Republican's plan to layoff 1.8 million construction workers



Being forced to take up the Senate bill would be another potential setback for Boehner, who has repeatedly struggled to whip up support among conservative Republicans on spending bills. He also has castigated the Senate for failing to consider jobs bills passed by the lower chamber.

Time is running short, however, as current funding for road and rail construction projects expires on March 31. As many as 1.8 million construction workers would face layoffs if a new measure is not signed into law by then, Democrats say.

House speaker ready to drop stalled transport bill | Reuters

Chicago residents have even more to fear, almost 400 bridges within the city have serious structural problems! This states that the concerned engineers have certified that these bridges have serious defects involving bridge support or decking.

America’s 70,000 Unsafe Bridges Would Cost $70 Million to Repair | Car Safety News

Dangerous Oklahoma Highway Could Be Repaired Soon

Roads may also be dangerous because of poor construction and maintenance. Maintenance of roads, in fact, is becoming a factor in more highway accidents as the recession causes highway safety budgets to be slashed in many states across the country. This has meant lower funds for maintenance, replacement of guardrails, replacing of faulty lights and other safety features. The lack of proper road illumination increases the risks of accident when a driver fails to identify accident hazards. The lack of appropriate signage can also be a factor in accidents.

Don't Republicans worry about their families when they drive over these bridges?


Geez... your sources can't even keep their numbers straight... the link that says $70 million, links to a source for it's numbers... but that source says $70 BILLION.
Transportation for America says that it would cost approximately $70 billion to bring all of the issues with America’s transportation system up to date.

When you can post from source that knows basic math, come back to us.
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They don't worry about their families driving. Most of these members of Congress (R & D alike) have airplanes...
Fuck Chicago, if all their shit wasn't built by mob-connected companies paying off Democrat Union bosses it wouldn't BE 'deteriorating'!
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.

I'm supposed to believe all these bridges can be fixed for $1000 apiece?

I see no evidence in the link for the cost. Nor do I see evidence from the lobbyist website there are 70,000 bridges which are going to collapse any second. An appeal to emotion photo of a collapsed bridge is not evidence there are 70,000 more on the verge of collapsing.

his initial source fucked up in reporting the numbers they got from their linked source... see post#2
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.

Reality bites, doesn't it?
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.

Reality bites, doesn't it?
The reality of the situation is that most of the appropriation and spending for your holy infrastructure projects is a state and local concern....After that, a substantial portion of the funds that the feds control gets pissed away on administration and on peripherally or completely unrelated programs.

But don't let such realities interfere with your samba, champ.
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The reality of the situation is that most of the appropriation and spending for your holy infrastructure projects is a state and local concern....After that, a substantial portion of the funds that the feds control gets pissed away on administration and on peripherally or completely unrelated programs.

But don't let such realities interfere with your samba, champ.

You most long for the days of horses and carriages.

The Infrastructure Challenge
The consequences of inaction on infrastructure are profound. The U.S. Chamber’s Transportation Performance Index shows that the steady decline in the quality of surface, air, and water transportation systems costs the U.S. economy $1 trillion a year in lost economic growth. In just over five years, U.S. infrastructure has plummeted from No. 1 to No. 15 in the World Economic Forum’s economic competitiveness ranking.
The Infrastructure Challenge | Free Enterprise

So as the US continues to plummet downwards in world competitiveness, you want to do nothing? When the Right says they want to take America back, I think they mean they want to take the US backwards.
Nice attempt at deflection, dweebasaurus.

Fact remains that a very substantial portion of funds ostensibly earmarked for your holy infrastructure projects gets hijacked and pissed away on administration and unrealted other spending.

If you want to challenge anyone, challenge your congressweasel to quit misallocating and misdirecting the funds that they're supposed to be directing towards roads and bridges.
Nice attempt at deflection, dweebasaurus.

Fact remains that a very substantial portion of funds ostensibly earmarked for your holy infrastructure projects gets hijacked and pissed away on administration and unrealted other spending.

If you want to challenge anyone, challenge your congressweasel to quit misallocating and misdirecting the funds that they're supposed to be directing towards roads and bridges.

Oh, you mean Erik Paulson-GOP?
What I have been pushing for on these boards is privatizing infrastructure programs, thus eliminating federal bureaucracy. It's good for business, it's good for jobs and it's good for America in general.
Nobody here can do anything about it.

You want to go to your congressweasel, you can start by getting the 20+% of federal highway dollars that are thrown away on urban mass transit scams, that nobody rides, actually spent on highways.
Nobody here can do anything about it.

You want to go to your congressweasel, you can start by getting the 20+% of federal highway dollars that are thrown away on urban mass transit scams, that nobody rides, actually spent on highways.

Infrastructure is more than just highways and mass transit.
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.

Going backwards and falling apart is the foundation of conservatism. Try to name something they build or create. Other than "magical creation" or those Bible colleges, I can't think of anything. Neither can they. I've asked them enough times.

In fact, they are behind every American disaster for the last 30 years. Every economic downturn. Every overseas fiasco.
Back in 2009 after the Minneapolis bridge collapse The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated the cost of upgrading our infrastructure was over 2 trillion dollars.

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
Read more: Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card - Popular Mechanics

The longer the US let's it's infrastructure deteriorate the less competitive the US becomes for business on the world stage. Is this what we want? Think of the jobs a infrastructure makeover would bring.

Going backwards and falling apart is the foundation of conservatism. Try to name something they build or create. Other than "magical creation" or those Bible colleges, I can't think of anything. Neither can they. I've asked them enough times.

In fact, they are behind every American disaster for the last 30 years. Every economic downturn. Every overseas fiasco.

"...conservatism. Try to name something they build or create."

1. The Constitution

2. The United States of America

Thanks for opening that door, deanie.....
Fuck Chicago, if all their shit wasn't built by mob-connected companies paying off Democrat Union bosses it wouldn't BE 'deteriorating'!
Same could be said of N Y City...and other 'Blue havens' around this nation that are largely Hellholes run into the ground by the Unions, and leftist governments.
Detroit is another great example.

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