Republicans in the house are betraying the Americans who voted for them.

They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I've only heard 3 big complaints about the ACA from the people who are not on the exchange...(the people on the exchange are very happy to have insurance available for them...)

-no one likes the mandate just because for the most part, they hate mandates by the Federal gvt....(the people who truly hate it, are the small amount of people who are affected by the mandate and have to now buy full coverage insurance policies, but most people already got their health insurance thru their employer)

-People were upset about how large the deductibles and yearly out of pocket expense were in their recent policies. These high deductible insurance policies were on their way in BEFORE Obamacare, it started 3 years before Obamacare with my husband's employer, and by repealing Obamacare, nothing will change....they were never a part of Obamacare laws, nothing forced them to do this so NOTHING will happen when Ocare is repealed)

-People were upset about the rising cost of the health insurance policies overall. (And when it is repealed there is NOTHING AT ALL that will force insurance companies to lower the cost of the insurance premiums, they will continue to go up in price every year just as they did BEFORE O-care)

I applied for Commie Care and couldn't believe what they had. There was only one insurance company that covered my doctors and medical facilities and they wanted nearly 25% of my net pay. Plus it had a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. No dental, no eye care, no prescription, plus a $50.00 copay for doctors visits.

Anybody that calls this affordable is out of their mind. The first word in the title of the plan is even a lie. The only people that can be happy with it are those who don't make any kind of money, so you must know a lot of people that don't do very well in life. This farce was intended to cater to likely Democrat voters at the cost to likely Republican voters. The plan was not to help the country, the plan was to create as many new government dependents that the Democrats could. The more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters.
Does your employer not have health insurance as a benefit available to you?

Does your wife's employer not have health care insurance as a benefit available to you two?

My employer (like many) found a way out of providing that benefit without the high risk of losing employees thanks to Commie Care. Prior to that, most employers would never dream of dropping that benefit.

Okay, well......just find another job that does provide coverage! Easy to do at the age of 28, but not at the age of 57. Until Commie Care came along, I had coverage (with preexisting conditions) my entire adult life. And even if I could change jobs at my age today, what's stopping the next company from doing the same unless Commie Care is totally out of the picture?

It put many people in a terrible position. The people like myself who have a trade or pursued a career of some kind lost our insurance, but the guy that makes french fries at McDonald's or stocks shelves at Walmart does have coverage. Where is the equity in that?
I agree btw, that those plans that are bronze level plans on the exchange appear to be nothing but catastrophic or hospitalization plans, with a little bit of window dressing, not what one would think is actual full service healthcare insurance policy.

Do you think your employer will bring back health insurance coverage as a benefit when the R's kill it? My bet is no....more than likely not....
They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.
Did anyone in congress or the Senate even run on tax reform this past year???

We've been reforming taxes since the day I was born and all that has been done for decades with any impact, has just ended up putting more money in to the hands of those already wealthy and lowered the normal yearly tax revenue intake which simply increased our deficit and National Debt????

As far as Obama care, they did run on repealing it....Prsident Trump ran on repealing and REPLACING it with something BETTER!!!

I've only heard 3 big complaints about the ACA from the people who are not on the exchange...(the people on the exchange are very happy to have insurance available for them...)

-no one likes the mandate just because for the most part, they hate mandates by the Federal gvt....(the people who truly hate it, are the small amount of people who are affected by the mandate and have to now buy full coverage insurance policies, but most people already got their health insurance thru their employer)

-People were upset about how large the deductibles and yearly out of pocket expense were in their recent policies. These high deductible insurance policies were on their way in BEFORE Obamacare, it started 3 years before Obamacare with my husband's employer, and by repealing Obamacare, nothing will change....they were never a part of Obamacare laws, nothing forced them to do this so NOTHING will happen when Ocare is repealed)

-People were upset about the rising cost of the health insurance policies overall. (And when it is repealed there is NOTHING AT ALL that will force insurance companies to lower the cost of the insurance premiums, they will continue to go up in price every year just as they did BEFORE O-care)

Everything else in OCare was acceptable or liked,

preexisting condition coverage including pregnancies,

the kids in the twenties on parent's policies,

in the end most women like full BC pill coverage,

seniors like the Medicare Do-nut whole that was fixed for prescription drugs,

people like that there is no cap of medical care each year on their policies, and a bunch of other changes that were all for the better, for the policy holders of insurance.
Nice leftist gibberish blog
Which Senators or congressmen ran on tax reform? My Senators and Congressmen did not and there was no national news coverage showing others?

Many ran on repealing O=care,(not mine) never heard them say they were going to replace it?

Why is repealing it so important to you? Are you one of the ones who did not have health insurance and this law was forcing you to get it? If so, then I understand why you are so against it....
My personal rates have doubled. My deductible and copays are insane. My options are very restricted.

Yeah, fuck Obamacare
TY for answering gramps!

How do you foresee this changing when they repeal Obamacare?

What I am afraid of, is the insurance companies are not going to spend man hour after man hour developing new insurance policies that will sell for less than they are offering now.... Why would they want to reduce their yearly sales revenue coming in by lowering the price of their policies and spend millions in labor hours and costs to re-write their policies for the 2nd time in 5 years?

There is no guarantee at all for any of us, that prices will go down...nor a guarantee that prices and deductible amounts won't continue to go up...

the whole thing is scary with a lot of ifs.....

What would be a guaranteed help for you is the mandate being removed and then you do not have to buy health care insurance....perhaps?

The problem with Commie Care is that it never focused on lowering healthcare costs--only how to shift those costs to other people. It's kind of like trying to pay off one credit card by using another.

So the focus should be how to lower costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it. The Republicans have come up with several things to do that including healthcare savings accounts and mandating that insurance companies be allowed to sell polices all across the country. One of the largest culprits for our unaffordable healthcare is government programs, and that should be addressed as well.
Any insurance company now can choose to sell insurance in all 50 states if they wanted to, they just need to follow the rules in that State for insurance.

I don't see how letting me buy a cheaper healthcare plan from an insurance company serving say....Colorado will help me in Maine, if the policy from Colorado does not have a network of doctors and hospitals in Maine as part of their negotiated plan.....and if I am the only one in Maine buying that policy in Colorado, how can the insurance company possibly work a deal with doctors and hospitals in my State for lower prices?

Maybe I don't understand how this crossing state lines works?

What I do know, is the more people in a plan in your region/state, the better the price they can get in their contracts with the doctors and hospitals in their network...

we are really spread out here in Maine and any emergency will guarantee a helicopter ride...a handful of good hospitals but far away from a lot of us....a close friend just had a heart attack, wife drove him to our health care clinic 8 mils away and they helicoptered him to the hospital 32 miles away from the clinic....that adds to the cost of healthcare for us here.
Last edited:
They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.
They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
They are saying that if their border adjustment tax isn't passed by the Senate then any other talk of overall tax reform is doa.

Get the fuck over yourselves and DO YOU JOBS. Pouting & stomping your feet is not in your job description

And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
Well I don't read papers so that isn't the source. I gave you the source
And your link is, where?
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
Well I don't read papers so that isn't the source. I gave you the source

The point is no one else appears to be reporting on it.
I didn't look one up. Feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I've been here long enough that you all should know I don't play the link game.

The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
Well I don't read papers so that isn't the source. I gave you the source

The point is no one else appears to be reporting on it.
Often times I've noticed the fake news purveyors lag behind the real news. Quite often actually.
I'm not going to argue about it any further. The point stands that the gop are dragging their feet.
Last edited:
The reason I asked, I spent an hour and a half talking to a high level staffer in Kevin Brady's office (chairman of ways and means) yesterday and all indications were everything was going as planned. If there was a problem they would have mentioned it, I've known this individual more than 5 years.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
Well I don't read papers so that isn't the source. I gave you the source

The point is no one else appears to be reporting on it.
Often times I've noticed the fake news purveyors lag behind the real news. Quite often actually.
I'm not going to argue about it any further. The point stands that the gop aren't dragging their feet.

Ok, too much cough medicine I guess, in the OP you insinuated they are dragging their feet, now you're saying they aren't. I surrender.
I'm pretty sure I saw the report on Bret Bair. I've been home sick for a week and boredom has led to lots of news viewing. I believe he said this information came from republican congressional staffers.

Only thing I've found is commentary in the Dallas Daily News bashing the tax itself.
Well I don't read papers so that isn't the source. I gave you the source

The point is no one else appears to be reporting on it.
Often times I've noticed the fake news purveyors lag behind the real news. Quite often actually.
I'm not going to argue about it any further. The point stands that the gop aren't dragging their feet.

Ok, too much cough medicine I guess, in the OP you insinuated they are dragging their feet, now you're saying they aren't. I surrender.
Corrected lol
Nice leftist gibberish blog
Which Senators or congressmen ran on tax reform? My Senators and Congressmen did not and there was no national news coverage showing others?

Many ran on repealing O=care,(not mine) never heard them say they were going to replace it?

Why is repealing it so important to you? Are you one of the ones who did not have health insurance and this law was forcing you to get it? If so, then I understand why you are so against it....
My personal rates have doubled. My deductible and copays are insane. My options are very restricted.

Yeah, fuck Obamacare
TY for answering gramps!

How do you foresee this changing when they repeal Obamacare?

What I am afraid of, is the insurance companies are not going to spend man hour after man hour developing new insurance policies that will sell for less than they are offering now.... Why would they want to reduce their yearly sales revenue coming in by lowering the price of their policies and spend millions in labor hours and costs to re-write their policies for the 2nd time in 5 years?

There is no guarantee at all for any of us, that prices will go down...nor a guarantee that prices and deductible amounts won't continue to go up...

the whole thing is scary with a lot of ifs.....

What would be a guaranteed help for you is the mandate being removed and then you do not have to buy health care insurance....perhaps?

The problem with Commie Care is that it never focused on lowering healthcare costs--only how to shift those costs to other people. It's kind of like trying to pay off one credit card by using another.

So the focus should be how to lower costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it. The Republicans have come up with several things to do that including healthcare savings accounts and mandating that insurance companies be allowed to sell polices all across the country. One of the largest culprits for our unaffordable healthcare is government programs, and that should be addressed as well.
Any insurance company now can choose to sell insurance in all 50 states if they wanted to, they just need to follow the rules in that State for insurance.

I don't see how letting me buy a cheaper healthcare plan from an insurance company serving say....Colorado will help me in Maine, if the policy from Colorado does not have a network of doctors and hospitals in Maine as part of their negotiated plan.....and if I am the only one in Maine buying that policy in Colorado, how can the insurance company possibly work a deal with doctors and hospitals in my State for lower prices?

Maybe I don't understand how this crossing state lines works?

What I do know, is the more people in a plan in your region/state, the better the price they can get in their contracts with the doctors and hospitals in their network...

we are really spread out here in Maine and any emergency will guarantee a helicopter ride...a handful of good hospitals but far away from a lot of us....a close friend just had a heart attack, wife drove him to our health care clinic 8 mils away and they helicoptered him to the hospital 32 miles away from the clinic....that adds to the cost of healthcare for us here.

Several states have laws that requires any insurance company that offers services must be stationed in that state. In other words if your state doesn't allow outsiders, you might be able to get a cheaper plan from an insurance company that's based in another state, but because of the laws there, they are not allowed to sell you any plans for any price.

This limits competition which of course leads to higher prices.
I've only heard 3 big complaints about the ACA from the people who are not on the exchange...(the people on the exchange are very happy to have insurance available for them...)

-no one likes the mandate just because for the most part, they hate mandates by the Federal gvt....(the people who truly hate it, are the small amount of people who are affected by the mandate and have to now buy full coverage insurance policies, but most people already got their health insurance thru their employer)

-People were upset about how large the deductibles and yearly out of pocket expense were in their recent policies. These high deductible insurance policies were on their way in BEFORE Obamacare, it started 3 years before Obamacare with my husband's employer, and by repealing Obamacare, nothing will change....they were never a part of Obamacare laws, nothing forced them to do this so NOTHING will happen when Ocare is repealed)

-People were upset about the rising cost of the health insurance policies overall. (And when it is repealed there is NOTHING AT ALL that will force insurance companies to lower the cost of the insurance premiums, they will continue to go up in price every year just as they did BEFORE O-care)

I applied for Commie Care and couldn't believe what they had. There was only one insurance company that covered my doctors and medical facilities and they wanted nearly 25% of my net pay. Plus it had a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. No dental, no eye care, no prescription, plus a $50.00 copay for doctors visits.

Anybody that calls this affordable is out of their mind. The first word in the title of the plan is even a lie. The only people that can be happy with it are those who don't make any kind of money, so you must know a lot of people that don't do very well in life. This farce was intended to cater to likely Democrat voters at the cost to likely Republican voters. The plan was not to help the country, the plan was to create as many new government dependents that the Democrats could. The more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters.
Does your employer not have health insurance as a benefit available to you?

Does your wife's employer not have health care insurance as a benefit available to you two?

My employer (like many) found a way out of providing that benefit without the high risk of losing employees thanks to Commie Care. Prior to that, most employers would never dream of dropping that benefit.

Okay, well......just find another job that does provide coverage! Easy to do at the age of 28, but not at the age of 57. Until Commie Care came along, I had coverage (with preexisting conditions) my entire adult life. And even if I could change jobs at my age today, what's stopping the next company from doing the same unless Commie Care is totally out of the picture?

It put many people in a terrible position. The people like myself who have a trade or pursued a career of some kind lost our insurance, but the guy that makes french fries at McDonald's or stocks shelves at Walmart does have coverage. Where is the equity in that?
I agree btw, that those plans that are bronze level plans on the exchange appear to be nothing but catastrophic or hospitalization plans, with a little bit of window dressing, not what one would think is actual full service healthcare insurance policy.

Do you think your employer will bring back health insurance coverage as a benefit when the R's kill it? My bet is no....more than likely not....

He was thinking about it when I got ill last year, but I doubt it. The only way for that possibility to exist is if the new plan by the Republicans would include some sort of tax incentive for employers that do provide healthcare insurance, but outside of that, I can't see it happening.

Some of our married employees went on their wives plan, and we have several of us who are not married trying to deal with the problem different ways. One had Commie Care, but had to drop it this year because of the price increase. A few use the state and county to pay their bills for anything serious, and the rest of us just gamble every day of our lives. Two of them are government retirees who have insurance from the government after they retired. But it's just a mess for people like myself.
TY for answering gramps!

How do you foresee this changing when they repeal Obamacare?

What I am afraid of, is the insurance companies are not going to spend man hour after man hour developing new insurance policies that will sell for less than they are offering now.... Why would they want to reduce their yearly sales revenue coming in by lowering the price of their policies and spend millions in labor hours and costs to re-write their policies for the 2nd time in 5 years?

There is no guarantee at all for any of us, that prices will go down...nor a guarantee that prices and deductible amounts won't continue to go up...

the whole thing is scary with a lot of ifs.....

What would be a guaranteed help for you is the mandate being removed and then you do not have to buy health care insurance....perhaps?

The problem with Commie Care is that it never focused on lowering healthcare costs--only how to shift those costs to other people. It's kind of like trying to pay off one credit card by using another.

So the focus should be how to lower costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it. The Republicans have come up with several things to do that including healthcare savings accounts and mandating that insurance companies be allowed to sell polices all across the country. One of the largest culprits for our unaffordable healthcare is government programs, and that should be addressed as well.[/QUOTE]

The problem of rising cost of healthcare cannot be fixed by congress. The basic problem with healthcare in this country is that we treat it as both a commodity and an essential service. It is his attempt to have it both ways that is sinking the ship. We as a country have to decide if healthcare is a commodity that follows the rules of supply and demand or is it a service not unlike the police or fire protection. As long as we try to have it both ways we will continue to see the cost skyrocket as they are. And yes, ObamaCare made it worse as do most government programs.

One of the problems with ObamaCare that is not ever talked about is that it tied medicare reimbursement rates to "patient satisfaction", and insurance companies set their rates off of the medicare rate. The problem with this is that what is best for the patient is not always what makes them happy. My wife is a critical care nurse at a local hospital and she has had people leave complaints about her because she would not unhook them from their O2 so they could to smoke or when she refused to let the 300 lb non-compliant diabetic eat the pizza they ordered themselves and had delivered to their room.

In an attempt to keep patients happy they now have all single rooms, which is nice, but is also more expensive. When they built a 2nd hospital 20 miles from their first one they hired a Disney executive to plan it and design the layout. So now it is set up like Disney world where all the "workers" are not allowed in the public spaces in their scrubs, they have hallways that take them places that the public cannot use. But these are out of the way and add time getting from one patient room to the next. When you walk in the lobby you see not a single doctor or nurse or anyone medical related, just a lady sitting at the information desk. They had someone almost die because they drove up to the main entrance vice the ER and there was nobody to help them and the Info lady did not know what to do.

There is no federal regulation against selling insurance across state lines, in fact there are a few that allowed it, but none of the insurance companies took advantage of it for a number of reasons. The only way it might help bring down the cost is if the Fed Govt forces states to accept the rules and regulations from another state. This is unconstitutional and would end up with whatever state has the most lax standards being the one that every other state has to follow. The last thing we need is another Fed mandate.

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