Republicans Heard The Voters: They Want Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Wow, you really DON'T know!
Before I show there anyone else out there that doesn't know about the 150 bank transactions that the Biden family have had flagged? I want to get an idea of just how clueless you folks are!
show us
Not “Biden family” but President Biden
show us
Not “Biden family” but President Biden
Joe is "The Big Guy", Winger! Tony Bobulinski told us all how it works. So did Hunter when he complained in emails about having to pay his father! You KNOW that those 150 bank transactions that got flagged have some bad shit in them or the Biden Administration wouldn't have changed the rules so Congressional investigators couldn't see them. The subpoena's are coming and it's all going to be exposed.
Joe is "The Big Guy", Winger! Tony Bobulinski told us all how it works. So did Hunter when he complained in emails about having to pay his father! You KNOW that those 150 bank transactions that got flagged have some bad shit in them or the Biden Administration wouldn't have changed the rules so Congressional investigators couldn't see them. The subpoena's are coming and it's all going to be exposed.

Bobulinsky says so?
Still waiting for you to show me those 150 bank transactions by Joe Biden
Because if the Chinese have something on Hunter...which knowing Hunter they probably do...then they've got leverage against Joe. THAT, my friend is a national security threat!

Actually, it is not
Do you really not know about the 150 banking transactions, Winger? Oh that's right...I keep forgetting you get all your "news" from CNN and MSNBC! Of COURSE you don't know!

Still waiting for the 150 banking transactions by Joe Biden like you claimed
Actually, that is your bag. We just go after the facts and evidence and it is really, really easy to ferret out.
You Dims are just loaded with crooks.

Really???? Because you've been investigating the Biden's for the past 4 years and so far you have no evidence other than a phony laptop which even the guy who turned it over to the FBI has said there is stuff on it that wasn't there when it was turned it, because he made a copy of the hard drive before handing it over.

Investigations of the Clintons have produced no evidence, no witnesses and no charges, even though Republicans spent $100 million investigating. The Andrew McCabe investigation - dropped with no charges due to no evidence. 7 Benghazi Investigation - no charges against anyone. 4 years of John Durham's investigations produced 2 charges, both of which were tossed for lack of evidence.

It seems the only people Republicans can find evidence against, are other Republicans.
Really???? Because you've been investigating the Biden's for the past 4 years and so far you have no evidence other than a phony laptop which even the guy who turned it over to the FBI has said there is stuff on it that wasn't there when it was turned it, because he made a copy of the hard drive before handing it over.

Investigations of the Clintons have produced no evidence, no witnesses and no charges, even though Republicans spent $100 million investigating. The Andrew McCabe investigation - dropped with no charges due to no evidence. 7 Benghazi Investigation - no charges against anyone. 4 years of John Durham's investigations produced 2 charges, both of which were tossed for lack of evidence.

It seems the only people Republicans can find evidence against, are other Republicans.
Have you seen the stuff that's on Hunter's lap top, Dragonlady? That wasn't fabricated. That's Hunter in his drug addict glory...smoking crack and sleeping with underaged Chinese prostitutes. Claims that anything on that lap top is made up are laughable at this point.

As for the Clintons? Hillary Clinton lost that election because the Benghazi investigation showed that she lied repeatedly about turning over everything related to Benghazi! That investigation revealed how she was running the State Department through servers hidden in her home! The ONLY reason charges weren't filed against her for that is because her husband met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona and cut a deal. For James Comey to claim that Hillary Clinton wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law is one of the more outrageous statements ever uttered by an FBI Director!
Have you seen the stuff that's on Hunter's lap top, Dragonlady? That wasn't fabricated. That's Hunter in his drug addict glory...smoking crack and sleeping with underaged Chinese prostitutes. Claims that anything on that lap top is made up are laughable at this point.

As for the Clintons? Hillary Clinton lost that election because the Benghazi investigation showed that she lied repeatedly about turning over everything related to Benghazi! That investigation revealed how she was running the State Department through servers hidden in her home! The ONLY reason charges weren't filed against her for that is because her husband met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona and cut a deal. For James Comey to claim that Hillary Clinton wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law is one of the more outrageous statements ever uttered by an FBI Director!

Yes I have and the pictures were badly faked. Three guys in business suits standing with Joe Biden in golf clothes in a golfing pose and an entirely different quality of resolution and lighting from the men on either side of him. My cats could have done a better job on that one.
Are you claiming that Hunter Biden isn't a crack addict?

What does that have to do with whether or not you "know" Hunter Biden? Just because you've been given facts about someone's life gives you zero insight about them. That includes the fact that he is a recovering drug addict since you don't know anything more than he has/had a drug problem at some time in his life.

Just because you've made a lot of assumptions based on this one piece of information, doesn't mean they have any validity in fact.
Are you claiming that Hunter Biden isn't a crack addict?
What if he is?
Addiction is not a crime in this country

Still waiting for you to show me those 150 bank transactions from Joe Biden that you claim are flagged

Shows your lack of credibility

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