Republicans On Amnesty Suicide Watch


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Republicans On Amnesty Suicide Watch
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

Congressional Republicans are on a round-the-clock suicide watch.

Goaded by the media, the Stupid Party once again seems bent on self-destruction, via amnesty for 11 million to 20 million future Democratic voters – and those who will be encouraged to join their ranks. They seem hell-bent on helping the Savvy Party to detonate a weapon of mass destruction which will devastate the republic – as well as the Republicans.

Republicans are lining up to leap off a cliff shouting “ole” and “viva los undocumentos!.” House Speaker John Boehner reports that the Senate’s Amnesty Gang of Eight (4 savvy Democrats, 4 really dumb Republicans) “basically (have) an agreement.” “I said it the day after the election. I meant it, and we’re going to have to deal with it,” Boehner declared. What congressional Republicans will end up dealing with is the diminishing number of middle-class voters naïve enough to still trust the Gullible Old Party.

Rules For Conservatives Part III: Don Feder - GrassTopsUSA

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April showers gonna bring a immigration bill...
Senators look to early April for immigration bill
Mar. 5,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators in a bipartisan group crafting a comprehensive immigration bill said Tuesday they're not sure whether they can meet a self-imposed March deadline but they're optimistic about a deal soon.
The lawmakers in the "Gang of Eight" have been meeting several times a week to write sweeping legislation that would strengthen the U.S.-Mexico border, improve legal immigration, crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants and provide an eventual pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S. When they unveiled legislative principles in January, the senators announced they hoped to release a bill sometime in March. Now, several senators — including John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio — say they're not sure if they'll meet the goal. But lawmakers downplayed the significance of a short delay. "I don't know about timeframe, I'd rather do it right than do it fast," Rubio said. "But I think we're making good progress."

Congress is on recess the last week of March and first week of April. The senators are likely to release their legislation soon after they return from the recess, and there would likely be a vote in the Judiciary Committee soon thereafter. The legislation is certain to be controversial and may spark passionate opposition from lawmakers' constituents at town halls and elsewhere. Such opposition helped sink the last congressional attempt at overhauling immigration laws, in 2007. So even if it were finished in time Graham said it wasn't a good idea to release the bill before a two-week recess. "You don't want to leave it hanging out for two weeks to get shot up," he said.

A number of thorny details remain unresolved. Lawmakers said one of the toughest is figuring out the design of a temporary worker program that would govern how future low-skilled workers can come to the U.S. Graham and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., had asked the Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO to try to work together to resolve the issue, but after agreeing last month on broad principles, the two sides have not reached final resolution and senators have been intervening to try to work out the details. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was in the Capitol Tuesday to meet with senators on the issue.

Senators look to early April for immigration bill

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