Republicans React To Obama's Immigration Reforms


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
Barack Obama`s Republican rivals on Friday heaped scorn on his plans to offer up to five million undocumented migrants protection from deportation, as the US president went on the road to defend the bold measures.

The controversial overhaul provides three-year relief for millions of undocumented people who have lived in the country for more than five years and have children that are US citizens or legal residents.
According to the president, it also channels more resources to the US border with Mexico and shifts deportation priorities toward expelling felons.
Source: Republicans React To Obama s Immigration Reforms - eReporter
Increase border security, increase deportations, end Repub amnesty, pay back taxes and fines, pathway to citizenship - yeah, the sky is falling, all righty.
Also - no ACA, no voting, no welfare, no unemployment.

If it weren't for their lies, the right would have nothing to object to.
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Obama took great pains to emphasize that this was not an Amnesty.


But it's the first giant step on a very short road that leads to just that.

Obama has been dying to do this since long before he was artificially elevated to the status of Rock Star and pretty much handed the Presidency by the DNC...

As evidenced by his speech at the May 1, 2006 first annual March of the Illegals in Chicago, while he was still the rookie junior Senator from the State of Illinois...

Propped-up by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), which is chock-full to overflowing with worker-bees filling jobs nowadays often given-over to Illegals - a union looking to revitalize its earlier shrinking membership and revenues at the expense of the Nation and its Citizens...

Obama's been looking to do this for years...

Now, while he still has a majority in the Senate, and cynically just two weeks after the mid-terms, in which he lost the Senate, as well as the House...

He pulls this kind of shit... effectively declaring war on Congress and the expressed Will of the American People...

Actions have consequences...

I suspect that Obama is about to learn the meaning of Lame Duck, to an extent never before experienced by a sitting President...

This is gonna get nasty. Quickly. And it could very well last until January 20, 2017.

This time, with the support of much of the American Electorate.

I find myself wondering if the Failed Messiah has finally shot himself in the foot.

We're about to learn the answer to that question, I think.
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From what I've seen, there are many on the Left who are disappointed with what Obama has done.

Hmm. Both ends of the spectrum dislike it. Maybe it has some merit after all.

We the people of this country should be HEAPING more than SCORN on his ugly ass. Call YOU REPRESENTIVES and demand they DEFUND anything and everything he wants. Stick him in a corner and IGNORE him until he and his nasty party of Progressives/commies is gone from our lives

From what I've seen, there are many on the Left who are disappointed with what Obama has done.

Hmm. Both ends of the spectrum dislike it. Maybe it has some merit after all.


I have very strong connections to the social services community in the metro Chicago area - mostly Democratic - mostly Liberal - mostly Obama supporters - mostly Illegals-friendly - and most of my old friends and colleagues in that field are having a great deal of difficulty selling this latest EO on various social media.

That's anecdotal, of course, rather than scientific, but, having seen evidence of such difficulties in the online postings of a dozen or more old comrades, I've spotted a pattern, sufficient to bring to the table as a very real possibility.
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Up until now Republicans have been the only side that actually did anything about immigration that was intended to solve the problem. Democrats finally passed an immigration bill over a year ago but it didn't include anything to prevent millions more from coming here. That is the solution they want nothing to do with. So, sure, the GOP doesn't like giving amnesty to 5 million more because is just kicks the can further down the road if you don't enforce our laws or enforce the borders. Back when John McCain tried to tackle immigration reform Democrats wouldn't touch it with a ten meter cattle-prod. Now they claim they're the only ones willing to do anything. This is the kind of crap that a corrupt political party can get away with if they control the media. It's a total fraud. As fraudulent as the assumption that Democrats weren't the rotten assholes that tried to stop the Republicans from emancipating millions of slaves in the 1800s. Democrats simply claim that all of those Democrats are now Republicans. Bullshit. All of those Democrats are dead, dummy. But then Democrats tried to prevent civil rights legislation from being passed as well, so Democrats have been against freedom from the very beginning, and this latest episode is just another example of it.

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