Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants

Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

Please post the source wherein someone stated, "Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants".

First of all, there is no archetype Republican. Remember, the Republican Party is composed of social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo-conservatives, RINOs and right wing wackos. There may somewhere still exist a Rockefeller Republican or an Eisenhower Republican (likely they would both be considered liberals and therefore Rinos).

So, getting all hysterical on what some still anonymous source might have said is rather silly. I suggest you change your bait if you continue to troll.
Please post the source wherein someone stated, "Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants".

First of all, there is no archetype Republican. Remember, the Republican Party is composed of social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo-conservatives, RINOs and right wing wackos. There may somewhere still exist a Rockefeller Republican or an Eisenhower Republican (likely they would both be considered liberals and therefore Rinos).

So, getting all hysterical on what some still anonymous source might have said is rather silly. I suggest you change your bait if you continue to troll.

Well the democrats are pretty diverse too:

democrats are made up of communists, fascists, Eco-terrorists, nihilists, totalitarians, authoritarians and dependents. (Did I miss any?)
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

Please post the source wherein someone stated, "Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants".

First of all, there is no archetype Republican. Remember, the Republican Party is composed of social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo-conservatives, RINOs and right wing wackos. There may somewhere still exist a Rockefeller Republican or an Eisenhower Republican (likely they would both be considered liberals and therefore Rinos).

So, getting all hysterical on what some still anonymous source might have said is rather silly. I suggest you change your bait if you continue to troll.

if you do not sense that type of rhetoric out there, then you are just not paying attention.
The core of most liberal arguments, against conservatives, is that they are morally superior to conservatives.

Liberals tell that conservatives are uncompassionate relating to the impoverished, sick, elderly, etc....

It's not that conservatives have a diferent agenda than liberals, we all want a healthier union, it's that we disagree on the methodology, but the liberals continue to indoctrinate masses of imbeciles, based on the false premise of moral supieriority.
The core of most liberal arguments, against conservatives, is that they are morally superior to conservatives.

Liberals tell that conservatives are uncompassionate relating to the impoverished, sick, elderly, etc....

It's not that conservatives have a diferent agenda than liberals, we all want a healthier union, it's that we disagree on the methodology, but the liberals continue to indoctrinate masses of imbeciles, based on the false premise of moral supieriority.

Both sides do it consistently

Being pro choice is immoral.............

Being pro Iraq War is immoral...........

and on and on and on
There you go, pure Alinsky. Democrats have been fighting for the "right" to slaughter babies in the womb and sometimes on the table for the last forty years and they accuse republicans of "hating babies".
The core of most liberal arguments, against conservatives, is that they are morally superior to conservatives.

Liberals tell that conservatives are uncompassionate relating to the impoverished, sick, elderly, etc....

It's not that conservatives have a diferent agenda than liberals, we all want a healthier union, it's that we disagree on the methodology, but the liberals continue to indoctrinate masses of imbeciles, based on the false premise of moral supieriority.

Both sides do it consistently

Being pro choice is immoral.............

Being pro Iraq War is immoral...........

and on and on and on

I can give you pro choice, stem cell research, and euthanasia..

Pro choice being the only issue that is in focus, in terms of national discussion.

On spending, war, entitlements, national security, taxes, health care, education, unions, and the evironment the liberal narative is always, that conservatives are the bad guys..thats their main argument...isn't it?
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

Still not the point. They will do everything TO us and nothing TO make things fair on the tax front.
The core of most liberal arguments, against conservatives, is that they are morally superior to conservatives.

Liberals tell that conservatives are uncompassionate relating to the impoverished, sick, elderly, etc....

It's not that conservatives have a diferent agenda than liberals, we all want a healthier union, it's that we disagree on the methodology, but the liberals continue to indoctrinate masses of imbeciles, based on the false premise of moral supieriority.

Both sides do it consistently

Being pro choice is immoral.............

Being pro Iraq War is immoral...........

and on and on and on

I can give you pro choice, stem cell research, and euthanasia..

Pro choice being the only issue that is in focus, in terms of national discussion.

On spending, war, entitlements, national security, taxes, health care, education, unions, and the evironment the liberal narative is always, that conservatives are the bad guys..thats their main argument...isn't it?

Those aren't the only examples, republicans say it's immoral not to support the Drug War and immoral NOT to support the War in Iraq, and immoral not to have christianity involved with gov't.

It's a common epidemic with both parties, it's all about shock value and getting attention, playing with ppl's emotions does that.
Those aren't the only examples, republicans say it's immoral not to support the Drug War

So do democrats. To paint the drug war as "Republican" is patently dishonest.

and immoral NOT to support the War in Iraq, and immoral not to have christianity involved with gov't.

Flat out bullshit.

It's a common epidemic with both parties, it's all about shock value and getting attention, playing with ppl's emotions does that.

Your post illustrates that the technique is far more prevalent on the left side of the aisle.
Those aren't the only examples, republicans say it's immoral not to support the Drug War

So do democrats. To paint the drug war as "Republican" is patently dishonest.

and immoral NOT to support the War in Iraq, and immoral not to have christianity involved with gov't.

Flat out bullshit.

It's a common epidemic with both parties, it's all about shock value and getting attention, playing with ppl's emotions does that.

Your post illustrates that the technique is far more prevalent on the left side of the aisle.

1.) Good point, democrats love the drug war as much as republicans, I just don't hear as much podium talk from them (which is also meaningless).
2.) Not at all, an excuse for the War in Iraq is/was we have to "save Iraqis from their meanyhead dictator."
3.) Republicans to me are just as much the left side of the aisle as democrats, so I dunno if i agree or disagree with your 3rd line.
1.) Good point, democrats love the drug war as much as republicans, I just don't hear as much podium talk from them (which is also meaningless).
2.) Not at all, an excuse for the War in Iraq is/was we have to "save Iraqis from their meanyhead dictator."
3.) Republicans to me are just as much the left side of the aisle as democrats, so I dunno if i agree or disagree with your 3rd line.

{WASHINGTON CNN From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraqs refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons, Clinton said.

Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces, Clinton said.}

Clinton Iraq has abused its last chance - CNN

To claim that the Iraq war is a Republican thing is simply false.

Good point on the Republicans being left of center.

I hate having a cold. Your nose runs, you sneeze and cough, body aches and fever. I view the Republicans as about as pleasant as having a nasty cold.

I view the democrats like a full blown case of AIDS.

I don't like either of them, but they are not the same, not the same at all.
As far as Wars, conservatives tend to say, you don't have to support the wars, but it's inexcusable to not support the troops.

I don't think that argument, necessarily clashes, with what we hear from the other side.
1.) Good point, democrats love the drug war as much as republicans, I just don't hear as much podium talk from them (which is also meaningless).
2.) Not at all, an excuse for the War in Iraq is/was we have to "save Iraqis from their meanyhead dictator."
3.) Republicans to me are just as much the left side of the aisle as democrats, so I dunno if i agree or disagree with your 3rd line.

{WASHINGTON CNN From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraqs refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons, Clinton said.

Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces, Clinton said.}

Clinton Iraq has abused its last chance - CNN

To claim that the Iraq war is a Republican thing is simply false.

Good point on the Republicans being left of center.

I hate having a cold. Your nose runs, you sneeze and cough, body aches and fever. I view the Republicans as about as pleasant as having a nasty cold.

I view the democrats like a full blown case of AIDS.

I don't like either of them, but they are not the same, not the same at all.

I was more or less referring to podium talk, not actual policy. The democrats in the senate and Clinton favored a War with Iraq, I agree.

They're the same, the only difference is podium talk.

That's why Obama has his own miniature version of Iraq going on in Libya (warmongering with a country that has nothing to do with U.S. defense) and that's why Bush even outspent Clinton, outspent him by an enormous margin.

They both love warmongering, they both love spending us into oblivion, they both love growing gov't, to hell with both of them.
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.
I am a conservative so dont speak for everyone. I dont hate anyone. I do think illegal aliens need to come to this country legally , I think the elderly should have saved for their retirement and not count on SS since we will probably never see it.
1.) Good point, democrats love the drug war as much as republicans, I just don't hear as much podium talk from them (which is also meaningless).
2.) Not at all, an excuse for the War in Iraq is/was we have to "save Iraqis from their meanyhead dictator."
3.) Republicans to me are just as much the left side of the aisle as democrats, so I dunno if i agree or disagree with your 3rd line.

{WASHINGTON CNN From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraqs refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons, Clinton said.

Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces, Clinton said.}

Clinton Iraq has abused its last chance - CNN

To claim that the Iraq war is a Republican thing is simply false.

Good point on the Republicans being left of center.

I hate having a cold. Your nose runs, you sneeze and cough, body aches and fever. I view the Republicans as about as pleasant as having a nasty cold.

I view the democrats like a full blown case of AIDS.

I don't like either of them, but they are not the same, not the same at all.
Well, Uncensored2008, the human race is what it is, but by uniting after the Civil War, Americans decided to establish a better peace that wasn't going well until General Eisenhower became President Eisenhower and prepared us for a future of better race relations that gradually changed with improved laws.

Even so, in a Republic with many interests yelling "I'm here" at the same time, things do get a little dicey at times.

Right now, we have an administration that started in with the decimation of the oil industry as its "enemy" which shut down thousands of jobs in the southern reaches of the US, not to mention the tens of thousands of jobs everywhere in both the tourist and the transportation industries that depended on inexpensive gasoline for tourist cash. Also felled by this monumental blunder were associated folks in the local entertainment, police, educational, and communities of developed historical consequence areas that have traditionally educated the public to natural beauty or a significant battleground, ocean museum, Indian trading post, Las Vegas, and other areas directly dependent on tourism.

That punitive measure against energy enterprises crud has gotta go. The only ones who can get rid of the problem may have to be associates from both aisles to cure any idea you can wipe out free enterprise and still magically have prosperity. That ain't ever gonna happen on this side of the Jordan, so to speak.

The jobs market will not improve until this nation faces the music: you cannot pull the carpet out from under the local oil people by forcing America into deeper dependence on Arab oil, just because they do not fund your political campaign. If you do such a stupid thing, you will be raising prices through the roof to the advantage of people steeping themselves into religious practices in which their best doing is to behead an American and any one of several dozen countries who made up the Allied Forces in WWII, of which we played a role.

Government here was not established to be touchy feely in its makeup. To the contrary reality bites, and you have to engage the outside world and make sure there is a level playing field or America will be bitten.

That's enough of my opinion for the day, hope you have a thoughtful one. :)
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Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

That hating babies, seniors, puppies,whatsever sounds like something right out of either Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow's mouth! There are so many things being paid for by our tax dollars, things that we don't even know about or benefit from, that they could be cut.

I LOVE babies, but I think they should be wanted and loved, not dumped in a dumpster or neglected, not brought into the world by somebody who can't or won't take care of them. They've no business being raised by a 15 year old on Welfare.

Same for schoolchildren, who were once babies and if they've survived to school age with their 15 year old mother, God love them. They are also should not be neglected and mistreated -- children are our future. I just resent paying for somebody else's. I paid for mine. Having children is not a requirement nor is being pregnant with one something that is caught like the flu.

The elderly - I guess some think WE are the elderly, in our 60s. I LOVE the elderly. But we are all going to be elderly one day, Lord willing, and it behooves us to plan for that time. I am NOT looking forward to being on Medicare, but we have our health so far, let's hope it holds. Luckily we have good insurance through hubby's retirement, that will serve as our "supplement."

the unemployed -- if somebody is unemployed and LOOKING for work, most people will take whatever job they get to put food on the table until such a time that the one they REALLY want comes up. You know like movie stars wait tables until their big break? I would clean toilets if it meant the different between feeding my kids or not.

Welfare - usually the people who have met with hard times and could use a boost don't qualify for it. My mother raised us in the 1950s without it. We never did qualify for any handouts. It's the people who start off in life on welfare, never even TRYING to make it that I find fault with. The ones who stay on it for 3 generations. I'm all for giving somebody a hand, but not a "hand out."

Immigrants - well, we ALL can trace our roots to immigrants - but my ancestors came here legally. It's the illegal ones I take issue with.

one bit of advice for liberals: You tell us to quit listening to Bill OReilly and Hannity. Well, we don't have that cable channel. YOU practice what you preach and quit listening to Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow. Look around your community and see what's happening -- you might just be surprised.
Modern Republicans place political party in front of country, and are as UnAmerican as it comes. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave at what the party he rebuilt has become. Sad:(

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