Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

As I said. You only accept what fits your brain, not reality.
WaPo lies. I don't know why you're having such difficulty grasping two simple words in a language I assume you speak at least halfway fluently.

If you just don't get that, it's okay. I don't have the authority to throw your stupid ass out.
The template is set. We’ll see if democracy survives the orange menace in the next two elections. Evidently these people don’t care if it does. Their strongman autocrat is ready to go.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You deny the evidence that's right in front of you.

It's right there in the public domain in broad daylight, but you refuse to believe your lying eyes.

You are willfully ignorant
Several Republican candidates in these midterm elections are still pushing the Big Lie.
The big lie you cannot prove?

Many of them are going to lose because they are too Trumpy and they are already setting up the narrative.
Yet 8 out of 10 never-Trumpies have already been kicked out of government, lost their re-election and the other two are hanging on this Fall by a wing and a prayer. I mean the 10 that voted to impeach.

Here in Nevada, failed MAGA gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert still insists his primary, which he lost by 11 points, was stolen from him.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Sounds like it calls for an investigation, to be sure. Remember, when the DEMOCRATS claimed the same thing, they were given a two year investigation costing 30 million dollars. Then we found out it was based on a crooked FISA application and bogus dossier paid for and promoted by Hillary and the DNC. Denying republicans at least as much just furthers the suspicion that they are right. Is that what you really want? Or are you really that afraid of the facts to give them an equal opportunity at discovery?
Several Republican candidates in these midterm elections are still pushing the Big Lie. Many of them are going to lose because they are too Trumpy and they are already setting up the narrative. Here in Nevada, failed MAGA gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert still insists his primary, which he lost by 11 points, was stolen from him.

So you're saying they're following the Clinton/Abrams playbooks??

Stupid is as stupid does.
You deny the evidence that's right in front of you.
It's right there in the public domain in broad daylight, but you refuse to believe your lying eyes.
You are willfully ignorant
Yes, I'm well aware that you are better informed than know more than Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

Several Republican candidates in these midterm elections are still pushing the Big Lie

The Big Lie was Russia Collusion.

Trump Won the 2020 election. That is not a lie its a fact and only retarded Marxists deny it.

Want proof?

Several Republican candidates in these midterm elections are still pushing the Big Lie. Many of them are going to lose because they are too Trumpy and they are already setting up the narrative. Here in Nevada, failed MAGA gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert still insists his primary, which he lost by 11 points, was stolen from him.

So they’re acting like democrats.

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