Republicans if Trump has nothing to hide, why wouldn't he let an ind. investigation vindicate him?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Why he is acting like a whiny little bitch about it like every other slight against him? You do know that's how guilty people act. And again, these investigations are going forward for a reason.
if the FBI thinks I'm guilty of something, and I'm not, I want my name and reputation cleared immediately !!!

if I'm guilty and know I'm guilty, I lie, and do everything I can do to stay out of prison.

Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.
Why he is acting like a whiny little bitch about it like every other slight against him? You do know that's how guilty people act. And again, these investigations are going forward for a reason.

I asked the same question about Lynch not recusing herself from the CLinton investigation and the former administration not appointing an independent prosecutor, after a plane visit on the tarmac demanded such action.

I don't know if Trump has anything to hide or not, but I do know there has been an extensive, deliberate and well orchestrated desire to deny him and the U.S citizens who voted for him a fair prospect of the agenda he promised.
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.
Well good. You should be thrilled for the investigation to take place to make Dems look bad.
Trump has already shown his true colors, screwing over contractors on his building projects, and he's totally out of his depth in this new 'job'.
Mueller is a straight shooter, and he'll get to the bottom of it...

"I believe it hurts our country terribly, because it shows we're a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country," Mr Trump told CNN and CNBC .

His reaction differed from Wednesday when he was quoted in a White House statement as saying: "I look forward to this matter concluding quickly
Trump: FBI inquiry into Russia links 'hurts US terribly' - BBC News
Why he is acting like a whiny little bitch about it like every other slight against him? You do know that's how guilty people act. And again, these investigations are going forward for a reason.

Ask Scooter Libby....he did nothing wrong, they then trapped him making a mistake in his testimony, and he went to jail.
Why he is acting like a whiny little bitch about it like every other slight against him? You do know that's how guilty people act. And again, these investigations are going forward for a reason.

I asked the same question about Lynch not recusing herself from the CLinton investigation and the former administration not appointing an independent prosecutor, after a plane visit on the tarmac demanded such action.

I don't know if Trump has anything to hide or not, but I do know there has been an extensive, deliberate and well orchestrated desire to deny him and the U.S citizens who voted for him a fair prospect of the agenda he promised.

As one article pointed out...where was the special prosecutor for...

Fast and Furious
spying on Trump
Unmasking Trump's associates
Lois Lerner and the IRS
spying on Fox reporter Rosen and his family
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.

Trump is the one yelling witch hunt ... if there wasn't probable cause there would be no special prosecutor, so I assure you Trump is the one whos guts are twisting right now.
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.

Democrats aren't tweeting in the early morning hours about the unfairness of it all. Not once ever have I heard a politician WHINE endlessly about every single slight and criticism.

Doesn't Trump have a country to run? Seems like he spends all his time watching the news and tweeting.

And not only has his incessant drama and whining about every little thing, keep him from getting anything done, but neither is Congress or the Senate.

If this keeps up for another 2 months, the Congress and Senate will be occupied with mid-term elections and they'll have no accomplishments to run on.

Too sweet!
Now lets see the evidence. One has to say this onslaught of fake news and media fabrication is nothing more then a petty distraction orchestrated by the disenfranchised beltway gang in the vein hope of reestablishing some sense of credibility. Fat chance of that. What will everyone say if Mueller finds nothing? How embarrassing would that be? Prove the obstruction of justice, compromise to national security claims, and criminal charges?
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.

Trump is the one yelling witch hunt ... if there wasn't probable cause there would be no special prosecutor, so I assure you Trump is the one whos guts are twisting right now.

Well since there isn't a special prosecutor then logically there is no probable cause.

Btw political witch hunts are exactly why we have the fourth amendment. The Founders were wise enough to know you don't let the government investigate your person when they don't have probable cause. We should all be so wise.
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.

Democrats aren't tweeting in the early morning hours about the unfairness of it all. Not once ever have I heard a politician WHINE endlessly about every single slight and criticism.

Doesn't Trump have a country to run? Seems like he spends all his time watching the news and tweeting.

And not only has his incessant drama and whining about every little thing, keep him from getting anything done, but neither is Congress or the Senate.

If this keeps up for another 2 months, the Congress and Senate will be occupied with mid-term elections and they'll have no accomplishments to run on.

Too sweet!

wait until he goes crosses over the big pond and flexes his foreign policy muscles in a tough crowd ....
Btw this has nothing to do with criminality. It has to do with derailing the agenda and harassment.

If you're for investigating people without evidence how would you feel if the police and media start investigating you for child porn charges.?
Now that the SP has been appointed, Trump wants to take care of business. Democrats are twisting out their guts afraid that Mueller won't find anything.

Trump is the one yelling witch hunt ... if there wasn't probable cause there would be no special prosecutor, so I assure you Trump is the one whos guts are twisting right now.

Well since there isn't a special prosecutor then logically there is no probable cause.

Btw political witch hunts are exactly why we have the fourth amendment. The Founders were wise enough to know you don't let the government investigate your person when they don't have probable cause. We should all be so wise.

investigator, special counsel to be exact... and there is probable cause .... Trump is the only one yelling witch hunt
Nixon was a very canny villain, and he got skewered.
Trump is a short-sighted idiot, and he has already shot himself in the foot many times.
He'll bleed to death, unless he delivers the fatal shot first.
...if Trump has nothing to hide, why wouldn't he let an ind. investigation vindicate him?

That is the question that's been uttered around Washington since last year. People who've done no wrong have nothing to hide. They may have to endure some minor embarrassment as a result of their transparency in cooperating with any such investigation, but that's it, and that's not a big deal in the scheme of things.

Everyone's done things they regret and are embarrassed to have outed, but very few people have done things on the scale of the "Russia" matters being investigated. Suffering a little chagrin to gain a lot of credibility is a deal at which Trump should have long ago jumped to take.
Btw this has nothing to do with criminality. It has to do with derailing the agenda and harassment.

If you're for investigating people without evidence how would you feel if the police and media start investigating you for child porn charges.?
Why would you think there is evidence just because you haven't seen it? That's just stupid.
And again, these investigations are going forward for a reason.
It's just not clear what the reason is. It could very likely be just a political witch hunt, no evidence has been presented to the American people to suggest otherwise. In which case Trump would have every reason to be concerned. Any stumble along the path could potentially be his undoing. His opportunity to affect the course of this country negated. Our constitutional republic seriously compromised. You people need to slow down and start rationalizing before you do more damage to the country than Trump could ever do.

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