Republicans Only Refuse To Address Multi-Continent Problem of Death Cult Thugs--Only Cite Syria(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The allegedly fiery and instant critique, mostly universally, among Republican elected officials and unelected officials so far is to call the death cults of secular kamikazes, "Radical Islamists(?)!" Some want upwards of 10,000 U. S. troops in Syria. No one brought up Pakistan, where the one San Bernardino atomized lone she-wolf is from. Republicans do not address Europe or Africa, or other areas with normal Moslem populations. The Republicans did not acknowledge that 47 nations worldwide, potential havens for Secular Kamikazes, are not going to be impacted using 10,000 troops in Syria. The Death Cult Secular Kamikazes have networks, and create havoc on multiple continents. The Republicans refuse to even authorize any use of Military force, at all. The death cult thugs do not travel and plot from Mosque to Mosque. They travel and plot from cell to cell. Only the White House Democrats are already supportive of the use of military force, now in play. The Republicans literally, refuse to help.

The Democratic plan has not been criticized, point by point, at all. From the White House, here is the plan:
Here’s how. First, our military will continue to hunt down terrorist plotters in any country where it is necessary. In Iraq and Syria, airstrikes are taking out ISIL leaders, heavy weapons, oil tankers, infrastructure. And since the attacks in Paris, our closest allies -- including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom -- have ramped up their contributions to our military campaign, which will help us accelerate our effort to destroy ISIL.

Second, we will continue to provide training and equipment to tens of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian forces fighting ISIL on the ground so that we take away their safe havens. In both countries, we’re deploying Special Operations Forces who can accelerate that offensive. We’ve stepped up this effort since the attacks in Paris, and we’ll continue to invest more in approaches that are working on the ground.

Third, we’re working with friends and allies to stop ISIL’s operations -- to disrupt plots, cut off their financing, and prevent them from recruiting more fighters. Since the attacks in Paris, we’ve surged intelligence-sharing with our European allies. We’re working with Turkey to seal its border with Syria. And we are cooperating with Muslim-majority countries -- and with our Muslim communities here at home -- to counter the vicious ideology that ISIL promotes online.

Fourth, with American leadership, the international community has begun to establish a process -- and timeline -- to pursue ceasefires and a political resolution to the Syrian war. Doing so will allow the Syrian people and every country, including our allies, but also countries like Russia, to focus on the common goal of destroying ISIL -- a group that threatens us all.

This is our strategy to destroy ISIL. It is designed and supported by our military commanders and counterterrorism experts, together with 65 countries that have joined an American-led coalition. And we constantly examine our strategy to determine when additional steps are needed to get the job done. That’s why I’ve ordered the Departments of State and Homeland Security to review the visa Waiver program under which the female terrorist in San Bernardino originally came to this country. And that’s why I will urge high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice.

Now, here at home, we have to work together to address the challenge. There are several steps that Congress should take right away.

To begin with, Congress should act to make sure no one on a no-fly list is able to buy a gun. What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon? This is a matter of national security.

We also need to make it harder for people to buy powerful assault weapons like the ones that were used in San Bernardino. I know there are some who reject any gun safety measures. But the fact is that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies -- no matter how effective they are -- cannot identify every would-be mass shooter, whether that individual is motivated by ISIL or some other hateful ideology. What we can do -- and must do -- is make it harder for them to kill.

Next, we should put in place stronger screening for those who come to America without a visa so that we can take a hard look at whether they’ve traveled to warzones. And we’re working with members of both parties in Congress to do exactly that.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it’s time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.

My fellow Americans, these are the steps that we can take together to defeat the terrorist threat. Let me now say a word about what we should not do.

We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria. That’s what groups like ISIL want. They know they can’t defeat us on the battlefield. ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq. But they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops, draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.

The strategy that we are using now -- airstrikes, Special Forces, and working with local forces who are fighting to regain control of their own country -- that is how we’ll achieve a more sustainable victory. And it won’t require us sending a new generation of Americans overseas to fight and die for another decade on foreign soil.

Here’s what else we cannot do. We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam. That, too, is what groups like ISIL want. ISIL does not speak for Islam. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death, and they account for a tiny fraction of more than a billion Muslims around the world -- including millions of patriotic Muslim Americans who reject their hateful ideology. Moreover, the vast majority of terrorist victims around the world are Muslim. If we’re to succeed in defeating terrorism we must enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.

That does not mean denying the fact that an extremist ideology has spread (in so many words, on multiple continents.)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Gaming Houses now spread about on Lands of Many Nations!)
you are very very very impressionable------none of the kamikazee sluts with rags on
their heads are "secularists"--------NONE of them----even the ones without rags
on their heads
Curious that republicans forget it is their policies that have made ISIL possible. Interfering in the politics of nations comes with consequences, Bush Cheney created the situation in Iraq that is now also into Syria. Seems that an intelligent commentator would see that? As Trump and other republicans push a new blend of fear mongering fascism they simply aid the radicals and murderers.

"The Islamic State’s strategy is to polarize Western society — to “destroy the grayzone,” as it says in its publications. The group hopes frequent, devastating attacks in its name will provoke overreactions by European governments against innocent Muslims, thereby alienating and radicalizing Muslim communities throughout the continent. The atrocities in Paris are only the most recent instances of this accelerating campaign. Since January, European citizens fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have provided online and material support to lethal operations in Paris, Copenhagen and near Lyon, France, as well as attempted attacks in London, Barcelona and near Brussels."

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe
Intelligence report commissioned by White House says ISIS not contained | Fox News

A new intelligence report commissioned by the White House says that the ISIS terror group will grow in numbers and territory unless it suffers significant losses in Iraq and Syria.

The findings sharply contradict previous statements by President Obama and other White House officials that ISIS has been "contained" by a program of U.S.-led airstrikes and the deployment of approximately 3,500 U.S. forces to train and otherwise aid moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters.
Curious that republicans forget it is their policies that have made ISIL possible. Interfering in the politics of nations comes with consequences, Bush Cheney created the situation in Iraq that is now also into Syria. Seems that an intelligent commentator would see that? As Trump and other republicans push a new blend of fear mongering fascism they simply aid the radicals and murderers.

"The Islamic State’s strategy is to polarize Western society — to “destroy the grayzone,” as it says in its publications. The group hopes frequent, devastating attacks in its name will provoke overreactions by European governments against innocent Muslims, thereby alienating and radicalizing Muslim communities throughout the continent. The atrocities in Paris are only the most recent instances of this accelerating campaign. Since January, European citizens fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have provided online and material support to lethal operations in Paris, Copenhagen and near Lyon, France, as well as attempted attacks in London, Barcelona and near Brussels."

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

Jimmy Carter. You know the Jimmeh. He backed Operation Cyclone.

Look it up and learn something sparky.
Intelligence report commissioned by White House says ISIS not contained | Fox News

A new intelligence report commissioned by the White House says that the ISIS terror group will grow in numbers and territory unless it suffers significant losses in Iraq and Syria.

The findings sharply contradict previous statements by President Obama and other White House officials that ISIS has been "contained" by a program of U.S.-led airstrikes and the deployment of approximately 3,500 U.S. forces to train and otherwise aid moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters.

Well I just put up another thread with a time line. In September the United Nations reported that ISIS had taken over Afghanistan.

Gee I don't remember hearing that in our news. I back tracked and found an article at Russia today and some Arabic media. Then Obama's "ISIS is contained".
Curious that republicans forget it is their policies that have made ISIL possible. Interfering in the politics of nations comes with consequences, Bush Cheney created the situation in Iraq that is now also into Syria. Seems that an intelligent commentator would see that? As Trump and other republicans push a new blend of fear mongering fascism they simply aid the radicals and murderers.

"The Islamic State’s strategy is to polarize Western society — to “destroy the grayzone,” as it says in its publications. The group hopes frequent, devastating attacks in its name will provoke overreactions by European governments against innocent Muslims, thereby alienating and radicalizing Muslim communities throughout the continent. The atrocities in Paris are only the most recent instances of this accelerating campaign. Since January, European citizens fighting with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have provided online and material support to lethal operations in Paris, Copenhagen and near Lyon, France, as well as attempted attacks in London, Barcelona and near Brussels."

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

Jimmy Carter. You know the Jimmeh. He backed Operation Cyclone.

Look it up and learn something sparky.

I will now CLAIM CREDIT----(don't laugh fellow posters) Way back in the 1980s----
little rosie (me) knew that our support and "adulation" of the "mujahedeen"
in Afghanistan (largely Pakistanis) was a GIANT MISTAKE. The reason I knew
that was because I knew lots of Pakistanis -----very well-----and I knew all about
THE CALIPHATE and------even lots about "shariah law" -----Way back in the 60s I had NO trepidation-------because I did get to know what Pakistanis learn in kindergarten------and I thought----"this cannot possibly last----it is so idiotic".
Ms TASHFEEN MALIK age 29 machine gun in hand blowing unarmed
EDUCATION (please note I have not been 29 for a long time--) Disclaimer---
I do not blame Pakistanis in general-----I blame their kindergarten teachers
The Fox News link posted by Obiwan-poster actually supports the on-going White House strategy. Losses have occurred on the ground. The Administration has new allies in the "Degrading" of ISIL on the ground, including Russia, France, Great Britain, and one or more identifiable Moslem-majority nations. Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-News would not be expected to
chastise the Republicans who are directly at fault in the matter: "ISIS has been able to effectively recruit and attract affiliate despite losses on the ground!" The objective is not to aid the death cults--not moving around from Mosque To Mosque--by creating the illusion of USA sponsored, war against Ramadan. The report does not use the concept, "Radical lslamists."
On Sunday, a U.S. official told Fox News that ISIS has been able to effectively recruit and attract affiliates despite losses on the ground, and has now supplanted Al Qaeda as the primary global jihadist threat. The official said that going forward, the entirety of the ISIS threat must be addressed, and the group's main base of operations in Syria must be “degraded.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington, long thought by many to be Moslem, maybe can be thought by many to even know more about them(?)!)
for the record------ISLAM IS CALIPHATISM--------there is no islam ----without CALIPHATISM------it was so ordained by the big MO himself-----read the koran
A caliphate requires a successor to Mohammed. In current events worldwide, there is no such Islamic successor. The Suicidal Kamikaze cells do not even move Mosque to Mosque. They move from apartment to apartment, in areas to areas.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Death cults not yet come to Lands of Many Nations, even!)

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