"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Explain one thing to me, Paint...

Why would you shrink that security force THAT drastically with everything that was going on in Libya? Why would anyone do that?
1. The embassy was stable and their mission was over.
2. Would they have been with Stevens that night regardless? He had more people so why did he go, during that timeframe, with such a small group?

Like it or not, it was his call, period.

Their mission was over? How is it possible that a security team's mission would be "over" when security threats were increasing by leaps and bounds in Libya? Nothing in Libya was "stable"...that was simply the narrative that the Clinton State Department was putting out to put a good face on things! In reality it was becoming so dangerous that Great Britain had pulled it's diplomats out and the Red Cross had pulled it's people out.

How is it Christopher Steven's "call"? He obviously wanted more security BUT HE'S NOT IN CHARGE!!! He had to request security from Washington...WHICH HE DOES REPEATEDLY!!! They turn those requests down...REPEATEDLY!!! Then you try and blame it on Stevens? Say that it was his call, period? That's absurd!
You'd better read up. What you believe to be true isn't. He and his small team decided it was safe enough to go there. How long before you acknowledge that? And how long before you acknowledge that the embassy was, on the very same day, safe? He had more people, and he didn't take them with him, You won't get around his decisions.

He only had 9 you flaming idiot! Some would have had to stay to guard the embassy! So how many do you think that leaves him for his trip to Benghazi?
And Christopher Stevens had no illusions about it being "safe" in Benghazi. It wasn't safe anywhere in Libya. That was why he wanted a security staff large enough to protect him. So why did the Clinton State Department draw down his security detail, Paint? It's obvious that they knew the situation in Libya was dangerous. So why the move to go from 30 all the way down to 9?
And Christopher Stevens had no illusions about it being "safe" in Benghazi. It wasn't safe anywhere in Libya. That was why he wanted a security staff large enough to protect him. So why did the Clinton State Department draw down his security detail, Paint? It's obvious that they knew the situation in Libya was dangerous. So why the move to go from 30 all the way down to 9?
Not sure where you are getting your numbers from but they are wrong. Start here: Security Team Commander Says Ambassador Stevens Wanted His Team to Stay in Libya Past August - ABC News
Explain one thing to me, Paint...

Why would you shrink that security force THAT drastically with everything that was going on in Libya? Why would anyone do that?
1. The embassy was stable and their mission was over.
2. Would they have been with Stevens that night regardless? He had more people so why did he go, during that timeframe, with such a small group?

Like it or not, it was his call, period.

Their mission was over? How is it possible that a security team's mission would be "over" when security threats were increasing by leaps and bounds in Libya? Nothing in Libya was "stable"...that was simply the narrative that the Clinton State Department was putting out to put a good face on things! In reality it was becoming so dangerous that Great Britain had pulled it's diplomats out and the Red Cross had pulled it's people out.

How is it Christopher Steven's "call"? He obviously wanted more security BUT HE'S NOT IN CHARGE!!! He had to request security from Washington...WHICH HE DOES REPEATEDLY!!! They turn those requests down...REPEATEDLY!!! Then you try and blame it on Stevens? Say that it was his call, period? That's absurd!
You'd better read up. What you believe to be true isn't. He and his small team decided it was safe enough to go there. How long before you acknowledge that? And how long before you acknowledge that the embassy was, on the very same day, safe? He had more people, and he didn't take them with him, You won't get around his decisions.

He only had 9 you flaming idiot! Some would have had to stay to guard the embassy! So how many do you think that leaves him for his trip to Benghazi?
He had five with him so you're telling me he only left four for the whole embassy? Your numbers are wrong, which doesn't surprise me since your other facts are as well.
Did you even read that article? It backs up every point that I've made and discredits yours.
Your own cited article says that he took 2 with him and that there were 3 at the Benghazi consulate already. That would lead me to believe that the other 4 were probably back in Tripoli guarding our embassy.

"The senior State Department official said that Ambassador Stevens traveled with agents of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and that the SST was based in Tripoli and would have been in Benghazi that night. There were five DS agents on the Benghazi compound that night; three of them previously stationed there and two having traveled with Stevens from Tripoli to Benghazi. There were also a few officials with a Quick Reaction Force outside the compound supporting Stevens’ movement, two of whom were killed that night."
Did you even read that article? It backs up every point that I've made and discredits yours.
I did read it and it does no such thing since it states clearly that after the initial SST group left they were replaced by locals, meaning that the number of security personnel stayed the same.
Your own cited article says that he took 2 with him and that there were 3 at the Benghazi consulate already. That would lead me to believe that the other 4 were probably back in Tripoli guarding our embassy.
There were a lot more than four. Your number is garbage.
Did you even read that article? It backs up every point that I've made and discredits yours.
I did read it and it does no such thing since it states clearly that after the initial SST group left they were replaced by locals, meaning that the number of security personnel stayed the same.

Once again...your own cited article shows how well THAT was going...

"The State Department pushed the American diplomats to develop plans to transition its security staffing to one that incorporated more locally based assets, but its ability to do so was “severely limited by a number of factors,” the February memo states, including inconsistent support from the Libyan government, no reliable “armed, uniformed host government security at our residential and office compounds,” no “real progress on the policy framework required to support a transition to an armed locally engaged body guard force,” silence from the Libyan Minister of Interior when it came to formal U.S. “requests for firearms licenses, training sites, or static, host nation security.”"
Replacing highly trained American security personnel with locals was always a joke. Stevens understood that. You can't seem to grasp how bad a policy decision that was that the State Department came up with.
Your own cited article says that he took 2 with him and that there were 3 at the Benghazi consulate already. That would lead me to believe that the other 4 were probably back in Tripoli guarding our embassy.
There were a lot more than four. Your number is garbage.

If there were only 9 in country...as per Gregory Hicks's testimony...and five were in Benghazi...then the most that could be in Tripoli guarding the embassy was 4. I was a history major in college, Paint but I can handle that kind of math!
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.
The committee says you are the liars ,AmericanFirst and Listening.

Hey Fakey, Why not take it to the bullring and we can go at it one-on-one. You can show me what a liar I am. What say you ? No ? Thought so..... You gutless coward. Nobody takes you seriously.

Shitbird, the Congress report evidences your lies.

Tough to be you, it must suck. :lol:

Not when other members of congress say that the report is full of crap.

BTW: The GOP did not sponsor the report.

Suck on it Fakey....

Your attempts at deflection don't fool anybody.

They all see that you are a gutless turd who won't face me in the bullring.

Run along SForBrains.....I am sure even a kindergartner like you has homework.
Fun to watch Oldstyle and Listening get punted around like footballs.

Joey claiming that our Consulate was attacked by "thousands" is me getting punted around like a football? That might very well be the most ignorant statement anyone's made this year.

Oh, Jakey's pretty much one continuous stream of ignorant statements.

Additionally, the gutless wonder won't accept a challenge to enter the bullring.

They call him browneyes for a reason.
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Fun to watch Oldstyle and Listening get punted around like footballs.

I wonder if Jakey crossdresses into a cheerleader's uniform before he comes out with this little pom pom statements.

It's the best he can do....he knows he'd get his ass kicked in the bullring or in other situations.
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
Case closed rw fishing expedition hacks. Your own people owned-up to the fact that they basically blew $3.3 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Oh now that is purely wishful 'feeling' right there.

The game hasn't even begun. And there she is DEMANDING that its OVER!

It's so reminiscent of my days as a coach of little leaguers who had a couple of coincidence wins under their belt... so sure that they had it all figured out and everyone that came out against them was FINISHED.

And here they are about to face an honest to goodness, tried and true adult, who doesn't give a hairy dam' about 'the cause', or the blackness of the Presidency or the tribulations common to being described as a racist... or the damage to the country, 'knowing that their Peasantpimp is a traitor.

ROFLMNAO! This is gonna be a BLAST!
Yes, it's over. Deal with it. This investigation wasn't the only one. There have been 7 investigations finding no wrong-doing on Obama's part.

Wrong doing isn't the same as ineptitude. Please understand that difference.
Being inept, leading to deaths, would have been wrong. 7 investigations have reached the same conclusion of that not being the case. Your own opposing personal opinion on the matter is of no interest.

I've not presented a personal opinion.

I am simply pointing out that you pointed to the report as supposedly absolving Obama of wrong-doing.


Wrong doing suggests someone made a concious decision to deceive (or do something scurrilous). Ineptitude seems to say they were to stupid to know something was really wrong.
"Wrong-doing" suggests no such thing. "Wrong-doing" means something was done wrong which caused the deaths of those 4 Americans. The investigations were intended to determine if there was any wrong-doing, whether intentionally or due to ineptitude, which led to their deaths.

Seven investigations later, the conclusion is a resounding ... "no."

Deal with it. Or let it eat at you. Either works for me.

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