Republicans Lose Impeachment Vote

Why can't we use thoughts and prayers to protect the border? It's what we use to protect our schools.
Dumbest post of the week.
I only went with week because one of your fellow leftards posted something so insanely stupid already it received dumbest post of the year already.
Dumbest post of the week.
I only went with week because one of your fellow leftards posted something so insanely stupid already it received dumbest post of the year already.
What a clown remark. The synthaholic post was clearly revealing that 'thoughts and prayers' are useless as a political tool.
There was no impeachable offense.

There was no impeacable offense. This was strickley showboating
Who is Strickley?

I'll "admit" that the Real Republicans jumped the gun on this one. I support them, but I can admit when they fuck up.

Yes, Mayorkas needs to be out of there, for his dereliction of duty. But, he's only following whoever his handler in the White House is. If he did not, those handlers would order Biden to fire him. If he were impeached and removed, he would be replaced by another puppet and the open-border policy would not change.

It should have been a sign when they could not get the full house to vote even for an impeachment inquiry.
Three GOP AHs voted "no". Ken Buck was one, then there was one from WI & one from CA.

Next week we should get Scalese back and maybe a new one from NY's special election.

The only people engaging in Dereliction of Duty are ReNaziKlans who refuse to vote for the Border Bill. They do not want to govern, they want to engage cheap political theater.
The bill that allows 5,000 illegals we know nothing about to cross into the country each and every day? Why should we allow ANY? They are lowering the caliber of schools and housing property values where they settle, have total disregard for American laws, and are demanding and entitled.
It just amazes me how someone who claims to be Jewish is so negative against anyone that isn't white.
No... but you can get impeached for Dereliction of Duty and Gross Negligence... such as that manifested by Mayorkas.

That smug, smirking open-borders POS needs to go.
No you can't. You can be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. Not because hyper-partisan politicians are upset that you're not doing your job the way they they want you to do your job.
Poster Rightwing's post from earlier in this thread is worth repeating.
And repeating.

In my opinion, the 'border problems'.....are problems because of Republican inaction, Republican action, and Republican intransigence. They own it.

From RghtWingr:

  • More Border Agents? Republicans blocked it
  • Tougher rules on asylum? Republicans blocked it
  • Limits on the number of migrants? Republicans blocked it
  • Help for communities housing migrants? Republicans blocked it
  • More Fentanyl detection units? Republicans blocked it
I don't hear you whine about Canadians coming across the border, I don't hear you whining about Europeans who also stay pass their Visas.
There’s no surge millions of unskilled, semi-literate Canadians coming in illegally. And the VISA overstayers are educated people (often “brown”) who aren’t demanding taxpayers put them up in hotels and provide 3 meals a day.

The illegals coming up from the south are of a low caliber, punching out cops and dragging old ladies across the sidewalk, and lowering the property values and school quality wherever the settle. Nothing to do with skin color.
There’s no surge millions of unskilled, semi-literate Canadians coming in illegally. And the VISA overstayers are educated people (often “brown”) who aren’t demanding taxpayers put them up in hotels and provide 3 meals a day.

The illegals coming up from the south are of a low caliber, punching out cops and dragging old ladies across the sidewalk, and lowering the property values and school quality wherever the settle. Nothing to do with skin color.

Fuck those Canadians!

I am tired of them coming down here and drinking our beer and stealing our women
The big victory for illegals will occur when MAGA idiots kill the Border Bill.
Biden can close the border right now if he wanted to. The laws on the books now give him all kinds of powers on the border.

When did the border become a problem?

Kamala, the border czar, said it was secure. Is she a liar?

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