"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

You must have missed the whole "improvement" of things for blacks in the military, Carla! It's not the 50's or the 60's anymore. Colin Powell? Black guy? In charge of the military? Any of this registering with you?

Wow, that's like saying there's no racism because we have a black President. LOL!

This are slightly better, but not great.

U.S. Military Battling White Supremacists Neo-Nazis In Its Own Ranks

U.S. Army battling racists within its own ranks Reuters
Things are "slightly better"? You need to take a big step back and check yourself, Carla! Things are so much better racially in just my lifetime that it's not even funny. You've got black police Chiefs now running departments in the deep South that were once run by the likes of Bull Connors. Slightly better? Seriously?
No, that's like claiming things haven't improved when we DO have a black President!

I didn't say things haven't improved, although I'm wondering if you've picked up a newspaper lately??? Did you happen to notice all the racial tension throughout the country?

Now, speaking of our black President, it seems hate groups have grown since he was elected.

Hate and Extremism Southern Poverty Law Center

The State of Hate White Supremacist Groups Growing - Confronting the New Faces of Hate

President Obama s Terms in Office Have Revealed the Hidden Racism in America Joan E. Dowlin

Report Explosive Growth Of Patriot Movement And Militias Continues The Two-Way NPR
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Has it REALLY grown, Carla...or is it used as an excuse by liberals like yourself to pooh pooh criticism of a President who's not very good at his job? The election of Barack Obama proves that things have improved markedly...now we have to reach the point where the criticism of someone like Barack Obama isn't deemed to be "racially motivated" simply because he's black.
And when you're citing "The Revolutionary Worker" as a source...I'm going to take what you tell me with a HUGE grain of salt.

You might crack open a history book. Just saying...

I've got a degree in the subject...just saying...

Oh good, then I don't need to tell you anything about our history of racism in the military, or how it still exists today.

It's human nature to be suspicious of that we aren't accustomed to...be it a person of a different color...or with a different sounding name...or with a different sounding accent. THAT is what exists today and I'm quite sure that is what will continue to exist many years from now.

The truth of the matter is that the US military was far AHEAD of the curve when it came to being "color blind" and has probably done more for lessening that suspicion of people who are different than many other things in our culture.
Has it REALLY grown, Carla...or is it used as an excuse by liberals like yourself to pooh pooh criticism of a President who's not very good at his job? The election of Barack Obama proves that things have improved markedly...now we have to reach the point where the criticism of someone like Barack Obama isn't deemed to be "racially motivated" simply because he's black.

I think we're done here. I'll let you get back to sticking your head in the sand. Obviously, you are oblivious to your surroundings.
Has it REALLY grown, Carla...or is it used as an excuse by liberals like yourself to pooh pooh criticism of a President who's not very good at his job? The election of Barack Obama proves that things have improved markedly...now we have to reach the point where the criticism of someone like Barack Obama isn't deemed to be "racially motivated" simply because he's black.

The Kenyan Muslim President? Is that who you speak of? :p

When you stoop to playing the race card this early in our little discussion...it doesn't say much for your intellect or debate skills, Carla.

Perhaps it would be better if you declined to take it any further...thanks for playing...pick up your consolation prize on the way out.
Clau 10371126
And this is from the Senate Hearing.
A comprehensive report by the Senate Intelligence Committee definitively declared that individuals tied to Al Qaeda groups were involved in the Benghazi attack, challenging recent claims that the terror network was not a factor.

What 'recent' claims were being challenged? We know that Susan Rice did not state on the Sunday Shows that al Qaeda was not a factor.

We know from that Senate report that core leadership from AQ was not involved in planning and premeditating the attack. So can quit suffering from that delusion if you are granting credibility to the report you have linked.

Or is cherry picking reports going to continue to be your style?


Jeeze. I'm tired of talking with you idiots. You will believe precisely what you wish to believe and thats all.

Have fun in your dream world. Jeeze. What fucking blind idiots your truly are.
We're quoting GOP-led investigations. Wouldn't that make the GOP the fucking blind idiots?

Show me one investigation led by ANYONE who found the State Department to be blameless for the lapses in security at Benghazi, Faun! They concluded that the intelligence community did their jobs...they concluded that the military did what it was told to do...but where did they ever say "the State Department's policies regarding diplomatic security in Libya were sound." I'd like to see that.

I can show you where multiple investigations DIDN'T reach that conclusion! I can show you where multiple investigations ended up giving the State Department a failing grade for their policy in regards to diplomatic security.

lol, that's your scandal? That the government was imperfect in Libya?

ooooohhhhhh, stop the presses...
No idiot. That the imperfect Govt, i.e. the State Department, got four good men killed because of their incompetence.

The Imperfect Govt then lied about it to one and all.

Stop the presses is right.
No idiot. That the imperfect Govt, i.e. the State Department, got four good men killed because of their incompetence.

The Imperfect Govt then lied about it to one and all.

Stop the presses is right.

That's 1/000th the number that Bush got needlessly killed in Iraq.
When you stoop to playing the race card this early in our little discussion...it doesn't say much for your intellect or debate skills, Carla.

Perhaps it would be better if you declined to take it any further...thanks for playing...pick up your consolation prize on the way out.

That's odd you use the term "race card". That would suggest that I'm the one who introduced the subject of race into this conversation, or perhaps it would mean I've called you out and recognized you as a racist.

I have done neither.
I always get a kick out of hypocrites who are mum when "their" guy does something and whine like a jilted hairdresser when the other guy does it.

The "ew, that's deflection" defense is so lame.
Clau 10373182
The Imperfect Govt then lied about it to one and all.

You are the one telling a lie right there because you failed miserably to make your case. Susan Rice tied the suspected attackers to al Qaeda five days after the attack. Obama called it an act of terror the next day. You cannot rewrite and falsify what they said. You cannot explain why you think those statements are lies.

No government is perfect.

There is no scandal over what went down in Benghazi before or after the tragedy occurred.

If you think Secretary of State Clinton did not care if Ambassador Stevens and his staff and security team lived or died then you are just plain nuts. A hate-filled nut.

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