Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

Unkotare -

What would it cost you to admit that you made 4 relatively minor grammatical errors while scolding another poster for his grammatical errors?

Any honest person would have just 'fessed up and laughed it off, wouldn't they?

btw. As well as being a journalist, I am a qualified ESL teacher.

It's not a matter of cost. You are actually incorrect, and it does seem to stem from a superficial familiarity with English usage.

I have trained hundreds of ESL teachers, so you're still not impressing me.
I have trained hundreds of ESL teachers, so you're still not impressing me.

If that were true - you would know the rules for using hyphens and commas.

I can explain the rule to you if you wish.
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Shit. I'm not a Rep and I have strong views on Muslims and Arabs.

The fuckers are trying to kill us.

9-11 anyone??

I live in Texas around Muslims. I have two fucking Madrasahs in my city that I KNOW about.

They're not trying to kill you.

If they're trying to kill you, you better start killing them. OH WAIT BUT WHY DON'T YOU DO THAT? Hmm, I think I know why. Because they're not trying to kill you.
Islam is a disgusting oppressive religion. It's perfectly natural for any sane human to have a negative view of it.

Plus, they attacked us and we've been at war with it for over 10 years.

We have not been at war with Islam.

Are you fucking retarded?
We have not been at war with Islam.

I totally agree.

The US has good relationships with a large number of Islamic countries, and they are decent alies. I don't see why they woudn't be.

When was the last time Malaysians or Bangladeshis did anything against US interests?
We have not been at war with Islam.

I totally agree.

The US has good relationships with a large number of Islamic countries, and they are decent alies. I don't see why they woudn't be.

When was the last time Malaysians or Bangladeshis did anything against US interests?

Does Bangladesh have a navy or an air force? Malaysia?
The majority view among liberals is that Israel/the Jews are causing problems in the middle east and that they stole land from the Arabs/muslims.

Liberals also are the ones leading the charge against Christianity in this country, so they share many common views with anti-Christian muslims.

Then why do so many Jews support the Democrats?

It defies explanation. That scumbag FDR refused to allow them to immigrate from Nazi Germany before the war started. But Jews have always been lefties. Many of them are communists.
Let's just say that they have a vastly different culture that is alien to ours. One that runs on violence and the 7th century.
The majority view among liberals is that Israel/the Jews are causing problems in the middle east and that they stole land from the Arabs/muslims.

Liberals also are the ones leading the charge against Christianity in this country, so they share many common views with anti-Christian muslims.

Then why do so many Jews support the Democrats?

It defies explanation. That scumbag FDR refused to allow them to immigrate from Nazi Germany before the war started. But Jews have always been lefties. Many of them are communists.

Keep thinking and add the fact that they control most of the banks. Then you will start to understand!
The majority view among liberals is that Israel/the Jews are causing problems in the middle east and that they stole land from the Arabs/muslims.

Liberals also are the ones leading the charge against Christianity in this country, so they share many common views with anti-Christian muslims.

Then why do so many Jews support the Democrats?

It defies explanation. That scumbag FDR refused to allow them to immigrate from Nazi Germany before the war started. But Jews have always been lefties. Many of them are communists.

It doesn't defy explanation - it simply proves that your delusional conspiracy theories are just that.

It makes perfect sense to anyone who actually follows the news.
Does Bangladesh have a navy or an air force? Malaysia?

Yes to all of those questions.

I wouldn't suggest they are the strongest fighting forces in the world, but I dare say they could cause some problems in local conflicts if they wanted to.

You underestimate the likes of Pol Pot and the Viet Cong at your peril, after all.
It defies explanation. That scumbag FDR refused to allow them to immigrate from Nazi Germany before the war started. But Jews have always been lefties. Many of them are communists.

It doesn't defy explanation - it simply proves that your delusional conspiracy theories are just that.

It makes perfect sense to anyone who actually follows the news.

What "conspiracy theory?" What is the sense in voting for people that want to allow the Arab nations to annihilate your race?
Does Bangladesh have a navy or an air force? Malaysia?

Yes to all of those questions.

I wouldn't suggest they are the strongest fighting forces in the world, but I dare say they could cause some problems in local conflicts if they wanted to.

You underestimate the likes of Pol Pot and the Viet Cong at your peril, after all.

How did Pol Pot and the Viet Cong get into this discussion? We're talking about Bangladesh and Malaysia. Both countries can barely feed their populations, let alone support a modern military.

The CIA fact book rates the Bangladesh military 109 out of all the militaries in the world. It's after Denmark, Papua New Guinea and Mongolia. Malaysia is rate 68.
Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs: Poll

According to a survey on views toward various religions commissioned by the Arab American Institute, Republican sentiment toward Muslims produced the highest negative results, with 57 percent of respondents saying they had unfavorable opinions. Only 26 percent said they had favorable opinions. Republicans gave Muslim-Americans slightly higher marks, responding 47 percent unfavorably and 35 percent favorably. Though not gauging a direct religious following, the results were similar on questions regarding Arabs, who received 53 percent unfavorable to 27 percent favorable responses, as well as Arab-Americans, who received 48 percent unfavorable to 33 percent favorable responses.

Respondents on the other side of the aisle also provided less-negative responses toward Muslims. Among Democrats, 29 percent gave unfavorable responses, though 49 percent responded favorably.

Mormons received the highest negative ratings from Democrats, with 35 percent saying they viewed them unfavorably, and 45 percent responding favorably. Overall, Democrats gave net positive responses to all religions. Republicans delivered net negatives to Muslims, Muslim-Americans, Arabs and Arab-Americans, while also showing a tendency to give followers of other non-Western religions, such as Buddhists and Hindus, high unfavorable responses.

There appear to be some parallels between this anti-Muslim sentiment and the agenda, or at least rhetoric, of some lawmakers in the GOP. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) prompted outrage from both Democrats and Republicans when she became the de facto representative for a group of Republicans pushing for an investigation into top administration aides and their supposed connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) has also picked up on this brand of Islamophobia, stating repeatedly that the nation is under a perpetual threat of radical Islam from within its borders.

Islamophobes, Buddaphobes, Hinduphobes, any religion that isn't WHITE and CHRISTIAN they view unfavorably. Batshit crazy party.

so what?
I can't believe you got atta boys for this batshit crazy post
IF you could just remove subjugation by force as major tenet of Isalm, the fuck I could give would be immense.
How did Pol Pot and the Viet Cong get into this discussion? We're talking about Bangladesh and Malaysia. Both countries can barely feed their populations, let alone support a modern military.

The CIA fact book rates the Bangladesh military 109 out of all the militaries in the world. It's after Denmark, Papua New Guinea and Mongolia. Malaysia is rate 68.

I do agree with you - but plenty of countries can not feed their people and yet happily buy arms for the military.

My point with the VC is that we should not underestimate the thread posed by poor countries. While I doubt the Bangladesh military is exactly a fighting force to inspire fear - on home turf they might be a difficult opponent.

Luckily, many Islamic countries are not enemies of the US.

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