Republicans Raise Taxes On You

Our way works better. Republican way 45% losers and 65% winners. Our way 90 winners and only 10% losers.

Republicans want rich to have 90% of the pie Democrats understand they should only control 75%. Politicians should be fair ref not corrupted by the rich.

But glad Republicans are admitting the rich own both parties.

And who's your solution to the greedy arrogant hypocritical spoiled entitled rich? Trump. Lol
But glad Republicans are admitting the rich own both parties.
when are you going to understand that? you think a wealthy democrat gives a shit about bobo and his problems?...
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, including the rich ones. So BULLSHYTTE.
you know what frankie?....if what you say is true,but yet the lower classes are still getting fucked.....then who is benefiting out of that?.....
Greedy idiot megarich GOPers....Pubs.
so no rich democrats are getting richer because of this?.....if thats what you are saying frankie then yes,the democrats have done their job on you...
when you see these idotic comments from left-wingers; seeming to say "Well Republicans want to raise your taxes too; it's not just us Democrats!!" what do they think they are going to get out of that line of reasoning??

and why dont they include for example, i mean since i GUESS they are trying to make some kind of point, in that state what was the Democrats vote like in the vote that raised taxes?

because i see the same left-wing idiots trying to accuse on the national level, republicans of raising taxes. ok fine but Democrats nearly to a man voted FOR THAT TAX INCREASE, and the other one, and the other one..........

idiots and hypocrites
Our way works better. Republican way 45% losers and 65% winners. Our way 90 winners and only 10% losers.

Republicans want rich to have 90% of the pie Democrats understand they should only control 75%. Politicians should be fair ref not corrupted by the rich.

But glad Republicans are admitting the rich own both parties.

And who's your solution to the greedy arrogant hypocritical spoiled entitled rich? Trump. Lol
But glad Republicans are admitting the rich own both parties.
when are you going to understand that? you think a wealthy democrat gives a shit about bobo and his problems?...
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, including the rich ones. So BULLSHYTTE.
you know what frankie?....if what you say is true,but yet the lower classes are still getting fucked.....then who is benefiting out of that?.....
Greedy idiot megarich GOPers....Pubs.
so no rich democrats are getting richer because of this?.....if thats what you are saying frankie then yes,the democrats have done their job on you...
Jeebus of course, but they support raising taxes on THEMSELVES.
when you see these idotic comments from left-wingers; seeming to say "Well Republicans want to raise your taxes too; it's not just us Democrats!!" what do they think they are going to get out of that line of reasoning??

and why dont they include for example, i mean since i GUESS they are trying to make some kind of point, in that state what was the Democrats vote like in the vote that raised taxes?

because i see the same left-wing idiots trying to accuse on the national level, republicans of raising taxes. ok fine but Democrats nearly to a man voted FOR THAT TAX INCREASE, and the other one, and the other one..........

idiots and hypocrites
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich. Make the GD distinction, fool.
when you see these idotic comments from left-wingers; seeming to say "Well Republicans want to raise your taxes too; it's not just us Democrats!!" what do they think they are going to get out of that line of reasoning??

and why dont they include for example, i mean since i GUESS they are trying to make some kind of point, in that state what was the Democrats vote like in the vote that raised taxes?

because i see the same left-wing idiots trying to accuse on the national level, republicans of raising taxes. ok fine but Democrats nearly to a man voted FOR THAT TAX INCREASE, and the other one, and the other one..........

idiots and hypocrites
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich. Make the GD distinction, fool.

good one left-wing nutjob; but the rich are richer and the poor are poorer under left-wing job rule
But glad Republicans are admitting the rich own both parties.
when are you going to understand that? you think a wealthy democrat gives a shit about bobo and his problems?...
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, including the rich ones. So BULLSHYTTE.
you know what frankie?....if what you say is true,but yet the lower classes are still getting fucked.....then who is benefiting out of that?.....
Greedy idiot megarich GOPers....Pubs.
so no rich democrats are getting richer because of this?.....if thats what you are saying frankie then yes,the democrats have done their job on you...
Jeebus of course, but they support raising taxes on THEMSELVES.
so they raise the price of the product their companies sell to get that money back,so the regular guy still gets screwed....wealthy people all have something in common.....they love their money....
when you see these idotic comments from left-wingers; seeming to say "Well Republicans want to raise your taxes too; it's not just us Democrats!!" what do they think they are going to get out of that line of reasoning??

and why dont they include for example, i mean since i GUESS they are trying to make some kind of point, in that state what was the Democrats vote like in the vote that raised taxes?

because i see the same left-wing idiots trying to accuse on the national level, republicans of raising taxes. ok fine but Democrats nearly to a man voted FOR THAT TAX INCREASE, and the other one, and the other one..........

idiots and hypocrites
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich. Make the GD distinction, fool.

good one left-wing nutjob; but the rich are richer and the poor are poorer under left-wing job rule
Sure, as long as your greedy a-hole Pubs obstruct any change to pander-to-the-rich Reaganist policies and tax rates, fool. see sig- 30 years of screwing the nonrich continues....
Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich, including the rich ones. So BULLSHYTTE.
you know what frankie?....if what you say is true,but yet the lower classes are still getting fucked.....then who is benefiting out of that?.....
Greedy idiot megarich GOPers....Pubs.
so no rich democrats are getting richer because of this?.....if thats what you are saying frankie then yes,the democrats have done their job on you...
Jeebus of course, but they support raising taxes on THEMSELVES.
so they raise the price of the product their companies sell to get that money back,so the regular guy still gets screwed....wealthy people all have something in common.....they love their money....
So give up and vote GOP!! lol. ACTUALLY, that and labor costs are MUCH less than the GOP goes on and on and on and on about...and Dem rich STILL want to raise their own taxes and worker pay and benefits and corporate taxes (and 55% of giant corps now pay NO taxes!) But vote GOP!!
Michigan governor Rick Snyder gave billions of tax breaks to corporations his first year in office. The GOP controls bothe houses too in Michigan. So the GOP gave corporations billions in tax breaks and at the time our roads were falling apart. Now we need to repair our roads and the GOP has tried to raise the sales tax and now that that got voted down they want to raise the gas tax.

Essentially the GOP shifted the tax burden more onto us. So don't tell me Republicans lower taxes unless you end with ON THE RICH.

The GOP also lowers taxes on the rich. That too puts more of the tax burden on you and I.
Your headline is very dishonest. You say Republicans run the state yet couldn't get a tax increase passed.

You throw out a wild accusation without a shred of evidence and think that will fly. Whos to say that this isn't you reading liberal newspapers telling lies about Republicans hoping you'll believe it.
It's the facts. I'm just glad you guys admit you think we should pay more so the rich can pay less.

And you will have less so they can have more. Who says cons aren't generous.
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
It's the GOP that cuts fed taxes , knowing full well that states andlocalities will raise taxes on the nonrich- and that infrastructure and people will suffer so the greedy rich can laugh all the way to th e bank...
They think the rich pay too much and they don't pay enough. I would say we but they don't understand they're one of us.
Michigan governor Rick Snyder gave billions of tax breaks to corporations his first year in office. The GOP controls bothe houses too in Michigan. So the GOP gave corporations billions in tax breaks and at the time our roads were falling apart. Now we need to repair our roads and the GOP has tried to raise the sales tax and now that that got voted down they want to raise the gas tax.

Essentially the GOP shifted the tax burden more onto us. So don't tell me Republicans lower taxes unless you end with ON THE RICH.

The GOP also lowers taxes on the rich. That too puts more of the tax burden on you and I.
Your headline is very dishonest. You say Republicans run the state yet couldn't get a tax increase passed.

You throw out a wild accusation without a shred of evidence and think that will fly. Whos to say that this isn't you reading liberal newspapers telling lies about Republicans hoping you'll believe it.
Oh, and if the media is liberal why is it the only place explaining how the GOP are shifting the tax burden on you is NPR?

The fact this is news to you proves the media ain't liberal.
Democrats wouldn't have given billions in tax breaks to corporations knowing that would shift the burden more onto us. That's the big difference in the parties. GOP thinks the job creators shouldn't pay any taxes and some don't.

If Republicans ran California citizens would pay more so that billionaire former clipper owner could get a break. Sterling? The racist. So thank god harry the GOP aren't in charge like here in Michigan. 2 cents on every dollar might not seem like a lot to you harry but multiply that by every person in your state. Now give that all to the rich because it wouldn't be right taxing the companies who tear up our roads with their trucks.
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
Michigan governor Rick Snyder gave billions of tax breaks to corporations his first year in office. The GOP controls bothe houses too in Michigan. So the GOP gave corporations billions in tax breaks and at the time our roads were falling apart. Now we need to repair our roads and the GOP has tried to raise the sales tax and now that that got voted down they want to raise the gas tax.

Essentially the GOP shifted the tax burden more onto us. So don't tell me Republicans lower taxes unless you end with ON THE RICH.

The GOP also lowers taxes on the rich. That too puts more of the tax burden on you and I.
are you serious?....republicans raise your taxes?....if you wanna see the democrats doing the same thing only more of them....come to sunny California bobo....
Democrats wouldn't have given billions in tax breaks to corporations knowing that would shift the burden more onto us. That's the big difference in the parties. GOP thinks the job creators shouldn't pay any taxes and some don't.

If Republicans ran California citizens would pay more so that billionaire former clipper owner could get a break. Sterling? The racist. So thank god harry the GOP aren't in charge like here in Michigan. 2 cents on every dollar might not seem like a lot to you harry but multiply that by every person in your state. Now give that all to the rich because it wouldn't be right taxing the companies who tear up our roads with their trucks.
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
let me say it again to you bobo so you can understand that the democrats tax the fuck out of you too.....COME TO FUCKING CALIFORNIA....nuff said?....
Move to Mississippi if you don't like living in one of the greatest states in our country.
Michigan governor Rick Snyder gave billions of tax breaks to corporations his first year in office. The GOP controls bothe houses too in Michigan. So the GOP gave corporations billions in tax breaks and at the time our roads were falling apart. Now we need to repair our roads and the GOP has tried to raise the sales tax and now that that got voted down they want to raise the gas tax.

Essentially the GOP shifted the tax burden more onto us. So don't tell me Republicans lower taxes unless you end with ON THE RICH.

The GOP also lowers taxes on the rich. That too puts more of the tax burden on you and I.

Then we should all vote Dim. You know, the party which gave us the highest tax increase in US history via Obamacare.

Kucinich called it a stimulus plan for corporate health insurance, then he voted for it.

It's too cool having corporations set our tax rates.

If only the GOP would attach some sort of entitlement to the tax plan like a free phone or TV, people like you would just shut the hell up.

raised the highest cigarette tax of any President about the FIRST week he was elected.
and then OScamCare. OMG

This thread is goofy and the op has to be a troll. or lets hope someone isn't that Brainwashed.
Cigs should be illegal so they are the perfect thing to tax.
Well, seems you are wrong, but that is your prerogative. That is only part of the way roads are taken care of with monies.
Check it out for yourself because you won't believe it coming from a non-conservative.

Michigan governor Rick Snyder gave billions of tax breaks to corporations his first year in office. The GOP controls bothe houses too in Michigan. So the GOP gave corporations billions in tax breaks and at the time our roads were falling apart. Now we need to repair our roads and the GOP has tried to raise the sales tax and now that that got voted down they want to raise the gas tax.

Essentially the GOP shifted the tax burden more onto us. So don't tell me Republicans lower taxes unless you end with ON THE RICH.

The GOP also lowers taxes on the rich. That too puts more of the tax burden on you and I.
The gas tax is SUPPOSED to be used for roads. That is what it was designed for.
and that is some headline screeching news?
So you agree you should pay more so the rich can pay less. Noted.
If anything the gas tax is the fairest tax out there because it's based on use. And if you are looking for something that's even close to a cheat that would be bicycles use roads TAX FREE.

A person who drives a 1000 miles a month pays more then the person who drives a 1000 miles a year. That tax is FAIR because it's based on use NOT your tax bracket.

Sales taxes are not "fair". They disproportionately hit the poor and lower income earners hardest, those who can least afford them.

Corporations don't pay them at all, especially gas taxes, so the highest users are exempt from gas taxes.
How is a sales tax unfair if it's based on so many cents on the dollar? Everyone pays the same %.
If you tax someone poor 6 cents on every dollar its a big deal to them. If you tax a rich person 6 cents its nothing to them.

If we owe $30k per American for the debt should all the poor people really pay $30k and bill gates and Donald Trump should only pay $30k?

And we have a military all over the world protecting GE and Pepsi so they can profit and they don't want to chip in?

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