Republicans have always disdained Veterans this past century


Aug 6, 2013
Please note I give my usual references to each & all of my contentions.

Republicans refused to fund veterans' health bill three months ago February 2014 & now are making politics with the VA's present problems.

My Reference on Republicans refusing to fund the Veteran’s health bill: U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

Republicans would also want us to forget that the Reagan Administration "controlled & obstructed" a federal study of Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans.

In 1990 Congress had concluded that the Reagan strategy was to deny federal liability in toxic exposure cases & this in turn led to the cancellation of the Centers for Disease Control study in 1987.

My Reference on Reagan denied Federal Liability for Veteran’s that were exposed to the proven toxic effect of “Agent Orange;” Reagan Administration Obstructed Agent Orange Study, Panel Claims - Los Angeles Times

Going back in time for the past century, Republicans have never changed in their disdain for Veteran’s except when it was for political advantages as happened in 1932 with the WWI Veteran’s “Bonus Army” march on Washington to ask for cash-payment redemption of their service certificates our government had promised & [R] Prez Herbert Hoover under the pretext that it was a communist insurrection called out the Army to evict the Veterans from Washington DC with lethal effects of numerous fatalities among the marchers in spite of the fact that the Veteran’s had been meticulously careful in keeping an orderly discipline within their ranks & purging any leftist agitators that tried to infiltrate their ranks under the Veteran’s slogan of:


Best Regards
Good points. I wouldn't make this solely about Republicans, though we do well to remember who alleges to be "tough on defense."

Frankly the US government finds it far too advantageous to uphold new recruits as honorable men and women yet discarding them after their utility has expired is also far too advantageous to stop. Republicans and Democrats both support this practice though exposing it is contrary to all their alleged values and rhetoric.
We can talk about that too but on some other relevant thread. But such a comment suggests a departure from rational discourse since one must stipulate discussion regarding Benghazi in all threads (or at least the ones that rub you the wrong way). That would mean all threads would be rendered useless since attention must always include Benghazi commentary.

Also, if I want someone to stop criticizing my hairdo, should I just scream Benghazi till it shuts out their criticism? Does that change the fact that my hairdo may need a change? Does it bother you that your issued what to think, uncritically, by your mainstream media outlets? That their standard of journalism and evidence dips below verifiable reality? I guess you might not know that unless you actually thought to ask "Is what I've been told really true?"
Please note I give my usual references to each & all of my contentions.

Republicans refused to fund veterans' health bill three months ago February 2014 & now are making politics with the VA's present problems.
My Reference on Republicans refusing to fund the Veteran’s health bill: U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters
Republicans would also want us to forget that the Reagan Administration "controlled & obstructed" a federal study of Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans.
In 1990 Congress had concluded that the Reagan strategy was to deny federal liability in toxic exposure cases & this in turn led to the cancellation of the Centers for Disease Control study in 1987.
My Reference on Reagan denied Federal Liability for Veteran’s that were exposed to the proven toxic effect of “Agent Orange;” Reagan Administration Obstructed Agent Orange Study, Panel Claims - Los Angeles Times
Going back in time for the past century, Republicans have never changed in their disdain for Veteran’s except when it was for political advantages as happened in 1932 with the WWI Veteran’s “Bonus Army” march on Washington to ask for cash-payment redemption of their service certificates our government had promised & [R] Prez Herbert Hoover under the pretext that it was a communist insurrection called out the Army to evict the Veterans from Washington DC with lethal effects of numerous fatalities among the marchers in spite of the fact that the Veteran’s had been meticulously careful in keeping an orderly discipline within their ranks & purging any leftist agitators that tried to infiltrate their ranks under the Veteran’s slogan of:
“EYES FRONT-NOT LEFT” My Reference on, “EYES FRONT-NOT LEFT” : #6: Hoover?s Attack on the Bonus Army (Top 10 Mistakes by U.S. Presidents) | Britannica BlogSad.
Best Regards

Dear Lobato, President Obama has pushed Green expenditures ahead of all else, to the neglect of Veterans needing health care. He promised 6 years ago and 2 years ago to fix the VA problem, but right after he says he will fix it, he busies himself with (1) Criticizing his Republican predecessor, (2) Ignoring military advice, (3) Allowed unqualified people who are easy to order around to head governmental departments to do whatever his heart desires.

He has not fixed the VA problem, except to try to insert another read-it-later health bill, this time aimed at our veterans.

The Congress is unhappy because there's nothing in the bill that allows Congress to have accountability from the administration since this one has frittered away 6 years of breaking its promise to fix the problem.

If Republicans are blocking anything, it's to block another fiasco proffered by people who've ignored requests for the military for appropriate action from the White House, with the most accountable chiefs getting pink slips for angering the President with what kind of steps need to be taken to protect the American people.

And after the bad piece of legislation Obamacare was Constitutionally, the Republicans are refusing another complex health care bill nobody has been given background details on, or the guarantees like Obamacare, are suspected to be untruthful and obfuscating ideological shoo-ins for expanding big government and removing people's choices.

The last thing the Republicans have been is the charge that they somehow are uncaring when such is not the case.

While blaming Republicans for political wrongs, the administration thinks it can continue to hide its real agenda of chipping a little more away at a Constitution it abhors with regard to the Second Amendment and many parts of the First Amendment.

As a matter of fact, Lobato, it seems to me that you are politicizing the issue to damage Republicans while you allow this Administration to further blight the powers of Congress and amass it into one huge My Way Executive Office.

That's not what the American people want or deserve.

I'm sorry you're giving loyal American Republicans a black eye over their requirement of accountability if you want them to agree to any bill passed.

They can't give their constituents accountability for what happens if the Administration keeps pulling strings to deny conservatives and call us "enemies" and make cruel and unusual demands on the people of the United States, particularly veterans.

No more hard luck for veterans who don't vote for Obama. We won't give Obama authority for stuff he refuses to account for, and according to you, another president has refused cooperation for veterans too.

The Republican party has seen the American people pushed around too much. They're not about to let it happen to people who are as vital to America's well-being and domestic tranquility as our beloved veterans.

Your thread is getting the worst rating possible for your spinning Republicans as being bad for protecting Veterans from bad laws Obama wishes against Vets. This time, a bad health law ain't gonna happen.

Just the opposite is true of all you have said in concert with the most corrupt press the United States has ever experienced, siding with every affront to free enterprise and economical and morally correct oversight to free the American people of excessive spending by government for pet rock projects while denying vets the most basic of caring by obfuscation of truth and the consequences vets have paid a price for in the past 6 years.

No mas!

Respectfully submitted,
another left-wing nutjob desperate to deflect attention away from inept obama's latest obscene and possibly worst scandal
The latest was the Memorial Day May 2014 incident by [R] Sen. Richard Burr’s “Open Letter” to veterans condemning them after having heard them & they had not joined him in his fight against the administration when in reality as the veterans rightly contest [R] Sen. Richard Burr didn’t hear them because he had absented himself from that session before the Veteran Groups spoke & didn’t return until after they had spoken.

My Reference on Veterans claims of [R] Sen. Richard Burr absenting himself as video clips in msnbc have shown: Burr?s ?ugly comments? made Vietnam Veterans group angry | Under the Dome Blog |

In the previous Prez. Bush Administration era an incredible average of 1,000 GIs per year for 4 years were drummed out of the service with Dishonorable Discharges under the excuse of disorderly conduct until 2009 when those numbers fell by >>75% in 2009 of the Prez Obama era, when the Army was forced to accept post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the magazine “The Nation” exposed the Army’s shenanigans with our GIs returning from combat zones.

BTW: MSNBC cited last night that the workload on the VA has increased by 4 million in the Prez Obama era in part by the admission of PTSD, Agent Orange, etc., etc. claimants.

Best Regards

Best Regards

The latest was the Memorial Day May 2014 incident by [R] Sen. Richard Burr’s “Open Letter” to veterans condemning them after having heard them & they had not joined him in his fight against the administration when in reality as the veterans rightly contest [R] Sen. Richard Burr didn’t hear them because he had absented himself from that session before the Veteran Groups spoke & didn’t return until after they had spoken.

My Reference on Veterans claims of [R] Sen. Richard Burr absenting himself as video clips in msnbc have shown: Burr?s ?ugly comments? made Vietnam Veterans group angry | Under the Dome Blog |[/url

In the previous Prez. Bush Administration era an incredible average of 1,000 GIs per year for 4 years were drummed out of the service with Dishonorable Discharges under the excuse of disorderly conduct until 2009 when those numbers fell by >>75% in 2009 of the Prez Obama era, when the Army was forced to accept post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the magazine “The Nation” exposed the Army’s shenanigans with our GIs returning from combat zones.

My Reference of the acceptance of PTSD in 2009: [url=]Unkown Number of PTSD soldiers misdiagnosed and denied benefits | Veterans Today

BTW: MSNBC cited last night that the workload on the VA has increased by 4 million in the Prez Obama era in part b

Best Regards

Best Regards


MSNBC, They are what Pravda and Tass was under the Soviet Union.
The problem has continued on the Republican side & the latest was the Memorial Day May 2014 incident by [R] Sen. Richard Burr’s “Open Letter” to veterans condemning them after having heard them & they had not joined him in his fight against the administration when in reality as the veterans rightly contest [R] Sen. Richard Burr didn’t hear them because he had absented himself from that session before the Veteran Groups spoke & didn’t return until after they had spoken.

My Reference on Veterans claims of [R] Sen. Richard Burr absenting himself as video clips in msnbc have shown: Burr?s ?ugly comments? made Vietnam Veterans group angry | Under the Dome Blog |

& talking about discarding veterans once there is no use for them, in the Prez. Bush Administration era an incredible average of 1,000 GIs per year for 4 years were drummed out of the service with Dishonorable Discharges under the excuse of disorderly conduct "Until 2009 when those numbers fell by >>75% in 2009 of the Prez Obama era," when the Army was forced to accept post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the magazine “The Nation” exposed the Army’s shenanigans with our GIs returning from combat zones.

Best Regards


Good points. I wouldn't make this solely about Republicans, though we do well to remember who alleges to be "tough on defense."

Frankly the US government finds it far too advantageous to uphold new recruits as honorable men and women yet discarding them after their utility has expired is also far too advantageous to stop. Republicans and Democrats both support this practice though exposing it is contrary to all their alleged values and rhetoric.
oh and both parties are responsible. But since the Dems are in charge at the moment, they really need to stop blaming the out of power party and start stepping up with real solutions. And Throwing money at the problem isn't a solution.
Moved to more appropriate forum based on the title.


You shouldn't come out swinging like that in the CDZ. It's not good form.
I have a strong recommendation for the OP Get the hell out of the USA and move somewhere else!

All one has to do is visit any still open military installation and you will see one thing - all the new buildings and facilities for the troops came from bills pushed by the GOP and signed by a GOP president.

When a Democrat is in office, all the highly-trained and capable people get out!
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.

Don't worry, TD.

The only people these idiots are capable of convincing won't be eligible to vote for 10 years.
Please note I give my usual references to each & all of my contentions.

Republicans refused to fund veterans' health bill three months ago February 2014 & now are making politics with the VA's present problems.

My Reference on Republicans refusing to fund the Veteran’s health bill: U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

Republicans would also want us to forget that the Reagan Administration "controlled & obstructed" a federal study of Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans.

In 1990 Congress had concluded that the Reagan strategy was to deny federal liability in toxic exposure cases & this in turn led to the cancellation of the Centers for Disease Control study in 1987.

My Reference on Reagan denied Federal Liability for Veteran’s that were exposed to the proven toxic effect of “Agent Orange;” Reagan Administration Obstructed Agent Orange Study, Panel Claims - Los Angeles Times

Going back in time for the past century, Republicans have never changed in their disdain for Veteran’s except when it was for political advantages as happened in 1932 with the WWI Veteran’s “Bonus Army” march on Washington to ask for cash-payment redemption of their service certificates our government had promised & [R] Prez Herbert Hoover under the pretext that it was a communist insurrection called out the Army to evict the Veterans from Washington DC with lethal effects of numerous fatalities among the marchers in spite of the fact that the Veteran’s had been meticulously careful in keeping an orderly discipline within their ranks & purging any leftist agitators that tried to infiltrate their ranks under the Veteran’s slogan of:


Best Regards

Too bad you can't comprehend the medical budgets escalating for 5 years. Moron. And libs have already been bashed about the head and neck for more than a few days running over this bullshit that there has been a lack of funding idiot.

VA Nickel and Dimed Vets to Death While Running a Surplus for 5 Years


But the VA did have money for medical care. Unlike the rest of the government, it was running a surplus.

The Obama administration’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) expects to have more money for medical care than it can spend for the fifth fiscal year in a row, The Daily Caller has learned.

VA expects to carry over $450 million in medical-care funding from fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2015. VA received its full requested medical care appropriation of $54.6 billion this fiscal year, which is more than $10 billion more than it received four years ago.

This is part of an ongoing trend.

VA carried over $1.449 billion in medical-care funding from fiscal year 2010 to 2011, $1.163 billion from fiscal year 2011 to fiscal year 2012, $637 million from fiscal year 2012 to 2013, and $543 million from fiscal year 2013 to 2014.

VA Nickel and Dimed Vets to Death While Running a Surplus for 5 Years | FrontPage Magazine
The frothier the rights mouth gets the more solid the info.

When you add links they get really angry and call names...kinda the same as when you dont add links...or when they are presented with pretty much anything

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