Republicans For The Rule Of Law

Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Yea, maybe Trump deserves to be impeached, and maybe BO deserves to be in jail over the whole Spygate episode. We may never know.

The was no spygate.

Do you mind if I make up my mind after Barr gets done with his investigation? I’m sure none of the apparent unscrupulous things associated with the Russian collusion investigation bothers you, but some of us are actually interested in knowing if the Steel Dossier et al were as phony as some evidence suggest.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Your hatred and anger all-things Trump has blinded any logic you may have. Trump is only a criminal in your mind. What laws did he break besides enforcing existing US Laws?

He has obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses and participated in witnesses tampering. Your wish for white power has blinded your mind to both logic and reality. Trump was found guilty of fraud before he took office. He is individual one in a case that has sent one man already to prison. Trump is a criminal.
Whitey is out to get you and Donald Trump is their corrupt leader. Black people are always victims and Al Sharpton is a great man who only has the best interests of Black people at heart. Does that about sum it up IM2?
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Your hatred and anger all-things Trump has blinded any logic you may have. Trump is only a criminal in your mind. What laws did he break besides enforcing existing US Laws?

He has obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses and participated in witnesses tampering. Your wish for white power has blinded your mind to both logic and reality. Trump was found guilty of fraud before he took office. He is individual one in a case that has sent one man already to prison. Trump is a criminal.

Well you sure are good a reciting MSLSD's talking points, what witness did he tamper with? Come on child, be specific.

Brietbart is fake news
Prove it.

and Obama did not exceed his authority nearly in the way Trump has.
Much, much worse. Had he been white and a Republican, he would have been impeached.
Tell us where Trump has "exceeded his constitutional authority." I need a good laugh.
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.

Of course he is, just ask you
Republicans for preservation of the "Good Ol Boys' club. Career politicians who pretend to work for their voters during election year.

Whatever. You just can't face the fact that Trump is a criminal who needs to be impeached. Because if these same people were saying no collusion you would not make this excuse.
Dont forget Trump is a dumb cuck!


And this is supposed to prove Trump is not a racist?

It doesn't.

Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
President Trump's First Year Was an Affront to Civil Rights
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica

Now stay on topic.
Yes, you are a racist black and know nothing about Trump

Trump announced that he signed the First Step Act into law. This new law gives nonviolent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Trump introduced Matthew Charles. In 1996, 30-year-old Matthew was sentenced to 35 years in prison for drug-related offenses. Over 20 years, Matthew completed 30 Bible studies, became a law clerk, and mentored many of his fellow inmates. Matthew Charles, a black man, is the first person released under Trump's First Step Act.

Alice Johnson freed after Trump grants clemency plea - BBC News -
Jun 7, 2018 · A 63-year-old grandmother jailed in 1996 on a non-violent drug charge has been released from prison after she was granted


Trump signs executive order on black colleges | ...
Feb 28, 2017 · HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump's actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in

Funny how he was called that when he did what he did to thr CP 5 and for hisbirtherism.

Not to forget he was sued by the DOJ for racist housing practices.

Certainly a white racist like yourself wants to point out 2-3 things Trump has done trying to tell somebody black how he is not a racist. The problem with that is you practice racism, therefore your ultimate goal is to try making people believe it doesn't happen so you can keep doing it. But you see froggy, Trump has appointed over 100 right wing racist judges to federal courts. He IS a racist.

ALL whites are racist, just ask you
Here's Trump with several colored folks having a grand ole time. I'm sure you recognize them!



Trump has appointed over 100 right wing racist judges to federal courts.
Well he had to in order for them to keep you type savages in place when y'all break the law.

According to almost every crime statistic, whites are the savages.
Whites aren't savages. We're your Masters. Always have been. Always will.
The internet allows little white boys to be brave.

Too funny, as I remember it you refused to meet and threatened me with the police for inviting you to do so.
Yes you're quite the internet bad ass kid.

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