Republicans lead us to Marxism, Dems saving us from it

The levels of fantasy among the Left around here are astonishing to behold.
Once again, the OP using Marxist arguments to project.

scum demonRATS are pushing the US towards communism while the GOP are the ones trying to save you from it.
Prove it. Do you even know what communism, socialism, and Marxism is? Clearly not if you don’t recognize how the Democrat platform is inherently American capitalism.

I dare you to find any of that crap in here.

You have been fooled and continue to be fooled by the Democratic elites. They don’t care one iota about the “poor” or racism. Preaching division and “woe is me“ stuff is how they keep their lemmings towing the party line. They will completely destroy the middle class. They will remain elite and the burger flippers along with the engineers will be living in the same housing complex begging for crumbs. Yes, this is how they want it to work.
Or course the rich don't care about the non-rich. Way to finally catch up with the rest of society. Don't want to be poor? Get an education and get a real job. Those that choose to listen to preaching by anyone are usually too lazy to do either.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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The Trumplican Party is NOT pushing the US towards Marxism.

The Trumplican Party
IS pushing the US towards Autocracy-Dictatorship-Fascism... the traitorous, lawless, myopic, servile Neanderthals that they are.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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The Trumplican Party is NOT pushing the US towards Marxism.

The Trumplican Party
IS pushing the US towards Autocracy-Dictatorship-Fascism... the traitorous, lawless, myopic, servile Neanderthals that they are.
You people are the fascists. Next.

2018, 7.9% of the population or some 660,000 people in Switzerland were affected by income poverty. Switzerland has also a significant number of working poor, estimated at 145,000 in 2015. ... As of 2019, Switzerland had the highest average wealth per adult, at $564,653.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Poverty in Switzerland - Wikipedia
All your post seem to suggest the same thing. The minimum wage is too low but if you have a better idea how to close this gap of productivity and profits to wages... I’M LISTENING.

Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
minimum wages were for the kids getting out of HS and getting their first job....
Not true. Service jobs by high schoolers weren’t an economic reality when this was passed. It was labor abuse of factory women and kids and immigrants who were typical victims. Regardless of intent of you have a good idea to close the wealth gap and return productivity benefits to then worker I’m all ears.
The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”
You have a point? How do you increase wages that have stagnated for 50 years? The answer is to increase wages.

2018, 7.9% of the population or some 660,000 people in Switzerland were affected by income poverty. Switzerland has also a significant number of working poor, estimated at 145,000 in 2015. ... As of 2019, Switzerland had the highest average wealth per adult, at $564,653.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Poverty in Switzerland - Wikipedia
All your post seem to suggest the same thing. The minimum wage is too low but if you have a better idea how to close this gap of productivity and profits to wages... I’M LISTENING.

Minimum wages were never meant to be full time work, but for kids who wanted to learn about business, while going to school or retirees who wanted some extra income and be with younger kids. Then along came the Marxists, jacked up taxes and regulations thus forcing more people into poverty and causing those impoverished people to become full time minimum wage progressive slaves.
This is bullshit. Minimum wages were designed to keep the working class out of poverty. Businesses have avoided benefits by abusing part time workers and keeping wages low with a low minimum wage. Perpetual poverty cycle of the worker. This will lead to our end.
minimum wages were for the kids getting out of HS and getting their first job....
Not true. Service jobs by high schoolers weren’t an economic reality when this was passed. It was labor abuse of factory women and kids and immigrants who were typical victims. Regardless of intent of you have a good idea to close the wealth gap and return productivity benefits to then worker I’m all ears.
The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”
You have a point? How do you increase wages that have stagnated for 50 years? The answer is to increase wages.
Trump increased those wages. They were no longer stagnant. The scamdemic killed the economy purposely.
Wages were stagnant for over 20 years. Trump got them moving up. But democrats couldn't have Americans happy. Liberalism thrives on misery
Dude. Seriously? What do you want me to say? That Trump fixed the wealth and income inequity in the US? That would be a lie. I did see that states started raising some minimum wages and they inched up. It’s not enough. These were state activities not federal activities as you know we are in the longest drought of federal minimum wage freeze. But if you have the Trump plan for increasing wages post it hear. I listen.

Trump got jobs coming back to the United States. So naturally with more jobs wages started to rise.
Very simplistic and partisan hackery. The super minor increase in employment under Trump (before it fell apart) led to a super minor increase in wages regardless as to why you think it happened.

I think Republicans might have a point currently that increased unemployment benefits are keeping people at home which means we need to raise wages to get people working. That of course will drive wages up. The Republican plan is to cut the benefits so people have to go back to work for the low wages that exists in the vacuum of benefits . That’s no plan to help the working class. That’s a plan to help capitalists maintain lose priced labor.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

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For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

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another delusional post...thanx 4 the laughs
Another drive by intellectual short bus rider. Thanks for playing dope.
Another drive by intellectual short bus lose :ahole-1:
Followed up by a “no YOU are” post and name calling. Brains on display.
your lack of brains has been on display, for all to see, for months on end....go figure...i just type things i think you might be able to understand....obviously, you don't understand anything at all....loser
Deep. Now you’re excusing you inability to provide coherent arguments to being my fault. Think about it. You’re playing a right wing victim. Mean ole lefty is asking me for support for my nonsense, he must be dumb so why explain. Lol. Everyone on here sees you running to insults.
1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”
Why hire blacks at low prices when you have to pay everyone the minimum wage is your argument? The fact South African capitalist won’t hire blacks at the same rate as whites isn’t an argument against a minimum wage. It’s an argument against discrimination. Come. On. Man.
Wages were stagnant for over 20 years. Trump got them moving up. But democrats couldn't have Americans happy. Liberalism thrives on misery
Dude. Seriously? What do you want me to say? That Trump fixed the wealth and income inequity in the US? That would be a lie. I did see that states started raising some minimum wages and they inched up. It’s not enough. These were state activities not federal activities as you know we are in the longest drought of federal minimum wage freeze. But if you have the Trump plan for increasing wages post it hear. I listen.

Trump got jobs coming back to the United States. So naturally with more jobs wages started to rise.
Very simplistic and partisan hackery. The super minor increase in employment under Trump (before it fell apart) led to a super minor increase in wages regardless as to why you think it happened.

I think Republicans might have a point currently that increased unemployment benefits are keeping people at home which means we need to raise wages to get people working. That of course will drive wages up. The Republican plan is to cut the benefits so people have to go back to work for the low wages that exists in the vacuum of benefits . That’s no plan to help the working class. That’s a plan to help capitalists maintain lose priced labor.
There is no reason to pay people to stay at home. I worked the entire time during the pandemic.
Marxism explains why Capitalism leads to Socialism which leads to Communism which leads to Capitalism which leads to...

So don't try to make one look better than the others
I think you explained that simply and I agree. My argument is that, given that theory, the Republicans are creating the environment for that to play out by their insatiable appetite to keep wages low and capital concentrated only at the top. In fact they have used language to market any effort to moderate this from happening with slippery slope arguments to communism with buzzwords of “redistribution” , “other people money”, etc..
I disagree. In order to subscribe to this theory, one has to first accept that Marx was correct about the inevitability of a socialist backlash against capitalistic enough capitalism. I believe Marx was, to say the least, incorrect, and offer a daisy chain of failed Communist states as evidence.

Plus, if nothing else, if our capitalism is to self-destruct, there is a *very* identifiable alternative as to what system brings it down: fascism
I agree with you about the viability of communism and the drawbacks of heavy socialist states. I’m NOT arguing Marx’s solution was right. I’m arguing his ability to diagnose the tipping point for capitalism is correct and we are steaming towards it because of Republican policy. In fact the exact thing Republicans are afraid of is what they are creating.
Everyone on here agrees dmes are Fscist running dogs and republicans are for the average worker
Ok. Thanks. So how do you come to that conclusion? Besides Fox told you so. What exactly are the Republicans for specifically to help the working poor in this country to narrow the 50 years of losses?
And racists have been urged to vote for Republicans since the 60’s but let’s agree that racism isn’t the goal of the Republican Party. Their ideas for racists are just better than the alternative just like the socialist weighing who to vote for.
Your spin does nothing to contradict my evidence:


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MHO this is a classic example of STARTING with a PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION and then attempting to cherry pick evidence that supports it while excluding anything that doesn't. What makes it worse is that the author has clearly demonstrated a strong PARTISAN BIAS in the past, making the whole mess unworthy of consideration by any objective observer.

Michael Mooreism at its finest.
I think I put my argument out there with very strong supporting evidence. Yes I make fun of what I perceive to be right wing nonsense on this site but I also argue with supporting facts when serious. This is a serious problem and if you love America you’d think so too.
Trump increased those wages. They were no longer stagnant. The scamdemic killed the economy purposely.
How much was driven by the 24 states where minimum wage increased in 2020? What exactly are you seeing the Republicans do to grow wages at the bottom?

FIRST, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage.

I don’t subscribe to the solution but the progression to instability is on point.

The main points of Marxism include:
  • Capitalism is broken into two classes: workers and capitalists (proletariats and bourgeoisies).
  • Those that control the corporations exploit workers and control society.
  • Eventually, workers will rise up to make everyone even and get rid of classes.

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