Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Lessee..........a study using government data backed up by footnotes and years of numbers/data VS the recollection of a single digit IQ Dimwinger some 45 years later.

It's a coin toss.
Do you ever research your sources or do you just believe everything that agrees with and supports your indoctrination? That is the way suckers think. That makes you the biggest ass hicky sucker around.
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Let's see, Trump banned Epstein from his resorts when it was known about his behavior. But Clinton went multiple time to orgy Island, while ditching his security detail. But of course you will overlook that. Because you're a hypocrite.
Yet another Whataboutism attempt at deflection. BTW I think Anyone who visited that Island should have been investigated. Especially Clinton. We need to rid ourselves of sexual predators in our government and all attacks on democracy as well. Let's see if you agree with those things. Put aside your indoctrination for just as long as it takes to have a moment of clarity.
Tax cuts for the rich will fix inflation. That's what republicans typically promise and implement every election cycle. Gee, i wonder how that'll work out this time.
You didn't know? Biden shows up for work to have his newly-formed oligarchs telling him what to say. He is unavailable to almost everyone and doesn't initiate any ideas, just stands up in front of a reader and sticks to his handlers' narratives. When he's done talking, he about-faces to a conveniently close escape door and answers no questions any more. So you're right, Biden isn't to blame for the decisions the Deep State (secretive) Oligarches who are getting ready to cancel the United States Constitution. Yes, we will hear Biden caterwauling about criticisms leveled against him that belong to the in-crowd Oligarchs who do the deciding. Unfortunately, the voters did not vote on an oligarchy system of government that is so characteristic of communism, and people are a little confused at the El Switcho-Changeo that is going on behind White House doors. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I understand from watching last night's news that we're all going to be paying more taxes as the Democrats are going to push for tax hikes now to pay for their trillion-dollar spendathons. You can criticize me, but things are about to double down on more inflation when the announcement of tax hikes are made in the week ahead.
The trouble with more than one president at a time (oligarchy) is that paying for the wishes and demands of several participants is more expensive than one head of government.
Best wishes as you consider who and what you are representing to put America 6 feet under. They spent enough since Biden's inauguration to make paupers and slaves out of our generation's grandkids, not to mention us all and our children. Please take thought of what is going on in DC. One party rule sucks.
And what do you think of a party that supports the big lie? All politicians are scoundrels. But there are levels of corruption that separates them from one another. Keep in mind that your scoundrels killed an effort by our scoundrels to tax the very Oligarchs that you are talking about and bring about some fairness in our tax laws. That's what I mean by being politically naive. Also keep in mind that your scoundrels gave themselves a 2 trillion dollar raise and made it permanent while putting an expiration date on the bone they threw at the working class.
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We need more workers. And some unskilled ones at that. Retail wages are up something like 40% too. You'd think Trump guys would be happy. LOL

I personally don't think risen wages are that big of an inflationary problem. And if inflation causes some people to rejoin the labor market ... that's not all bad.

I honestly don't think inflation overall is going to be that big of a problem in a year and a half. Gas will be expensive. Veggies actually haven't gone up THAT much, but meat .... it's gonna cost.
The last thing we need is more workes. Corporations always say that so they can import cheap foreign labor.
The economy was fucked up in the last administration in case you missed it.
I guess I did. What was inflation like? The price of gas?
Yes you and your party do hate America, whites, Hispanics, straight people, anybody who doesn’t swallow your propaganda. Enjoying that inflation, empty shelves, record high gas prices, stock market collapsing? All caused by YOUR guy.
Wake-up call! It was YOUR guy and YOUR guys who stormed the Capitol and it was YOUR guys who spread the BIG LIE. And it was YOUR GUYS who planned the overthrow of OUR democracy. And no one event or person can shift the world economy. Grow the fuck up! Go back to school and learn how to think critically and not just spout nonsense put out by traitors. Because it's YOUR GUYS who are traitors. What they've done in plain sight is the biggest act of HATE for America in history. Did you miss that? Not obvious enough for ya? Doesn't fit with YOUR indoctrination? What a sucker.
We read and hear all the disinformed talking crazy about Biden, but they have no plan to stop inflation. If they had one, they would have presented it to congress. Because if they had one and it worked, they would most certainly assure themselves the majority. Instead it's been about obstruction and the idiocy of Big Money Manchin and Corporate Slave Sinema.

I say they have no plan because spending by trump contributed to the inflation.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans.

And Rick Scotts tax increase for all is not the answer. So the Republican plan is to get the majority and start bogus investigations on Hunter Biden and attempt to impeach Biden, then Harris. If they appoint trump to speaker, understand that is the first move to the attempt to reinstall him as president. Sane Americans cannot continue falling for disinformation. Biden is not the reason that supply chains have been hampered, COVID is. And we were negatively affected by COVID due to the incompetence of a republican president. We cannot afford to have crazies running our government.
I thought there wasn't any
Then it was transitory
Now, repubs can't fix it.

God damn yall are shit.
And what do you think of a party that supports the big lie? All politicians are scoundrels. But there are levels of corruption that separates them from one another. Keep in mind that your scoundrels killed an effort by our scoundrels to tax the very Oligarchs that you are talking about and bring about some fairness in our tax laws. That's what I mean by being politically naive. Also keep in mind that your scoundrels gave themselves a 2 trillion dollar raise and made it permanent while putting an expiration date on the bone they threw at the working class.
Exactly. are boring now troll.........only so many back and forth with your dumb ass..........go troll in traffic.
Okay there pigeon! But while I'm out there in traffic, be nice enough not to shit on my windshield the way your heroes shit on our Constitution! BTW I understand why you want to bail from our conversations. Even a moron will eventually understand that it's not smart to keep coming back just to get their asses kicked by truth and logic.
Okay there pigeon! But while I'm out there in traffic, be nice enough not to shit on my windshield the way your heroes shit on our Constitution! BTW I understand why you want to bail from our conversations. Even a moron will eventually understand that it's not smart to keep coming back just to the their asses kicked by truth and logic.
Ok i've had enough of your endless BS trolling ..............You are the weakest link.......join my VERY LARGE IGGY VAULT...........SEE YOU AS ANOTHER SOCK LATER Seala booboo.
Yet another Whataboutism attempt at deflection. BTW I think Anyone who visited that Island should have been investigated. Especially Clinton. We need to rid ourselves of sexual predators in our government and all attacks on democracy as well. Let's see if you agree with those things. Put aside your indoctrination for just as long as it takes to have a moment of clarity.
Trump participated with Epstein. He and Epstein raped a 14 year old girl, then kept appealing things until she could no longer afford to go to court.

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