unable to produce the transcript of where they said that.

Your ears failed you or it is your conscience failing you for two years. Which is it?

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