"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

They knew it was a terrorist atack on the first day idiot.

That is why Obama called it an act of terror on the first day. Do you have a point or rationale for calling people an idiot for agreeing with what you are saying? You make absolutely no sense at all.
Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials -- headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama -- were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

Hope that answers that question.

The Benghazi Transcripts Top Defense officials briefed Obama on attack not video or protest Fox News
I asked Oldstyle, "How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack?"

You could not properly respond so you went with this:

Clau 10334545
Oh and the administration wouldn't tell a white lie or two??

And you know that Obama called it an act of terror and Ambassador Rice said extremists that came with heavy weapons and with possible ties to al Qaeda are the ones who killed Stevens and Smith at the consulate in Benghazi.
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?

Show me a report from the intelligence community five days after the attack that still say a protest took place before the attack on our consulate, Notfooled.
Sure. After they told the American people the attack was caused by a demonstration over a video. They told that white lie for two weeks.

The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

There were demonstrations about that video, just not at Benghazi.
The truth is the intelligence community started walking that back as soon as they started talking to people that had been at Benghazi and as soon as they saw video of empty streets before the attack.

There was no protest before the attack. Ambassador Stevens walked his guest from Turkey to the front gate of the consulate grounds at 7:30 that evening and the street was empty. The attack came an hour and a half later. The initial report that there was a protest that became violent was totally flawed and the intelligence community knew it as did the Obama White House yet the White House continued to make that case for over a week.
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?

Show me a report from the intelligence community five days after the attack that still say a protest took place before the attack on our consulate, Notfooled.

For the first time, it was disclosed that retired Army Gen. Carter Ham, then head of U.S. Africa Command, testified that he had told Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, that day that Americans in Benghazi were under attack by terrorists, not demonstrators. He said both men agreed.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/2/unasked-questions-fog-facts-on-benghazi/#ixzz3Li2Po3UM
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

So you tell me why they lied about it.

Personally I think it was all about the election but there is no way to prove or disprove that one.
Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials -- headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama -- were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

Hope that answers that question.

The Benghazi Transcripts Top Defense officials briefed Obama on attack not video or protest Fox News

From your Fox News link:

Numerous aides to the president and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly told the public in the weeks following the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans that night -- as Obama's hotly contested bid for re-election was entering its final stretch -- that there was no evidence the killings were the result of a premeditated terrorist attack, but rather were the result of a protest gone awry

Key word = premeditated

Are you suggesting that General Ham claimed somewhere that he had, within minutes of the attack, resolved who did it and how long it had been planned and knew for a fact that it was premeditated?

And Obama called it an act of terror during his first address on the attacks within the first twelve hours.

Your arguments remain to be nonsense because of that.

And your Fox driven opinionated, right-wing biased reporter presents no transcript of actual Administration official saying this:

"there was no evidence the killings were the result of a premeditated terrorist attack, but rather were the result of a protest gone awry.

Susan Rice actually said exactly the opposite of that Fox News distortion:

"I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine." [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]

Leaving the killings open to having been committed possibly by al Qaeda itself Is not at all saying that the killings were the result of a protest gone awry.

You have cited a very flawed Fox News report. Don't you fact check what you cite?
Listening got her butt kicked in several threads she started and in several others in which she participated: I will challenge her when she is worthy.

Antares is simply unhappy I make him look silly.

Now, all of you sillies, read the report, and do understand for the moral and mainstream GOP that the subject of Benghazi is done.
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?

Show me a report from the intelligence community five days after the attack that still say a protest took place before the attack on our consulate, Notfooled.

For the first time, it was disclosed that retired Army Gen. Carter Ham, then head of U.S. Africa Command, testified that he had told Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, that day that Americans in Benghazi were under attack by terrorists, not demonstrators. He said both men agreed.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/2/unasked-questions-fog-facts-on-benghazi/#ixzz3Li2Po3UM
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

So you tell me why they lied about it.

Personally I think it was all about the election but there is no way to prove or disprove that one.
There were no lies, Dreamer. This was investigated seven times and no lies were found.

Dreamers, the new Birthers.
What do you call if not lies Faun??

They knew from day one that it was a terrorist attack. Yet they said it was a demonstration that turned into an attack on the consulate.

General Ham told them that it was terrorists not a demonstration.

Your a dreamer buddy. But to each his own. I'll always believe they lied but you can believe as you wish.

Beghazi was a tragedy that didn't need to happen and if State had done its job it wouldn't have happened and four good men would still be alive.
The truth is the intelligence community started walking that back as soon as they started talking to people that had been at Benghazi and as soon as they saw video of empty streets before the attack.

There was no protest before the attack. Ambassador Stevens walked his guest from Turkey to the front gate of the consulate grounds at 7:30 that evening and the street was empty. The attack came an hour and a half later. The initial report that there was a protest that became violent was totally flawed and the intelligence community knew it as did the Obama White House yet the White House continued to make that case for over a week.
You can keep repeating that until you turn blue, it will never alter the reality that the CIA was the one pushing the protest narrative for 2 weeks. The administration went with the story the CIA was feeding them. Try as hard as you might, Dreamer, Neither Obama nor Clinton nor Rice lied. Maybe you'll have better luck with investigations 8 & 9. :mm:
What do you call if not lies Faun??

They knew from day one that it was a terrorist attack. Yet they said it was a demonstration that turned into an attack on the consulate.

General Ham told them that it was terrorists not a demonstration.

Your a dreamer buddy. But to each his own. I'll always believe they lied but you can believe as you wish.

Beghazi was a tragedy that didn't need to happen and if State had done its job it wouldn't have happened and four good men would still be alive.
7 investigations have shown you're out of your mind, Dreamer. :cuckoo:
Apparantly your so blinded by what you WANT to believe that you can't read.

Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials -- headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama -- were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

For the first time, it was disclosed that retired Army Gen. Carter Ham, then head of U.S. Africa Command, testified that he had told Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, that day that Americans in Benghazi were under attack by terrorists, not demonstrators. He said both men agreed.
They knew. They just lied about it.

The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward

Dream on dreamer.
Another fact: Four good men died because of the fucking incompetence at Barry's State Department run by Hilbat
When did the intelligence community "push" the YouTube video protest angle? That was what the original assessment was right after the attacks but within 24 hours the intelligence community was quite sure that there was no protest and had informed the White House of just that

How do you know what the intelligence community told the White House within 24 hours after the attack? We do know that the intelligence community put the protest angle in the talking points for members of Congress and the intelligence community signed off on the protest angle in those talking points five days after attacks. That is 120 hours after the the attacks. You are nearly 100 hours off on your bogus claim. How can you put such errors in writing over and over again when the truth has been pointed out to you over and over again?
Because they don't give a shit about what really happened. They're terrified of Hillary and they can't let go of their Dream that they can take her down with their debunked revision of Benghazi. Doesn't matter to them that seven investigations (and counting) have exonerated Obama & Clinton of lying or any wrong doing; like Obama's birth certificate failed to derail many Birthers, 7 investigations fail to derail many Dreamers.
Apparantly your so blinded by what you WANT to believe that you can't read.

Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials -- headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama -- were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

For the first time, it was disclosed that retired Army Gen. Carter Ham, then head of U.S. Africa Command, testified that he had told Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, that day that Americans in Benghazi were under attack by terrorists, not demonstrators. He said both men agreed.
They knew. They just lied about it.

The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward

Dream on dreamer.

you dont think they knew this in the 7 investigations they had and found nothing? You have nothing, but you continue on because you feel your voice is important and should be heard...Or something to that affect....all over a fake scandal.....Issa thanks you for donating to his cause you blind moron

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