Republicans Heard The Voters: They Want Hunter Biden’s Laptop

The prosecutorial certitude is that, if disgruntled folks hope to smear the POTUS by targeting family members, this Holy Grail of Incriminatory Bounty is worthless in any court of law, the requirement of continuity of evidence hopelessly compromised.

As I previously posted. The problem is with the chain of evidence. It doesn't go from Hunter to the FBI. It goes from Hunter, to a computer expert who got to play with it for several weeks, and then to the FBI.

How convenient that the computer guy just happened to go through every file on Hunters computer
As I previously posted. The problem is with the chain of evidence. It doesn't go from Hunter to the FBI. It goes from Hunter, to a computer expert who got to play with it for several weeks, and then to the FBI.

How convenient that the computer guy just happened to go through every file on Hunters computer
haha hunter have the guy the laptop…he saw evidence of criminal conduct and turned it into law enforcement. He is a upstanding citizen…upstanding citizens turn over evidence to law enforcement all the time
As I previously posted. The problem is with the chain of evidence. It doesn't go from Hunter to the FBI. It goes from Hunter, to a computer expert who got to play with it for several weeks, and then to the FBI.

How convenient that the computer guy just happened to go through every file on Hunters computer
Even the computer guy confirmed that the computer had been corrupted:

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the repair shop where Hunter Biden “forgot” his laptop, has admitted he knew of “multiple attempts” to insert “questionable material” as coming from the hard drive.
There is going to be an investigation by the House into Hunter Biden's business dealings. It should have happened over two years ago and the results should have been made public at that time. If that were the case we probably wouldn't have the worst President of my lifetime sitting in the Oval Office.

Democrats don't want that investigation to take place because it's going to pull back the curtain and show how high ranking members of the FBI, the main stream media and the Biden campaign colluded to hide from the voters evidence that make it quite clear that the Biden family has been selling political influence and has been doing so for years!

That's going to happen and it's LONG overdue!

Hunter Biden is not a government employee. The House has no business harassing a private citizen. This is nothing but harassment. The FBI colluded with no one. No the Biden family has not been selling political influence. Just more right wing fairy tales.
Are you claiming that Hunter ISN'T a crack addict, Dragonlady? He got run out of the Navy for failing a drug test when his father was the freaking Vice President of the United States! Can you even grasp how big of a f**k up you have to be to have that happen when your daddy has that much clout? Yet you claim I'm making a lot of "assumptions"? That's some funny shit...
We have no shortage of drug addicts, Willing to see Any INFORMATION. Find it hard to believe that his addiction is a national security issue.
“as in not physically, but as passing it off as misinformation…”

he’s right, the left worked hard to do that l…and that was a grave national security issue
You hyper-partisanship and desire to indict the POTUS by smearing a family member aside, you must realize that this object has been so egregiously compromised that it is without evidentiary value.

Any legal fatwa will have to find other pretexts.
Hunter Biden is not a government employee. The House has no business harassing a private citizen. This is nothing but harassment. The FBI colluded with no one. No the Biden family has not been selling political influence. Just more right wing fairy tales.
Joe Biden is squeaky clean
His finances are very mundane……Salary, book deals, speaking engagements

He has no way to launder the tens of millions of dollars republicans claim he has taken under the table

He owns no businesses, has no foreign investments, no questionable investments
You hyper-partisanship and desire to indict the POTUS by smearing a family member aside, you must realize that this object has been so egregiously compromised that it is without evidentiary value.

Any legal fatwa will have to find other pretexts.
do you have evidence to support your claim?
Oldest investigative rule in the books, Jaxson! Follow the money. I note that you don't even attempt to come up with a reason why someone would pay a crack addict like Hunter millions of dollars! I don't blame you.
You mean like Jared Kushner's bone sawing BBF who gave him $2billion? Or Ivanka getting 40+ patents fast tracked in China? That kind of thing? I don't care.
52 voted not guilty in the parody impeachment
What you forget is that Trump was impeached TWICE

The second time the vote was 57 to convict (67 needed to remove)

Don't confuse the two trials.
it’s sad that you mock the death of americans


Funny. You talk about mocking the death of 4 Americans.
When Trump mocked the death of 400,000 Americans.
Saying that COVID would disappear on it's own when the weather got warmer
And it was no worse than the flu.
And he would downplay the seriousness.
Funny. You talk about mocking the death of 4 Americans.
When Trump mocked the death of 400,000 Americans.
Saying that COVID would disappear on it's own when the weather got warmer
And it was no worse than the flu.
And he would downplay the seriousness.
haha wow deflecting after being called out for mocking the deaths of americans….

just sad man….sad

speaking of covid though it’s tragic that xiden killed far more americans when he took office, even with the trump vaccines
haha hunter have the guy the laptop…he saw evidence of criminal conduct and turned it into law enforcement. He is a upstanding citizen…upstanding citizens turn over evidence to law enforcement all the time
Actually, why was the computer guy going through Hunters files, with the distinct possibility he changed, altered, added, or otherwise manipulated them?

When I bring my car to the shop, they don't go looking through the trunk and the glove compartment at what I have in there. Why was the computer guy Looking through all his files?

And how do we know he didn't change them?

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