Republicans Gone Stupid

To give you a glimpse into the difference in personality between Trump and Sanders

Sanders has admitted that Hillary would make a great president during the campaign.

Trump has pretty much bashed every candidate in the field.

Who is most likely to run as independent? Not Sanders, who is a lot more humble than Trump and believes there are more chances to advance his ideas with Democrats than Republicans.
What happens when Sanders goes independent? About a third of democrats are true socialists and the rest are low information idiots.

Sanders ran in order to influence the Democrats platform. He has pretty much accomplished his goal--he is at the point that he could nearly write it!

Trump was really just experimenting. However, he has tapped into a wellspring of support that has gone to his head. Trump running indy after dominating the GOP field is a serious possibility if the they have a brokered convention.

You just have to realize that Democrats do not have the same problems as Republicans. Dem voters are not as angry with their party as the Republicans are. Liberals just like trying new concepts, that is the dems underlying problem.
The Republican base is a bunch of 45 year old gas station attendants who are mad at the world because they think life fucked them.

They think everyone is out to screw them and that no one works for their money but them.
all of the anti establishment RWs seem to forget who Trump will be dealing with in Congress if he gets elected.

RINO'S rule the government. If a small number of them vote against him whenever one of his bill proposals comes to a vote he is toast.

Not really. It is they who would be toast when they came up for re-election. The voters would be watching them very closely.

that's been tried ever since the Tea Party came to town, really.

The Tea Party? Who do you think are the ones supporting Trump? If you dismiss the movement then explain why Lindsay Graham went absolutely nowhere. Had Lindsay stayed in, he would not have even carried South Carolina. Once Trump is elected, he can do the same thing Obama id doing should he need to. If he wants to levy a tariff on Mexico to reduce the trade deficit with Mexico and pay for the wall and McConnell and company denies him, then it will be McConnell and company who will face the wrath of the voters. Any Republican up for re-election will have to put pressure on McConnell or lose his own re-election.
What happens when Sanders goes independent? About a third of democrats are true socialists and the rest are low information idiots.

Sanders ran in order to influence the Democrats platform. He has pretty much accomplished his goal--he is at the point that he could nearly write it!

Trump was really just experimenting. However, he has tapped into a wellspring of support that has gone to his head. Trump running indy after dominating the GOP field is a serious possibility if the they have a brokered convention.

You just have to realize that Democrats do not have the same problems as Republicans. Dem voters are not as angry with their party as the Republicans are. Liberals just like trying new concepts, that is the dems underlying problem.
The Republican base is a bunch of 45 year old gas station attendants who are mad at the world because they think life fucked them.

They think everyone is out to screw them and that no one works for their money but them.

Funny, that's not all who the Nevada primary showed as supporting Trump. His supporters were from the blue collar worker to the college educated. Nice try though. Does it make you feel superior or something or does it simply identify you as an ignorant bigot?
Watch out when the radical left starts giving advice to republicans about how not to lose an election. Hillary is hanging by a thread and it's likely Sanders will go independent but they worry about Trump.

Were Hillary to win the election, the radical Left can thank the Black voters. The Black voters make up 25% of the Democrat base.
So the pro-Jew republican shills will throw a fit, fine. The people will throw them out.
I'm not rich and so I've never figured that any of these politicians is out to do anything for me. I suggest everybody just relax and enjoy it.

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