Republicans have no understanding of real policy ideas. Democrats do.

When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges And yet they blew it with nearly a trillion of stimulus money
2) Making healthcare more affordable Obamacare has made it way more expensive all the way around
3) Raising the minimum wage Another way to kill small businesses, along with Obamacare and overregulation
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change The proposed solutions are nothing more than wealth redistribution and the left's own experts agreed they won't have a measureable effect.
5) Keeping big money out of politics Hillary got campaign donations from other countries, some who are hostile to us, then there is Soros. Dems are all about big money.
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy) The left has zero trust in the private sector
7) Tax cuts for the middle class Where the hell are they? Obamacare raised costs for us. And we pick up the tab for all the left's stupid ideas.
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers For the few jobs left after the left's disastrous policies.
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit They should be reducing spending. So much is just wasted.
10) LGBT rights advocacy Men following little girl's into the bathroom. And it was the supreme court that handled gay marriage.
11) Feminist issues What issues do feminists have that other women don't have?
12) Making college more affordable Most have liberal professors who are getting paid enormous amounts. That is why expenses are up. High tuition is caused by liberals.
13) Targeting Wall Street crime Funny, considering that liberals are in bed with Wallstreet, too
14) Gun control We need criminal control. Libs want to disarm the public. Hillary already said she doesn't think the 2nd amendment allows the right to own guns.

And the liberals supporting the Muslims in Britain when they took sexy photos of women off public ads and billboards and you bitch about some wanting to do away with porn.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

You're dead wrong on every issue. Most of your agenda is based on ignorance and delusions about science and economics.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges And yet they blew it with nearly a trillion of stimulus money
2) Making healthcare more affordable Obamacare has made it way more expensive all the way around
3) Raising the minimum wage Another way to kill small businesses, along with Obamacare and overregulation
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change The proposed solutions are nothing more than wealth redistribution and the left's own experts agreed they won't have a measureable effect.
5) Keeping big money out of politics Hillary got campaign donations from other countries, some who are hostile to us, then there is Soros. Dems are all about big money.
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy) The left has zero trust in the private sector
7) Tax cuts for the middle class Where the hell are they? Obamacare raised costs for us. And we pick up the tab for all the left's stupid ideas.
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers For the few jobs left after the left's disastrous policies.
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit They should be reducing spending. So much is just wasted.
10) LGBT rights advocacy Men following little girl's into the bathroom. And it was the supreme court that handled gay marriage.
11) Feminist issues What issues do feminists have that other women don't have?
12) Making college more affordable Most have liberal professors who are getting paid enormous amounts. That is why expenses are up. High tuition is caused by liberals.
13) Targeting Wall Street crime Funny, considering that liberals are in bed with Wallstreet, too
14) Gun control We need criminal control. Libs want to disarm the public. Hillary already said she doesn't think the 2nd amendment allows the right to own guns.

And the liberals supporting the Muslims in Britain when they took sexy photos of women off public ads and billboards and you bitch about some wanting to do away with porn.
1) Nearly a trillion? You need to learn your facts. Only 50 billion of the stimulus went to infrastructure spending. Hell, half of that trillion went to extending Bush's tax cuts.
2) ObamaCare did nothing to make healthcare more expensive. It's the price of it has been increasing since before ACA's implementation. It has however slowed the growth of this spending.
3) Historically, raising the min wage does not signfically harm small businesses. In fact, 600 econmists signed a letter to congress in support of raising the min wage to 10.10 per hour.
4) Mitigation is about preparing the planet for the irreversible damage that will come. Doing nothing would only make it worse.
5) Bernie Sanders outraised ALL of the republican candidates in campaign funding and he did it without the help of super PACs. Donations at $27 a piece. Suck on that.
6) So stupid. You people think like children, It's dangerous black and white thinking. Letting corporations do whatever the fuck they want is obviously a terrible idea.
7) There's no causation between ObamaCare and the rise of prices. Again, it's been increasing long before ObamaCare came along.
8) Hmm 15 million+ private jobs have been created under Obama. Compare that to Bush with a pathetic 2 million and two recessions to offset even that number.
9) Yeah it's called defense spending. Of course any freshman in economics will tell you that raising taxes is a critical way to reduce the rising cost of any government program.
10) There weren't perverts going into these bathrooms with kids before the media shined it's light on the issue. What you people are too stupid to realize is that transsexuals have been using the bathrooms of the sex they identify with for years. Republicans just decided to make this long time, harmless practice illegal.
11) The right to choose. Duh.
12) Um the real issue is the staggering price for student tuition. You never went to college so I guess I can't expect you to grasp this.
13) Yeah but only liberals want to do anything about it.
14) Hillary won't do jack shit to the 2nd amendment.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

You're dead wrong on every issue. Most of your agenda is based on ignorance and delusions about science and economics.
And yet we know you couldn't come up with a factually based argument as to why I am wrong if your life depended on it. You're so transparent, you know that right?
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

You're dead wrong on every issue. Most of your agenda is based on ignorance and delusions about science and economics.
And yet we know you couldn't come up with a factually based argument as to why I am wrong if your life depended on it. You're so transparent, you know that right?

I've posted thousands of fact based arguments proving you're wrong.
The truth of the matter must be that republican voters have no earthly understanding what they are voting for.
Typical generalization.
I was born and raised in Utah, Now live in Idaho. The 2 most conservative states in the union.
Now tell me einstein where is all this chaos you speak of taking place?
We didn't vote for refugees that are attacking our citizens here. You put em here, and there ain't a dang thing we can do about it..
I notice they weren't put in your hood. You libs aren't taking them into your households either.
At least we're honest and say we don't want em.
You play closest racist and keep em out of your hood and homes.

Link to refugees attacking Americans.
The truth of the matter must be that republican voters have no earthly understanding what they are voting for.
Typical generalization.
I was born and raised in Utah, Now live in Idaho. The 2 most conservative states in the union.
Now tell me einstein where is all this chaos you speak of taking place?
We didn't vote for refugees that are attacking our citizens here. You put em here, and there ain't a dang thing we can do about it..
I notice they weren't put in your hood. You libs aren't taking them into your households either.
At least we're honest and say we don't want em.
You play closest racist and keep em out of your hood and homes.

Link to refugees attacking Americans.
I'm not going to look them up.
But just google refugee assaults Twin Falls, idaho.
It's interesting how you ask that when you know any spending program proposed by republcans is NEVER paid for. Cutting defense spending could easily pay for most of those. Closing tax loopholes taken advantage by corporations would pay for a lot as well. 2/3 of all corporations pay no federal income taxes because of loopholes. That essentially makes the official rate of 35% a complete joke. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters.

2/3rds of all US corporations pay no Federal income taxes? Really, Billy? I'd like to see a link on that glaring overstatement!
Ah facts. Too easy of a tool to reduce you asshats to rubble.

Corporate Income Tax: Most Large Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Tax but Effective Tax Rates Differed Significantly from the Statutory Rate

In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability. Larger corporations were more likely to owe tax. Among large corporations (generally those with at least $10 million in assets) less than half—42.3 percent—paid no federal income tax in 2012. Of those large corporations whose financial statements reported a profit, 19.5 percent paid no federal income tax that year. Reasons why even profitable corporations may have paid no federal tax in a given year include the use of tax deductions for losses carried forward from prior years and tax incentives, such as depreciation allowances that are more generous in the federal tax code than those allowed for financial accounting purposes. Corporations that did have a federal corporate income tax liability for tax year 2012 owed $267.5 billion.

And yet they still outsource jobs and bring in cheap labor. Along with buying out all the small competition!

No wonder our middle class is dying.
So, ask yourself ...

WHY do they outsource jobs or bring in cheap labor?

because they're greedy...A higher profit margin. Same as why they buy out all the small competition and offshore. It isn't like they have too but they do so because they're greedy.

Who the hell is "they"? You do realize most of those dastardly corporation are owned by your grandfather, your father, your pension fund, right? You do realize that those higher profits benefit your grandfather, your father, your pension fund, right?
2/3rds of all US corporations pay no Federal income taxes? Really, Billy? I'd like to see a link on that glaring overstatement!
Ah facts. Too easy of a tool to reduce you asshats to rubble.

Corporate Income Tax: Most Large Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Tax but Effective Tax Rates Differed Significantly from the Statutory Rate

In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability. Larger corporations were more likely to owe tax. Among large corporations (generally those with at least $10 million in assets) less than half—42.3 percent—paid no federal income tax in 2012. Of those large corporations whose financial statements reported a profit, 19.5 percent paid no federal income tax that year. Reasons why even profitable corporations may have paid no federal tax in a given year include the use of tax deductions for losses carried forward from prior years and tax incentives, such as depreciation allowances that are more generous in the federal tax code than those allowed for financial accounting purposes. Corporations that did have a federal corporate income tax liability for tax year 2012 owed $267.5 billion.

And yet they still outsource jobs and bring in cheap labor. Along with buying out all the small competition!

No wonder our middle class is dying.
So, ask yourself ...

WHY do they outsource jobs or bring in cheap labor?

because they're greedy...A higher profit margin. Same as why they buy out all the small competition and offshore. It isn't like they have too but they do so because they're greedy.

Who the hell is "they"? You do realize most of those dastardly corporation are owned by your grandfather, your father, your pension fund, right? You do realize that those higher profits benefit your grandfather, your father, your pension fund, right?

Save your breath, Spare...Matthew is one of the Liberal Kool Aid drinkers. He thinks corporations are evil and need to be punished for doing what they are required by law to do...namely make a profit for their stockholders.
Here are my beliefs

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges-Common sense. Every country on earth does this and anyone that doesn't is a fucking idiot!
2) Making healthcare more affordable-Sounds like a great idea! WE spend more of our gdp on healthcare on each person then any other country on earth. What do we get for it? Millions of uninsured and people dying with huge debts. There's no other industrial country on gods earth that doesn't have single payer or universal healthcare! It would be conservative! It would decrease the debt...Get with it!
3) Raising the minimum wage-Oregons minimum wage had 1. for Portland, 2. for Eugene and Salem and 3 for the rest of the state. Maybe cities that are big should be raised to a higher rate then the lower populated areas??? I do care about businesses but the worker deserves to be able to survive too.
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change-Humanity would be well served to invest in research into past climate change and make planning based on it. Climate changes and I believe global warming that is induced by humans will only make it worse. Solar and wind are also great resources to take advantage of.
5) Keeping big money out of politics-Get rid of citizens united!!!! Good plan!
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)-Not quite sure what this is but if it is keeping us safe from bad products. It is a good idea!
7) Tax cuts for the middle class-Agree. The middle class is the real engine of our economy as is far larger and we need more competition...Most new competition will start here.
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers-Great idea!
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit- Sounds like a plan..Hit the traitors in the 1% that have been outsourcing to our enemies. ;)
10) LGBT rights advocacy-Freedom baby!
11) Feminist issues-well, it has become a hate group in some ways. So we can't all agree with all the issues.
12) Making college more affordable-Great idea!More education = more businesses and innovation.
13) Targeting Wall Street crime- Good idea ;)
14) Gun control-We should respect the second amendment but we can't have insane people with as easy exist to them either.

Pretty much.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

My advice to you is to stop indulging in mind altering substances.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?
So eight years and none of that happened
Are you saying all Democrats support those policies listed? Or just Hillary's promises?
I'm saying democratic leaders push those ideas.

Single question ----- how do you (the collective you - I know how democrats love the word 'collective') propose to pay for that list?

Answer that for each item - and we'll talk.

99% of these policies are already in place and most people like them! We pay fucking taxes for them and we're the most powerful nation on earth because we invest in our own country. Got anymore effin questions?
I'm saying democratic leaders push those ideas.

Single question ----- how do you (the collective you - I know how democrats love the word 'collective') propose to pay for that list?

Answer that for each item - and we'll talk.
It's interesting how you ask that when you know any spending program proposed by republcans is NEVER paid for. Cutting defense spending could easily pay for most of those. Closing tax loopholes taken advantage by corporations would pay for a lot as well. 2/3 of all corporations pay no federal income taxes because of loopholes. That essentially makes the official rate of 35% a complete joke. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters.

2/3rds of all US corporations pay no Federal income taxes? Really, Billy? I'd like to see a link on that glaring overstatement!
Ah facts. Too easy of a tool to reduce you asshats to rubble.

Corporate Income Tax: Most Large Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Tax but Effective Tax Rates Differed Significantly from the Statutory Rate

In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability. Larger corporations were more likely to owe tax. Among large corporations (generally those with at least $10 million in assets) less than half—42.3 percent—paid no federal income tax in 2012. Of those large corporations whose financial statements reported a profit, 19.5 percent paid no federal income tax that year. Reasons why even profitable corporations may have paid no federal tax in a given year include the use of tax deductions for losses carried forward from prior years and tax incentives, such as depreciation allowances that are more generous in the federal tax code than those allowed for financial accounting purposes. Corporations that did have a federal corporate income tax liability for tax year 2012 owed $267.5 billion.

And yet they still outsource jobs and bring in cheap labor. Along with buying out all the small competition!

No wonder our middle class is dying.
Both parties do...asshole.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

^^ This shit is why no one can take liberals seriously.
When I say choice in policy, I mean the difference in numbers of policy positions.

Democrats push for:

1) Investing in fixing roads and bridges
2) Making healthcare more affordable
3) Raising the minimum wage
4) Mitigating the effects of climate change
5) Keeping big money out of politics
6) Regulations targeting products of human consumption (consumer advocacy)
7) Tax cuts for the middle class
8) Extending the eligibility of over time pay for workers
9) Raising taxes to reduce the deficit
10) LGBT rights advocacy
11) Feminist issues
12) Making college more affordable
13) Targeting Wall Street crime
14) Gun control

The list doesn't even stop there. There's even more ideas than that.

Now let's examine republican policy

1) Giving tax breaks to the top earners (which ONLY helps them)
2) Deregulation
3) Limiting LGBT rights
4) Limiting women's right
5) No to ObamaCare
6) Getting rid of porn(RNC), sex toys (Ted Cruz)

Okay that's 14 to 6 in the number of policy ideas. Now keep in mind that 5 of those republican policies are not pro-active ideas. They are just policies that say "No" to something rather than policies expressing new solutions.

You can hate the democratic ideas all you want, but at least they are proactive ideas that outnumber the list in the republican platform.

Once again we must ask: why would anyone not in the 1% vote republican?

^^ This shit is why no one can take liberals seriously.
Well none of it happened as they claim

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