Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs: Poll

According to a survey on views toward various religions commissioned by the Arab American Institute, Republican sentiment toward Muslims produced the highest negative results, with 57 percent of respondents saying they had unfavorable opinions. Only 26 percent said they had favorable opinions. Republicans gave Muslim-Americans slightly higher marks, responding 47 percent unfavorably and 35 percent favorably. Though not gauging a direct religious following, the results were similar on questions regarding Arabs, who received 53 percent unfavorable to 27 percent favorable responses, as well as Arab-Americans, who received 48 percent unfavorable to 33 percent favorable responses.

Respondents on the other side of the aisle also provided less-negative responses toward Muslims. Among Democrats, 29 percent gave unfavorable responses, though 49 percent responded favorably.

Mormons received the highest negative ratings from Democrats, with 35 percent saying they viewed them unfavorably, and 45 percent responding favorably. Overall, Democrats gave net positive responses to all religions. Republicans delivered net negatives to Muslims, Muslim-Americans, Arabs and Arab-Americans, while also showing a tendency to give followers of other non-Western religions, such as Buddhists and Hindus, high unfavorable responses.

There appear to be some parallels between this anti-Muslim sentiment and the agenda, or at least rhetoric, of some lawmakers in the GOP. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) prompted outrage from both Democrats and Republicans when she became the de facto representative for a group of Republicans pushing for an investigation into top administration aides and their supposed connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) has also picked up on this brand of Islamophobia, stating repeatedly that the nation is under a perpetual threat of radical Islam from within its borders.

Islamophobes, Buddaphobes, Hinduphobes, any religion that isn't WHITE and CHRISTIAN they view unfavorably. Batshit crazy party.

Yeah a poll by the Arab American Institute that doesn't even publish the metrics.
Is the third-world where you tried, and failed miserably, to learn English, you fucking moron?

"Is the the Third World, where you tried and failed miserably to learn English, you fucking moron".

There is no hyphen in Third World, and your use of commas is woeful.

I agree. Unkotare is an illiterate ignoramus.

Miss Saigon there is probably qualified to teach the likes of you.
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It defies explanation. That scumbag FDR refused to allow them to immigrate from Nazi Germany before the war started. But Jews have always been lefties. Many of them are communists.

It doesn't defy explanation - it simply proves that your delusional conspiracy theories are just that.

It makes perfect sense to anyone who actually follows the news.

What "conspiracy theory?" What is the sense in voting for people that want to allow the Arab nations to annihilate your race?

What "race" is that?
They are the party of racism

You are confusing race with religion. Contrary to what idiots like you might believe, they are NOT the same.

Hating radical Muslims solely because of their stated desire to see all others die is NOT really a stupid thing to do.

Liberals think we can sit down to tea and crumpets with them, offer them some social welfare and a handshake and they will leave us alone.

Liberals have not yet learned that it is okay to kill someone intent on killing you.

True, that!
Shit. I'm not a Rep and I have strong views on Muslims and Arabs.

The fuckers are trying to kill us.

9-11 anyone??

I live in Texas around Muslims. I have two fucking Madrasahs in my city that I KNOW about.

They're not trying to kill you.

If they're trying to kill you, you better start killing them. OH WAIT BUT WHY DON'T YOU DO THAT? Hmm, I think I know why. Because they're not trying to kill you.

I lived in the Texas city that spawned the The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the United States. .
t was originally known as Occupied Land Fund. ... organization for funding Hamas and other "Islamic terrorist organizations".
Then moved to Tampa where the University S. Florida also had several muslim associations with one of the professor being convicted of raising funds for terrorists.

SO yes both cities in the USA didn't have anything to do with killing non-Christians... BUT their millions of dollars sent to the terrorists is "blood " money!

NONE of that money would have been raised without the knowledge of those that donated as to what the purpose was for the money regarding terrorism.

Finally have you ever read the the following?
Maybe you just haven't paid attention but a "Holy war" was declared!

"The following text is the second fatwa originally published on February 23, 1998, to declare a holy war, or jihad, against the West and Israel.
It is signed by Osama bin Laden, head of al Qaeda; Ayman al-Zawahiri, head of Jihad Group in Egypt, and several other Islamic terrorist groups.

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim.

This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God."

We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.

Al Qaeda's 1998 Fatwa | PBS NewsHour | Feb. 23, 1998 | PBS
Democrats have strongly negative views about work, personal responsibility and respecting the property of others
Thanks for proving you're a certified idiot.:clap2:

Since the muslim population is tiny compared to non-muslims in this country....uh, non-muslims have worse crime rates, dumbfuck.

Simple way to end this anti-Muslim BS, who commits most of the murders and rapes in America, Muslims or non-Muslims? many people did the muslim Army Major kill in Texas?

What about on 9/11? So how many theater shootings killed around 3,000 people in 1 day?

Go fucking kill yourself, you piece of shit.

Simple way to end this anti-Muslim BS, who commits most of the murders and rapes in America, Muslims or non-Muslims?

Who commits the most terrorism in the world? Muslims or non-Muslims?

Who commits the most terrorism in America, Muslims or non_Muslims like the faggot who shot up that theater in Colorado?
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Simple way to end this anti-Muslim BS, who commits most of the murders and rapes in America, Muslims or non-Muslims?

Democrats.......................In this country it is illegal to discriminate against religion in many instances......
Simple way to end this anti-Muslim BS, who commits most of the murders and rapes in America, Muslims or non-Muslims?

Who commits the most terrorism in the world? Muslims or non-Muslims?

Who commits the most terrorism in America, Muslims or non_Muslims like the faggot who shot up that theater in Colorado?

So your understanding of the word "most" is that it means if you can give one example of your view then you win? man people did the muslim Army Major kill in Texas?

What about on 9/11? So how many theater shootings killed around 3,000 people in 1 day?

Go fucking kill yourself, you piece of shit.

Who commits the most terrorism in the world? Muslims or non-Muslims?

Who commits the most terrorism in America, Muslims or non_Muslims like the faggot who shot up that theater in Colorado?

Besides 9/11 Islamic Fundie terrorist acts in America is rare, mass murderers like that Colorado shooting are not so rare.
Oh, so please tell about that last mass shooting at a theater.:eusa_whistle:

You're just a bona fide idiot.

Anyone that uses the non-muslim population and crime rate to excuse the smaller muslim population's crimes is fucking insane. You see idiot, if there are 9 non-muslims for each muslim in this country.....come on you can do it. man people did the muslim Army Major kill in Texas?

What about on 9/11? So how many theater shootings killed around 3,000 people in 1 day?

Go fucking kill yourself, you piece of shit.

Who commits the most terrorism in America, Muslims or non_Muslims like the faggot who shot up that theater in Colorado?

Besides 9/11 Islamic Fundie terrorist acts in America is rare, mass murderers like that Colorado shooting are not so rare.
Oh, so please tell about that last mass shooting at a theater.:eusa_whistle:

You're just a bona fide idiot.

Anyone that uses the non-muslim population and crime rate to excuse the smaller muslim population's crimes is fucking insane. You see idiot, if there are 9 non-muslims for each muslim in this country.....come on you can do it. man people did the muslim Army Major kill in Texas?

What about on 9/11? So how many theater shootings killed around 3,000 people in 1 day?

Go fucking kill yourself, you piece of shit.

Besides 9/11 Islamic Fundie terrorist acts in America is rare, mass murderers like that Colorado shooting are not so rare.

Faggot, the bigger threat is non-Muslims.
Hmmm, I didn't realize only liking women and having sex with them made me a "faggot." You must've failed 6th grade sex ed class.

Anyway, you've proven you're a fucking moron with your stupid statements here, go away.

Oh, so please tell about that last mass shooting at a theater.:eusa_whistle:

You're just a bona fide idiot.

Anyone that uses the non-muslim population and crime rate to excuse the smaller muslim population's crimes is fucking insane. You see idiot, if there are 9 non-muslims for each muslim in this country.....come on you can do it.

Besides 9/11 Islamic Fundie terrorist acts in America is rare, mass murderers like that Colorado shooting are not so rare.

Faggot, the bigger threat is non-Muslims.

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