"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."
Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.

Congressman Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements The Weekly Standard#
Hmmm, so whatdya think, vagisil? The CIA excused them from their non-disclosure so they could write a book about their ordeal?

well Pawned, do you have any idea why these men didn't testify before the committee? You have a link to some pertinent info?
You're too big of a moron to deal with, vagisil.

They did give testimony to the committee. We know this because they complained the final report didn't include some of their testimony.

And again, you shvance, they wrote a book about it. Explain how people under a non-disclosure can publically write about the very subject you claim they were legally bound to remain quiet on?
I can't, that's why I asked you! Can you continue to explain that?
Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."
Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.

Congressman Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements The Weekly Standard#
Hmmm, so whatdya think, vagisil? The CIA excused them from their non-disclosure so they could write a book about their ordeal?

well Pawned, do you have any idea why these men didn't testify before the committee? You have a link to some pertinent info?
You're too big of a moron to deal with, vagisil.

They did give testimony to the committee. We know this because they complained the final report didn't include some of their testimony.

And again, you shvance, they wrote a book about it. Explain how people under a non-disclosure can publically write about the very subject you claim they were legally bound to remain quiet on?
I can't, that's why I asked you! Can you continue to explain that?
Of course I can explain it ... you're a useful tool to the collective conservatism.

Has anyone discussed this?

Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."
Wolf continued: "It is worth noting that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.

Congressman Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements The Weekly Standard#
Hmmm, so whatdya think, vagisil? The CIA excused them from their non-disclosure so they could write a book about their ordeal?

well Pawned, do you have any idea why these men didn't testify before the committee? You have a link to some pertinent info?
You're too big of a moron to deal with, vagisil.

They did give testimony to the committee. We know this because they complained the final report didn't include some of their testimony.

And again, you shvance, they wrote a book about it. Explain how people under a non-disclosure can publically write about the very subject you claim they were legally bound to remain quiet on?
I can't, that's why I asked you! Can you continue to explain that?
Of course I can explain it ... you're a useful tool to the collective conservatism.

In other words, you don't know, and your holding your dick again!
Kinda funny that the Rhodes e mail says they were all coached about demonstrations when there werent' any demonstrations at the consulate.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email showing how the White House steered Benghazi terror-attack narrative toward an anti-Islam video Daily Mail Online

Dreamers like you gotta keep the faith. Asshole
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

I never said you were a Birther. Learn to read. I said you are a Dreamer. You have this dream in your head that you can smear Obama and Clinton with a scandal which seven separate investigations have cleared them from.

Keep dreaming! :lol:

And again, since you didn't understand it the first three times I said it ... they kept pushing the narrative of the protest because that was what our intelligence community was saying provoked the attack.

Sorry, but idiocy from you Dreamers does not trump the findings from seven investigations. Better luck with investigations 8 and 9. :mm:

LMAO talk about a dreamer. Thats you bud.

Not rocket science there Faun.

They came out and told a pack of lies about a video. They new it was a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuuh.

And then theres the e mail that got reclassified as top secret. Ring any bells there Fauno??

Jeeze your an idiot.
Again, Dreamer, not to belabor the point, but after seven investigations, it has come to light that the narrative of the video being the catalyst of protests came from our intelligence community. You can ignore that all you want, but then, that's what Dreamers do. :dunno:

Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

I never said you were a Birther. Learn to read. I said you are a Dreamer. You have this dream in your head that you can smear Obama and Clinton with a scandal which seven separate investigations have cleared them from.

Keep dreaming! :lol:

And again, since you didn't understand it the first three times I said it ... they kept pushing the narrative of the protest because that was what our intelligence community was saying provoked the attack.

Sorry, but idiocy from you Dreamers does not trump the findings from seven investigations. Better luck with investigations 8 and 9. :mm:

LMAO talk about a dreamer. Thats you bud.

Not rocket science there Faun.

They came out and told a pack of lies about a video. They new it was a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuuh.

And then theres the e mail that got reclassified as top secret. Ring any bells there Fauno??

Jeeze your an idiot.
Rightard ... read the report. our intelligence community was telling them it was a protest over a video.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.

BS. There is no crime and no cover up. If incorrect information given as talking points to the press were a crime I think our entire government would be behind bars.

When the Gowdy commission ends with no indictments what false hope will you Dreamers cling to?

Naive policy that causes the deaths of Americans isn't a crime, Boo but it's a good reason to get rid of the person or persons who put those policies in place. Nobody will end up behind bars for Benghazi except for the little schmuck film maker the Obama White House used as a scapegoat for their own failings. This is about whether the woman behind the policies that got Christopher Stevens and those three other killed that night in Benghazi is competent enough to be our next President of the United States.

Well naiveté is not a crime, but posing naiveté as a means to conceal illicit behavior by officials in high office, is a high crime.

I wouldn't pre-judge Gowdy. He has spent his working lifetime getting to facts which were thought by the perps to be long since placed out of reach.

Benghazi was obviously treason. The specifics of what was in play is known only to those who were involved... but what Commander in Chief of noble intent, goes to bed when he heres of an attack on an American facility?

It doesn't happen and it doesn't happen for obvious reasons. So that tells us that THAT is a lie.

People do not RIOT over a Youtube Video. It doesn't HAPPEN! We know THAT because for YEARS prior, there were anti-Islam videos and even to this day there are TENS OF THOUSANDS OF ANTI-ISLAM videos and NO RIOTS!

We know that there was no 'protest' at Benghazi and we know that THE obama CULT KNEW THAT IN REAL TIME. We also know that people within the executive branch, immediately used a protest that never happened to explain an attack on the US Embassy.

We're told that nothing particularly covert was happening, SO... what they're saying is that a US Ambassador was otherwise inexplicably stationed in among the most dangerous places in the most dangerous regions in the world, without sufficient security, doing nothing, with no one of any note, for no reason.

So, somewhere around THAT reason, is where Gowdy will find his answers.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.

BS. There is no crime and no cover up. If incorrect information given as talking points to the press were a crime I think our entire government would be behind bars.

When the Gowdy commission ends with no indictments what false hope will you Dreamers cling to?

Naive policy that causes the deaths of Americans isn't a crime, Boo but it's a good reason to get rid of the person or persons who put those policies in place. Nobody will end up behind bars for Benghazi except for the little schmuck film maker the Obama White House used as a scapegoat for their own failings. This is about whether the woman behind the policies that got Christopher Stevens and those three other killed that night in Benghazi is competent enough to be our next President of the United States.

Well naiveté is not a crime, but posing naiveté as a means to conceal illicit behavior by officials in high office, is a high crime.

I wouldn't pre-judge Gowdy. He has spent his working lifetime getting to facts which were thought by the perps to be long since placed out of reach.

Benghazi was obviously treason. The specifics of what was in play is known only to those who were involved... but what Commander in Chief of noble intent, goes to bed when he heres of an attack on an American facility?

It doesn't happen and it doesn't happen for obvious reasons. So that tells us that THAT is a lie.

People do not RIOT over a Youtube Video. It doesn't HAPPEN! We know THAT because for YEARS prior, there were anti-Islam videos and even to this day there are TENS OF THOUSANDS OF ANTI-ISLAM videos and NO RIOTS!

We know that there was no 'protest' at Benghazi and we know that THE obama CULT KNEW THAT IN REAL TIME. We also know that people within the executive branch, immediately used a protest that never happened to explain an attack on the US Embassy.

We're told that nothing particularly covert was happening, SO... what they're saying is that a US Ambassador was otherwise inexplicably stationed in among the most dangerous places in the most dangerous regions in the world, without sufficient security, doing nothing, with no one of any note, for no reason.

So, somewhere around THAT reason, is where Gowdy will find his answers.
Treason. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You Dreamers are a riot. :lmao:
Keep on dreaming F. You might even begin to believe it.

Anyone with half a brain, which obviously you don't have, knows they lied and why they lied.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi over a video or anything else. What therre was was a pack of terrorist who attacked on the anniversary of 9-11. DUUUH

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Or mayby in your case you do.
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

I never said you were a Birther. Learn to read. I said you are a Dreamer. You have this dream in your head that you can smear Obama and Clinton with a scandal which seven separate investigations have cleared them from.

Keep dreaming! :lol:

And again, since you didn't understand it the first three times I said it ... they kept pushing the narrative of the protest because that was what our intelligence community was saying provoked the attack.

Sorry, but idiocy from you Dreamers does not trump the findings from seven investigations. Better luck with investigations 8 and 9. :mm:

LMAO talk about a dreamer. Thats you bud.

Not rocket science there Faun.

They came out and told a pack of lies about a video. They new it was a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuuh.

And then theres the e mail that got reclassified as top secret. Ring any bells there Fauno??

Jeeze your an idiot.
Rightard ... read the report. our intelligence community was telling them it was a protest over a video.

Sorry but that don't wash.

It has been known since at least late November that Rice’s talking points were changed. CBS News reported on Nov. 20, 2012, that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — not the White House nor the State Department — removed references to al Qaeda and terrorism from talking points given to Rice. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security issued a bipartisan report on Dec. 30, 2012, confirming that the talking points had been changed, and that the White House and State Department were not involved. But the report also said that it failed to get a “full account” of what changes were made, who made them and why — despite “repeated requests” for that information.

Guess if you take out Al Queda and terrorism it makes it the truth.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney repeatedly has said that the White House and State Department changed only one word of the talking points.
Well kids, Trey Gowdy has opened hearings and over the next few months the Left will begin to produce evidence of the cover-up of the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

As it always is, it will be the cover-up that proves the high-crime and that will be the end of our lame duck Peasentpimp of the Union States and his communist cult.

BS. There is no crime and no cover up. If incorrect information given as talking points to the press were a crime I think our entire government would be behind bars.

When the Gowdy commission ends with no indictments what false hope will you Dreamers cling to?

Naive policy that causes the deaths of Americans isn't a crime, Boo but it's a good reason to get rid of the person or persons who put those policies in place. Nobody will end up behind bars for Benghazi except for the little schmuck film maker the Obama White House used as a scapegoat for their own failings. This is about whether the woman behind the policies that got Christopher Stevens and those three other killed that night in Benghazi is competent enough to be our next President of the United States.

Well naiveté is not a crime, but posing naiveté as a means to conceal illicit behavior by officials in high office, is a high crime.

I wouldn't pre-judge Gowdy. He has spent his working lifetime getting to facts which were thought by the perps to be long since placed out of reach.

Benghazi was obviously treason. The specifics of what was in play is known only to those who were involved... but what Commander in Chief of noble intent, goes to bed when he heres of an attack on an American facility?

It doesn't happen and it doesn't happen for obvious reasons. So that tells us that THAT is a lie.

People do not RIOT over a Youtube Video. It doesn't HAPPEN! We know THAT because for YEARS prior, there were anti-Islam videos and even to this day there are TENS OF THOUSANDS OF ANTI-ISLAM videos and NO RIOTS!

We know that there was no 'protest' at Benghazi and we know that THE obama CULT KNEW THAT IN REAL TIME. We also know that people within the executive branch, immediately used a protest that never happened to explain an attack on the US Embassy.

We're told that nothing particularly covert was happening, SO... what they're saying is that a US Ambassador was otherwise inexplicably stationed in among the most dangerous places in the most dangerous regions in the world, without sufficient security, doing nothing, with no one of any note, for no reason.

So, somewhere around THAT reason, is where Gowdy will find his answers.

The Radical Islamics will riot at the drop of a hat.

12 Die in Bombay in Anti-Rushdie Riot

Muslims riot again after Mohammed cartoons are reprinted by Danish newspapers Daily Mail Online

The anti-Islam-film riots A timeline - The Week
Too funny. We had Birthers insist Obama's birth certificate was bullshit because they were so committed to their idiotic conspiracy, they refused to accept the facts ...

Now we have Dreamers insist the GOP-led investigations are bullshit because they are too committed to their conspiracy to accept any facts.


Since I'm not a birther your remarks are bullshit.

As for the facts?

They knew it was a terrorist attack yet told the American people it was a demonstration related to a video. I heard that myself.

They told that same lie for weeks.

Kinda funny how dreamers like you tend to dream your boy and his posse were telling the truth and didn't lie. Of course its the most transparant administration in history. An administration with a PhD in lying.

Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat.

Yeah. They all have our best interests at heart unless of course it interferes with an election campaign.

I never said you were a Birther. Learn to read. I said you are a Dreamer. You have this dream in your head that you can smear Obama and Clinton with a scandal which seven separate investigations have cleared them from.

Keep dreaming! :lol:

And again, since you didn't understand it the first three times I said it ... they kept pushing the narrative of the protest because that was what our intelligence community was saying provoked the attack.

Sorry, but idiocy from you Dreamers does not trump the findings from seven investigations. Better luck with investigations 8 and 9. :mm:

LMAO talk about a dreamer. Thats you bud.

Not rocket science there Faun.

They came out and told a pack of lies about a video. They new it was a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuuh.

And then theres the e mail that got reclassified as top secret. Ring any bells there Fauno??

Jeeze your an idiot.
Rightard ... read the report. our intelligence community was telling them it was a protest over a video.

Sorry but that don't wash.

It has been known since at least late November that Rice’s talking points were changed. CBS News reported on Nov. 20, 2012, that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — not the White House nor the State Department — removed references to al Qaeda and terrorism from talking points given to Rice. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security issued a bipartisan report on Dec. 30, 2012, confirming that the talking points had been changed, and that the White House and State Department were not involved. But the report also said that it failed to get a “full account” of what changes were made, who made them and why — despite “repeated requests” for that information.

Guess if you take out Al Queda and terrorism it makes it the truth.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney repeatedly has said that the White House and State Department changed only one word of the talking points.
Doesn't wash. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

There have been seven investigations (so far) debunking your Dreamer nonsense.

Who cares if you refuse to accept their findings?
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again.

General Ham stated that there were NO protests kid.
The only protest I heard about weren't at Benghzi. The only thing at Benghazi were armed terrorists attacking the consulate.
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?

Oh and the administration wouldn't tell a white lie or two??

They knew it was a terrorist atack on the first day idiot. The anniversary of 9-11 and months of warnings??

Catch a damned clue you idiot.
Vigilante, you are now trolling and reported.

Read the book.
Vigilante, you are now trolling and reported.

Read the book.

You do realize that the Mods laugh when YOU report anyone don't you?

When will you be in Omaha Jake?

Well, he certainly won't be in the bullring.

Mr. Fakeycoward won't accept my challenge to enter the bullring so others can tell him what a lame debater he is.

Don't spoil his fun. In his imaginary world, he have people who care for him and people on this board care if he posts.

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