Republicans Reek Of Desperation Through A Disastrous Week Of Defending Trump

I already posted this in some other thread but it looks like some of you may be interested to see how well Russians understand what's really is going on in USA and new Dems' game called "impeachment". And Russians are definitely on the Trump's side.

Sept 29, Alexey Pushkov: Dems’ goal is to topple Trump. These past two years they’ve been in a non-stop hysteria. They started up with finding a porn star and when that didn’t work they decided to look into allegations of collusions with Russia. They have been investigating that for 2 years, 32.4 million dollars have been spent on the Mueller investigation and at the end Mueller said there was not any sufficient evidence to support the allegation that Trump has colluded with Russia. So, the collusion accusation was off the mark. The narrative that Russia meddled in US election has not gone away but it is getting old, doesn’t touch the nerve any more, it’s not considered to be enough bate any more to catch such a big fish as Trump, he’s off this hook already. Only Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to leave this topic alone.

So, they invented a new theory. And they appeared to have found that pretext initiating impeachment inquiry, nothing will come out of it of course. There is no doubt the Senate will not give Trump away.

Why are the Democrats are doing what they are doing then? By playing this card they seek to weaken Trump before the elections: the voters will “know” that the president has done something and nobody will look at the substance of the claim and the claim is completely unfounded. Moreover, f Trump chooses the right line of conduct (and I think he might). It’s Biden who will lose the most.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019
Aleksey Pushkov - Wikipedia

We all hope that Dems will lose this dirty game same way they've lost "Russian collusion" game, "porn stars" game and many others.
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The walls are closing in on President Donald Trump as he faces an impeachment inquiry over his communications with foreign leaders, and he's dragging Republican members of Congress into his mess.

Republicans have reeked of desperation while stumbling through a disastrous week defending Trump

The lawlessness, and criminal conduct by Republicans is astounding.

the only reek of desperation I smell is democrats losing their minds and making shit up and trying anything except an election to get rid of trump
Improving economy = Trump 2020.
And at this point, the country has put the lying, swamp of Democrats and their constant minutia of accusations on ignore...
The walls are closing in on President Donald Trump as he faces an impeachment inquiry over his communications with foreign leaders, and he's dragging Republican members of Congress into his mess.

Republicans have reeked of desperation while stumbling through a disastrous week defending Trump

The lawlessness, and criminal conduct by Republicans is astounding.
you people said the same thing about the [ hahahahah ] Russian Collusion
the laughs from the left never stop
What a stupid troll thread. The democrats are the desperate ones, Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are soon to start indicting the criminal deep state coup plotters. The democrats can impeach Trump, for all the good it will do. The GOP would take back the House and Trump would get another 4-years. But so what, the Law demands that the dems impeach Trump, for the same "crimes" that every admin does, leverage the financial aid with other benefits.
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