Republicans Not Familiar with Antoinett Tuff ? - America Is, the WH is


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
She is that little black woman who talked this crazy white kid out of killing young black kids.

Even tho the guy was armed with an AK 47 and 500 rounds of ammo....

Didn't hear about this?

Guess FOX didn't cover it, eh?


Antoinette Tuff’s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion

Thanks to her, this time there will be no funerals with tiny caskets, no candlelit vigils and no families broken by grief.

No one was shot Tuesday after a man slipped into an elementary school just outside Atlanta with an AK-47-style assault rifle, 500 rounds of ammo and “nothing to live for.”


Not because we listened to gun advocates who said we should arm teachers with weapons.

Antoinette Tuff?s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion - The Washington Post
Everyone, including Fox has covered her and called her a Hero.

A troll is a troll, but this is a bad troll.
Outrage!!! If this were a white woman who stopped a black man it would be ALL OVER THE NEWS! What's wrong with this country??? When are we going to be ready to have an honest conversation about race???

Righties - am I doing it right? That's pretty fun!

Right! And the lame-stream media (which is in the pockets of the right) is playing along and not reporting this at all. There is a cover-up at fox-news and talk radio naturally. Dang, this is fun! :lol:
two idiot trolls in one thread, AND it's the usual, FOX neeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwss.... how special
She is that little black woman who talked this crazy white kid out of killing young black kids.

Even tho the guy was armed with an AK 47 and 500 rounds of ammo....

Didn't hear about this?

Guess FOX didn't cover it, eh?


Antoinette Tuff’s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion

Thanks to her, this time there will be no funerals with tiny caskets, no candlelit vigils and no families broken by grief.

No one was shot Tuesday after a man slipped into an elementary school just outside Atlanta with an AK-47-style assault rifle, 500 rounds of ammo and “nothing to live for.”


Not because we listened to gun advocates who said we should arm teachers with weapons.

Antoinette Tuff?s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion - The Washington Post

I heard about it. The reason you didn't is because she gives the credit to God.
She is that little black woman who talked this crazy white kid out of killing young black kids.

Even tho the guy was armed with an AK 47 and 500 rounds of ammo....

Didn't hear about this?

Guess FOX didn't cover it, eh?


Antoinette Tuff’s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion

Thanks to her, this time there will be no funerals with tiny caskets, no candlelit vigils and no families broken by grief.

No one was shot Tuesday after a man slipped into an elementary school just outside Atlanta with an AK-47-style assault rifle, 500 rounds of ammo and “nothing to live for.”


Not because we listened to gun advocates who said we should arm teachers with weapons.

Antoinette Tuff?s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion - The Washington Post

I guess neither you or WAPO has the ability to listen to the 911 tape. Ms. Tuff plainly told the dispatcher the shooter was NOT interested in the children. He was there to commit suicide by cop and knew the police response to a school would be aggressive. The only life Ms. Tuff saved was likely the shooters and maybe her own had the cops stormed the school. I am in no way disparaging her bravery, it takes real guts and personal confidence to do what she did, but this BS about tiny caskets is just that, BS. The shooter only fired on police.
She is that little black woman who talked this crazy white kid out of killing young black kids.

Even tho the guy was armed with an AK 47 and 500 rounds of ammo....

Didn't hear about this?

Guess FOX didn't cover it, eh?


Antoinette Tuff’s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion

Thanks to her, this time there will be no funerals with tiny caskets, no candlelit vigils and no families broken by grief.

No one was shot Tuesday after a man slipped into an elementary school just outside Atlanta with an AK-47-style assault rifle, 500 rounds of ammo and “nothing to live for.”


Not because we listened to gun advocates who said we should arm teachers with weapons.

Antoinette Tuff?s 911 call on Ga. shooting suspect is a portrait of poise, compassion - The Washington Post

Yes FOX covered it extensively you moron.
why don't Obama and you cult members of his just erect a statue of her and we can move on...

you can put it next to his and bow to both at the same time

for gawds sakes
The parents of the children at that school are thoroughly grateful for Ms Tuff. If she had been armed, no telling what the gunman would have done. Deny all you want, this is a story with a happy ending, and it isn't one the NRA will be proud to relate.
Were in the article did he say he was planning on killing the young black kids you race baiting asshole?

That's nothing... Yesterday rdean started a thread calling the guy a mass murderer. He killed no one. At this point I am fairly well convinced this crazy wasn't looking to kill anyone, rather he was looking for suicide by cop...
The parents of the children at that school are thoroughly grateful for Ms Tuff. If she had been armed, no telling what the gunman would have done. Deny all you want, this is a story with a happy ending, and it isn't one the NRA will be proud to relate.

Idiot. Why would the NRA not be proud of it?

Obama will do anything to take away from the miserable shape this country Is STILL in FIVE FUCKING YEARS he's had to help things...

so he calls some about the 100 of people who saved lives that day? he's such a fake

but you obamabots keep falling for his bs, he knows he can still dupe you all
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Were in the article did he say he was planning on killing the young black kids you race baiting asshole?

That's nothing... Yesterday rdean started a thread calling the guy a mass murderer. He killed no one. At this point I am fairly well convinced this crazy wasn't looking to kill anyone, rather he was looking for suicide by cop...

I was about the post the same thought when you go into a school with 500 rounds and only fire one shot into the floor that does seem more like someone who wants suicide by cop than to commit mass murder.

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