"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Trey Gowdy admits his investigation is just going to go over ground that's already been plowed:

Trey Gowdy, the head of a House special committee on Benghazi, has said he will press ahead with his investigation–despite the findings of a different committee supposedly debunking conspiracies surrounding the Benghazi incident.
Gowdy said on a hearing Wednesday: “We may answer some [questions] more than once. I would rather answer a question twice than risk not answering it at all. That would seem a rather small investment.”

Read more at What The Bulldog Trey Gowdy Just Said About Benghazi Could Mean The End For Obama
Clau 10371126
And this is from the Senate Hearing.
A comprehensive report by the Senate Intelligence Committee definitively declared that individuals tied to Al Qaeda groups were involved in the Benghazi attack, challenging recent claims that the terror network was not a factor.

What 'recent' claims were being challenged? We know that Susan Rice did not state on the Sunday Shows that al Qaeda was not a factor.

We know from that Senate report that core leadership from AQ was not involved in planning and premeditating the attack. So can quit suffering from that delusion if you are granting credibility to the report you have linked.

Or is cherry picking reports going to continue to be your style?
Right, did you read your data? It shows that the active duty military is more white than the population at large.

Which wasn't my point, but explaining it to you again would be kind of a waste of time.

Your "point" was that "brown" people fight our wars. As usual you were wrong which Kaz pointed out. How many things do you think you can get totally wrong in one string, Joey?

Brown people don't fight our wars? Wow, that's news to me.

Aren't those brown people in the photos below?



Joey's claim was that we only send "brown people" to fight our wars. In the picture you provided do you see white faces? Joey doesn't think they exist.

I doubt he said that.
Clau 10371126
And this is from the Senate Hearing.
A comprehensive report by the Senate Intelligence Committee definitively declared that individuals tied to Al Qaeda groups were involved in the Benghazi attack, challenging recent claims that the terror network was not a factor.

What 'recent' claims were being challenged? We know that Susan Rice did not state on the Sunday Shows that al Qaeda was not a factor.

We know from that Senate report that core leadership from AQ was not involved in planning and premeditating the attack. So can quit suffering from that delusion if you are granting credibility to the report you have linked.

Or is cherry picking reports going to continue to be your style?


Jeeze. I'm tired of talking with you idiots. You will believe precisely what you wish to believe and thats all.

Have fun in your dream world. Jeeze. What fucking blind idiots your truly are.
Right, did you read your data? It shows that the active duty military is more white than the population at large.

Which wasn't my point, but explaining it to you again would be kind of a waste of time.

Your "point" was that "brown" people fight our wars. As usual you were wrong which Kaz pointed out. How many things do you think you can get totally wrong in one string, Joey?

Brown people don't fight our wars? Wow, that's news to me.

Aren't those brown people in the photos below?



So you have photos of a mixed race military crowd. That means as Joe said "brown people" are fighting our wars. That's more important that stats that the military is whiter than the rest of the country. Got it.Did you write that post for the purpose of showing what an idiot you are, because wow, you did a great job of it.

My bad. We just grabbed these men for a photo op. :D They don't fight our wars!




Clau 10371126
And this is from the Senate Hearing.
A comprehensive report by the Senate Intelligence Committee definitively declared that individuals tied to Al Qaeda groups were involved in the Benghazi attack, challenging recent claims that the terror network was not a factor.

What 'recent' claims were being challenged? We know that Susan Rice did not state on the Sunday Shows that al Qaeda was not a factor.

We know from that Senate report that core leadership from AQ was not involved in planning and premeditating the attack. So can quit suffering from that delusion if you are granting credibility to the report you have linked.

Or is cherry picking reports going to continue to be your style?


Jeeze. I'm tired of talking with you idiots. You will believe precisely what you wish to believe and thats all.

Have fun in your dream world. Jeeze. What fucking blind idiots your truly are.
We're quoting GOP-led investigations. Wouldn't that make the GOP the fucking blind idiots?
Right, did you read your data? It shows that the active duty military is more white than the population at large.

Which wasn't my point, but explaining it to you again would be kind of a waste of time.

Your "point" was that "brown" people fight our wars. As usual you were wrong which Kaz pointed out. How many things do you think you can get totally wrong in one string, Joey?

Brown people don't fight our wars? Wow, that's news to me.

Aren't those brown people in the photos below?



So you have photos of a mixed race military crowd. That means as Joe said "brown people" are fighting our wars. That's more important that stats that the military is whiter than the rest of the country. Got it.Did you write that post for the purpose of showing what an idiot you are, because wow, you did a great job of it.

My bad. We just grabbed these men for a photo op. :D They don't fight our wars!


View attachment 35092



I don't know how to break this to you, Carla...but posting a picture from the Civil War to prove that more blacks fight our wars than whites is about as ignorant as it gets. Yes, a very few blacks DID fight in the Civil War...one of my ancestors was a white officer commanding a black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts...but overwhelmingly that war was fought by whites.
And the middle picture seems to be the Black Panthers from back in the day. You think that the Panthers were the military? Wow...now that's clueless!
Which wasn't my point, but explaining it to you again would be kind of a waste of time.

Your "point" was that "brown" people fight our wars. As usual you were wrong which Kaz pointed out. How many things do you think you can get totally wrong in one string, Joey?

Brown people don't fight our wars? Wow, that's news to me.

Aren't those brown people in the photos below?



So you have photos of a mixed race military crowd. That means as Joe said "brown people" are fighting our wars. That's more important that stats that the military is whiter than the rest of the country. Got it.Did you write that post for the purpose of showing what an idiot you are, because wow, you did a great job of it.

My bad. We just grabbed these men for a photo op. :D They don't fight our wars!


View attachment 35092



I don't know how to break this to you, Carla...but posting a picture from the Civil War to prove that more blacks fight our wars than whites is about as ignorant as it gets. Yes, a very few blacks DID fight in the Civil War...one of my ancestors was a white officer commanding a black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts...but overwhelmingly that war was fought by whites.

I never said "more" blacks fight our wars. I'm not even disputing the stats. I'm simply pointing out that they have and do fight our wars. Now, if you want to improve the participation rate, we might consider not treating them as 2nd class citizens. Just a thought...
Clau 10371126
And this is from the Senate Hearing.
A comprehensive report by the Senate Intelligence Committee definitively declared that individuals tied to Al Qaeda groups were involved in the Benghazi attack, challenging recent claims that the terror network was not a factor.

What 'recent' claims were being challenged? We know that Susan Rice did not state on the Sunday Shows that al Qaeda was not a factor.

We know from that Senate report that core leadership from AQ was not involved in planning and premeditating the attack. So can quit suffering from that delusion if you are granting credibility to the report you have linked.

Or is cherry picking reports going to continue to be your style?


Jeeze. I'm tired of talking with you idiots. You will believe precisely what you wish to believe and thats all.

Have fun in your dream world. Jeeze. What fucking blind idiots your truly are.
We're quoting GOP-led investigations. Wouldn't that make the GOP the fucking blind idiots?

Show me one investigation led by ANYONE who found the State Department to be blameless for the lapses in security at Benghazi, Faun! They concluded that the intelligence community did their jobs...they concluded that the military did what it was told to do...but where did they ever say "the State Department's policies regarding diplomatic security in Libya were sound." I'd like to see that.

I can show you where multiple investigations DIDN'T reach that conclusion! I can show you where multiple investigations ended up giving the State Department a failing grade for their policy in regards to diplomatic security.
Your "point" was that "brown" people fight our wars. As usual you were wrong which Kaz pointed out. How many things do you think you can get totally wrong in one string, Joey?

Brown people don't fight our wars? Wow, that's news to me.

Aren't those brown people in the photos below?



So you have photos of a mixed race military crowd. That means as Joe said "brown people" are fighting our wars. That's more important that stats that the military is whiter than the rest of the country. Got it.Did you write that post for the purpose of showing what an idiot you are, because wow, you did a great job of it.

My bad. We just grabbed these men for a photo op. :D They don't fight our wars!


View attachment 35092



I don't know how to break this to you, Carla...but posting a picture from the Civil War to prove that more blacks fight our wars than whites is about as ignorant as it gets. Yes, a very few blacks DID fight in the Civil War...one of my ancestors was a white officer commanding a black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts...but overwhelmingly that war was fought by whites.

I never said "more" blacks fight our wars. I'm not even disputing the stats. I'm simply pointing out that they have and do fight our wars. Now, if you want to improve the participation rate, we might consider not treating them as 2nd class citizens. Just a thought...

Joe did dispute the stats. Joe thinks our wars are fought by "brown people" and that whites have sat them out. That's not the case. As a matter of fact until relatively late in the game, our military had policies that prevented blacks from taking part in combat...they had to actually fight for the right to fight for their country.
And what was with the Black Panther picture, Carla? You just wake up? Need that first cup of coffee before you can see straight?
And the middle picture seems to be the Black Panthers from back in the day. You think that the Panthers were the military? Wow...now that's clueless!

I added that photo for a reason.

"No Vietnamese Ever Called Me N#gger"

From the beginning of the war, Black soldiers-and soldiers of other oppressed nationalities-were routinely given the most dangerous combat assignments, the harshest punishments, and subjected to constant racist abuse by officers, NCOs, and backward whites in the enlisted ranks. Before 1966 Blacks accounted for over 20 percent of U.S. combat casualties in Vietnam. Officially the figure dropped to between 11 and 13 percent after this.

Revolt of Black GIs
And what was with the Black Panther picture, Carla? You just wake up? Need that first cup of coffee before you can see straight?

How about if you have a cup of coffee while you contemplate why the Black Panthers protested participating in "our" war.

"No Vietnamese Ever Called Me N#gger"
So run that whole concept by me again, Carla...

You include the Black Panthers in the photo montage of blacks in the military because the Panthers protested against fighting a "white man's war"?

I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the correlation there...
I know people tend to go off on tangents here but that one was a doozy.
So run that whole concept by me again, Carla...

You include the Black Panthers in the photo montage of blacks in the military because the Panthers protested against fighting a "white man's war"?

I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the correlation there...
I know people tend to go off on tangents here but that one was a doozy.

Okay, I'll try to type this a little slower this time.

If y o u w a n t t o i m p r o v e t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n r a t e w i t h
t h e "b r o w n" p e o p l e, s t o p t r e a t i n g t h e m l i k e 2 nd
c l a s s c i t i z e n s.
And when you're citing "The Revolutionary Worker" as a source...I'm going to take what you tell me with a HUGE grain of salt.
You must have missed the whole "improvement" of things for blacks in the military, Carla! It's not the 50's or the 60's anymore. Colin Powell? Black guy? In charge of the military? Any of this registering with you?

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