Republicans offer fraudulent tax reform, the alleged FairTax

/——: And yet we hss as ve a higher standard of living. Sure, the tax code is broken and needs a major overhaul,
another perversion of statistics. Yes the country's wealth has grown but all of it has gone to the rich. The average goes up but with such inequality everybody is getting screwed but the rich on average DUHHH
Progs controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency in 1913. 17th amendment, 16th amendment and the Federal Reserve Act.

So what? There were a lot of Progressives in the GOP as well. Herbert Hoover was one, as was Teddy Roosevelt. People got fed up by the price gouging and rip offs from the trusts and monopolies, and rightfully so. Too bad they just passively accept it today.
The last 40 years, our GOP tax rate government has been taking from regular people and giving it to the rich, for crying out loud. You're unbelievable.

Really? I'm regular people and nobody took one penny from me to give to the rich. Under Communist policies, if government takes anything from me, it's to give to the lowlifes that don't want to work.

In that 40 years the commies had total control of this country several times, the most recent ones under Dementia and the first two years of DumBama. Didn't you ever ask yourself why they don't do what you'd like them to do, and that is go back to taxing our job creators at 70%?
That's because they make 90% of the income. Great job really works great, perfect chump of the greedy idiot lying

It shouldn't matter what their income is. How is it fair when one-fifth of our population is paying for most of our federal government and programs?

But if that's the way you think this country should be, why stop at the rich?

If you have ten beautiful bushes in front of your house, that's not fair. Government should be able to take five of your bushes and give them to one of your neighbors down the street that has none. Maybe you have four televisions in your home. That's not fair either. Government should be allowed to take two of your television sets and give them to your neighbors that only have one.

In our country, somebody will always have more than you, and you will always have more than other people.

Socialism is what they have in every other modern country and it is the final solution. Always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Only brainwashed English speakers don't know it. Communism is a dictatorship and nobody is for that, that's why they are dead now. So yes they are for socialism over this savage capitalism we have now. All four of them. Fair taxation that is not a huge giveaway to the rich is not communism, brainwashed functional moron.

If it's so good in these other countries, why are you still living here?

You can move, and when you find out it's not all what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the good ole USA. But once you change this place into all the others and find out it was a bad deal, there won't be a USA to move back to. We are one of a kind, and that's why people from over 150 countries are flying into Mexico to cross our borders. Go to one of your socialist utopias and leave real Americans alone.
Really? I'm regular people and nobody took one penny from me to give to the rich. Under Communist policies, if government takes anything from me, it's to give to the lowlifes that don't want to work.

In that 40 years the commies had total control of this country several times, the most recent ones under Dementia and the first two years of DumBama. Didn't you ever ask yourself why they don't do what you'd like them to do, and that is go back to taxing our job creators at 70%?
You are taxed too much, run around it all you want. Reconciliation says you need 60 votes to add taxes like that. On the other hand, Joe's infrastructure bill raised taxes on the rich like 3%... People don't want to work at your crappy GOP jobs- they pay nothing and have no benefits. It is pathetic here in GOP America
/——/ Get off your ass and make something of yourself. GEEEZE stop being a crybaby- NO FAIR NO FAIR.
I continue to be happily retired thank you very much. I worry about the country, you ought to try it sometime instead of listening to hate propaganda about all your fellow citizens....
It shouldn't matter what their income is. How is it fair when one-fifth of our population is paying for most of our federal government and programs?

But if that's the way you think this country should be, why stop at the rich?

If you have ten beautiful bushes in front of your house, that's not fair. Government should be able to take five of your bushes and give them to one of your neighbors down the street that has none. Maybe you have four televisions in your home. That's not fair either. Government should be allowed to take two of your television sets and give them to your neighbors that only have one.

In our country, somebody will always have more than you, and you will always have more than other people.

If it's so good in these other countries, why are you still living here?

You can move, and when you find out it's not all what it's cracked up to be, you can always move back to the good ole USA. But once you change this place into all the others and find out it was a bad deal, there won't be a USA to move back to. We are one of a kind, and that's why people from over 150 countries are flying into Mexico to cross our borders. Go to one of your socialist utopias and leave real Americans alone.

Unfortunately I'm too old and retired to take advantage of all this digital nomad stuff now so you can move wherever you want god damn it. I'm glad you love this utopia for the mega rich so much. Enjoy all the injustice and unhappiness and homelessness and hopelessness. Maybe trump can still get elected and declare martial law and all your Nazi dreams can be fulfilled lol Idiot.
/——/ The only hate I hear is from the democRAT party and MSM.
What about all the Republicans who want a revolution because the Democrats stole the election? Or are pedophiles or God knows what baloney. What about the spike in violence against gays blacks Muslims Jews Asians etcetera? The ones that double whenever trump has a rally in the area? You have no clue. Try reality, change the damn channel.
Unfortunately I'm too old and retired to take advantage of all this digital nomad stuff now so you can move wherever you want god damn it. I'm glad you love this utopia for the mega rich so much. Enjoy all the injustice and unhappiness and homelessness and hopelessness. Maybe trump can still get elected and declare martial law and all your Nazi dreams can be fulfilled lol Idiot.
At this point we have a flat tax system. That means whatever percentage they're paying in taxes is also the percentage they make in income. Great job!
What about all the Republicans who want a revolution because the Democrats stole the election? Or are pedophiles or God knows what baloney. What about the spike in violence against gays blacks Muslims Jews Asians etcetera? The ones that double whenever trump has a rally in the area? You have no clue. Try reality, change the damn channel.

So who attacks Jews and Asians more than leftists? Don't you have any idea what's going on in NYC?

Unfortunately I'm too old and retired to take advantage of all this digital nomad stuff now so you can move wherever you want god damn it. I'm glad you love this utopia for the mega rich so much. Enjoy all the injustice and unhappiness and homelessness and hopelessness. Maybe trump can still get elected and declare martial law and all your Nazi dreams can be fulfilled lol Idiot.

Why would I move? I like capitalism. I like we have a Republic and not a democracy. I like that we have the electoral college instead of mob rule. You're the one that should move. I love that we live in a country where you can make as little or as much money as you desire.

I'm not the one preaching how we should emulate other countries, you are. You move.
You are taxed too much, run around it all you want. Reconciliation says you need 60 votes to add taxes like that. On the other hand, Joe's infrastructure bill raised taxes on the rich like 3%... People don't want to work at your crappy GOP jobs- they pay nothing and have no benefits. It is pathetic here in GOP America

Bullshit. I'm a retired truck driver. Right now our industry needs 50,000 drivers they can't find. You can make into the six figures driving a truck depending on what you are willing to do. I've talked with other drivers that had worthless college degrees you want us taxpayers to pay for. They chose trucking because it paid better than the career they studied for in college for and many more job opportunities. In spite of the pay and job security, they still can't find nearly enough people to work.

So don't give me this pay nothing bullshit. The commies have conditioned people not to work with their expansion of government programs.

Why would I move? I like capitalism. I like we have a Republic and not a democracy. I like that we have the electoral college instead of mob rule. You're the one that should move. I love that we live in a country where you can make as little or as much money as you desire.

I'm not the one preaching how we should emulate other countries, you are. You move.
I didn't mean you personally I meant anyone or one can now move anywhere. And of course I would like that because you can move back and I would do that because I am a proud American too I am proud of everything except for our brainwashed GOP giveaway to the rich idiot brainwashed base. Worst voters in the world....
Why would I move? I like capitalism. I like we have a Republic and not a democracy. I like that we have the electoral college instead of mob rule. You're the one that should move. I love that we live in a country where you can make as little or as much money as you desire.

I'm not the one preaching how we should emulate other countries, you are. You move.
I like fair capitalism with a good safety net like every other modern country. A Republic is representative democracy dingbat. Electoral College has nothing to do with mob rule or anything but giving the Republicans another advantage at this point.
Bullshit. I'm a retired truck driver. Right now our industry needs 50,000 drivers they can't find. You can make into the six figures driving a truck depending on what you are willing to do. I've talked with other drivers that had worthless college degrees you want us taxpayers to pay for. They chose trucking because it paid better than the career they studied for in college for and many more job opportunities. In spite of the pay and job security, they still can't find nearly enough people to work.

So don't give me this pay nothing bullshit. The commies have conditioned people not to work with their expansion of government programs.

and they will cut their pay again after this pandemic is over or whatever the hell is causing this. I'm pretty damn sure it's Republicans not getting vaccinated....
What about all the Republicans who want a revolution because the Democrats stole the election? Or are pedophiles or God knows what baloney. What about the spike in violence against gays blacks Muslims Jews Asians etcetera? The ones that double whenever trump has a rally in the area? You have no clue. Try reality, change the damn channel.
/—-/ Incoherent babbling. Calm down snowflake

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