Republicans going after Holder for Bush's "Gun Walking" policy - hilarious!

Fucking rethug hypocrites.

Bush and Obama had reason to try and control the flow of guns to Mexico. It was a fucked up attempt.
Brought to an end.

But you right wing wack jobs have no issues at all with buying guns over the net with no checks or restrictions at all.

How many DEA agents were killed vs. the number of American citizens killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

How many Mexicans are killed by guns bought in America by straw buyers who then sell them to the drug cartels.

Any of you gun whizes know those answers?

Or do you all just not give a shit unless you perceive a way to pound Obama.

SAVE your self righteous SERMONS
Buying a gun for US citizens is OUR don't like it....tough shit
At least you admitted the Obama administration fucked up..yet we don't see you railing against that so much us you do agaisnt the people in this country.

Issa's been at this for quite some time..and yet not one remedy has been recommended. It seems that this whole exercise has zero to do with the problem..and much more to do with assigning blame.

No? :lol:
Kinda shoots your generalization out of the water, doesn't it.

Absolutley not. Because you are not making any efforts or presenting any problems with the fact many more Americans are killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

When the NRA shuts down the ability to buy guns over the 'net with out any checks at all, I would believe that the gun lovers are really serious about controlling the flow of weapons.

Once again, even Bush knew that large amounts of our guns were ending up in the hands of drug dealers in Mexico. And Bush thought that might not be a good thing. Obama agreed. Unfortunatley the way they implemented the program sucked.

It ain't the first nor will it be the last of a good idea poorly executed.
Fucking rethug hypocrites.

Bush and Obama had reason to try and control the flow of guns to Mexico. It was a fucked up attempt.
Brought to an end.

But you right wing wack jobs have no issues at all with buying guns over the net with no checks or restrictions at all.

How many DEA agents were killed vs. the number of American citizens killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

How many Mexicans are killed by guns bought in America by straw buyers who then sell them to the drug cartels.

Any of you gun whizes know those answers?

Or do you all just not give a shit unless you perceive a way to pound Obama.

Here's your problem while your blame bush your defending obama.
Operation gunrunner was controlled fast and furious was not.
The guns for gunrunner were accounted for, fast and furious guns were accounted after someone in mexico was killed.

There's your difference.
The goal of Fast and Furious was to have something to use to end gun owners rights.

Yes obama holder and Clinton right off the bat 2009 campaigned for more gun control to help with the drug cartel problem in Mexico.
Kinda shoots your generalization out of the water, doesn't it.

Absolutley not. Because you are not making any efforts or presenting any problems with the fact many more Americans are killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

When the NRA shuts down the ability to buy guns over the 'net with out any checks at all, I would believe that the gun lovers are really serious about controlling the flow of weapons.

Once again, even Bush knew that large amounts of our guns were ending up in the hands of drug dealers in Mexico. And Bush thought that might not be a good thing. Obama agreed. Unfortunatley the way they implemented the program sucked.

It ain't the first nor will it be the last of a good idea poorly executed.

I wasn't aware the NRA had the power to do that. I thought the federal government was in charge of making and enforcing laws. Silly me.
Bush and Obama had reason to try and control the flow of guns to Mexico. It was a fucked up attempt.
Brought to an end.

But you right wing wack jobs have no issues at all with buying guns over the net with no checks or restrictions at all.

How many DEA agents were killed vs. the number of American citizens killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

How many Mexicans are killed by guns bought in America by straw buyers who then sell them to the drug cartels.

Any of you gun whizes know those answers?

Or do you all just not give a shit unless you perceive a way to pound Obama.
SAVE your self righteous SERMONS
Buying a gun for US citizens is OUR don't like it....tough shit

Legit questions and you to stupid to even try and formulate an answer.
Fucking rethug hypocrites.

Bush and Obama had reason to try and control the flow of guns to Mexico. It was a fucked up attempt.
Brought to an end.

But you right wing wack jobs have no issues at all with buying guns over the net with no checks or restrictions at all.

How many DEA agents were killed vs. the number of American citizens killed by people with guns that should have never been able to buy a gun.

How many Mexicans are killed by guns bought in America by straw buyers who then sell them to the drug cartels.

Any of you gun whizes know those answers?

Or do you all just not give a shit unless you perceive a way to pound Obama.

SAVE your self righteous SERMONS
Buying a gun for US citizens is OUR don't like it....tough shit
At least you admitted the Obama administration fucked up..yet we don't see you railing against that so much us you do agaisnt the people in this country.

Issa's been at this for quite some time..and yet not one remedy has been recommended. It seems that this whole exercise has zero to do with the problem..and much more to do with assigning blame.

No? :lol:

OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Got it.
I wasn't aware the NRA had the power to do that. I thought the federal government was in charge of making and enforcing laws. Silly me.

How sweet. The most powerfull lobbying group in the US of A and they can't do ANYTHING about helping with legislation to curtail 'net sales of guns without any checks. The NRA can't even come out and take a position that net sales is wrong and should be stopped.

Nothing the NRA can or should do. Why the hell you join then if they are so powerless?

And in case you missed it; everytime legislation is proposed that might control the sale of guns
who is it that goes absolutley bat shit crazy when that happens. Here is a clue, the organization has an N for the first letter and and A for the last. See if you can fill in the blank.
SAVE your self righteous SERMONS
Buying a gun for US citizens is OUR don't like it....tough shit
At least you admitted the Obama administration fucked up..yet we don't see you railing against that so much us you do agaisnt the people in this country.

Issa's been at this for quite some time..and yet not one remedy has been recommended. It seems that this whole exercise has zero to do with the problem..and much more to do with assigning blame.

No? :lol:

OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Got it.

I've actually watched the hearings. This problem has been going on since 2006. There was gun walking in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

Additionally Issa skipped over a good amount of issues that cost this country the run up to the Iraq war.

That cost more American lives then "Project Gunrunner", "Wide Reciever" or "Fast and Furious" ever did. And it cost ALOT of tax payer dollars. I just read an article where it stated that the Bush administration "lost" over 30 billion dollars that they seized from the Hussien regime. Just lost it.

And having someone like Issa, a known criminal, chair this witch hunt, looks really really bad.
OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Let me ask you this; should Mexican drug lords be able to obtain any and all kinds of weapons from here in the USA?

If you say yes, conversation over.

If no, then what in the hell would YOU do about it?

You want Holder gone? OK. Then have at it. But what is it that your representatives in govt are proposing to do to control this issue? Anything as all?
As the Fast and Furious investigation enters its 10th month, the blame game grows more intense.
“In this investigation, best of my knowledge, we didn’t let guns walk,” said Phoenix Chief Bill Newell.
Newell testified he did nothing wrong, the former ATF director said he never read his memos. Holder claims he didn’t know about the operations’ “questionable tactics.”

Justice Official Regrets Not Speaking Up About Federal Anti-Gunrunning Operation | Fox News

In recent months, Breuer acknowledged he knew of a gunwalking operation called "Wide Receiver" begun under the Bush Administration. Breuer said he never informed Holder that gunwalking had been allowed, even after the controversy over Fast and Furious surfaced.

The idea in Fast and Furious and other gunwalking operations conducted secretly by government agents in recent years was to try to see where the guns ended up, and catch the "big fish" of a Mexican drug cartel. According to law enforcement sources, Mexican officials were not in on the plan, and no arrests of top cartel members ever happened.

More gunwalker questions for Attorney General Holder - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Republicans SCREAM that Obama and the Democrats keep blaming Bush. They don't admit that Bush's policies keep coming back to bite this country in the ass again and again.

Hey rdumbass, how many guns were lost in operation "wide receiver?

And how many federal agents were killed druing that operation?
I'd like to see Ed show me the date where Fast & Furious started under Bush. He's repeatedly made that charge now and it's patently false. This whole "Oh, this is just a continuation of a Bush program!" is nothing more than an excuse by the the Holder DOJ folks to try and pass the buck on the program that THEY came up with and that blew up in THEIR faces.

Big Fat Bingo.

They are all trying to cover their asses.

Hope Issa keeps on with his investigation. I doubt Barry will kick his inept good buddy Holder to the curb though.

To bad. I guess we'll have to wait for Nov to get rid of those two losers.
Issa's been at this for quite some time..and yet not one remedy has been recommended. It seems that this whole exercise has zero to do with the problem..and much more to do with assigning blame.

No? :lol:

OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Got it.

I've actually watched the hearings. This problem has been going on since 2006. There was gun walking in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

Additionally Issa skipped over a good amount of issues that cost this country the run up to the Iraq war.

That cost more American lives then "Project Gunrunner", "Wide Reciever" or "Fast and Furious" ever did. And it cost ALOT of tax payer dollars. I just read an article where it stated that the Bush administration "lost" over 30 billion dollars that they seized from the Hussien regime. Just lost it.

And having someone like Issa, a known criminal, chair this witch hunt, looks really really bad.

Here's your problem while your blame bush your defending obama.
Operation gunrunner was controlled fast and furious was not.
The guns for gunrunner were accounted for, fast and furious guns were accounted for after someone in mexico was killed.
Fast and furious was used to circumvent the second amendment operation gunrunner wasn't

There's your difference.
OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Got it.

I've actually watched the hearings. This problem has been going on since 2006. There was gun walking in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

Additionally Issa skipped over a good amount of issues that cost this country the run up to the Iraq war.

That cost more American lives then "Project Gunrunner", "Wide Reciever" or "Fast and Furious" ever did. And it cost ALOT of tax payer dollars. I just read an article where it stated that the Bush administration "lost" over 30 billion dollars that they seized from the Hussien regime. Just lost it.

And having someone like Issa, a known criminal, chair this witch hunt, looks really really bad.

Here's your problem while your blame bush your defending obama.
Operation gunrunner was controlled fast and furious was not.
The guns for gunrunner were accounted for, fast and furious guns were accounted for after someone in mexico was killed.
Fast and furious was used to circumvent the second amendment operation gunrunner wasn't

There's your difference.

And how would you know that?

The CSPAN segment I watch on the hearing had Issa refusing testimony from ATF heads at the time of Wide Reciever. And the guy was interviewed by both Republicans and Democrats. Additionally the ballistics tests on the bullets that killed Officer Terry haven't been released to the public pending an investigation.

Issa wants to completely focus on events from 2009 to the present. That's it.
OH I see so when it's shown the obama administration was doing something they should not have been doing, it's let's fix the problem and not assign blame. But when it's bush fucking up liberals have no problem assigning blame.

Let me ask you this; should Mexican drug lords be able to obtain any and all kinds of weapons from here in the USA?

If you say yes, conversation over.

If no, then what in the hell would YOU do about it?

You want Holder gone? OK. Then have at it. But what is it that your representatives in govt are proposing to do to control this issue? Anything as all?

You're blaming the right for a law abiding citizen to purchase a firearm because of fast and furious? Who allowed operation fast and furious to proceed in the first place? Who was the one telling to gun dealers to allow the sales? Who was the one that allowed the guns to find it's way down to the Mexican cartels?
I've actually watched the hearings. This problem has been going on since 2006. There was gun walking in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

Additionally Issa skipped over a good amount of issues that cost this country the run up to the Iraq war.

That cost more American lives then "Project Gunrunner", "Wide Reciever" or "Fast and Furious" ever did. And it cost ALOT of tax payer dollars. I just read an article where it stated that the Bush administration "lost" over 30 billion dollars that they seized from the Hussien regime. Just lost it.

And having someone like Issa, a known criminal, chair this witch hunt, looks really really bad.

Here's your problem while your blame bush your defending obama.
Operation gunrunner was controlled fast and furious was not.
The guns for gunrunner were accounted for, fast and furious guns were accounted for after someone in mexico was killed.
Fast and furious was used to circumvent the second amendment operation gunrunner wasn't

There's your difference.

And how would you know that?

The CSPAN segment I watch on the hearing had Issa refusing testimony from ATF heads at the time of Wide Reciever. And the guy was interviewed by both Republicans and Democrats. Additionally the ballistics tests on the bullets that killed Officer Terry haven't been released to the public pending an investigation.

Issa wants to completely focus on events from 2009 to the present. That's it.

Operation gunrunner was suspended in late 2009 Fast and furious started in 2009 You need to go back in this thread and read some of my post where I produced DOJ news releases mentioning new programs for drug trafficking and illegal gun sales at the border.
Here's your problem while your blame bush your defending obama.
Operation gunrunner was controlled fast and furious was not.
The guns for gunrunner were accounted for, fast and furious guns were accounted for after someone in mexico was killed.
Fast and furious was used to circumvent the second amendment operation gunrunner wasn't

There's your difference.

And how would you know that?

The CSPAN segment I watch on the hearing had Issa refusing testimony from ATF heads at the time of Wide Reciever. And the guy was interviewed by both Republicans and Democrats. Additionally the ballistics tests on the bullets that killed Officer Terry haven't been released to the public pending an investigation.

Issa wants to completely focus on events from 2009 to the present. That's it.

Operation gunrunner was suspended in late 2009 Fast and furious started in 2009 You need to go back in this thread and read some of my post where I produced DOJ news releases mentioning new programs for drug trafficking and illegal gun sales at the border. the CSPAN segment I was pointed out..and not refuted..that gun walking has been going on every year since 2006. And in the segment I viewed it seemed that every Republican representative was engaged in "gotcha" type questions. Issa, himself, had to caution them against that sort of stuff.

Holder's been up to congress six times (at least according to the CSPAN segment I viewed) and this has been going on for quite some time. It hasn't produced anything and looks like a complete fishing expedition.
Fast and furious.

You want to buy a gun real fast because you are real furious? Go online. You can buy about any weapon you want or need. Need a .50 cal sniper rifle? Not a problem. Can't pass a background check. Not a problem.

You Repubs admit the truth. You could give a fuck less how anyone gets their guns as long as they can get them. And just as long as you got yours. And I understand that.

You really just want some make you feel good issue to pound and pound on the Obama admin.
And I understand that as well.'

Just don't act like you give a flying fuck about who gets guns and how they get them.
You know you don't.

Sorry to dissapoint you but I'm actually in favor of tougher gun control legislation, Zeke. What I'm not in favor of however is using a program like Fast & Furious to try and make that happen. The fact is...people in the Holder DOJ decided that for them the end justified the means and went ahead with something that put both Mexican nationals and US citizens along the border in danger from guns they allowed to "walk". Only when Brian Terry was shot and killed and people started pointing fingers right at them as being responsible they tried to pretend that this was a program just like the one that was being run under the Bush Administration when it's obvious that isn't the case. Then Holder got up in front of Congress and lied his ass off about who knew what and when they knew it. He's the Attorney General of the United States and he's lied to us. So why is this guy still holding his job?
And how would you know that?

The CSPAN segment I watch on the hearing had Issa refusing testimony from ATF heads at the time of Wide Reciever. And the guy was interviewed by both Republicans and Democrats. Additionally the ballistics tests on the bullets that killed Officer Terry haven't been released to the public pending an investigation.

Issa wants to completely focus on events from 2009 to the present. That's it.

Operation gunrunner was suspended in late 2009 Fast and furious started in 2009 You need to go back in this thread and read some of my post where I produced DOJ news releases mentioning new programs for drug trafficking and illegal gun sales at the border. the CSPAN segment I was pointed out..and not refuted..that gun walking has been going on every year since 2006. And in the segment I viewed it seemed that every Republican representative was engaged in "gotcha" type questions. Issa, himself, had to caution them against that sort of stuff.

Holder's been up to congress six times (at least according to the CSPAN segment I viewed) and this has been going on for quite some time. It hasn't produced anything and looks like a complete fishing expedition.

It's been going on for quite some time because the Holder DOJ has been stonewalling the investigation since it began. The reason it's a "fishing expedition" is that Holder and the Obama Administration have made it one. How would you feel if you were a member of Brian Terry's family and knew that your own government lied to you? I'd be bringing the Mother of all lawsuits against Eric Holder, ATF and the DOJ.

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