Republicans have a paper thin understanding of anything

Whenever I research a topic such as "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

Global Warming? "It's cold outside so no global warming."

Gender issues? "Bible says there's only two genders and one allowed sexual preference."
This one I find particularly insulting because Genetics proves them as wrong as day and night.

Supply side economics. "Making more of something creates demand for that something"?
Really? So all we need to do is build 4 burger kings on a street corner and everyone will fill the restaurants?

It really gets painfully obvious when Republicans apply their myopic policies to things like NASA, Space, and Cyber security and the internet.

Net neutrality for instance. You really think that allowing companies to throttle your internet based on the content you watch is a good thing?

Do republicans even understand that the internet uses public infrastructure? Meaning it should be regulated the same as a public utility?

Imagine if telephones could tell you that they don't prefer certain businesses, and so they would throttle your phone useage or add fees to call Walmart, or to call customer support for your Apple products?

Republicans. The paper-thin party, for paper-thin academics.
Welcome aboard. I can’t find much in your OP to argue with.
CO2 increases year after year, temperature goes up year after year? Why record cold temps? Stupid liberal.
XY is male with penis and 2 testicles. XX is female with vagina and 2 boobs.
Man with boobs, is crazy man.
An insane person agreeing with the insane, go figure.
To the brain-dead right, global warming means it should never snow again. :badgrin:
to the brain dead left, man kind being alive means we're killing the planet.
Whenever I research a topic such as "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

Global Warming? "It's cold outside so no global warming."

Gender issues? "Bible says there's only two genders and one allowed sexual preference."
This one I find particularly insulting because Genetics proves them as wrong as day and night.

Supply side economics. "Making more of something creates demand for that something"?
Really? So all we need to do is build 4 burger kings on a street corner and everyone will fill the restaurants?

It really gets painfully obvious when Republicans apply their myopic policies to things like NASA, Space, and Cyber security and the internet.

Net neutrality for instance. You really think that allowing companies to throttle your internet based on the content you watch is a good thing?

Do republicans even understand that the internet uses public infrastructure? Meaning it should be regulated the same as a public utility?

Imagine if telephones could tell you that they don't prefer certain businesses, and so they would throttle your phone useage or add fees to call Walmart, or to call customer support for your Apple products?

Republicans. The paper-thin party, for paper-thin academics.
Welcome aboard. I can’t find much in your OP to argue with.
CO2 increases year after year, temperature goes up year after year? Why record cold temps? Stupid liberal.
XY is male with penis and 2 testicles. XX is female with vagina and 2 boobs.
Man with boobs, is crazy man.
An insane person agreeing with the insane, go figure.
To the brain-dead right, global warming means it should never snow again. :badgrin:

To the brain dead Left who want to see globalists profit from a carbon tax and wealth re distribution turn the western world into a third world dumping ground global warming is the ticket.
To the brain-dead right, global warming means it should never snow again. :badgrin:

Why haven't your dire global warming predictions come true? Why is your solution to global warming TAX INCREASES? Seems fishy, I think we all know why. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

^^^ The next ScienceRocks ladies and gentlemen. :laugh:

Holy shit...I was thinking the same watch, his next big show stopper thread will be about roads crumbling beneath him...haha

ScienceRocks started out posting prissy stuck up elitist liberal talking points, we burst his liberal bubble view of the world and the guy had a meltdown that continues to this day. lol
how many ID's are you going to post this under?
I can post from any source I wish. Go back to breitbart and get your talking points.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars
Easy does it, laddie! Conservatives do the exact same things and just as often.
Thanks, don't expect much Republicans to defend their advanced degrees in Mechanical Engineering or in Geology, Mining engineering? Computer science?

Hell, are there Republicans that are anything more than High schoolers?

There's Ben Carson, but he believes the Pyramids were Grain silos, so I consider him an idiot savant.

I've got a Masters in Business Administration and an undergraduate degree in History. Quite frankly, "Ninja"'re just one more liberal that thinks anyone who doesn't agree with your policies isn't educated. "Didn't expect much Republicans to defend..."? Really? Here's a piece of advice. When you accuse others of being idiots...try doing so in a sentence that doesn't look like it was written BY an idiot!
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how many ID's are you going to post this under?
I can post from any source I wish. Go back to breitbart and get your talking points.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars
Easy does it, laddie! Conservatives do the exact same things and just as often.
Deflecting and lying, an all in one troll. Winner!
Thanks, don't expect much Republicans to defend their advanced degrees in Mechanical Engineering or in Geology, Mining engineering? Computer science?

Hell, are there Republicans that are anything more than High schoolers?

There's Ben Carson, but he believes the Pyramids were Grain silos, so I consider him an idiot savant.

The person you've decided is an "idiot savant", Ben Carson...was a brain surgeon! You couldn't come up with a less intelligent comment if you spent months trying!
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Whenever I research a topic such as "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

Global Warming? "It's cold outside so no global warming."

Gender issues? "Bible says there's only two genders and one allowed sexual preference."
This one I find particularly insulting because Genetics proves them as wrong as day and night.

Supply side economics. "Making more of something creates demand for that something"?
Really? So all we need to do is build 4 burger kings on a street corner and everyone will fill the restaurants?

It really gets painfully obvious when Republicans apply their myopic policies to things like NASA, Space, and Cyber security and the internet.

Net neutrality for instance. You really think that allowing companies to throttle your internet based on the content you watch is a good thing?

Do republicans even understand that the internet uses public infrastructure? Meaning it should be regulated the same as a public utility?

Imagine if telephones could tell you that they don't prefer certain businesses, and so they would throttle your phone useage or add fees to call Walmart, or to call customer support for your Apple products?

Republicans. The paper-thin party, for paper-thin academics.
Welcome aboard. I can’t find much in your OP to argue with.
CO2 increases year after year, temperature goes up year after year? Why record cold temps? Stupid liberal.
XY is male with penis and 2 testicles. XX is female with vagina and 2 boobs.
Man with boobs, is crazy man.
An insane person agreeing with the insane, go figure.
To the brain-dead right, global warming means it should never snow again. :badgrin:
To the brain dead left, it wasn't me saying it., dumbass again.

Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
1.) Scientists predicted in 2000 that kids would grow up without snow. It was 14 years ago now when UK climate scientists argued that global warming would make snowfall a “a very rare and exciting event”.
Just cant get more stupid than a dumbass liberal(redundant statement).
Whenever I research a topic such as "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

Global Warming? "It's cold outside so no global warming."

Gender issues? "Bible says there's only two genders and one allowed sexual preference."
This one I find particularly insulting because Genetics proves them as wrong as day and night.

Supply side economics. "Making more of something creates demand for that something"?
Really? So all we need to do is build 4 burger kings on a street corner and everyone will fill the restaurants?

It really gets painfully obvious when Republicans apply their myopic policies to things like NASA, Space, and Cyber security and the internet.

Net neutrality for instance. You really think that allowing companies to throttle your internet based on the content you watch is a good thing?

Do republicans even understand that the internet uses public infrastructure? Meaning it should be regulated the same as a public utility?

Imagine if telephones could tell you that they don't prefer certain businesses, and so they would throttle your phone useage or add fees to call Walmart, or to call customer support for your Apple products?

Republicans. The paper-thin party, for paper-thin academics.

Welcome to this right-leaning forum......and feel free to utilize the cartoon below that underscores how the likes of a Trump made it to the oval office.

Global warming issue is that there's no real concrete proof that its all caused by human activity, nor that the results are /catastrophic/, nor that it's worth seriously harming billions of people over. - Keep in mind, we can't even get a fucking handle on the cycles of the sun; the most influential Earth climate modifier in existence, period.

Pretty intellectually dishonest to boil the pot of LGBT down to "gender." Most of the "rights" argument has to do with freedom of religion, association, thought, and speech. Mine is mostly issues with the conflicting "intellectual concepts" being played out on the left; for example how can we "agree" that transgenders were "born in the wrong body" and thus can "choose" which sex they are (including the old joke of being "a lesbian trapped in a mans body" and yet out of the other side of the face the argument is that "gays are born that way," and meanwhile /I/, a bisexual, am told by an astounding number of lefties and LGBT folks that /I/ am not actually "bi" anymore because I "chose" to marry a man. Perhaps tomorrow I'll waste my time revisiting this and unpack that a bit more in depth, but my husband's off work so maybe not.

Supply side economics? I think you're conflating and/or massively simplifying the concepts of "innovation" with "trickle down" here. An "abundance of restaurants" can lower prices, thus becoming more affordable to the lower classes, and thus more people can eat there. A good example of that "idea" is computers, but there's thousands of other examples - one that's coming up very soon is going to be "space tourism." I don't have time to to give any more examples of these "concepts" before I head out. If I am back on tomorrow, and remember, and find it worth my time I'll get back to it.

Net neutrality isn't a party idea son, many folks on the right and left think it should be a utility and many on the left and right think it shouldn't. I'm a capitalist, yet I think some form of net neutrality is necessary - though not because of throttling, but rather because in this day and age I am increasingly worried about freedom of speech. Again, though, I don't have time to unpack that tonight.

Your "educated" assessment of the claims and arguments you posted seems to be rather thin, JS.
Whenever I research a topic such as "Byzantine Fault Tolerance" it just reminds me of what a paper thin understanding Republicans have about anything.

Global Warming? "It's cold outside so no global warming."

Gender issues? "Bible says there's only two genders and one allowed sexual preference."
This one I find particularly insulting because Genetics proves them as wrong as day and night.

Supply side economics. "Making more of something creates demand for that something"?
Really? So all we need to do is build 4 burger kings on a street corner and everyone will fill the restaurants?

It really gets painfully obvious when Republicans apply their myopic policies to things like NASA, Space, and Cyber security and the internet.

Net neutrality for instance. You really think that allowing companies to throttle your internet based on the content you watch is a good thing?

Do republicans even understand that the internet uses public infrastructure? Meaning it should be regulated the same as a public utility?

Imagine if telephones could tell you that they don't prefer certain businesses, and so they would throttle your phone useage or add fees to call Walmart, or to call customer support for your Apple products?

Republicans. The paper-thin party, for paper-thin academics.
Welcome aboard. I can’t find much in your OP to argue with.
CO2 increases year after year, temperature goes up year after year? Why record cold temps? Stupid liberal.
XY is male with penis and 2 testicles. XX is female with vagina and 2 boobs.
Man with boobs, is crazy man.
An insane person agreeing with the insane, go figure.
To the brain-dead right, global warming means it should never snow again. :badgrin:
To the brain dead left, it wasn't me saying it., dumbass again.

Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
1.) Scientists predicted in 2000 that kids would grow up without snow. It was 14 years ago now when UK climate scientists argued that global warming would make snowfall a “a very rare and exciting event”.
Just cant get more stupid than a dumbass liberal(redundant statement).

Nice try the run away from your own stupidity — but there are the moronic words in a post with your name on it, so yeah, you said it. <smh>

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