Republicans hang onto Kansas house seat

Couldn't get anything done with 52 now they have 51. Good luck BUUUUUAAAHAHAH
When your side has 52 and my side has 51 then you can do so now makes you look like a first class jackass...And do you really think Jones will sit for two terms in the red state of Alabama? LMAO you libtards are desperate as hell...
Couldn't get anything done with 52 now they have 51. Good luck BUUUUUAAAHAHAH
When your side has 52 and my side has 51 then you can do so now makes you look like a first class jackass...And do you really think Jones will sit for two terms in the red state of Alabama? LMAO you libtards are desperate as hell...

Ok I'll gloat next November.

And until Jones loses, don't YOU gloat over his ultimate defeat. Makes you look like a hypocrite.

So is today a good day for Republicans? LOL
Couldn't get anything done with 52 now they have 51. Good luck BUUUUUAAAHAHAH
When your side has 52 and my side has 51 then you can do so now makes you look like a first class jackass...And do you really think Jones will sit for two terms in the red state of Alabama? LMAO you libtards are desperate as hell...

The 49 are solid, the 51 have several questionable voters. As Trump continues to flummox the GOP with his foot in mouth disease, attack members of the Republican Caucus in the Senate, your 52 may slip to 49, 48 or less votes. And, if Ryan grows a pair, and realizes Trump is unfit and does not have the right stuff to be POTUS, Trump may not be around as a candidate in 2020 or even in the White House by early 2019.
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.

I'm enjoying your misery. Keep it coming.
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.

I'm enjoying your misery. Keep it coming.
I have trump and I have SCOTUS, I'm doing fine. facts are just facts and all should see them. It's called advertising.
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.

I'm enjoying your misery. Keep it coming.

They were all so confident a month or two ago about being in control for the next 100 years. LOL.
The numbers are way down for the GOP in their safe red districts.

Moore's defeat better be a wake up call to the GOP to stop nominating Alt Right candidates.
/—-/ no it means Moore was a deeply flawed candidate and ran a terrible campaign
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.

I'm enjoying your misery. Keep it coming.

They were all so confident a month or two ago about being in control for the next 100 years. LOL.
/——/ Are we still in control?
The voting shows the real weakness of Trump and Moore.

92% of Dems and 52% of Pubs were the % of the vote last night in comparison to 2016 presidential votes in AL.

The Alt Right is on notice: you are fish fry in normal states as candidates and in trouble in red states.
The voting shows the real weakness of Trump and Moore.

92% of Dems and 52% of Pubs were the % of the vote last night in comparison to 2016 presidential votes in AL.

The Alt Right is on notice: you are fish fry in normal states as candidates and in trouble in red states.
A tad late, isn't it? Alabama remains a deep red state despite a weakened candidate. Your problem is in the old "Blue Wall", where working people are finding jobs instead of sucking off the state.

It's a hard concept for parasites like you to grasp, no doubt.
Meathead, if you think that is so, you are going to be bitterly weeping next November.

Remember, I did very well in the world, while you are on government assistance in central Europe, and truly have no idea what is happening in the US. The jobs are not coming back. The govt is smashing the health care all lower worker classes, which is much of the GOP in MI MN and WI, depend on.

The Dems came out in droves for Jones, the Pubs barely for Moore.
Fortunately control of the Democrat-Party owned media is concentrated in a very few hands.

That's good because we still have enough ready cash to institutionalize them without having to build many, if any, new laughing academies.
Meathead, if you think that is so, you are going to be bitterly weeping next November.

Remember, I did very well in the world, while you are on government assistance in central Europe, and truly have no idea what is happening in the US. The jobs are not coming back. The govt is smashing the health care all lower worker classes, which is much of the GOP in MI MN and WI, depend on.

The Dems came out in droves for Jones, the Pubs barely for Moore.
Flakey, do you honestly think that I, as an American, can get government assistance from the US or CZ? Do you think I can spend your food stamps here or get what Gypsies who are Czech citizens get from the government here?

We are talking about a couple of $100 a month for a family and you have to be a Czech citizen unlike the states.

Flakey, do not come here. The women are beautiful and the people are intelligent. In the unlikely event you get a Czech girl drunk enough to lay you, we cannot abide the genetic consequence. Gypsies are another matter; go for it.
You are the on govt assistance in the CZ. If my tax dollars here feeds you there, good.
Meathead, if you think that is so, you are going to be bitterly weeping next November.

Remember, I did very well in the world, while you are on government assistance in central Europe, and truly have no idea what is happening in the US. The jobs are not coming back. The govt is smashing the health care all lower worker classes, which is much of the GOP in MI MN and WI, depend on.

The Dems came out in droves for Jones, the Pubs barely for Moore.
And whatever they get away with here first happens next in Europe. Weakening labor, sending jobs to cheaper labor nations, health insurance cost spikes, cutting social services and taxes for the rich and playing the nationalism card.

A lot of Europeans get it but occasionally you find a meathead
Meathead, if you think that is so, you are going to be bitterly weeping next November.

Remember, I did very well in the world, while you are on government assistance in central Europe, and truly have no idea what is happening in the US. The jobs are not coming back. The govt is smashing the health care all lower worker classes, which is much of the GOP in MI MN and WI, depend on.

The Dems came out in droves for Jones, the Pubs barely for Moore.

And, even if those GOP voters did turn out, 1.5 percent of them wrote in someone other than Moore.

Moore lost by 1.5 percent.

Yes, he was a crappy candidate. And instead of going to the Army Navy game to get away from the reporters, he should have stayed in AL and campaigned.
We tried to explain to these nuts that the Democrats losing close races in solid Republican states/districts were a sign of things to come,
even though they lost,

and of course these nuts scoffed at the notion.

Well, now you're finding out. First Virginia, now Alabama.
yep that bullshit advertising wins elections. stupid people who believe stupid ads or accusations. yep. I agree, the sane people in this country are in danger, the stupid is taking over.

I'm enjoying your misery. Keep it coming.
We should go visit him. Misery loves company

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