Republicans have always disdained Veterans this past century

At the very least this is a situation of incredible mismanagement. But from what the whistle blower testimony and the IG has uncovered to date appears to be fraud for the purpose of receiving bonuses and promotions resulting in deaths.

That shoots it into the realm of a criminal case.
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.

That won't fly. Even the whistle-blowers say it's underfunded. That's what causes issues like this to get out of hand the way this one has.
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.

That won't fly. Even the whistle-blowers say it's underfunded. That's what causes issues like this to get out of hand the way this one has.

That's bullshit. I've put up the budgets. They have gotten every penny they asked for. And they had more than enough money to pay the management serious bonuses all these years as well.

Management was gaming the system. Systematic fraud pure and simple. This has nothing to do with the budgets.

Don't even bother trying to debate this. This scandal is based on fraud.

From the Daily Beast:

Emails and VA memos obtained exclusively by The Daily Beast provide what is among the most comprehensive accounts yet of how high-level VA hospital employees conspired to game the system.

It shows not only how they manipulated hospital wait lists but why—to cover up the weeks and months veterans spent waiting for needed medical care.

If those lag times had been revealed, it would have threatened the executives’ bonus pay.

What’s worse, the documents show the wrongdoing going unpunished for years, even after it was repeatedly reported to local and national VA authorities.

That indicates a new troubling angle to the VA scandal: that the much touted investigations may be incapable of finding violations that are hiding in plain sight.

“For lack of a better term, you’ve got an organized crime syndicate,” a whistleblower who works in the Texas VA told The Daily Beast. “People up on top are suddenly afraid they may actually be prosecuted and they’re pressuring the little guys down below to cover it all up.”

Exclusive: Texas VA Run Like a 'Crime Syndicate,' Whistleblower Says - The Daily Beast
Here is a news flash the VA has been a mess for many,many,many years under both Republicans and Democrats when something like this hits the fan the party in control takes the hit for it in this instance it happens to be the Democrats deal with it.
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.
Apparently the top 14 administrators of the VA have take homes of over $300,000.

Others got bonuses for lying that veterans were being treated quickly, etc., and other fantasies about the wonderful job they were doing for our nation's disabled and sick vets. :evil:
Here is a news flash the VA has been a mess for many,many,many years under both Republicans and Democrats when something like this hits the fan the party in control takes the hit for it in this instance it happens to be the Democrats deal with it.

If the past has anything to do with the present, President Obama will say some pretty words about how MUCH he cares, then he will fuggetaboutit.

The word on the hill is that Shinsaki is toast, so he will go, although Obama will hate it because it's hard to find a good yes man who knows his place in the pecking order Bambam has institutionalized in his huge yesperson bureaucracy.
Please note I give my usual references to each & all of my contentions.

Republicans refused to fund veterans' health bill three months ago February 2014 & now are making politics with the VA's present problems.

My Reference on Republicans refusing to fund the Veteran’s health bill: U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

Republicans would also want us to forget that the Reagan Administration "controlled & obstructed" a federal study of Agent Orange exposure among Vietnam veterans.

In 1990 Congress had concluded that the Reagan strategy was to deny federal liability in toxic exposure cases & this in turn led to the cancellation of the Centers for Disease Control study in 1987.

My Reference on Reagan denied Federal Liability for Veteran’s that were exposed to the proven toxic effect of “Agent Orange;” Reagan Administration Obstructed Agent Orange Study, Panel Claims - Los Angeles Times

Going back in time for the past century, Republicans have never changed in their disdain for Veteran’s except when it was for political advantages as happened in 1932 with the WWI Veteran’s “Bonus Army” march on Washington to ask for cash-payment redemption of their service certificates our government had promised & [R] Prez Herbert Hoover under the pretext that it was a communist insurrection called out the Army to evict the Veterans from Washington DC with lethal effects of numerous fatalities among the marchers in spite of the fact that the Veteran’s had been meticulously careful in keeping an orderly discipline within their ranks & purging any leftist agitators that tried to infiltrate their ranks under the Veteran’s slogan of:


Best Regards
Here is a news flash the VA has been a mess for many,many,many years under both Republicans and Democrats when something like this hits the fan the party in control takes the hit for it in this instance it happens to be the Democrats deal with it.

the can't and they won't
next it will be the Tea Party, Booooosh, right wing extremist, the Koch brothers, etc
Well it's a blatant lie that the VA was underfunded. Just another blatant liberal lie.

I've put up the budgets. The VA has received every penny it asked for medical care appropriations. AND to boot has run a surplus for the past 5 years.

That won't fly. Even the whistle-blowers say it's underfunded. That's what causes issues like this to get out of hand the way this one has.

That doesn't fly either with administrators there receiving megabucks, padded with a lot of fringe benefits such as $6 million conferences not to mention this $5 million one: Veterans Administration Workers Sing 'Beat It' In Latest Government Conference Embarrassment
At the very least this is a situation of incredible mismanagement. But from what the whistle blower testimony and the IG has uncovered to date appears to be fraud for the purpose of receiving bonuses and promotions resulting in deaths.

That shoots it into the realm of a criminal case.
I agree. Pumping mendacity for those huge pay checks is a disservice to the beloved veterans who gave up body parts to preserve and protect Americans abroad and bring freedom to those inured into frightening religio-fascist military dictatorships in which religious freedom is squelched by the most successful genocidal and misogynistic maniacs.

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