Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign

You can keep on defending your serial grouper and serial adulterer.

I absolutely will keep defending the greatest American president in history. Just as you will keep defending the creepy man and his pedo-party, losing the little credibility you had in the process.

So let me ask you, do you think the Potus is above the law and do you want an Emperor Tramp??

At this point with deranged democrats running around destroying our country, YES.

They spent 30 million searching for any criminal activity by Trump. They found nothing.

They should have spent three dollars on finding out why Trump won. It's because people are tired of democrats selling their country out, the same as in UK. The information is available for free.


I take it you didn't read the Mueller report.

You believe that there is a "conspiracy" trying to cover for Trump?
You can keep on defending your serial grouper and serial adulterer.

I absolutely will keep defending the greatest American president in history. Just as you will keep defending the creepy man and his pedo-party, losing the little credibility you had in the process.

So let me ask you, do you think the Potus is above the law and do you want an Emperor Tramp??

At this point with deranged democrats running around destroying our country, YES.

They spent 30 million searching for any criminal activity by Trump. They found nothing.

They should have spent three dollars on finding out why Trump won. It's because people are tired of democrats selling their country out, the same as in UK. The information is available for free.


I take it you didn't read the Mueller report.

The Mueller Report said there was no Collusion between President Trump and Uncle Pooty.
You can keep on defending your serial grouper and serial adulterer.

I absolutely will keep defending the greatest American president in history. Just as you will keep defending the creepy man and his pedo-party, losing the little credibility you had in the process.

So let me ask you, do you think the Potus is above the law and do you want an Emperor Tramp??

At this point with deranged democrats running around destroying our country, YES.

They spent 30 million searching for any criminal activity by Trump. They found nothing.

They should have spent three dollars on finding out why Trump won. It's because people are tired of democrats selling their country out, the same as in UK. The information is available for free.


I take it you didn't read the Mueller report.

The one that found nothing wrong done by Trump. Which is why there was no indictment.

Trump owned your ass, and keeps owning it. In this case it does not take 4D chess prowess, you just let him do it.
You can keep on defending your serial grouper and serial adulterer.

I absolutely will keep defending the greatest American president in history. Just as you will keep defending the creepy man and his pedo-party, losing the little credibility you had in the process.

So let me ask you, do you think the Potus is above the law and do you want an Emperor Tramp??

At this point with deranged democrats running around destroying our country, YES.

They spent 30 million searching for any criminal activity by Trump. They found nothing.

They should have spent three dollars on finding out why Trump won. It's because people are tired of democrats selling their country out, the same as in UK. The information is available for free.


I take it you didn't read the Mueller report.

Name one single thing that came out of the Mueller report, that had anything to do with the impeachment.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.
False flag operation.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

"Republicans for the Rule of Law"? The RINOs and Never-Trumpers have their own organization now?

Funny name though.

So you believe the Potus is above the law, and you want a Monarchy, Emperor Tramp?
What law?
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

You "fiscal conservatives" didn't seem to be concerned with a "financial mess" while Obama was spending $10 trillion. So now all of a sudden it's a big deal?


When Obama took office, the USA was involved in two very expensive wars being run off the books, a domestic economy which was shedding 500,000 jobs per month, and a world economy verging on collapse because of American bankers selling mortgage derrivatives to the world. At the point when Obama took over, bailing out both the American banking industry, and the auto industry, and putting the wars on the books so the American people could see exactly where they stand, deficit spending was required both for income support for suddenly out of work Americans, but to kick start domestic jobs and spending in infrastructure. Throughout his Presidency, Obama cut spending, cut the size of government, and left office with a projected deficit for his final fiscal year of less than $1 billion. All of the things conservatives say they want.

Three out of the last 4 Republicans Presidents have been anything BUT fiscal conservatives. Reagan, Bush II, and Trump have both cut taxes and ballooned the deficit. A fiscal conservative would wait for a surplus before cutting taxes. And a fiscal conservative wouldn't be spending $500 billion on military equipment and hardware while pulling out of all foreign wars and bringing the troops home.

A fiscal conservative would be spending American tax dollars in the United States on infrastructure, education and health care for ALL of the people because those investments will pay dividends to the country for generations to come.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.
False flag operation.

Exactly. The fact that these "Republicans for the Rule of Law" people have no actual plan to implement their supposed "Republicanism" is a demonstration that the whole thing is a sham. They should be competing in the primary, offering an alternative to the frank Marxism of a Sleepy Joe or a Sleazy Petey, instead of just being negative and defeatist.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

You "fiscal conservatives" didn't seem to be concerned with a "financial mess" while Obama was spending $10 trillion. So now all of a sudden it's a big deal?


When Obama took office, the USA was involved in two very expensive wars being run off the books, a domestic economy which was shedding 500,000 jobs per month, and a world economy verging on collapse because of American bankers selling mortgage derrivatives to the world. At the point when Obama took over, bailing out both the American banking industry, and the auto industry, and putting the wars on the books so the American people could see exactly where they stand, deficit spending was required both for income support for suddenly out of work Americans, but to kick start domestic jobs and spending in infrastructure. Throughout his Presidency, Obama cut spending, cut the size of government, and left office with a projected deficit for his final fiscal year of less than $1 billion. All of the things conservatives say they want.

Three out of the last 4 Republicans Presidents have been anything BUT fiscal conservatives. Reagan, Bush II, and Trump have both cut taxes and ballooned the deficit. A fiscal conservative would wait for a surplus before cutting taxes. And a fiscal conservative wouldn't be spending $500 billion on military equipment and hardware while pulling out of all foreign wars and bringing the troops home.

A fiscal conservative would be spending American tax dollars in the United States on infrastructure, education and health care for ALL of the people because those investments will pay dividends to the country for generations to come.

Can't you just stick to telling Canadians what the definition of fiscal conservative is?

Smarter people are trying to have a discussion here and are tired of you trying to invert the definitions of simple words, acting like a retarded person. It's as if someone let loose a monkey who is determined to take a shit on the discussion table.
Last edited:
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

"Republicans for the Rule of Law"? The RINOs and Never-Trumpers have their own organization now?

Funny name though.

So you believe the Potus is above the law, and you want a Monarchy, Emperor Tramp?
What law?

You know....that law....

"Thou shalt not rustle the jimmies of a liberal..."
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

"Republicans for the Rule of Law"? The RINOs and Never-Trumpers have their own organization now?

Funny name though.

So you believe the Potus is above the law, and you want a Monarchy, Emperor Tramp?
What law?

You know....that law....

"Thou shalt not rustle the jimmies of a liberal..."

Uncovering democrat crime is a crime.

That's why they are indicting him.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

So what is Pelosi doing in the House to negotiate with Senate Majority Leadrr McConnell to divert from this possible scenario?

Oh, Impeachment is the word...

Also you are not Fiscal Conservative and I will add to another lie like your claiming Pelosi is respected by those like Cortez...
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

So what is Pelosi doing in the House to negotiate with Senate Majority Leadrr McConnell to divert from this possible scenario?

Oh, Impeachment is the word...

Also you are not Fiscal Conservative and I will add to another lie like your claiming Pelosi is respected by those like Cortez...
Dragon Lady claims to be a fiscal conservative? ROFL! That's the whopper of the year. She's a fucking communist.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

So what is Pelosi doing in the House to negotiate with Senate Majority Leadrr McConnell to divert from this possible scenario?

Oh, Impeachment is the word...

Also you are not Fiscal Conservative and I will add to another lie like your claiming Pelosi is respected by those like Cortez...
Dragon Lady claims to be a fiscal conservative? ROFL! That's the whopper of the year. She's a fucking communist.

She wrote it and it is hilarious to read...

She also claimed a few days back that Cortez looks up to Pelosi and respect Pelosi...

Damn, some crazy nonsense...
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

"Republicans for the Rule of Law"? The RINOs and Never-Trumpers have their own organization now?

Funny name though.

So you believe the Potus is above the law, and you want a Monarchy, Emperor Tramp?
What law?

Overview. Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches.
Separation of powers | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information ... › wex › separation_of_powers
it has got blurred, and the AG is in Tramps pocket and republicans as well.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

Like me but I am a social and fiscal conservative. I agree with your post. Tramp is going to run us into the ground but the wealthy are going to be just fine.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

Like me but I am a social and fiscal conservative. I agree with your post. Tramp is going to run us into the ground but the wealthy are going to be just fine.

Since when have you ever been a fiscal liberal?

If you were you would not vote for any of the Democratic Leading Candidates except maybe Bloomberg...

And if you support Abortion and Women rights you are not a social Conservative either...
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

"Republicans for the Rule of Law"? The RINOs and Never-Trumpers have their own organization now?

Funny name though.

So you believe the Potus is above the law, and you want a Monarchy, Emperor Tramp?
What law?

Overview. Separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known as the system of checks and balances, because each branch is given certain powers so as to check and balance the other branches.
Separation of powers | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information ... › wex › separation_of_powers
it has got blurred, and the AG is in Tramps pocket and republicans as well.
The AG is part of the executive branch, dumbass. Trump is his boss. Even if he was in Trump's pocket, that wouldn't be a violation of separation of powers. Furthermore, there is no law called "separation of powers." It's the philosophy that guided the writing of the Constitution, not a law.

You haven't named any law that Trump violated. However, Schiff violated a few of them.
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

Like me but I am a social and fiscal conservative. I agree with your post. Tramp is going to run us into the ground but the wealthy are going to be just fine.
You're a hardcore leftwinger.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Conservative organization Republicans for the Rule of Law released a new digital billboard campaign Wednesday blasting President Trump and several GOP lawmakers and officials over the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

“The president doesn’t own the government and he’s not above the law,” Republicans for the Rule of Law spokesman Chris Truax said in a statement to The Hill. “He’s merely a caretaker acting on our behalf and when Congress demands an accounting, it’s the President’s duty to comply.”

Conservative group hits White House with billboard ads: 'What is Trump hiding?'
its about time some cons stand up to tramp.

If you are going to point to Trump Obstruction of Congress then yes the Democrats in the House have an argument but in the end Trump will walk away from this more emboldened than even before if that is even possible.

Not all Conservatives agree with Trump and if you for one moment believe Trump is a beacon of True fiscal or even social Conservatism then you are naive as can be.

So many of us Fiscal Conservatives Libertarians can not stand the putz but your alternative on the left are just as pathetic...

The alternatives on the left aren't cozying up to despots and dictators and running with their playbook, to destroy the institutions of law and order in the USA.

As a fiscal conservative I'm far more concerned with his financial mess. When the inevitable recession comes, the government can't cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate a recovery.

Like me but I am a social and fiscal conservative. I agree with your post. Tramp is going to run us into the ground but the wealthy are going to be just fine.

Since when have you ever been a fiscal liberal?

If you were you would not vote for any of the Democratic Leading Candidates except maybe Bloomberg...

And if you support Abortion and Women rights you are not a social Conservative either...

Yes I think everyone is equal no matter how much money they have. and one thing I hate is the rich don't have to pay taxes. Like Tramp! and his kids.

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