Republicans lead us to Marxism, Dems saving us from it

Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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The problem with all your babble is you refuse to see that even the lowest income people have a far better life than poor did 200 years ago. Everyone’s life standard is raised, as opposed to Marxist run shit holes where their living standards are flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know a single Marxist. What the hell are you babbling about? I’m pushing to avoid the Marxist progression. Don’t you see the Republican platform is pushing us to Marxism?
Yeah. that's the way you avoid pushing us to the Marxist progression, by pushing us closer to it. That's what every Marxist says.

You're an idiot.
You haven’t offered anything up except “no you’re an idiot”. The unbalance in wealth and income is dangerous to our National fabric. Are you not worried about it at all? What do you suggest to move us back to closer historical levels or wealth and income distribution?

1. Raise capital gains tax to equal income tax.
2. Raise taxes only on $400k and up
3. Raise minimum wage to $15
4. Guarantee healthcare access to all.
5. Raise corporate taxes to historic levels - it was 35% under Clinton’s balanced budget
6. Guarantee college access to all
7. Cut corporate welfare of kickbacks to favored industries
8. Reduce military spending
9. Increase infrastructure spending
10. Guarantee daycare access to employed.
Is it dangerous? Says who? History shows that the minute a society starts moving closer to a amore even distribution of wealth the result is a revolution. No matter how even the distribution of wealth, scum like you will claim it's "extreme." One thing we know, the recommendations of leftwing radicals are dangerous.

I suggest you take all your share-the-wealth schemes and stick them where the sun don't shine. One thing that moved us away from a more even distribution of wealth is the demand of union assholes that prevented so-called "hostile takeovers." Those are how you get rid of entrenched management with multi-million dollar salaries. Every time leftwingers try to fix something, they make it worse.
Scum? Im a father of 2 boys, one in Medical School, the other still in high school, spent 10 years as an Elder at a mega church, have been on mission trips overseas and I’m generally an all around nice guy who makes a boatload of 1% money as an executive.

I happen to think there is too much imbalance in equity right now. Why is the current proportion optimal? Why is any restructuring a slide towards evil? What can’t we make some adjustments to improve the balance?
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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Leftism is clearly a Mental Disorder ....

Keep in mind this Leftist POS does not believe the Marxist Propaganda he is pushing ....

He knows EVERYTHING about the Left is a LIE !!!

He knows he is pushing Marxist propaganda ....

And, he trolls ALL who call him out.

This is the American Left today folks .....

See this Anti-American POS for what he is .....
Not helpful. I already knew you were intolerant.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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The problem with all your babble is you refuse to see that even the lowest income people have a far better life than poor did 200 years ago. Everyone’s life standard is raised, as opposed to Marxist run shit holes where their living standards are flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know a single Marxist. What the hell are you babbling about? I’m pushing to avoid the Marxist progression. Don’t you see the Republican platform is pushing us to Marxism?
Yeah. that's the way you avoid pushing us to the Marxist progression, by pushing us closer to it. That's what every Marxist says.

You're an idiot.
You haven’t offered anything up except “no you’re an idiot”. The unbalance in wealth and income is dangerous to our National fabric. Are you not worried about it at all? What do you suggest to move us back to closer historical levels or wealth and income distribution?

1. Raise capital gains tax to equal income tax.
2. Raise taxes only on $400k and up
3. Raise minimum wage to $15
4. Guarantee healthcare access to all.
5. Raise corporate taxes to historic levels - it was 35% under Clinton’s balanced budget
6. Guarantee college access to all
7. Cut corporate welfare of kickbacks to favored industries
8. Reduce military spending
9. Increase infrastructure spending
10. Guarantee daycare access to employed.
Is it dangerous? Says who? History shows that the minute a society starts moving closer to a amore even distribution of wealth the result is a revolution. No matter how even the distribution of wealth, scum like you will claim it's "extreme." One thing we know, the recommendations of leftwing radicals are dangerous.

I suggest you take all your share-the-wealth schemes and stick them where the sun don't shine. One thing that moved us away from a more even distribution of wealth is the demand of union assholes that prevented so-called "hostile takeovers." Those are how you get rid of entrenched management with multi-million dollar salaries. Every time leftwingers try to fix something, they make it worse.
Scum? Im a father of 2 boys, one in Medical School, the other still in high school, spent 10 years as an Elder at a mega church, have been on mission trips overseas and I’m generally an all around nice guy who makes a boatload of 1% money as an executive.

I happen to think there is too much imbalance in equity right now. Why is the current proportion optimal? Why is any restructuring a slide towards evil? What can’t we make some adjustments to improve the balance?
I'm an atheist, so your religion doesn't impress me.

Every scumbag claims he's a nice guy. You're a Marxist. That's the bottom line.
I only see one point (#7) that might lead us closer to equality of wealth.
But equality of wealth is a destructive pipe dream anyway.
Not equality. That’s a BS goal. A more equal distribution. Heck you guys love the 50’s. It’s way out of balance from then. The right wing for some reason opposes every single attempt to provide a path out for people at the bottom. What gives?
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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View attachment 495795
The problem with all your babble is you refuse to see that even the lowest income people have a far better life than poor did 200 years ago. Everyone’s life standard is raised, as opposed to Marxist run shit holes where their living standards are flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know a single Marxist. What the hell are you babbling about? I’m pushing to avoid the Marxist progression. Don’t you see the Republican platform is pushing us to Marxism?
Yeah. that's the way you avoid pushing us to the Marxist progression, by pushing us closer to it. That's what every Marxist says.

You're an idiot.
You haven’t offered anything up except “no you’re an idiot”. The unbalance in wealth and income is dangerous to our National fabric. Are you not worried about it at all? What do you suggest to move us back to closer historical levels or wealth and income distribution?

1. Raise capital gains tax to equal income tax.
2. Raise taxes only on $400k and up
3. Raise minimum wage to $15
4. Guarantee healthcare access to all.
5. Raise corporate taxes to historic levels - it was 35% under Clinton’s balanced budget
6. Guarantee college access to all
7. Cut corporate welfare of kickbacks to favored industries
8. Reduce military spending
9. Increase infrastructure spending
10. Guarantee daycare access to employed.
Is it dangerous? Says who? History shows that the minute a society starts moving closer to a amore even distribution of wealth the result is a revolution. No matter how even the distribution of wealth, scum like you will claim it's "extreme." One thing we know, the recommendations of leftwing radicals are dangerous.

I suggest you take all your share-the-wealth schemes and stick them where the sun don't shine. One thing that moved us away from a more even distribution of wealth is the demand of union assholes that prevented so-called "hostile takeovers." Those are how you get rid of entrenched management with multi-million dollar salaries. Every time leftwingers try to fix something, they make it worse.
Scum? Im a father of 2 boys, one in Medical School, the other still in high school, spent 10 years as an Elder at a mega church, have been on mission trips overseas and I’m generally an all around nice guy who makes a boatload of 1% money as an executive.

I happen to think there is too much imbalance in equity right now. Why is the current proportion optimal? Why is any restructuring a slide towards evil? What can’t we make some adjustments to improve the balance?
I'm an atheist, so your religion doesn't impress me.

Every scumbag claims he's a nice guy. You're a Marxist. That's the bottom line.
Doesn’t matter to me your philosophy. Your education level is transparent. What High Schhol did you drop out from?
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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Quite possibly the dumbest thread ever started here.
Indeed, how can anything called “Republicans led us to Marxism” be taken seriously? It’s really a satire but these leftwing wackos are so far removed that the satire is real.
My argument is clearly laid out. Your preferred platform is self destructive. It’s like trying to swim against a riptide. It will kill you. You have to give into the tide some to end up able to swim out of it.
Quite possibly the dumbest thread ever started here.
Not really. You started this dumbass post. Remember? You claimed the wall was being continued by Biden then you were bitch slapped with reality when the liberals informed you that you were had by Fox News??? Bwahahaha. That was the dumbest thread in a while and you OWN it. Egg meet Fangs face.

"However, U.S. officials later disputed the report and said that the work being done was repair work on a flood levee."
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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View attachment 495795
The problem with all your babble is you refuse to see that even the lowest income people have a far better life than poor did 200 years ago. Everyone’s life standard is raised, as opposed to Marxist run shit holes where their living standards are flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know a single Marxist. What the hell are you babbling about? I’m pushing to avoid the Marxist progression. Don’t you see the Republican platform is pushing us to Marxism?
Yeah. that's the way you avoid pushing us to the Marxist progression, by pushing us closer to it. That's what every Marxist says.

You're an idiot.
You haven’t offered anything up except “no you’re an idiot”. The unbalance in wealth and income is dangerous to our National fabric. Are you not worried about it at all? What do you suggest to move us back to closer historical levels or wealth and income distribution?

1. Raise capital gains tax to equal income tax.
2. Raise taxes only on $400k and up
3. Raise minimum wage to $15
4. Guarantee healthcare access to all.
5. Raise corporate taxes to historic levels - it was 35% under Clinton’s balanced budget
6. Guarantee college access to all
7. Cut corporate welfare of kickbacks to favored industries
8. Reduce military spending
9. Increase infrastructure spending
10. Guarantee daycare access to employed.
Is it dangerous? Says who? History shows that the minute a society starts moving closer to a amore even distribution of wealth the result is a revolution. No matter how even the distribution of wealth, scum like you will claim it's "extreme." One thing we know, the recommendations of leftwing radicals are dangerous.

I suggest you take all your share-the-wealth schemes and stick them where the sun don't shine. One thing that moved us away from a more even distribution of wealth is the demand of union assholes that prevented so-called "hostile takeovers." Those are how you get rid of entrenched management with multi-million dollar salaries. Every time leftwingers try to fix something, they make it worse.
Scum? Im a father of 2 boys, one in Medical School, the other still in high school, spent 10 years as an Elder at a mega church, have been on mission trips overseas and I’m generally an all around nice guy who makes a boatload of 1% money as an executive.

I happen to think there is too much imbalance in equity right now. Why is the current proportion optimal? Why is any restructuring a slide towards evil? What can’t we make some adjustments to improve the balance?

Why is the current proportion optimal?

Who said it was?

Why is any restructuring a slide towards evil?

Who said it was?

What can’t we make some adjustments to improve the balance?

I agree. Boot 20 million illegal aliens. Fastest way to improve wages at the bottom end.
Not equality. That’s a BS goal. A more equal distribution. Heck you guys love the 50’s. It’s way out of balance from then. The right wing for some reason opposes every single attempt to provide a path out for people at the bottom. What gives?
What gives with your disingenuous Heads I win, Tails you lose false choices?
Not equality. That’s a BS goal. A more equal distribution. Heck you guys love the 50’s. It’s way out of balance from then. The right wing for some reason opposes every single attempt to provide a path out for people at the bottom. What gives?
What gives with your disingenuous Heads I win, Tails you lose false choices?
Non answer.
Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
Minimum wages are so low that they are irrelevant. Your post proves how out of touch the guardrails are and how much the worker is taken advantage of.
It's not the government's job to take care of you. Grow the hell up.
What do you do for a living? I bet it gets government handouts.
I'm retired. I worked from the age of 16 and never got a government handout. I paid into Social Security and Medicare since 1965 and retired in 2012. Every dime I have is mine that I earned.
Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
Minimum wages are so low that they are irrelevant. Your post proves how out of touch the guardrails are and how much the worker is taken advantage of.
It's not the government's job to take care of you. Grow the hell up.
What do you do for a living? I bet it gets government handouts.
I'm retired. I worked from the age of 16 and never got a government handout. I paid into Social Security and Medicare since 1965 and retired in 2012. Every dime I have is mine that I earned.
You’re getting out more from social security than you paid in. High and might leech on society. Your welcome. It’s younger men like me who fund your lifestyle. Plus your generation borrowed $20T dollars from those of Us still working in debt. Those roads you drive on are unpaid. You are a dead beat. The nerve really.


Republicans lead us to Marxism, Dems saving us from it


I only see one point (#7) that might lead us closer to equality of wealth.
But equality of wealth is a destructive pipe dream anyway.
Not equality. That’s a BS goal. A more equal distribution. Heck you guys love the 50’s. It’s way out of balance from then. The right wing for some reason opposes every single attempt to provide a path out for people at the bottom. What gives?
A more equal distribution

That's Marxism

With that being said again, your idea of equal distribution is raising the minimum wage sky high so everyone is fucking miserable, I got news for ya us poor people know paying more for the same thing doesn't get us ahead
Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
Minimum wages are so low that they are irrelevant. Your post proves how out of touch the guardrails are and how much the worker is taken advantage of.
It's not the government's job to take care of you. Grow the hell up.
What do you do for a living? I bet it gets government handouts.
I'm retired. I worked from the age of 16 and never got a government handout. I paid into Social Security and Medicare since 1965 and retired in 2012. Every dime I have is mine that I earned.
You’re getting out more from social security than you paid in. High and might leech on society. Your welcome. It’s younger men like me who fund your lifestyle. Plus your generation borrowed $20T dollars from those of Us still working in debt. Those roads you drive on are unpaid. You are a dead beat. The nerve really.

Who is?

My wife died at 44- no social security

My cousin died at 43 - no social security

My best man at my wedding died at 46- no social security
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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View attachment 495795
The problem with all your babble is you refuse to see that even the lowest income people have a far better life than poor did 200 years ago. Everyone’s life standard is raised, as opposed to Marxist run shit holes where their living standards are flushed down the toilet.
I don’t know a single Marxist. What the hell are you babbling about? I’m pushing to avoid the Marxist progression. Don’t you see the Republican platform is pushing us to Marxism?
Yeah. that's the way you avoid pushing us to the Marxist progression, by pushing us closer to it. That's what every Marxist says.

You're an idiot.
You haven’t offered anything up except “no you’re an idiot”. The unbalance in wealth and income is dangerous to our National fabric. Are you not worried about it at all? What do you suggest to move us back to closer historical levels or wealth and income distribution?

1. Raise capital gains tax to equal income tax.
2. Raise taxes only on $400k and up
3. Raise minimum wage to $15
4. Guarantee healthcare access to all.
5. Raise corporate taxes to historic levels - it was 35% under Clinton’s balanced budget
6. Guarantee college access to all
7. Cut corporate welfare of kickbacks to favored industries
8. Reduce military spending
9. Increase infrastructure spending
10. Guarantee daycare access to employed.
How the fuck does any of that helps me get ahead?
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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View attachment 495795
Productivity has been driven by technology not laborers.

It used to be a skilled craftsman was needed for the production of many goods. Now any moron who can learn how to push a button can turn out more products in a day than a team of skilled craftsmen could in months.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

View attachment 495794

View attachment 495795
Productivity has been driven by technology not laborers.

It used to be a skilled craftsman was needed for the production of many goods. Now any moron who can learn how to push a button can turn out more products in a day than a team of skilled craftsmen could in months.
Not according to Marxist, they think people demanded a computer so labor invented it and built it

they think people demanded a television so labor invented it and built it

they think people demanded a cellphone so labor invented it and built it

they think people demanded a pocket fisherman so labor invented it and built it

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