Republicans gear up in "War on Christmas"

Well, Ihope, we celebrate Bastille Day too. And St. Patrick's Day. We even celeberate the farce that is Columbus Day (though not a day of independence).

Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.
Well, Ihope, we celebrate Bastille Day too. And St. Patrick's Day. We even celeberate the farce that is Columbus Day (though not a day of independence).

Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.

I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.
[I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?/QUOTE]

No, as I pointed out above, hundreds of cultures have significant holidays that center around the solstice this time of year. "Happy Holidays" is used to include any and all of those plus New Year's. If you want Jesus on everything, go to a Xtian store and leave the rest of us alone.

Besides, wasn't Jesus' real birthday thought to be in March or June? If he existed, that is...
PS... saying "Merry Christmas" to a liberal doesn't piss them off. They don't think a thing about it. And truly, could give a damn less. The only ones that get bent out of shape about this nonsense is you "christians". Again, you want nothing but "Christ" in Xmas, go to a Christian store. What is so hard about that???
Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.

I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.

Fail. Nothing you said had anything to do with changing the name of the Christmas holiday. A company making a business decision about employee actions is not an infringement of any right. If I don't like my company's dress policy, I don't have to work for them. I exercise my "right" with my feet.
Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.

I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.

They actually have a picture of Jesus on the cards? Not Santa? Not a decorated pine tree? Not a candy cane? yet you object to them saying Happy Holidays? Which celebrates the birth of Christ more a card that says happy holidays but has a picture of Jesus on it or a card that says Merry Christmas but has a picture of a fat guy in a red suit in a sleigh in the snow?
The BIG question:

Would Jesus approve of all this bullshit that gets whined about in his name?
Would any rational person approve of haters just stirring up trouble, because they can?

Officials in one northern New Jersey community say their holiday display will remain despite objections from a student secular group that it's unconstitutional.

Montville Township Administrator Frank Bastone said officials in the community of 20,000 about 20 miles northwest of Newark discussed the matter with their legal counsel Monday night.The display outside the municipal building features a Nativity scene, a Menorah and five wire reindeer with lights.

David Iacovielli, president of the Society of American Youth Secularists at William Paterson University, asked last week that the religious figures be removed.

Bastone said township officials understand the issues, but have decided to continue putting up the display as in past years.

New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio

I would imagine that putting that membership affiliation on a resume might be a red flag for TROUBLEMAKER LOOKING FOR LAWSUIT. Not someone I would hire. Ever.
The BIG question:

Would Jesus approve of all this bullshit that gets whined about in his name?

If I was him.....and I'm NOT saying that I am.....(hope this doesn't confuse anyone).....I'd find the whole thing a little humorous, and wonder; how with all the pain and suffering in Northern New Jersey, people still find the time and energy to argue over a manger scene.
PS... saying "Merry Christmas" to a liberal doesn't piss them off. They don't think a thing about it. And truly, could give a damn less. The only ones that get bent out of shape about this nonsense is you "christians". Again, you want nothing but "Christ" in Xmas, go to a Christian store. What is so hard about that???

Bwaahhahahahahahaaa!!! :rofl:

You "christians" want nothing but "Christ" in Xmas??!!
How dare you, you bad ole believers in Christ! :lol::lol::lol:


Seriously... if I can stop laughing long enough... :lol::lol::lol:....
These people just slay me. I know all sorts who have annual Christmas parties, put up a tree, get pictures of their kids with Santa Clause, shop for presents, etc. etc, ...and then they tell you they don't believe in God, like they've never heard the word "hypocrite" before.

The problem is... that they WANT to take part in the celebration. And if they're retailers, they want to make some cash from the shopping... but they want it on THEIR terms, without The Baby Jesus.

All you can do, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, is to wish each other "Merry Christmas", and a hale "Happy Friday" to the non-believers among us. Then, 'hie thee to a Christian retailer' and share your generosity with those who appreciate you, leaving those who don't well alone. Do your shopping in towns that allow the Nativity Scene on the public square, eschew those who don't. Otherwise, you're unwittingly encouraging the nonbeliever to hypocrisy. And who wants THAT on their conscience? :eusa_angel:
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Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.

I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.

Fail. Nothing you said had anything to do with changing the name of the Christmas holiday. A company making a business decision about employee actions is not an infringement of any right. If I don't like my company's dress policy, I don't have to work for them. I exercise my "right" with my feet.

And a business decision is exactly what it is. Business wants to increase market share, and appeal to a diverse (inclusive and large) amount of the buying public. Its the same reason we have "press one for English..." on the automated answering services that put people out of work (counter intuitive to the sell strategy...), and different languages on packaging. This is just a way to co-opt the "victim" stance they complain about in others, and put those they can on the defensive. Its transparent, weak, and sniveling.
I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.

Fail. Nothing you said had anything to do with changing the name of the Christmas holiday. A company making a business decision about employee actions is not an infringement of any right. If I don't like my company's dress policy, I don't have to work for them. I exercise my "right" with my feet.

And a business decision is exactly what it is. Business wants to increase market share, and appeal to a diverse (inclusive and large) amount of the buying public. Its the same reason we have "press one for English..." on the automated answering services that put people out of work (counter intuitive to the sell strategy...), and different languages on packaging. This is just a way to co-opt the "victim" stance they complain about in others, and put those they can on the defensive. Its transparent, weak, and sniveling.

I completely agree with you. A business can do whatever it wants as long as what it wants is legal.

However, if a company were to forbid (I know of none that have) its employees from saying "Merry Christmas" then it would be telling me, as a Christian, that it does not value my business and I would shop elsewhere. That would be my decision. I respect the right of the business to make that decision, but I would choose to take my business elsewhere.

If they want to profit on my faith, yet prefer to slap me in the face while they are doing it, I'm not shopping at their locations.

I have absolutely no problem with them preferring "Happy Holidays" to be inclusive of others, but if they were to forbid "Merry Christmas" publicly, I'd shop elsewhere.

And a business decision is exactly what it is. Business wants to increase market share, and appeal to a diverse (inclusive and large) amount of the buying public. Its the same reason we have "press one for English..." on the automated answering services that put people out of work (counter intuitive to the sell strategy...), and different languages on packaging. This is just a way to co-opt the "victim" stance they complain about in others, and put those they can on the defensive. Its transparent, weak, and sniveling.

It's perfectly okay for people to make their own business decisions. I'm all for it.
But... that doesn't mean that Christians have to support those particular business decisions. We can't be FORCED to buy a product. Oh... wait... :rolleyes:

Personally, I won't deal with a "Dial 1 for English" company if I have an alternative. I won't buy products with foreign language packaging if there's an alternative. And I wouldn't buy from a "Happy Holidays" marketing plan rather than a "Merry Christmas" one if there's an alternative.

Unfortunately, for people like Best Buy... there's NOTHING they have to offer that I need to live or that I can't find somewhere else. So, I LIKE IT, when my Christian brethren point out a hypocrite. It's a matter of information. That way, I can spend my money in a way that's more satisfying to me.
Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Could you kindly provide documentation where someone.....anyone......has ever seriously attempted to get the name of Christmas changed? Go ahead, we'll wait. Since this culture war on Christams is so rampant, it should be easy.

I would suggest going to Best buy and asking why they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or all the supposed christmas cards that depict a picture of Jesus's birth says happy holidays. Is there more than one holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus?

I can't provide detailed plot plans but someone somewhere must have started this and I can't comprehend the motives behind this. I know I've been told "diversity" or "inclusion" but why not do the same to other holidays of other religions. Do Jews have say happy holidays as they light each holiday candle for each night? Of course not because that would be not practicing their faith and the same goes for people who claim to be christians who say Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is just a de-christianized slogan for Merry Christmas and the next time I see a liberal I am going to say Merry Christmas to them knowing that it will piss them off.

Isn't that the TRUE Christian Spirit? Using a holiday greating as a verbal weapon. :clap2::clap2::clap2: Jesus loves you sooooooo much for that.
PS... saying "Merry Christmas" to a liberal doesn't piss them off. They don't think a thing about it. And truly, could give a damn less. The only ones that get bent out of shape about this nonsense is you "christians". Again, you want nothing but "Christ" in Xmas, go to a Christian store. What is so hard about that???

Bwaahhahahahahahaaa!!! :rofl:

You "christians" want nothing but "Christ" in Xmas??!!
How dare you, you bad ole believers in Christ! :lol::lol::lol:


Seriously... if I can stop laughing long enough... :lol::lol::lol:....
These people just slay me. I know all sorts who have annual Christmas parties, put up a tree, get pictures of their kids with Santa Clause, shop for presents, etc. etc, ...and then they tell you they don't believe in God, like they've never heard the word "hypocrite" before.

The problem is... that they WANT to take part in the celebration. And if they're retailers, they want to make some cash from the shopping... but they want it on THEIR terms, without The Baby Jesus.

All you can do, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, is to wish each other "Merry Christmas", and a hale "Happy Friday" to the non-believers among us. Then, 'hie thee to a Christian retailer' and share your generosity with those who appreciate you, leaving those who don't well alone. Do your shopping in towns that allow the Nativity Scene on the public square, eschew those who don't. Otherwise, you're unwittingly encouraging the nonbeliever to hypocrisy. And who wants THAT on their conscience? :eusa_angel:

Why have all those non-Catholics taken the "mass" out of ChristMASS? :(:(:( You make Baby Jesus cry.
Why have all those non-Catholics taken the "mass" out of ChristMASS? :(:(:( You make Baby Jesus cry.

Maybe The Pope should have them burned at the stake for their temerity. (????) :eusa_eh:

Or... here's a thought... we Catholics could continue to share our joy at Christ's birth with our Christian brethren and not nit-pick our minor differences. I mean, it's not like Protestants are trying to scam some cash out of us by encouraging us to spend our Christmas budget while actually holding us in secret contempt.

Hmmm.... what to do?... what to do?.... :eusa_eh:
I suppose, being low on marshmallows as I currently am... I'll choose the latter of the two choices above. :lol::lol::lol:
Why have all those non-Catholics taken the "mass" out of ChristMASS? :(:(:( You make Baby Jesus cry.

Maybe The Pope should have them burned at the stake for their temerity. (????) :eusa_eh:

Or... here's a thought... we Catholics could continue to share our joy at Christ's birth with our Christian brethren and not nit-pick our minor differences.

But you are perfectly willing to roll up your sleeves and nit-pick differences with fellow Americans who are not Christian. Uh huh....I get it now.

I mean, it's not like Protestants are trying to scam some cash out of us by encouraging us to spend our Christmas budget while actually holding us in secret contempt.

You don't read many Protestant comments about Catholics, do you? :lol: And its not all that secret in places.

Hmmm.... what to do?... what to do?.... :eusa_eh:
I suppose, being low on marshmallows as I currently am... I'll choose the latter of the two choices above. :lol::lol::lol:
But you are perfectly willing to roll up your sleeves and nit-pick differences with fellow Americans who are not Christian. Uh huh....I get it now.

Nope. That's not "nit-picking". It's straight up calling a hypocrite "a hypocrite". ;)
These non-Christians don't mind making some dough off a religious custom that all to many of them sneer at. They don't mind joining in on the merriment or the traditions and yet we see increasing numbers who display outward contempt for The Source of the merriment and traditions. Hypocrites. Undeserving of our attention or our CASH.

But hey... Happy Friday to you anyway.
But you are perfectly willing to roll up your sleeves and nit-pick differences with fellow Americans who are not Christian. Uh huh....I get it now.

Nope. That's not "nit-picking". It's straight up calling a hypocrite "a hypocrite". ;)
These non-Christians don't mind making some dough off a religious custom that all to many of them sneer at. They don't mind joining in on the merriment or the traditions and yet we see increasing numbers who display outward contempt for The Source of the merriment and traditions. Hypocrites. Undeserving of our attention or our CASH.

But hey... Happy Friday to you anyway.

If you want to be exact about it, the SOURCE of the merriment and much of the tradition is not Christ.

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