Republicans if Obama is reelected we should give the people what they want!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
If Obama wins reelection...I won't fight Obama on his energy or economical policies.

That's right, I'll let him go forward with his green energy and cap and trade.
I'll let him use his methods to get us out of this depression. I may disagree, but America voted!!! I guess America deserves what they voted for.

If he wins reelection I won't fight him as he installs a million wind turbines.
If he wins reelection I won't fight him if he spends 10 trillion dollars on getting our economy back into place. At the same time he better spend some of that on NASA. That's all I ask for. Yep, please if you're going to spend money spend some on technology! If you're serious about rebuilding our nation. :cool:

I will fight him on immigration and the bill of rights. We republicans need to focus our full strength around those two issues. Our rights are something we must fight for...

The people are voting Obama because they feel that he can fix our economy and loves his green energy plans. Why refuse them? :eusa_boohoo: Seems stupid to vote against him or hold him back any longer! Lets give the people what they want!!!! WAHOO!!!
If Obama wins reelection...I won't fight Obama on his energy or economical policies.

That's right, I'll let him go forward with his green energy and cap and trade.
I'll let him use his methods to get us out of this depression. I may disagree, but America voted!!! I guess America deserves what they voted for.

If he wins reelection I won't fight him as he installs a million wind turbines.
If he wins reelection I won't fight him if he spends 10 trillion dollars on getting our economy back into place. At the same time he better spend some of that on NASA. That's all I ask for. Yep, please if you're going to spend money spend some on technology! If you're serious about rebuilding our nation. :cool:

I will fight him on immigration and the bill of rights. We republicans need to focus our full strength around those two issues. Our rights are something we must fight for...

The people are voting Obama because they feel that he can fix our economy and loves his green energy plans. Why refuse them? :eusa_boohoo: Seems stupid to vote against him or hold him back any longer! Lets give the people what they want!!!! WAHOO!!!

Seems your imagination has gotten away from you. Or was that a delusion? Sometimes, with the right, it's difficult to tell.
If Obama wins reelection...I won't fight Obama on his energy or economical policies.

That's right, I'll let him go forward with his green energy and cap and trade.
I'll let him use his methods to get us out of this depression. I may disagree, but America voted!!! I guess America deserves what they voted for.

If he wins reelection I won't fight him as he installs a million wind turbines.
If he wins reelection I won't fight him if he spends 10 trillion dollars on getting our economy back into place. At the same time he better spend some of that on NASA. That's all I ask for. Yep, please if you're going to spend money spend some on technology! If you're serious about rebuilding our nation. :cool:

I will fight him on immigration and the bill of rights. We republicans need to focus our full strength around those two issues. Our rights are something we must fight for...

The people are voting Obama because they feel that he can fix our economy and loves his green energy plans. Why refuse them? :eusa_boohoo: Seems stupid to vote against him or hold him back any longer! Lets give the people what they want!!!! WAHOO!!!

If Obama gets reelected, which is very doubtful, he will not be the only one elected. We also elect about 435 representatives and about 33 senators. The people will have spoken there too. Obama is just one third of the government and the congress is another third.

Unlike you, I am not willing to sit by while an arrogant ass works to destroy America. My children and grandchildren have to live here, and I would like them to have a shot at happiness and freedom, just like I did.
yep lets drive energy costs skyward, health costs way up, food prices way up......sounds like the democrats are so friendly to poor folks......
If you believe ACA will grow health costs you are brainwashed fools of the greedy rich. Every other modern country pays 40%+ less with better results and happier people. Pub dupes!

Everything goes to Hell under Pubs, JACKAZZES- see sig pp1. Ay caramba....
If you believe ACA will grow health costs you are brainwashed fools of the greedy rich. Every other modern country pays 40%+ less with better results and happier people. Pub dupes!

Everything goes to Hell under Pubs, JACKAZZES- see sig pp1. Ay caramba....

than live there, why destory this country while u have other countries to give you what you so desire? why do you want to see this country collapse.
If Obama wins reelection...I won't fight Obama on his energy or economical policies.

That's right, I'll let him go forward with his green energy and cap and trade.
I'll let him use his methods to get us out of this depression. I may disagree, but America voted!!! I guess America deserves what they voted for.

If he wins reelection I won't fight him as he installs a million wind turbines.
If he wins reelection I won't fight him if he spends 10 trillion dollars on getting our economy back into place. At the same time he better spend some of that on NASA. That's all I ask for. Yep, please if you're going to spend money spend some on technology! If you're serious about rebuilding our nation. :cool:

I will fight him on immigration and the bill of rights. We republicans need to focus our full strength around those two issues. Our rights are something we must fight for...

The people are voting Obama because they feel that he can fix our economy and loves his green energy plans. Why refuse them? :eusa_boohoo: Seems stupid to vote against him or hold him back any longer! Lets give the people what they want!!!! WAHOO!!!

NO DEAL, I'm on a fixed income and can't afford it.
If you believe ACA will grow health costs you are brainwashed fools of the greedy rich. Every other modern country pays 40%+ less with better results and happier people. Pub dupes!

Everything goes to Hell under Pubs, JACKAZZES- see sig pp1. Ay caramba....

What are you smoking, I don't do drugs but I might reconsider if he is reelected.
Obama already said energy costs will necessarily soar under his plan. Poor people are subsidized so that means middle class will take yet another hit. Dems like poor people because they can take care of them and get votes. I think they want more poor people in this country to ensure their power.

If he gets re-elected, things will get worse and by the time people figure out it was a huge mistake, it'll be too late.

He has passed crap by executive order over 900 times, so he's proven he doesn't need congress. Between his czars and his penchant for doing things by himself, he's practically rendered congress impotent. So, might not matter whether he is surrounded by Dems or Repubs, he'll do whatever the hell he wants. He's spent most of his term ensuring that he has even more power and can now take over the entire country if he choses. He can kill any citizen if he choses. Government agencies have bought up tons of ammo and won't explain why. He's planning something and I don't trust him one iota.
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If you believe ACA will grow health costs you are brainwashed fools of the greedy rich. Every other modern country pays 40%+ less with better results and happier people. Pub dupes!

Everything goes to Hell under Pubs, JACKAZZES- see sig pp1. Ay caramba....

So what keeps costs down? because if the government can do this, I want them to make a Ferrari available for $1000.00
yep lets drive energy costs skyward, health costs way up, food prices way up......sounds like the democrats are so friendly to poor folks......

Honestly, if the American people put Obama back into the white house. They're for his economic and energy policies. Do you agree?

Not really because we have a media that doesnt ask OBama any tough questions, he was shocked that Univision didnt ask him his favorite flower or who's going to win the NCAA tourney this year.

And lets face it he has less detail than Romney......liberals love stuff forced down their throats, I dont......but I'll make them gag the way they like it, if it will keep Obama out of the White House
You might be able to afford pushing our economy over the edge. I can't I will fight his bad policies until he either leaves office or wakes up and starts good governing.
I understand the sentiment.....and I'd love to divide the country and wall it off....let all the drugs, illegitimacy, welfare, decaying cities stay on the democrat side (we'll call it east berlin), while on the capitalist side (west berlin) us republicans will be making cash, having monogamous sex and having kids (just to piss off Ted Turner and the population growth people)

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