Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

That is such a lie. It's completely not true. Republicans have strongly negative views of everyone not Republican, not just Muslims and Arabs, unless they own Fox News. Then they are OK. Even if they believe the 9/11 terrorists are heroes. If they own Fox News, they are OK.
It should be noted that the biggest murderers of Muslims in the world are other Muslims. Anyone who's actually interested in evidence can look that up.

Having said that . . .

Conservatives - hell, even NORMAL, non-conservative people - are often confused at the liberal/leftist tendency to condemn western culture while giving all other cultures a pass. This stems from the leftist Frankfurt School philosophers such as Marcuse, et. al, whose goal was to infiltrate western institutions (particularly universities) in order to denigrate western capitalist culture 'from the inside,' so to speak, in order to make way for their 'revolution.'

This is not a conspiracy theory. Marcuse and his co-horts actually STATED that this was their goal in their writings. Anyone who's interested can look it up. Anyone who wishes to remain ingorant can keep watching television or something.

Liberals and left-leaning people who've been drinking the Frankfurt School Koolaide since the 1960's have become so indoctrinated into the idea that western culture is the world's great EVIL, they are unable to take a well-rounded, historical view of world cultures. The TRUTH of the matter is that EVERY major culture has committed heinous crimes, both western and non-western. But the leftist/anti-colonialist view shirks this notion because it is inherently biased against western culture.

Edward Said, Palestinian propagandist and long-time proffessor at Columbia University, even went so far as to state, in his book 'Orientalism,' that westerners are NOT ABLE to acurately judge or describe other cultures because of their own inherent biases. Think about that: if you're a westerner, your opinion is null from the OUTSET!!

Pretty convenient, right? It's a effective way to silence anyone who disagrees with you. Said's goal was to shame westerners into silence by painting them as INHERENTLY biased (read: RACIST). Having done that, he could carry on with his pro-Palestinian propaganda unchallenged, and anyone who disagreed with him was a 'racist.'

That's why a western university can host DEATH TO ISRAEL rallies, while banning an Israeli government official from their campus. (This happened over the past two years). Marcuse and Said's goal of demonizing western culture (which includes Israel as a 'satellite of American agression') has become mainstream in universities, where about 80% of faculty are hardcore leftists.

I know a lot about this stuff, since I used to be a moderate leftist myself. I trashed my own culture, while giving every other culture a pass. I went to great lengths to rationalize the abhorrent behavior of other cultures, because I didn't have the emotional fortitiude to admit I was wrong. Then, one day, I just couldn't muster up any more cognitive dissonance. I had to admit that, despite the wrongs western culture has pepretrated over the course of history, we were still the best thing going. When I looked at the EVIDENCE, I could clearly see that although far from perfect, America offered the greatest chance at personal liberty.

I can walk down any street in America with an I LOVE JESUS or a BLACK SABBATH shirt and NO ONE can do anything to me. I can praise Allah, or wear a Yarmulke, and no one can throw me into a windowless van and throw me in a secret jail. My gay friends don't have to worry about being hung from cranes, as they are in Iran. (This is documented. Again, LOOK IT UP.) I can choose a religion, and then leave it without being sentenced to death for apostasy.

I say that western culture, and America in particular, ROCKS!! And I say that cultures ruled by Sharia law, where you can be thrown in jail for just carrying a bible or wearing a Star of David, SUCK. We're awseome, and they suck.

Most westerners are rightly afraid of radical Islam. But there's little we can do about it. It's up to peace-loving, tolerant Muslims to change Islam FROM THE INSIDE. This is an IMMENSE TASK. Islamic theology itself, which is based on the principle of abrogation, is a major roadblock. And then you have the Saudi's, who spend BILLIONS every year to import Wahhabism, one of the most radical sects of Islam. Muslims who wish to bring Islam into the 20th century have a tall order on their hands.

And then what IS a 'moderate' Muslim? Is it a Muslim who doesn't commit violence him/herself, but doesn't mind the violence that other Muslims commit in the name of Jihad? Or s it a Muslim who disavows violence in the name of Islam altogether? is it a Muslim who wouldn't mind a partial allowance of Sharia law into American courtrooms, or is it a Muslim who disavows Sharia law altogether as being incompatible with western liberal democracy? is it a Muslim who allows his daughter to go to the senior prom, or a Muslim who beats his daughter half to death for reading a fashion magazine?

Is it a Muslim who calls himself 'tolerant,' but agress with Hamas that Jews should be pushed into the sea, as the Hamas charter states? (Again, people, go look it up.)

In order for Islam to be fully accepted into western culture, it must pull itself into THIS CENTURY. That means dismantling the radiucal elements WITHIN IT. That's an inside job, and until Muslims take it on THEMSELVES, nothing will happen.

Of course, when your saying all this to a western leftist, who believes a priori that western culture (and America in particular) is the root of all EVIL, you won't get far.
Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

That is such a lie. It's completely not true. Republicans have strongly negative views of everyone not Republican, not just Muslims and Arabs, unless they own Fox News. Then they are OK. Even if they believe the 9/11 terrorists are heroes. If they own Fox News, they are OK.

They want us to fear Muslims and ignore terrirists like this

Active U.S. Soldiers Captured Stockpiling Weapons To Assassinate President Obama | Breaking News for Black America

These fuckers where the same army uniform I wear.
I live in Paris, plenty of Muslims are here, especially those from African Muslim countries, lots of mosques, no Muslim problem here.

Oh really? LOL

You might want to stop worrying about politics in my country so much and start paying attention to what is happening all around you in yours, Frenchie.
Hell you leftist should have a negative view on these people.

They go against everything you say you believe.
-No human rights
-No human expression
-No woman rights
Some countries they can't drive
Can't vote
-Some islamic countries execute people for charging from islam to another religion.
-Islam holds most of their people in idiocy.

What's not to have a negative view of? O'crap, You're not serious when you attack the right. You just do that to win power. Never fucking mind. :eusa_boohoo:

Don't ever talk about women's rights to me again. I'll won't take you seriously.
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You're not serious when you attack the right.

Who the fuck told you that you represent "the right"? You don't represent anything but your own personal fear and weakness, you stupid jackass.

I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

It isn't fear but fact. How many times do I have to show the stats on black murder rates?
Well, I represent me. And I'm here to tell ya that I don't think to highly of folks who strap on suicide vests, walk into restaurants, malls and blow folks up.

I don't think kindly on folks who fly planes into building and kill 3,000 people who's only crime was that they went to work.

I don't paint all Muslims with the same brush but it seems to me that the Muslim non jihadist world has done nothing to rein in the radicals in their midst.

Kinda makes you wonder if they really hate their radical brothers all that much. After all their religion rules their world.

Think I'll side with killing the dirtbags and having contempt for those Muslims sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing.
My political views have nothing to do with my thoughts about the savages. The be-headings and sodomy of our people they've murdered have much much more to do with it.
I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

With all due respect, after having read many of your posts, I don't think most conservatives would line up to have you represent them.

Something tells me, however, that those who did would have a can of Hamm's™ in one hand.

I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

With all due respect, after having read many of your posts, I don't think most conservatives would line up to have you represent them.

Something tells me, however, that those who did would have a can of Hamm's™ in one hand.


Can you show me how I'm wrong with what I'm saying? Someone has to have the balls to point out the bs in society. :eusa_shhh:
You're not serious when you attack the right.

Who the fuck told you that you represent "the right"? You don't represent anything but your own personal fear and weakness, you stupid jackass.

I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country.

Bullshit you do. Don't kid yourself, asswipe. You represent your own personal failings and nothing else.

Idiotic cowards like you are a tiny minority in the country as a whole and unwelcome in any legitimate political point of view or demographic. You and the few other sniveling cowards like yourself are all alone and indicative of nothing but a shameful anomaly in my country. You insignificant errors will continue to be left behind to dwindle towards statistical zero while my country moves on, so much the better for having cleared up the infection that your fear and stupidity represent.
I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

With all due respect, after having read many of your posts, I don't think most conservatives would line up to have you represent them.

He's not due any respect, and he sure as hell doesn't represent conservatives in this country.
Flaylo loves her some terrorists.


I guess so. When we've been bitten so many times by Muslims and the peaceful ones, that we are told are in the majority, never utter a peep, how do we know who they are or if this benevolent majority actually exist.

The liberals have always bashed other religions mercilessly, then suddenly take a shine to the religion that has produced the most radicals in history. When asked to explain, they quote the same old talking points, but can't articulate why they feel Islam is the only religion worth defending after all these years. They just can't do it. They won't defend Christians, Jews and especially not Mormons, but they'll impugn those who even question Islam and their thinking from the dark ages.
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You're not serious when you attack the right.

Who the fuck told you that you represent "the right"? You don't represent anything but your own personal fear and weakness, you stupid jackass.

I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

It isn't fear but fact. How many times do I have to show the stats on black murder rates?

Conservatives dont care about skin color, so no you dont respresent conservatives.
Who the fuck told you that you represent "the right"? You don't represent anything but your own personal fear and weakness, you stupid jackass.

I represent the conservative awaken whites of this country. We see the bull shit going on within our cities.

It isn't fear but fact. How many times do I have to show the stats on black murder rates?

Conservatives dont care about skin color, so no you dont respresent conservatives.

Many conservatives do care about skin color.

Your statement is like me saying Liberals don't care about skin color. It's not true... many do.

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