Republicans For The Rule Of Law


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Here are some republicans who don't seem to agree with the Trump cult members here.

Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.
Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Or you can't face the fact that Trump isn't a criminal and that he did indeed defeat Shrillary in 2016.
If the Hysterical Dem House thought they had the evidence to impeach they would have months ago but are playing with the heads of their even more hysterical lemmings (you) because they haven't the cojones to admit they have been lying to you for the last 31 months.
No matter. Trump will still be POTUS when next we vote and for another term thereafter. Tough noogies.
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Bush bootlickers against Trump...

Impeachment has to start in the House if the left truly believes that the Mueller report proves obstruction and is grounds for impeachment then start the proceedings and make your case. Put up or shut up shit or get off the pot.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached.

On what charge exactly?

Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Yea, maybe Trump deserves to be impeached, and maybe BO deserves to be in jail over the whole Spygate episode. We may never know.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!

Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!


And this is supposed to prove Trump is not a racist?

It doesn't.

Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica

Now stay on topic.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Yea, maybe Trump deserves to be impeached, and maybe BO deserves to be in jail over the whole Spygate episode. We may never know.

The was no spygate.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!


And this is supposed to prove Trump is not a racist?

It doesn't.

Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica

Now stay on topic.
Yes, you are a racist black and know nothing about Trump

Trump announced that he signed the First Step Act into law. This new law gives nonviolent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Trump introduced Matthew Charles. In 1996, 30-year-old Matthew was sentenced to 35 years in prison for drug-related offenses. Over 20 years, Matthew completed 30 Bible studies, became a law clerk, and mentored many of his fellow inmates. Matthew Charles, a black man, is the first person released under Trump's First Step Act.

Alice Johnson freed after Trump grants clemency plea - BBC News -
Jun 7, 2018 · A 63-year-old grandmother jailed in 1996 on a non-violent drug charge has been released from prison after she was granted


Trump signs executive order on black colleges | ...
Feb 28, 2017 · HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump's actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!


And this is supposed to prove Trump is not a racist?

It doesn't.

Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica

Now stay on topic.
Yes, you are a racist black and know nothing about Trump

Trump announced that he signed the First Step Act into law. This new law gives nonviolent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Trump introduced Matthew Charles. In 1996, 30-year-old Matthew was sentenced to 35 years in prison for drug-related offenses. Over 20 years, Matthew completed 30 Bible studies, became a law clerk, and mentored many of his fellow inmates. Matthew Charles, a black man, is the first person released under Trump's First Step Act.

Alice Johnson freed after Trump grants clemency plea - BBC News -
Jun 7, 2018 · A 63-year-old grandmother jailed in 1996 on a non-violent drug charge has been released from prison after she was granted


Trump signs executive order on black colleges | ...
Feb 28, 2017 · HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump's actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in

It doesn't really matter what Trump does or doesn't do. Democrats NEED him to be a racist and he WILL be portrayed as one no matter what he does by the media. If he does something good, you can bet they will not cover it ever but they will spin everything else as racist to create as many IM2s as they can.... they have a damn election to win and thats always the priority. Always the same rhetoric evry election cycle.
Here are some republicans who don't seem to agree with the Trump cult members here.

How nice. Like Obama and Clinton, it seems every administration has its scandals. Funny how like McCain, just as soon as some old GOPers turn against their party, their word is suddenly GOOD AS GOLD. Thing is I spent the past week watching a 4 part analysis of the Obstruction charges over a four day period on public television (hardly Trump supporters) and about a third of the obstruction POSSIBLES were thrown out by Mueller himself as specious, another third were very weak and tenuous at best, and the best remaining third revolved only around the fact that Trump didn't like the idea of Mueller heading the investigation and wanted someone to replace him he believed would be fair because Mueller had been turned down over replacing Comey (his bud), and Trump and Mueller already had bad blood over some fees at one of Trump's golf resorts, which Mueller himself SHOULD have recused himself over for conflict of interest ---- but DIDN'T.

So the the STRONGEST case of obstruction hinges around Trump simply wanting someone other than Mueller in a case where Trump knew he was innocent of the collusion charges and was found innocent anyway and which Mueller went through with it all and nothing about the investigation was ultimately obstructed in a case where had Mueller BEEN replaced, it wouldn't have changed a damned thing!

And Trump's fears about Mueller seemed proven in the end.

So in effect, when critically examined, the DNC's strongest case against Trump is that he should be impeached for not being happy about an investigation that was fully politically motivated to remove him that they now want to remove him anyway for being found innocent in. Obstruction? Had Trump gone off and played golf for the past two years, the outcome would have been 100% innocent! Trump's BIGGEST CRIME is that he didn't want the early years of his administration tied up in and lost to an investigation he knew he was innocent of!

If the idiots on the Left think that makes a case for impeaching a president, especially one that is doing good things on nearly every front for the country, they will be laughed out of the halls of Justice and I wish to extend a big THANK YOU to them for ensuring Trump's reelection.

And if it IS enough to get an impeachment against a president well, looks like Obama dodged about FORTY-FIVE impeachment-worthy acts during his 8 years in office. Just too bad the GOP weren't as big flaming dickwad buttholes (but then, impeaching Obama would have been decried as simply "racist" anyway).

Sorry, Ace, Trump is staying in office.

Now send us Joe Biden so Trump can go through him like a Rottweiler with a chew toy.
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Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!


And this is supposed to prove Trump is not a racist?

It doesn't.

Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica

Now stay on topic.
Yes, you are a racist black and know nothing about Trump

Trump announced that he signed the First Step Act into law. This new law gives nonviolent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Trump introduced Matthew Charles. In 1996, 30-year-old Matthew was sentenced to 35 years in prison for drug-related offenses. Over 20 years, Matthew completed 30 Bible studies, became a law clerk, and mentored many of his fellow inmates. Matthew Charles, a black man, is the first person released under Trump's First Step Act.

Alice Johnson freed after Trump grants clemency plea - BBC News -
Jun 7, 2018 · A 63-year-old grandmother jailed in 1996 on a non-violent drug charge has been released from prison after she was granted


Trump signs executive order on black colleges | ...
Feb 28, 2017 · HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump's actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in

It doesn't really matter what Trump does or doesn't do. Democrats NEED him to be a racist and he WILL be portrayed as one no matter what he does by the media. If he does something good, you can bet they will not cover it ever but they will spin everything else as racist to create as many IM2s as they can.... they have a damn election to win and thats always the priority. Always the same rhetoric evry election cycle.

You must be out of your mind.
Here are some republicans who don't seem to agree with the Trump cult members here.

How nice. Like Obama and Clinton, it seems every administration has its scandals. Funny how like McCain, just as soon as some old GOPers turn against their party, their word is suddenly GOOD AS GOLD. Thing is I spent the past week watching a 4 part analysis of the Obstruction charges over a four day period on public television (hardly Trump supporters) and about a third of the obstruction POSSIBLES were thrown out by Mueller himself as specious, another third were very weak and tenuous at best, and the best remaining third revolved only around the fact that Trump didn't like the idea of Mueller heading the investigation and wanted someone to replace him he believed would be fair because Mueller had been turned down over replacing Comey (his bud), and Trump and Mueller already had bad blood over some fees at one of Trump's golf resorts, which Mueller himself SHOULD have recused himself over for conflict of interest ---- but DIDN'T.

So the the STRONGEST case of obstruction hinges around Trump simply wanting someone other than Mueller in a case where Trump knew he was innocent of the collusion charges and was found innocent anyway and which Mueller went through with it all and nothing about the investigation was ultimately obstructed in a case where had Mueller BEEN replaced, it wouldn't have changed a damned thing!

And Trump's fears about Mueller seemed proven in the end.

So in effect, when critically examined, the DNC's strongest case against Trump is that he should be impeached for not being happy about an investigation that was fully politically motivated to remove him that they now want to remove him anyway for being found innocent in. Obstruction? Had Trump gone off and played golf for the past two years, the outcome would have been 100% innocent! Trump's BIGGEST CRIME is that he didn't want the early years of his administration tied up in and lost to an investigation he knew he was innocent of!

If the idiots on the Left think that makes a case for impeaching a president, especially one that is doing good things on nearly every front for the country, they will be laughed out of the halls of Justice and I wish to extend a big THANK YOU to them for ensuring Trump's reelection.

And if it IS enough to get an impeachment against a president well, looks like Obama dodged about FORTY-FIVE impeachment-worthy acts during his 8 years in office. Just too bad the GOP weren't as big flaming dickwad buttholes (but then, impeaching Obama would have been decried as simply "racist" anyway).

Sorry, Ace, Trump is staying in office.

Now send us Joe Biden so Trump can go through him like a Rottweiler with a chew toy.

Obama didn't have a scandal, Obama didn't dodge anything and Trump has simply committed impeachable offenses. Republicans investigated him. Yet you Trump fellatio artists continue repeating the lie Trump tells you about this being a partisan witch hunt. James Comey helped Trump get elected when he re open a case he had closed on Clinton, but Trump tells you he's bad and you stupid ass lemmings head right off the cliff.

Trump will lose the next election. You guys are about to learn a real hard lesson for your support of lies.
Obama didn't have a scandal,

You really are quite the HORSE'S ASS aren't you? Do you even fucking know what day of the week it is?

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency | Breitbart

Does any of that even cover the 3 or 4 times he was slapped down by the Supreme Court for exceeding his authority under the Constitution?

SCOTUS strikes appointments

Supreme Court Slaps Down the Obama Administration | RealClearPolitics

But... yeah... it's TRUMP who needs impeached, right?
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