Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.
Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs: Poll

According to a survey on views toward various religions commissioned by the Arab American Institute, Republican sentiment toward Muslims produced the highest negative results, with 57 percent of respondents saying they had unfavorable opinions. Only 26 percent said they had favorable opinions. Republicans gave Muslim-Americans slightly higher marks, responding 47 percent unfavorably and 35 percent favorably. Though not gauging a direct religious following, the results were similar on questions regarding Arabs, who received 53 percent unfavorable to 27 percent favorable responses, as well as Arab-Americans, who received 48 percent unfavorable to 33 percent favorable responses.

Respondents on the other side of the aisle also provided less-negative responses toward Muslims. Among Democrats, 29 percent gave unfavorable responses, though 49 percent responded favorably.

Mormons received the highest negative ratings from Democrats, with 35 percent saying they viewed them unfavorably, and 45 percent responding favorably. Overall, Democrats gave net positive responses to all religions. Republicans delivered net negatives to Muslims, Muslim-Americans, Arabs and Arab-Americans, while also showing a tendency to give followers of other non-Western religions, such as Buddhists and Hindus, high unfavorable responses.

There appear to be some parallels between this anti-Muslim sentiment and the agenda, or at least rhetoric, of some lawmakers in the GOP. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) prompted outrage from both Democrats and Republicans when she became the de facto representative for a group of Republicans pushing for an investigation into top administration aides and their supposed connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) has also picked up on this brand of Islamophobia, stating repeatedly that the nation is under a perpetual threat of radical Islam from within its borders.

Islamophobes, Buddaphobes, Hinduphobes, any religion that isn't WHITE and CHRISTIAN they view unfavorably. Batshit crazy party.

All of the above is completely vindicated when you watch this video
Tunisian Muslims Behead an Apostate
Tunisian Muslims behead an Apostate does not show the beheading, so there is NOTHING graphic about the video. It IS disturbing that the beheading happened shortly after the video ends. Thankfully, that is not shown. It's important that folks know that this is common. Reading the commentary at the link also indicates that the Muslim reporter is appalled about this, though. So, that's good. However, they report that a cleric just that week called for death to all apostates.


[ame=]Tunisian Muslims Behead an Apostate - YouTube[/ame]
Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

Well duhhh!
Kind of like saying the sun is hot.
I thought the left believed that natural behavior shouldnt be condemned. Or is the whole gay rights movement a lie?

And on what basis do you consider killing to be any more natural for one group than another?

Is it natural when Catholics abuse children?

Did i say killing was natural for one group and not another? Did i mention killing at all?

I said people will have negative views of a group of people if part of that group is waging war on them. It is a natural defense. tDoes that mean it's right? Nope. but that's not the argument we hear from the left. We hear the argument that if it's natural is perfectly alright, the exception comes here apparently. But there is no real reasonable explanation for it.
Christians were behind the inquistion, the crusades, the holocaust..and so many other lovely things throughout history.

Charlamange, the good Christian King, beheaded so many people that's it's hard to get an accurate count.

But let's differ to another great Christian.. The Jews and Their Lies (9781593640248): Martin Luther: Books

Get it while it's hot!

The crusades were a reaction to Muslim invasions into Europe and the Holy Land. Not really sure you can hold Chrisitans responsible for starting things there. And the Holocaust was performed by godless fascists. No Christians there either. In fact, the Christians were the ones saving people there.
Muslims want to rock with you... literally. Shake shake shake your body!!


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I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.

Does history include the Paris riots?
Muslims have a PR problem of their own making. It has absolutely nothing to do with Republican White Christians.

yep .....until the "good" Muslims speak up,and i mean speak up....there will be a problem of trust.....

Good muslims speak up all the time. They are just murdered by all those bad muslims. They are heretics and traitors.

Have you ever had a conversation with a man who refused to kill his wife and daughters because he didn't have a son? I have. His own muslim family marks him for death just like the women. It's amazing what you learn when you speak to muslims. Talk to some. Find some safe house for muslim women and chat them up.
I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.

You first and throw in some news while your at it.
I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.

yea you dont hear about any problems there with Muslims.....dumbass Marmoset...
Muslims have a PR problem of their own making. It has absolutely nothing to do with Republican White Christians.

yep .....until the "good" Muslims speak up,and i mean speak up....there will be a problem of trust.....

Good muslims speak up all the time. They are just murdered by all those bad muslims. They are heretics and traitors.

Have you ever had a conversation with a man who refused to kill his wife and daughters because he didn't have a son? I have. His own muslim family marks him for death just like the women. It's amazing what you learn when you speak to muslims. Talk to some. Find some safe house for muslim women and chat them up.

no they speak up but they dont Speak up.....if the leaders of these Muslim Countries who claim they are against the violence not only spoke up but got together and policed their Religion with their Troops and Cops this would be a minor problem.....instead when non-Muslims are forced to deal with is spun as how they,the infidels, are trying to destroy Islam....hence the credibility and trust problem
I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.
^^^ A monkey calling others monkeys and thinking it's an insult. :lmao:
I made it simple but it was still too deep for your shallow brain.

Shallow gene pool comes to mind with your family tree trunk.

Liberals support muslims because:

1) They oppose/fight Israel and the Jews
2) They are not Christians
3) They are typically not white people
4) They are viewed as oppressed by European colonists
5) They hate women, dogs, pork and gays....oops

nice tent you threw up.....i think you have gone berserk....
Shallow gene pool comes to mind with your family tree trunk.

do you know the rules here jerk?.....learn them quick....i would hate to see someone i can have so much fun with getting banned....
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I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here, they even know I'm American, you monkeys talking bad about Muslims need to pick up history book.
^^^ A monkey calling others monkeys and thinking it's an insult. :lmao:

A tradition at MSNBC............

Orders from headquarters......You understand.............
Interesting poll. I wouldn't judge "Republicans" in general, based on it. There's still a handful of liberal Republicans, especially in the Northeast, that still consider themselves to be the Party of Lincoln. I guess it's only a matter of time before the Right Wing Cultural Revolution purges them. There's also a handful of right wing Dixiecrats, who still call themselves Democrats. I can live with that.

The poll would have been much more skewed if there was a way to judge if a person is a right winger. It's the essence of conservatism to be against anyone who doesn't think like them, look like them, or worship like them. They always want to look backwards, instead of forward. They hate diversity. They can't enjoy our different subcultures, as I do. So they preach a gospel of hate, hate, hate of anything that isn't all white bread. George Will put it best when he wrote, contemporary conservatism is based on a philosophy of what they're against.

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