Republicans Raise Taxes On You

bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
so no rich democrats are getting richer because of this?.....if thats what you are saying frankie then yes,the democrats have done their job on you...
Jeebus of course, but they support raising taxes on THEMSELVES.
so they raise the price of the product their companies sell to get that money back,so the regular guy still gets screwed....wealthy people all have something in common.....they love their money....
So give up and vote GOP!! lol. ACTUALLY, that and labor costs are MUCH less than the GOP goes on and on and on and on about...and Dem rich STILL want to raise their own taxes and worker pay and benefits and corporate taxes (and 55% of giant corps now pay NO taxes!) But vote GOP!!
suck the democrats ass frankie....i just hope they showered...
LOL! You got that hater dupe perversion thing down. At least you get something for Dem spending

You going postal? lol Ah Hyuck!
going "postal?".....thats like 1990 frankie.....come into this century,you live in the present,not the past....
Do you seriously believe those that have influence with their lobbyists, you know the 1%will buy into a flat tax. If you do they you need to take a serious look at the tax codes and (evasions) in the tax system for the 1%. If a flat tax saved them money they would jump on that idea in a micro-second.
Read a bit more before just posting opinions.
The 1% pay almost no taxes under the current (and restructuring) tax system.
Seems you do have a problem drinking the 1% "kool aid".

Sales taxes are not "fair". They disproportionately hit the poor and lower income earners hardest, those who can least afford them.

Corporations don't pay them at all, especially gas taxes, so the highest users are exempt from gas taxes.
How is a sales tax unfair if it's based on so many cents on the dollar? Everyone pays the same %.
If you tax someone poor 6 cents on every dollar its a big deal to them. If you tax a rich person 6 cents its nothing to them.

If we owe $30k per American for the debt should all the poor people really pay $30k and bill gates and Donald Trump should only pay $30k?

And we have a military all over the world protecting GE and Pepsi so they can profit and they don't want to chip in?
Oh so your argue the "fair share" tax is better? If everyone pays six cents on the dollar that IS equal/fair to all. You argue a graduated scale that would PUNISH people for doing better.
How does THAT even resemble fair?
It's how we've always done it and what works.

All those rich people got rich in that tax system they cry about. Only problem with changing the system makes it harder for the next generation.

You'll never get it.
How about a flat tax? Everybody pays the same.
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
Republicans have been the party most opposed to the flat tax. Not only would the 1% end up paying more than they currently pay, but thousands of accountants and tax lawyers would be thrown out of work.
Republicans have been the party most opposed to the flat tax. Not only would the 1% end up paying more than they currently pay, but thousands of accountants and tax lawyers would be thrown out of work.
Actually, Steve Forbes is probably its biggest proponent, and Dem pols are almost all against it.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Yes you vote wrong.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Yes you vote wrong.
ok so if someone doesnt agree with you,they are wrong?...hey Heil Hitler bobo.....
You get fucked more by the GOP.

Gov Snyder cut corporate taxes but then taxed senior and eliminated a home owners tax break.
but you are still getting fucked by those people you admire,right? your view on this bobo is...."hey i wont vote for satan but i will vote for dracula"...admirable bobo....go for it.....
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Sorry but I don't feel like I paid too much taxes in the 90s when I and everyone else was saving not in debt. And the economy is recovering from the bush great recession so your " they all suck" perception is off. Way off IMO.

The rich got richer and the middle class got poorer because of the GOP.

If not, why aren't the rich rooting for Democrats? They know Democrats are for wealth distribution, remember? We think the gap between the rich and poor is dangerously wide. Republicans cry when we say such things.

So your hatred of liberals and brainwashed into hating taxes and government. When the economy is purring we don't cry about taxes.

We need you to tea bag the democratic party. Join us harry. You'll never win in the GOP. To them were all niggas.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Yes you vote wrong.
ok so if someone doesnt agree with you,they are wrong?...hey Heil Hitler bobo.....
If they vote GOP in national politics, yes. If they don't vote Dem, they're wasting their vote, and, like 2000, may put the lying thief GOP in.
So your hatred of liberals
i bet you could not show were i HATE liberals that more bobo talk?...
like i said havent learned anything....keep sucking that parties ass,they need people like you to stick with being a person who cant stand the 2 "parties" and will probably never vote for someone from either one of them,unlike you i dont buy their shit that easily...i ask questions....try it sometimes...
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Yes you vote wrong.
ok so if someone doesnt agree with you,they are wrong?...hey Heil Hitler bobo.....
If they vote GOP in national politics, yes. If they don't vote Dem, they're wasting their vote, and, like 2000, may put the lying thief GOP in.
i think you are wasting your vote vote for the same people in the same party no matter what,and then here we are a couple of years later bitching about the same shit.....i will not vote for anyone who has been in office for years,or who belong to the big 2....i vote for people who have not been jaded yet....thats making a vote least i can say i am trying to get some new bath water in the tub,you keep on bathing in the same old shit....
And Pubs win- another natural Dem voter gets sick to death of politics and lets them have their greedy megarich idiot way. They just LOVE only 40% voting. If everyone knew the facts and voted, politically they'd be out in the gutter where they belong.
so if someone doesnt vote the way you want them to vote,you think they are letting the "greedy megarich" have their way? that what you are saying?...
Yes you vote wrong.
ok so if someone doesnt agree with you,they are wrong?...hey Heil Hitler bobo.....
If they vote GOP in national politics, yes. If they don't vote Dem, they're wasting their vote, and, like 2000, may put the lying thief GOP in.
i think you are wasting your vote vote for the same people in the same party no matter what,and then here we are a couple of years later bitching about the same shit.....i will not vote for anyone who has been in office for years,or who belong to the big 2....i vote for people who have not been jaded yet....thats making a vote least i can say i am trying to get some new bath water in the tub,you keep on bathing in the same old shit....
I have no complaints about what Dems have done in my lifetime. Pubs, little but. You're just voting for the best liars and hypocrites (or totally misinformed or racist) if they're GOP these days. POLICY is all important.
I have no complaints about what Dems have done in my lifetime..
what they have done:
1) Great Depression
2) World War 2
3) Great Society near genocide against blacks
4) recent housing collapse
5) crippling welfare entitlement programs
6) spy for Hitler and Stalin
7) 70% tax rate
8) 15% of life time income wasted on Social Security
9) thrown away victories in Vietnam and Iraq.
10) Obamacommiecare 5 times more expensive than capitalist health care.
are you serious?....republicans raise your taxes?....if you wanna see the democrats doing the same thing only more of them....come to sunny California bobo....
Democrats wouldn't have given billions in tax breaks to corporations knowing that would shift the burden more onto us. That's the big difference in the parties. GOP thinks the job creators shouldn't pay any taxes and some don't.

If Republicans ran California citizens would pay more so that billionaire former clipper owner could get a break. Sterling? The racist. So thank god harry the GOP aren't in charge like here in Michigan. 2 cents on every dollar might not seem like a lot to you harry but multiply that by every person in your state. Now give that all to the rich because it wouldn't be right taxing the companies who tear up our roads with their trucks.
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.

that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest.

It's funny when liberals try, and fail, to do the math.
and that is some headline screeching news?
So you agree you should pay more so the rich can pay less. Noted.
If anything the gas tax is the fairest tax out there because it's based on use. And if you are looking for something that's even close to a cheat that would be bicycles use roads TAX FREE.

A person who drives a 1000 miles a month pays more then the person who drives a 1000 miles a year. That tax is FAIR because it's based on use NOT your tax bracket.

Sales taxes are not "fair". They disproportionately hit the poor and lower income earners hardest, those who can least afford them.

Corporations don't pay them at all, especially gas taxes, so the highest users are exempt from gas taxes.

Sales taxes are not "fair". They disproportionately hit the poor and lower income earners hardest, those who can least afford them.

Following weeks of one-on-one lobbying sessions by Preckwinkle, nine of the 17 commissioners voted to raise the county share of the sales tax to 1.75 percent. Add up the state, city and public transit portions, and the total sales tax rate in Chicago once again will hit 10.25 percent — one of the highest rates in the nation.

Chicago Tribune

Somebody forgot to tell the Dem controlled Cook County Board that they were hurting the poor black folks in Chicago.
Democrats wouldn't have given billions in tax breaks to corporations knowing that would shift the burden more onto us. That's the big difference in the parties. GOP thinks the job creators shouldn't pay any taxes and some don't.

If Republicans ran California citizens would pay more so that billionaire former clipper owner could get a break. Sterling? The racist. So thank god harry the GOP aren't in charge like here in Michigan. 2 cents on every dollar might not seem like a lot to you harry but multiply that by every person in your state. Now give that all to the rich because it wouldn't be right taxing the companies who tear up our roads with their trucks.
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.

that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest.

It's funny when liberals try, and fail, to do the math.
State and local taxes kill the nonrich, payroll taxes are now as much as federal income taxes and kill the nonrich- add in fees which have become ridiculous under Reaganists, and we already have a flat tax, with the richest 1% getting almost all the new wealth. Great job, GOPers...
Do the wealthy pay lower taxes than the middle class

But the Pub propaganda machine go on about 47% paying no tax and the hater dupes swallow it whole. A disgrace.
Last edited:
like i have been saying have you face so dug into the democrats asses you think tax raises by republicans is worse than tax raises by democrats....if the "regular" guy is getting stuck by both,who cares who is imposing them?...
The Democrats set up a fair progressive tax system that worked and Republicans have done nothing but shift the burden more on you. And all you and Stephanie have to say is dems tax too?

Let me say it again so you two can understand clearly that the Republicans tax you more so the Rich can pay less and the Democrats believe the rich should pay a little bit more so we're not over tax our way works yours does not but yet you keep defending it. You're clearly in the wrong party Harries
bobo...the fucking democrats in my state will tax the fucking air you breath if they had a way to do it....can you take your head out of their ass for a moment to understand that?....and if the tax gets voted down,these fuckers will then try and impose a "fee" on what they tried to tax...your people love imposing "fees"...if the democrats tax and regulate you to the fuck is that better than the taxes imposed by republicans?.....and im in the right "party" bobo,its the one that cant stand YOUR fucking party and that other fucked up are the dumbass just being in one of them....
Reaganist Federal tax cuts have been made up for by increases in state and local taxes and fees (that kill the nonrich) to the point that the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest. No matter which party is in charge of the states. Duped again.
the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees than the richest...No matter which party is in charge of the states
which is what i have been saying here,republican taxes,democrat taxes....if the middle class is getting fucked either way,what is the difference?.......
It's the GOP that cuts fed taxes , knowing full well that states andlocalities will raise taxes on the nonrich- and that infrastructure and people will suffer so the greedy rich can laugh all the way to th e bank...

It's the GOP that cuts fed taxes , knowing full well that states and localities will raise taxes on the nonrich-

Fed taxes went from 28% in 1988 to 39% today.
Where are all the Dem state tax cuts?

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