"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Clay 10373374
Oh another deflection to Bush.

Its not a deflection it is a numerical fact. You claim four Americans were killed due to the incompetence of the State Department failing to provide adequate security which in other words was by an act of ommission.

However we have an act of commission by the President of the US which was the absolute unjustified creation of a deadly situation wherin 4,484 Anericans died and 10x that wounded at a cost of over a trillion dollars and you find no foul no fault with all that.

Its not a deflection to challenge your credibility and ability to engage in rational discourse in light of all facts and the evident historical record.
On September 20, 2012 these two statements were made:

Statement "a"
.... "What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests."

Statement "b"
. "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

I will substitute the word 'terrorists' in place of the word 'extremists' which was used in the first actual quote above:

Statement "c"
.... "What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by 'terrorists' to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests."

Is statement "a" changed in meaning in any significant way by switching one word from extremists to terrorists as shown in statement "c"

Does statement "c" contradict in any way statement "b"?

The statements can be found here;

Romney says Obama waited 14 days to call Libya attack terror PolitiFact
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Show me one investigation led by ANYONE who found the State Department to be blameless for the lapses in security at Benghazi, Faun!

again, guy, big difference between "Could have handled that better" than "Criminal conspiracy to make Obama Look good".

I'm sorry you just don't get this... or don't want to get this.
Joe did dispute the stats. Joe thinks our wars are fought by "brown people" and that whites have sat them out. That's not the case. As a matter of fact until relatively late in the game, our military had policies that prevented blacks from taking part in combat...they had to actually fight for the right to fight for their country.

But when they did, white people got nice cushy positions in the Navy and the National Guard, while the grunt infantry work of fighting the wars-

Brown people.

You know who didn't fight in Vietnam? Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush. Dan Quayle, and heck, just to be fair, Bill Clinton.

YOu know who did? Rev. Jeremiah Wright and a lot of brothers you never heard of.
You must have missed the whole "improvement" of things for blacks in the military, Carla! It's not the 50's or the 60's anymore. Colin Powell? Black guy? In charge of the military? Any of this registering with you?

And that makes a difference for the poor black kid who came back from Iraq missing legs how?
Has it REALLY grown, Carla...or is it used as an excuse by liberals like yourself to pooh pooh criticism of a President who's not very good at his job? The election of Barack Obama proves that things have improved markedly...now we have to reach the point where the criticism of someone like Barack Obama isn't deemed to be "racially motivated" simply because he's black.

The election of Barack Obama has proven that we've made progress.

The insane hatred of the man by racist scumwads like you show we have a long way to go.
When you stoop to playing the race card this early in our little discussion...it doesn't say much for your intellect or debate skills, Carla.

Perhaps it would be better if you declined to take it any further...thanks for playing...pick up your consolation prize on the way out.

Wait a minute. YOU argued that the election of Obama has proven that things have gotten so much better on the racial front.

Carla just pointed out how people on YOUR side have gone absolutely nuts about this black man in the White House

DO I think Obama is a great president? No.

Is he a vast improvement over that lily-white son of privilage, George W. Stupid? Yes.
Clau 10373182
The Imperfect Govt then lied about it to one and all.

You are the one telling a lie right there because you failed miserably to make your case. Susan Rice tied the suspected attackers to al Qaeda five days after the attack. Obama called it an act of terror the next day. You cannot rewrite and falsify what they said. You cannot explain why you think those statements are lies.

No government is perfect.

There is no scandal over what went down in Benghazi before or after the tragedy occurred.

If you think Secretary of State Clinton did not care if Ambassador Stevens and his staff and security team lived or died then you are just plain nuts. A hate-filled nut.

Jeese. Your the same guy who told me AQ wasn't involved. You quoted the NY Slimes.

I quoted you right back with evidence that the attackers had links to AQ.

Mayby you can explain why Rice said the video was the cause of the attack at Benghazi??

Kinda funny that because there were no demonstrations at Benghazi.

Mayby you can explain why it took Rice five days to talk about terrorists attacking Benghazi??

Obama was told by Panetta immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

Perhaps you can explain why Rice was given talking points and told to lie about that video.

Oh there were demonstrations all right. Just none in Benghazi. Just terrorists attacking and killing four men and trying to kill everyone else.

You split hairs like a pro and accuse everyone who doesn't agree with your take on things as a hate filled nut.

You don't seem to have a problem with the lies and I'll bet you could care less about four dead men who died because of the Obama State Departments incompetence. Oh and the State Department was run by Hillary "What Differnece Does It Make" Clinton.
Show me one investigation led by ANYONE who found the State Department to be blameless for the lapses in security at Benghazi, Faun!

again, guy, big difference between "Could have handled that better" than "Criminal conspiracy to make Obama Look good".

I'm sorry you just don't get this... or don't want to get this.

When have I ever said that a "criminal conspiracy" took place? Being an idiot isn't criminal, Joey! If it was you'd be behind bars for your statement that our consulate was attacked by "thousands"!

What I've said all along is that Benghazi is simply one more example of a group of people who don't have a clue what they are doing...basing policy decisions on what they would like reality to be rather than what reality IS!

It's also one more example of that same group of people being willing to deceive the American people in order to get a program they want passed...like the Affordable Care Act...or to blame others for their own fuck ups...like Fast & Furious and Benghazi.

The Obama Administration has been six years of "Amateur Hour" politics by ideologues that are AWFUL at running a country and spend most of their time trying to "make Obama look good"!
When you stoop to playing the race card this early in our little discussion...it doesn't say much for your intellect or debate skills, Carla.

Perhaps it would be better if you declined to take it any further...thanks for playing...pick up your consolation prize on the way out.

Wait a minute. YOU argued that the election of Obama has proven that things have gotten so much better on the racial front.

Carla just pointed out how people on YOUR side have gone absolutely nuts about this black man in the White House

DO I think Obama is a great president? No.

Is he a vast improvement over that lily-white son of privilage, George W. Stupid? Yes.

The election of Barack Obama is about as glaring an example of how things HAVE changed on the racial front as you could possibly come up with.

So why do you attempt to label conservatives as racists when they point out that Barack Obama sucks as a President when even a dyed in the wool liberal like yourself doesn't think he's a great President?
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Joe did dispute the stats. Joe thinks our wars are fought by "brown people" and that whites have sat them out. That's not the case. As a matter of fact until relatively late in the game, our military had policies that prevented blacks from taking part in combat...they had to actually fight for the right to fight for their country.

But when they did, white people got nice cushy positions in the Navy and the National Guard, while the grunt infantry work of fighting the wars-

Brown people.

You know who didn't fight in Vietnam? Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush. Dan Quayle, and heck, just to be fair, Bill Clinton.

YOu know who did? Rev. Jeremiah Wright and a lot of brothers you never heard of.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Joey but did Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Thurgood Marshall or Eric Holder fight in Vietnam either? Just to be "fair" do you think that Barack Obama EVER would have enlisted in the military?

This obviously isn't a black-white thing...it's a social class thing. Those from higher social classes got their asses into college to avoid the draft. That went for both blacks and whites. There was also the question of simple "dumb luck" being involved because of the draft lottery. If you had a low draft lottery number then you were almost guaranteed to be drafted...if you had a high number then you wouldn't be worried. It affected your "choices" dramatically. In the first draft they took the first 195 numbers drawn. If you were in say the 350th slot then you were not worried about the draft and could go on about your life. If you were a low draft lottery number you had to make some very grown up decisions at an early age.

When was it that Jeremiah Wright fought in Vietnam? He was in the Marine Corps for two years before becoming a Navy Corpsman. To the best of my knowledge Wright never stepped foot in Vietnam let alone "fought" there.
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Clay 10373374
Oh another deflection to Bush.

Its not a deflection it is a numerical fact. You claim four Americans were killed due to the incompetence of the State Department failing to provide adequate security which in other words was by an act of ommission.

However we have an act of commission by the President of the US which was the absolute unjustified creation of a deadly situation wherin 4,484 Anericans died and 10x that wounded at a cost of over a trillion dollars and you find no foul no fault with all that.

Its not a deflection to challenge your credibility and ability to engage in rational discourse in light of all facts and the evident historical record.

Oh another deflection to Bush.

Joe did dispute the stats. Joe thinks our wars are fought by "brown people" and that whites have sat them out. That's not the case. As a matter of fact until relatively late in the game, our military had policies that prevented blacks from taking part in combat...they had to actually fight for the right to fight for their country.

But when they did, white people got nice cushy positions in the Navy and the National Guard, while the grunt infantry work of fighting the wars-

Brown people.

You know who didn't fight in Vietnam? Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush. Dan Quayle, and heck, just to be fair, Bill Clinton.

YOu know who did? Rev. Jeremiah Wright and a lot of brothers you never heard of.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Joey but did Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Thurgood Marshall or Eric Holder fight in Vietnam either? Just to be "fair" do you think that Barack Obama EVER would have enlisted in the military?

This obviously isn't a black-white thing...it's a social class thing. Those from higher social classes got their asses into college to avoid the draft. That went for both blacks and whites. There was also the question of simple "dumb luck" being involved because of the draft lottery. If you had a low draft lottery number then you were almost guaranteed to be drafted...if you had a high number then you wouldn't be worried. It affected your "choices" dramatically. In the first draft they took the first 195 numbers drawn. If you were in say the 350th slot then you were not worried about the draft and could go on about your life. If you were a low draft lottery number you had to make some very grown up decisions at an early age.

When was it that Jeremiah Wright fought in Vietnam? He was in the Marine Corps for two years before becoming a Navy Corpsman. To the best of my knowledge Wright never stepped foot in Vietnam let alone "fought" there.

Obama wouldn't last two seconds in the military. Some DI would eat that fuck for breakfast.

Funny how all these idiots have no problem with the lies told by the administration. If it were Bush they's be screaming like stuck pigs. Since its their boy Barry anything goes and everything is okay.
Joe did dispute the stats. Joe thinks our wars are fought by "brown people" and that whites have sat them out. That's not the case. As a matter of fact until relatively late in the game, our military had policies that prevented blacks from taking part in combat...they had to actually fight for the right to fight for their country.

But when they did, white people got nice cushy positions in the Navy and the National Guard, while the grunt infantry work of fighting the wars-

Brown people.

You know who didn't fight in Vietnam? Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush. Dan Quayle, and heck, just to be fair, Bill Clinton.

YOu know who did? Rev. Jeremiah Wright and a lot of brothers you never heard of.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Joey but did Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Thurgood Marshall or Eric Holder fight in Vietnam either? Just to be "fair" do you think that Barack Obama EVER would have enlisted in the military?

This obviously isn't a black-white thing...it's a social class thing. Those from higher social classes got their asses into college to avoid the draft. That went for both blacks and whites. There was also the question of simple "dumb luck" being involved because of the draft lottery. If you had a low draft lottery number then you were almost guaranteed to be drafted...if you had a high number then you wouldn't be worried. It affected your "choices" dramatically. In the first draft they took the first 195 numbers drawn. If you were in say the 350th slot then you were not worried about the draft and could go on about your life. If you were a low draft lottery number you had to make some very grown up decisions at an early age.

When was it that Jeremiah Wright fought in Vietnam? He was in the Marine Corps for two years before becoming a Navy Corpsman. To the best of my knowledge Wright never stepped foot in Vietnam let alone "fought" there.

Obama wouldn't last two seconds in the military. Some DI would eat that fuck for breakfast.

Funny how all these idiots have no problem with the lies told by the administration. If it were Bush they's be screaming like stuck pigs. Since its their boy Barry anything goes and everything is okay.

Oh jeez, now claudette is deflecting to Bush.
Yup. Only this one is exactly what you'd be doing if Bush were POTUS and I'd be right there with you.
Funny how all these idiots have no problem with the lies told by the administration.

The Obama Administration did not lie about anything concerning Benghazi. You are unable to define what you think the lie is. You tried by quoting less than half of Susan Rice's answer to Bob Schieffer's question about al

Republicans like Romney have been telling lies for two years:

The Lie:
MITT ROMNEY: "it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day one - September 12, 2012) "No acts of terrorwill ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day two - September 13, 2012) So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terrorwill go unpunished.

Remarks by the President in Golden CO The White House

The truth:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (day three - September 14, 2012) "As for the ones we lost last night: I want to assure you, we will bring their killers to justice. And we want to send a message all around the world -- anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Las Vegas NV The White House

The truth:
SUSAN RICE: (day five - September 16, 2012) "I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

The truth:
JAY CARNEY speaking for the President to reporters (day nine - September 20, 2012) "It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

We were led to believe by the right wing political media machine that Obama conspired to trick the voting public into believing four Anericans did not die in an act of terror in Benghazi when Obama went public saying it was an act of terror on day one, day two and day three himself.

Then Susan Rice said we were investigating whether the attackers were al Qaeda on day five.

But Jay Carney said it best on day nine:

"It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack

Damn! How profound! What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. A self-evident terrorist attack.

I see Romney's lie Claudette. Where did Obama, Carney and Rice lie? You make no sense as usual with your unsubstantiated bogus claims.

Oldstyle repeats the Romney lie in his own verse but it is not true when you compare it to the actual transcripts of what was said.

OS 10305266
Nor is it a "conspiracy theory" to point out that the Obama White House decided to go with a narrative that it wasn't Al Queda that was behind the attacks that killed those four Americans but that the attacks took place because of a YouTube video.
Of course they lied. Why do you think they sent Rice out to the talk shows talking about demonstrations and an attack at Benghzi.

Panetta told Obama immediately that it was terrorists so you tell me why they even mentioned a demonstration that never occured and didn't immediately tell the American people it was a terrorist attack.

The demostrations were in other areas. Not Benghazi.
Clau 10378597
Of course they lied. Why do you think they sent Rice out to the talk shows talking about demonstrations and an attack at Benghzi.

There were both demonstrations and an attack at Benghazi. Talking about both in the same interview is not a lie. How in the world do you think it is?

And Rice talked about extremists in all of the shows with the exception of Candy Crowley's interview, Crowley asked Rice specifically about the many protests over the video. She did not ask about Benghazi. How did Rice lie by answering the question truthfully that was asked of her.
Of course they lied. Why do you think they sent Rice out to the talk shows talking about demonstrations and an attack at Benghzi.

Panetta told Obama immediately that it was terrorists so you tell me why they even mentioned a demonstration that never occured and didn't immediately tell the American people it was a terrorist attack.

The demostrations were in other areas. Not Benghazi.

slobber slobber slobber, droooooooooooooooooooooooool.


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