Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump’s Business Conflicts, Russia Ties


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.
You know, the funny thing is, if Trump walked up to you and handed you his taxes, you wouldn't have a clue what they meant. And you'd probably piss yourself.

“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.

Ironic post is ironic.
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.

Agree 100%--and the CONSTITUTION is very clear on this.

Article I, Section 9: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

While the rules of punctuation in force in the late 18th century might seem baffling to present-day eyes, the meaning of the paragraph is clear and straightforward enough. No officeholder should be offered a payoff or inducement, and no one should accept either one from any foreign power."

JULES WITCOVER: Trump gets a free ride on conflicts of interest

The Trump empire has expanded into many foreign countries, including China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc. etc. etc.

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons to attend golf course grand opening in Dubai
Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report

Simply putting them into his kids names does not relieve him of this responsibility, as he is still going to protect his "kids" assets no matter what. IOW he's held hostage by several different FOREIGN countries & that is a National Security risk.

Again, if Republicans refuse to do anything about this, Democrats are certain too when they take over in 2018. They're going to make a big scene about it, along with the Russian hacking. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, with Obama in the Oval office, it's not to hard to imagine what they'll do with this.

So with Republicans refusing to do this now, they're basically writing their own obituaries.

And this is why for the last 40 YEARS all Republican & Democrat Presidential contenders have released their income tax returns. Simply to prove they have no foreign conflicts of interest.

“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.
I dont recall any transparency by a democrat, at least not recently. The left is only interested in transparency when they think they have a political opportunity by asking for it.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.

Congress needs to pass laws that govern all the people. Not a special one that tells the AG to do something for once specific case.
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.
I dont recall any transparency by a democrat, at least not recently. The left is only interested in transparency when they think they have a political opportunity by asking for it.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Yup and Obamas most transparent administration in history turned out to be the biggest lie in history.

Transparent my ass.
You know, the funny thing is, if Trump walked up to you and handed you his taxes, you wouldn't have a clue what they meant. And you'd probably piss yourself.

Do you truly think taxes are that complicated? They aren't. There're a lot of pages to his return, but it's a matter of tracing the figures not one of not understanding what's there. Every form and supporting schedule has instructions and clear explanations. All one need do is read them.
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.
I dont recall any transparency by a democrat, at least not recently. The left is only interested in transparency when they think they have a political opportunity by asking for it.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Yup and Obamas most transparent administration in history turned out to be the biggest lie in history.

Transparent my ass.
If Trump was a dem, the repugs would be investigating his orange ass off and releasing everything damaging to the press and shouting same from the rooftops. But since Trump has an R beside his name, he gets a pass.
You are right. The problem here is, you forgot who you were trying to explain something too. It was "a frumpster".

You know, the funny thing is, if Trump walked up to you and handed you his taxes, you wouldn't have a clue what they meant. And you'd probably piss yourself.

Do you truly think taxes are that complicated? They aren't. There're a lot of pages to his return, but it's a matter of tracing the figures not one of not understanding what's there. Every form and supporting schedule has instructions and clear explanations. All one need do is read them.
“I wonder how history will judge us today.”

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans on Tuesday defeated a resolution that would have asked the Department of Justice to reveal what it has uncovered about President Donald Trump’s contacts with Russia and his conflicts of interest with other foreign governments.

Eighteen Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee opposed a resolution offered by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that would have required Attorney General Jeff Sessions to hand over information related to investigations into the president, his campaign aides, the White House and Trump’s businesses.

The vote came about after Nadler and other Judiciary Committee Democrats made several unsuccessful appeals to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) requesting he hold hearings on Trump’s Russian ties and other foreign conflicts. Goodlatte opposed the resolution, calling it “overbroad” and “premature.”

Nadler’s resolution is one way Democrats are pressuring Republicans over the president’s business conflicts and his campaign’s possible ties to hacking by Russian intelligence services against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Against all precedent in the modern era, Trump has retained ownership of his multi-billion dollar business empire. He is enriched by every payment to his hotels, resorts, golf courses and other enterprises. Foreign governments have paid his hotels to host parties and rent rooms, and to lease space in his commercial properties. Trump has promised to hand over hotel profits related to foreign entities, but hasn’t provided details. The president also refuses to release his tax returns, leaving the public in the dark about his financial investments, his investors and his debts.

News reports have said Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. Seventeen intelligence agencies reported that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to influence the vote for Trump. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to resign after it was revealed that he lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

The resolution would have provided Congress with information to chart its own investigations, Nadler said before the defeat. “All this does is ask that the information in possession of the Justice Department be turned over to the House so that we can both preserve it, and decide what course of action to pursue,” Nadler said.

More: Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump's Business Conflicts, Russia Ties

This must be investigated. The facts must be disclosed. This stinks - and Republicans can't be allowed to just ignore it.
Transparency only matters when the president is a Democrat.
I dont recall any transparency by a democrat, at least not recently. The left is only interested in transparency when they think they have a political opportunity by asking for it.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

Yup and Obamas most transparent administration in history turned out to be the biggest lie in history.

Transparent my ass.
If Trump was a dem, the repugs would be investigating his orange ass off and releasing everything damaging to the press and shouting same from the rooftops. But since Trump has an R beside his name, he gets a pass.
Trump is a blue dog democrat.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Please hold hearings......

1. We need comedy.....
2. The world needs to see the left at work.
3. The GOP needs 60 senate seats.

Let the investigations begin.

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