"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

Did you take a class on being a drama queen ?

You are wrong on the one count. As to the rest....it is all political now.

I could care less except to see it bit HIllary in her fat ass when she runs for president. Those Seven reports will be meaningless.
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

Did you take a class on being a drama queen ?

You are wrong on the one count. As to the rest....it is all political now.

I could care less except to see it bit HIllary in her fat ass when she runs for president. Those Seven reports will be meaningless.
I'm not the one being dramatic. I'm the one pointing out how 7 investigations have cleared Obama and Clinton of any wrong doing. At this point, folks who insist on using Benghazi as a tool to fight Clinton with are no different than birthers who refuse to accept the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate.
Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

Did you take a class on being a drama queen ?

You are wrong on the one count. As to the rest....it is all political now.

I could care less except to see it bit HIllary in her fat ass when she runs for president. Those Seven reports will be meaningless.
I'm not the one being dramatic. I'm the one pointing out how 7 investigations have cleared Obama and Clinton of any wrong doing. At this point, folks who insist on using Benghazi as a tool to fight Clinton with are no different than birthers who refuse to accept the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate.

They are very different in that this will be a key point of attack.

Those seven reports are as politically motivated as anything else.

Comparing it to the birther attacks, however, is beyond foolish.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

Did you take a class on being a drama queen ?

You are wrong on the one count. As to the rest....it is all political now.

I could care less except to see it bit HIllary in her fat ass when she runs for president. Those Seven reports will be meaningless.
I'm not the one being dramatic. I'm the one pointing out how 7 investigations have cleared Obama and Clinton of any wrong doing. At this point, folks who insist on using Benghazi as a tool to fight Clinton with are no different than birthers who refuse to accept the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate.

They are very different in that this will be a key point of attack.

Those seven reports are as politically motivated as anything else.

Comparing it to the birther attacks, however, is beyond foolish.
Umm, those 7 investigations were started up by Republicans. Good luck selling the "politically motivated" angle. :eusa_doh:

And yes, being compared to birthers is quite accurate. In both cases, there are groups of people ignoring the facts in order to keep their respective conspiracies alive, even though the evidence is against them; to be used as a political tool against their adversaries. At this point, I see little difference between birthers and folks clinging to Benghazi as a weapon against Obama and/or Clinton.
9-11 was years in the planning. It was planned on Clinton's watch.

OBL made his top terrorist debut in Afghanistan under President Reagan. See how reducilous your Bbbbbbutttt Clinton argument is?

I think it is much more appropriate to blame terrorists for what terrorists do and support any US president actions that results in the deaths maimings and capture of those terrorists - and Obama had killed maimed and captured more terrorists and Taliban than any US president in history.
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.

Yup. To stupid to believe the warning that were out there. The warnings that caused the Brits and the Red Cross to pull out of Libya.

Ineptitude and incompetence cost the lives of four men.

They then proceeded to lie about it for weeks.

Barry's campaign was more important that Libya, a dead Ambassador, three other dead men or anything else in their eyes.
There is no 'Benghazi scandal,' there never was – just more partisan politics from the right, motivated solely by conservatives' unwarranted animosity toward the president.
Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

Did you take a class on being a drama queen ?

You are wrong on the one count. As to the rest....it is all political now.

I could care less except to see it bit HIllary in her fat ass when she runs for president. Those Seven reports will be meaningless.
I'm not the one being dramatic. I'm the one pointing out how 7 investigations have cleared Obama and Clinton of any wrong doing. At this point, folks who insist on using Benghazi as a tool to fight Clinton with are no different than birthers who refuse to accept the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate.
The problem is we have two standards in Washington. The standards of honesty that Democrats follow, which isn't really a standard at all, and the standards of honesty that Republicans have to follow not only by law but to prevent the media from picking them to pieces.

The Democrats really don't have to be honest. If they lie there's nobody to check up on them because the media won't do their jobs and investigations take forever to complete. However, when a Republican lies all of the sudden facts behind the issue are leaked immediately to the press and they are exposed within minutes. So basically Republicans have to fight the media and fight Democrats in the White House and in Congress just to get the truth out. Democrats don't have to fight anything. Everything they say is taken as factual until proven to be a lie months or years down the road, and by then it will barely get any coverage at all.
There is no 'Benghazi scandal,' there never was – just more partisan politics from the right, motivated solely by conservatives' unwarranted animosity toward the president.


I remember all of the treatment of Bush by the media and by liberals that continues to this day and what you just posted is absolutely hilarious.

Joey, as intelligent as you've shown yourself to be on this site...I'm highly doubtful you could find the polling place let alone figure out how to fill out a ballot. I can't think of a bigger waste of time then telling you how to vote!

You're the idiot who thinks that our consulate was attacked by "thousands"! Doh!!!

Yawn, guy, the point is, you are butthurt that after years about whining about fake scandal after fake scandal, there's still a black guy in the White House. Y ou can no doubt whine about it to your fellow klan members tonight at the cross burning.
Do you think a "decent" person would look the mother of a murdered man in the eye as they were unloading his casket from the plane and tell that grieving mother that they will make the man who made the terrible video who caused the death of her son pay for what he's done... all the time KNOWING that the video had nothing to do with the attack and that THEY are the person who (next to the actual attackers) is the person who's policies caused that death!

Hillary Clinton did exactly that. Think about that long and hard. What kind of cold-hearted bitch does that?

Sorry, man, they really were upset about the video. and that guy should have gone to prison for it.
Someone in the Clinton State Department made the call on that. I'd like to know who that someone is and I'd like to make sure that they never have a chance to do something THAT stupid again.

I'd like to know who told the CIA to set up a secret torture station in Benghazi, which is what the Al Qaeda group was actually after that day. Stevens being there and locking himself in a smoke-filled room was just dumb luck.
Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.

Yup. To stupid to believe the warning that were out there. The warnings that caused the Brits and the Red Cross to pull out of Libya.

Ineptitude and incompetence cost the lives of four men.

They then proceeded to lie about it for weeks.

Barry's campaign was more important that Libya, a dead Ambassador, three other dead men or anything else in their eyes.
Seven investigations say you are full of shit.

Lying sack.

There has not been 200 separate investigations.

At this point the cover-up after Benghazi pales in comparison to recent events. Obama has been up to even worse criminal activities. Human-Trafficking, misappropriation of federal funds, criminal conspiracy to commit fraud.

Benghazi compared to recent revelations will seem like the Clap is to AIDs.

Good - you'll have a whole lot to occupy your time with.
Hope those turn out better for you than this one.

Already on it fuckwad....

So glad they have such an intelligent and eloquent person on the job. Bound to be every bit as successful as the last 200 "investigations."

Yeah, and go fuck yourself lying piece of shit.

Obviously I struck a nerve ... sorry to have offended you so much.

You're just boring me to death.
Joey, as intelligent as you've shown yourself to be on this site...I'm highly doubtful you could find the polling place let alone figure out how to fill out a ballot. I can't think of a bigger waste of time then telling you how to vote!

You're the idiot who thinks that our consulate was attacked by "thousands"! Doh!!!

Yawn, guy, the point is, you are butthurt that after years about whining about fake scandal after fake scandal, there's still a black guy in the White House. Y ou can no doubt whine about it to your fellow klan members tonight at the cross burning.

Ah yes...after making an ass of yourself by declaring that more security wouldn't have helped in Benghazi because our Consulate was attacked by "thousands"...you fall back on playing the race card? You might as well run a flag up the flagpole that says: "I've said something monumentally stupid...I'm losing this argument badly and have nothing else to add!"
Do you think a "decent" person would look the mother of a murdered man in the eye as they were unloading his casket from the plane and tell that grieving mother that they will make the man who made the terrible video who caused the death of her son pay for what he's done... all the time KNOWING that the video had nothing to do with the attack and that THEY are the person who (next to the actual attackers) is the person who's policies caused that death!

Hillary Clinton did exactly that. Think about that long and hard. What kind of cold-hearted bitch does that?

Sorry, man, they really were upset about the video. and that guy should have gone to prison for it.

That guy DID go to prison for it! Or did you miss the part where instead of going after the guys who actually killed our people...the Obama Administration wasted time putting some idiot who made a stupid little movie in prison to bolster their claim that the Benghazi attacks were because of the YouTube movie?

How many of the actual attackers has this Administration put in prison years after the attack? Eric Holder sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson, Missouri the week after the shooting...but didn't have FBI agents at our consulate for weeks after the deaths of Stevens and the other three. There is absolutely no appetite for investigating what took place in Benghazi by this Administration at all! They...just like all of you...simply want it to go away!
Someone in the Clinton State Department made the call on that. I'd like to know who that someone is and I'd like to make sure that they never have a chance to do something THAT stupid again.

I'd like to know who told the CIA to set up a secret torture station in Benghazi, which is what the Al Qaeda group was actually after that day. Stevens being there and locking himself in a smoke-filled room was just dumb luck.

So now you're admitting that it WAS an Al Qaeda group, Joey? Oops...someone started off their morning telling the truth!

The people that have "no shame" are people like you, R-Derp...who continue to attempt to pass blame on Benghazi to GOP budget cuts when the State Department's Charlene Lamb testified under oath that budget cuts had nothing to do with security personnel being drawn down prior to the Benghazi attacks.
So what? What is proves is Republicans don't give a shit unless they can play politics with it. Why? Because so many of the GOP are "tics". They put the "tics" into "Politics".

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